Dear Diary Sinead O'Connor sang it best in that hit song of hers.
I missed Urion something fierce.
Even if my mom didn't think I should.
At first glance, and even second, Limbo appeared a paradise. From the moment we entered the gate I felt the difference.
First off, I should mention the fellow granting passage looked an awful lot like that bad pirate with the tentacles on his head in that movie with the chameleon actor, Johnny Depp. He spoke perfect, clipped English and smelled of lilacs of all things.
The arch itself was made of two-by-fours nailed together and pressed against a basement wall. Only when I had permission from Tentacle Guardian did it swirl into a scary fucking portal. Like a black hole that oozed bone-chilling cold.
I'll admit, I balked. I dug my fingers into Murphy's fur.
What would I be stepping into?