Chapter 40

Navigating the Widowmaker was like reconnecting with an old friend. It reminded Kobrah a lot of his first real ship, which he'd inherited from an uncle who used to run security for cargo between the Gaia Federation headquarters and the Milky Way.

He'd sold it in order to purchase the Gypsy Moth. But he missed it. Missed the days when he used to surf the galaxies with only one or two people as crew.

When he'd met Dara, they'd done a few trips on the Yellow Spacemachine, him mocking it for its color, her retaliating by giving him head until he recanted. Those moments alone, just the two of them...much as it pained to admit, were some of the best times of his life. He'd never felt so close to someone. Truly believed in love.

Believed in a lie.

With the memories of the fun they used to have assailing him, it proved hard to remember the perfidy. He wanted to hate her, and yet she'd smile a certain way, speak in that soft and confident tone of hers, and his cock would harden.