New Plans

Everyone in the room fell into a deep reverie under the influence of Charlotte's words. Maya thought about her family, her parents, and her boyfriend. She didn't know if they had survived the Impact, or if they were alive now.

She could still hope though. And she hoped with all her might that they were somewhere there, safe and sound. There was fear in her heart too, no doubt, but at least she still could dream about meeting them in the future.

Adam was robbed of this, however. His family laid in the other room. Maya knew that they didn't have the time to wait for Adam to process it. They had to keep going. Just as she decided to speak up, Shaun entered the house with a few other survivors.

When he entered the building, Shaun searched carefully around. He was looking for anything that could explain why they were here, why Adam had left the group before and had come to this place. Anything that could sway the group's sympathy to his side.