Chapter 11

I woke to find Simon gone and Gene still wrapped around me. I ran my fingers over his bald crown, blushing when I remembered what he'd done with that shining pate the night before.

Who'd have thought it would be so arousing?

Gene stirred and stretched with a yawn. "Morning, gorgeous," he said, cracking open an eye.

"Hey you." I grinned at him, much too pleased with myself this fine morning.

"How's the most beautiful hybrid misfit in the world?" asked Simon, coming in with a tray laden with food.

"Starving." I bounced on the edible offering with a voracious appetite, for while they'd fed my esoteric side, my human tummy still required nourishment.

"That's a girl. Eat up. You're going to need the energy," Simon said with a wink.

I sat up straighter, and pushed out my chest with a coy smile. "I've got tons of energy anytime you're ready, baby," I cooed.

"Great. Grab a shower and change. Then meet us out in the living room. Time to start your training," he announced.