Chapter 41 Hidden Quest

The mysterious figure had large eyes and lowered canine teeth sticking out of its mouth. It didn't just stand on the hill alone. There was another figure who was standing there. The creature is seen wearing a dark magenta tuxedo.

"Deloken kae, poro menungso seko kerajaan wes do teko. Bariki rencanane bos'e iso dimulai," said that monster with fierce teeth.

(Look at that, the people of that kingdom are already coming. The boss's plan can begin, right now)

"Pastikno, rencanane mulus. Jo nganti gagal. Aku ora gelem bos'e nganti nesu!" answer the magenta tuxedo figure.

(Make sure, the plan is successful. Don't let it fail. I don't want my boss to get angry)

The monster with the lower canines sticking out was bringing out its staff to its left hand, after watching over Gerard's party, its created a teleportation portal before disappearing.

"Wes to percoyo ae lak mesti berhasil"

(I'm sure my boss's plan will work successfully)