Chapter 9

Head held high, I sat, and my dates took positions on either side of me. For a moment, I stared at the dark damask tablecloth, the only safe place to look, as I feared what my roving gaze would see.

The back of my neck prickled as I imagined myself the object of everyone's stare. I drummed my nails on the table, stopping only when Simon captured it. But even the hand holding couldn't ease my tension. With a terseness that wouldn't allow me to relax, I said, "Explain."

To my surprise, Simon answered instead of smooth-talking Gene. "After our encounter with the demon, and then your admission of your past, it originally occurred to us to keep you hidden. To secret you away somewhere safe."

"You wanted to make me a prisoner?"

"Never." Simon raised my hand to his lips and brushed his lips across it. No matter my irritation, my body betrayed me with a shudder. "We would have kept you in the lap of luxury while we hunted down the vamps you were created with. We planned to destroy them before they could tell anyone of your secret."

"You speak as if the plan changed?" A pity because I rather approved of eliminating those who wanted to harm me.

"It did because, as Gene pointed out, we couldn't be sure none of them had already slipped and told somebody. What if we missed one? There are many who'd find your existence a tasty tidbit to sell."

"So no killing?"

A rumble shook him as he chuckled softly. "Never fear, the plan is still to kill them, but we're also after some bigger prizes."

"Bigger than my vampire brethren? Like who?"

Gene leaned close, his words tickling across my earlobe. "We want those who'd use that information."

Understanding widened my eyes. "Are you out of your freaking mind?" I hissed through clenched teeth. "What part of hordes of demons and angels gunning for me did you not get?"

It was Gene's turn to chuckle. "Calm down. We won't let you get hurt. We would never allow you to come to harm. Have a little faith in us. A little faith in the world."

"Hard to have faith when the world seems determined to kill you." Yeah, there might have been a touch of bitterness in there.

"It is said what does not kill us makes us stronger."

I peeked at Simon and snorted. "In your case, I guess people didn't like you a lot."

It took him only a moment to grasp the jest, and when he did, he laughed, a big booming sound that turned more than one gaze our way. But, oddly enough, seated between them, I wasn't scared. Nor plotting flight.

Could they truly have a way of getting me out of this prophecy mess?

"You probably don't know this, but you have more allies than you realize. Angels and demons are just two sects who would be content with things staying the same. Remember how I told you there was a movement to let the prophecy come true?"

I nodded.

"I talked to some of my contacts about you, and you'll be pleased to know that they'll protect you."

"Gee," I said with a sarcastic lilt while rolling my eyes, "I feel so much better now. I get to trust strangers with my life."

Simon's immense hand squeezed mine. "Your life is safe. They'll have to go through me or Gene first, and as you noted, I'm not this big for nothing. I can handle whatever they throw at you."

I would have retorted, but at that moment, the most beautiful woman in the world - who happened to have wings of translucent gold - approached our table. Instinct drove me to my feet as I subconsciously understood that staying seated in front of her would be disrespectful. There was something majestic about the otherworldly woman, something that demanded respect.

Eyes of gold gazed upon me, and I shivered, sensing the power in her stare. I fought the urge to kneel before her, and after a few moments of silence, she spoke, her voice lilting and musical. "Finally, the one foretold has arrived. Welcome, dear one. Should you require aid in your quest, you may call upon me."

Say what? I looked on her blankly. "Um, thanks." While I appreciated her offer, I hadn't the slightest clue who she was.

"Queen Mab, you do us great honor," said Gene, who'd also stood, along with Simon.

"A token has already been sent to your court in thanks for your kindly gesture," rumbled Simon.

The queen's eyes glowed, and her lips curved into a smile that held a touch of avarice. "A treasure from you fabled hoard. I am spoiled. And might I say how glad I am to see you. I knew the rumors of your demise had to be false." The golden gaze flicked to me. "Congratulations on your choice."

With an incline of her head, the queen departed, leaving behind a scent of sunshine - and a host of questions. We all sat back down just as a waiter - an actual monkey dressed in a suit - arrived with wine glasses. I waited until he'd poured us all a brimming glass full and left before I spoke.

"Who the hell was that woman?"

"That, my dear girl, was Queen Mab, ruler of the fey. To have her on your side is no small feat."

"Is that what she was saying? But why? Why would she offer to help? She doesn't even know me." A frown knit my brow.

"I told you not everyone believes the prophecy means an end to all. There are some tired of the games Heaven and Hell play."

"Fine, so the fairies are on my side, but what was this about a treasure?" I turned my gaze on Simon, my enigma. "Why is it everyone who meets you acts like you're some kind of god? Just what are you, and why do they think you're so scary?"

"You don't think I'm scary?" he replied, sidestepping my question with a grin.

"No, but if I don't get a straight answer, you're going to discover how scary I can be." I had my own theories, as did my roommates - and twenty bucks riding on the answer.

"I'm an ice dragon."

I blinked. I looked him up and down. Then sighed.

"What? You asked for the truth," he said, spreading his hands.

Gene chuckled. "Perhaps you should go outside and show her your magnificent alter ego."

"No, I believe him. I just can't believe how wrong I was."

"What did you think I was?"

I squirmed. "Well, I had a few theories. I had you narrowed down to a Titan - "

"Much too small," replied Gene.

"Or an incubus."

"Not pretty enough," snorted Gene while Simon, looking astonished, blushed.

"Claire thought you were a shapeshifting polar bear, and Lana actually thought you were some kind of deity like Poseidon."

Simon grinned. "She thought I was a god? Don't worry, after tonight, I'll prove to you that I am and much more."

