Chapter 134 You're Pass!

When the breath is a collection of hot air, it immediately makes a significant change. Abyadh was still hit by the hot breath even though he had tried to avoid it.

But Randolph's intuition was right on target. Now he knows very well if there is a trick used by Abyadh when fighting with him. Abyadh's body, which was hit by the flames, fell to the ground without the slightest revolt.

"Tch! Doesn't this look so embarrassing? In the first place, I only fought a coward who never even showed himself to me."

Just as Abyadh's body that had been burned by the fire was extinguished, another figure emerged from the former body that had been burned. Not just one, but two figures at once.

"It seems that this is your original appearance, or am I still wrong about the two of you? I've been suspicious of you from the start. I can't possibly defeat you that easily, moreover you two have very different auras from the other children of Satan."