Chapter 44

The oblivion patch - comprised of floating dark matter - was unmarked on the charts. It didn't help that it was virtually undetectable by an instrument, and deadly to the ships that encountered it.

You fucking idiot. He'd let himself get distracted rather than minding his damned ship. And now...

Now they were plunging into a morass of nothingness.

No one knew how they formed and where they disappeared to after they'd done their damage. Just like no one truly knew what happened to ships that passed through them. Some ships reported no issues at all. Some were found in random places - galaxies far, far away, empty of all life and no sign of what happened to them.

Then there were those that returned changed...

All this to say an oblivion patch was bad shit.

"Computer, engage thrusters. Reverse. Full speed."

"Thrusters engaging." The vessel lurched as it went from barreling into the dark matter to trying to scramble backwards.