Andreas was a hundred percent sure she was not hearing correctly. The birthing of the heir? Her? What business had she got with the birthing of the heir? Hadn't her father called her the heir in Salvador's presence? What other heir was he talking about and what had she got to do with it. She stared at her father with the innocence of an eight year old and he grinned at her.

"You would do better than your mum wouldn't you?" he smiled caressing her head gently. Andreas felt very uncomfortable in his presence at that moment and she slowly shifted away.

"Mummy," she tapped her mum. "What does daddy mean by the birthing of the heir? Is he going to kill you?"

Andreas sobbed at her daughter's innocence. She knew the end had come for her but she never expected it to come this way.

"Kill me already, Diego," she pleaded. "Don't allow me watch this."

"You can choose not to," he smiled. "The same way you chose not to give me an heir."