Chapter 31

His muscles froze.

"Father." Ghwenn's voice held aloof disdain. "What an unpleasant surprise. I thought you'd be planning your next wedding."

"Already in process."

"And yet you still found time to come after me?"

"It's not too late. Your trespasses will be forgiven if you return at once."

"Kind of you to offer, but unnecessary. I have a husband."

Crank's frozen mouth couldn't even form the words, fucking right she does. How emasculating.

"Husband?" There was clear sneering in the words. "Worse than a human, you chose a cyborg to sully your body."

"He's a good man."

"He's a biological host for a parasite. Hardly fit for a princess. Which is why I'll be doing you a favor when I kill him."

"No need. I'll come peacefully." She stood. "He doesn't want me."

Say what? Crank could only ogle as his pixie moved to leave with her father.

What was she thinking?

You'll soon be free, Craig.