It was my turn to blush as his words spread heat through me. But I wasn't quite done with them yet. I took a sip of the wine and almost choked. "What the heck is this?" I asked as my eyes watered.

"Dragon ice wine, a potent concoction for the uninitiated," Gene said dryly.

"I like it," said Simon stubbornly, swigging it.

"Fine, whatever." I pushed the glass aside and went for the crystal goblet of water, which certainly hadn't come from any municipal tap. "Now, before we get off topic, there are a few more things we need to talk about. Like, how is this dinner going to lead us to my vampire brothers?"

"Oh, someone here will blab," stated Gene with assurance. "And if the vamps don't make a move, then we'll try something bolder. But I'm pretty sure someone will sell them the info. After all, only the blood of a Nephilim can allow a night stalker to walk in daylight."

"Whoa, stop right there. First of all, I looked up that Nephilim thing, and Wiki says they're the result of an angel banging a human."

Gene made a buzzer noise. "Wrong. Angels who mate successfully with humans make incubi and succubi. While demons who mate with humans, without killing them, make vampire babies. Nephilim are a mixture of both angel and demon. Although, you're the first I've heard who started out human."

"Fine, so the Internet was wrong. Now, how come only my blood can let the vamps walk in daylight? What about the fairies? Aren't they like sunshine and stuff? Wouldn't they make a better choice?" The words popped out of my mouth before I could stop them, and I quickly peered around to see if any fairies overheard, but no one seemed to be paying us attention.

"Fairies are pure poison to the dark ones," Simon answered. "No one knows why the blood of the Nephilim is the only thing that allows vampires to walk during the day. In the old days, before the cleansing, Nephilim used to be little more than blood slaves to the vamps."

I shuddered. "Okay, change of topic. Let's say I go along with the plan to be bait. I need to know how to fight."

"From what I saw, you did a fine job on your own," said Simon with a creased brow.

"That was hand-to-hand stuff. I'm talking about learning to use my powers to help me instead of having to use my fists. I mean, I've got the wings and learned to kind of fly, but - "

"You have wings?" interjected Gene, looking surprised.

"Yeah. Why? Don't all Nephilim have them?" I looked back and forth between them and tried to hide my shock when I realized the answer. "I'm a freak," I mumbled, slumping forward to hide my face in my hands.

Big hands tugged at mine, and I lifted my face reluctantly. Simon peered at me with a quirky smile. "I can turn into a huge dragon and blow ice. Not to mention, grow claws, a tail, and cause all objects around me to become layered in frost. Does that make me a freak?"

"No, because that's part of who you are."

"And your wings and whatever other secrets you've acquired are a part of you. So what if you're not like the Nephilim of the past? Think of yourself, instead, as the new and improved model. There's nothing wrong with being different. Take a look around you. You're not alone."

"I've got an idea," Gene announced amidst the seriousness. "We need to give her a name of her own. Since she's not quite a Nephilim but a new class of being, she deserves the chance to name herself as the first of her line."

At first I wanted to tell Gene where he could shove his idea - in a place that light didn't shine - but something about owning who I was actually appealed. But what could I call myself? "You know what, I like it, but how do I decide on a name? I mean, what if there ends up being others like me in the future? I don't want to leave them saddled with a name they hate."

We mulled this together as our monkey server arrived, bearing plates piled high with what looked like a Caesar salad. I'll admit I was disappointed. I kind of expected blue lettuce and some kind of alternate-dimension dressing, but after tasting it, I could at least concede it was the best freaking salad ever.

"Humangon," said Gene all of a sudden.

I wrinkled my nose. "That is horrible."

Simon paused eating long enough to say, "Humaneph."

"Bless you," I said sarcastically. "Come on, can't you think of something that describes me, the sexiest hybrid misfit ever?"

"That's it!" announced Gene.

"What? Sexiest?" I queried.

"Hybrid misfit." Gene clapped his hands. "It's perfect."

I mulled it over, and a lightbulb went off inside my head, the brightness of it making me blink. "You're right, and it won't just be for me. I'm not the only one who doesn't fit in. Look at poor Lana, a siren who can't change into her fishy self or go near the ocean. She could be a misfit, too."

Gene laughed. "And the wood nymph who prefers celibacy. She can be a misfit as well."

"Anyone who's not human and who doesn't want to conform can belong," I said, getting into it. "We'll have T-shirts done up. We'll start a club."

I giggled, joined by the guys, and even though I knew we were the object of stares all around, I found myself not giving as much of a damn. Misfits aren't meant to conform, and starting with me, I'll forge my own path, thank you very much. Starting with my seduction of my two dinner partners.

Right after the main course, of course. Even I couldn't resist the mouthwatering aroma of the prime rib placed in front of me, and if the meat wasn't like any bovine stuff I'd eaten before, I ignored it because it was ambrosia in my mouth. And besides, misfits weren't afraid to try new things - say, like, my very first threesome.

Now that we'd tackled the boring stuff, I found myself recapturing the lust from earlier. We made small talk, the conversation and laughter flowing smoothly. Every so often, Simon's hand would slide under the table and squeeze my thigh - after pushing my skirt up first. The heat of his palm resting on my skin made me shiver. I kept hoping he'd move his hand over and dip a finger into my soaking honey pot, but the big tease would rub me for a moment then move his hand away.

Gene employed a different tactic. He'd cut a prime morsel and then pop it into my mouth - with his fingers. I'd suck them clean, and his eyes would glow. I wondered if anyone would notice if we disappeared under the table for a moment.