The Retirement of the Toad Sage

Jiraiya's lessons for Naruto started straight away. While they walked Jiraiya handed Naruto several scrolls and told him to read them.

They were all different types of taijutsu kata's. It was strange to Naruto because it seemed that everything he was would read it would instantly make sense to him like he had known it for year's.

"How are you going with those scrolls there kid?" Jiraiya asked.

"Good, I think I have got the hang of most of these, there far easier than the Academy style they tried to teach me back in Konoha" Naruto answered.

"That's good, we will be stopping for the night in a little while, I want you to show me what you have picked up" Jiraiya said.

"Alright sure thing sensei" Naruto said and he went back to studying the Kata and performing what moves he could while they walked.

Half an hour later they stopped and Jiraiya ran through several hand seals before summoning a giant toad.

"Wow that's amazing! I wonder if I could do that" Naruto said and he started running through the same hand seals as though he had known them all his life.

"Wait Naruto don't you need to sign a contract" Jiraiya yelled but it was too late and Naruto placed both palms on the ground.

There was a huge puff of smoke and Jiraiya was expecting Naruto to be taken to which ever animal he had an affinity for like he did when he was young and tried the same thing. What shocked Jiraiya however was when the smoke cleared Naruto was still there and there was also a Toad that Jiraiya had never seen before. And it had the Rinnegan.

"Yeah I did it, I summoned a toad" Naruto yelled happily.

"You sure did, but how? This isn't one of the Toads of Myobokuzan, I have never seen it before" Jiraiya admitted as he looked at the toad, it seemed ho have lost all expression and the only way you could tell it was even alive was it was breathing.

'Interesting. Hm I wonder' "Naruto order the toad to do something?" Jiraiya said.

"Like what?" Naruto asked.

"Anything try something simple like jump" Jiraiya suggested.

"Alright. Toad... Jump!" Naruto ordered.

The moment Naruto thought the order the toad started jumping in one spot. "I think it responds to my thoughts. Here watch this" Naruto said confidently. 'Stop and turn around' he thought.

The toad complied without questioning. "Amazing, but can it do complex tasks, ask it to go collect water we can use for our camp" Jiraiya said.

"Uh sure thing sensei" Naruto replied.

'Go collect, enough water for the two of us to use tonight' Naruto ordered.

Without showing any signs of understanding or confusion the Toad left. When it came back it looked like it was swollen with water and just sat there.

"I guess it works but he didn't have anything to fill with water. I want you to dispel it by ordering it to leave then try and summon something else, anything will do" Jiraiya ordered.

Naruto complied and the toad dispelled and this time Naruto summoned a large two headed dog.

"So you can summon what ever animal you think of. What an amazing ability, you would be able to always summon the best animal for a certain role. I had no idea the Rinnegan could do this. I knew it had the ability to process information at an incredible rate and granted the user with the ability to use all five forms of nature transformation. But this is something else, what other secrets do those eyes hold?" Jiraiya said to himself mostly but Naruto could easily hear him.

"Well as awesome as this is you were supposed to be teaching me, I want to show you all the taijutsu styles I have been able to pick up" Naruto said eagerly.

Needless to say Jiraiya was impressed, but it just reinforced what he had seen before with Nagato. There was just something about the Rinnegan that aided in learning jutsu.

After Naruto ran effortlessly through the Kata, he paused as if in deep thought. "Um sensei, you said these eyes were really rare right?" Naruto asked.

"The rarest Dojutsu there is why do you ask?" Jiraiya replied.

"Well it's just that, while most people may not know what they are, some people are bound to, and I really don't want people to think I am special just because I have these eye's, is there anyway to hide them?" Naruto asked.

"Hm good question, I know that a simple Henge wont work, the

other person who had those eyes had the same problem. But I think I may know of someone who can help you out, her henge is a bit special, however I don't know how helpful she will be. I wouldn't worry to much about your eye's though, nobody will recognize them, most people just think that the Sage of Six Paths and the Rinnegan are just a myth, so they will just think you have strange purple eyes. And with me around nobody is going to try anything, because if they do by some chance know that you do indeed have the Rinnegan, they will almost certainly know who I am and know not to mess with the Almighty Toad Sage" Jiraiya said.

"hm alright, uh sensei I do have one more question, did these eye's give the other person with them a second chakra source? Because I can feel one inside of me" Naruto asked.

"You can feel it? Tell me what does this second chakra feel like?" Jiraiya asked.

'If he can feel the Kyuubi's chakra that mean's I can't keep the fact that he is a jinchuuriki a secret, I will have to tell him' Jiraiya thought while he waited for Naruto's answer.

"Well, while my normal chakra seems to flow and is calm, this other chakra is wild and uncontrollable, it almost feels evil. What's more it seems to be coming from my stomach and nowhere else" Naruto explained.

"Well I guess I better tell you then" Jiraiya sighed.

"Tell me what?" Naruto asked.

"What do you know about the night that the Kyuubi attacked almost nine years ago?" Jiraiya said deciding to see what the child knew and then fill in the blanks and correct the lies.

"Well I know that the Yondaime Hokage gave his life to kill the Kyuubi and save the village" Naruto answered.

"Well that is not exactly true, you see a Bijuu is not really alive, so it can not be killed" Jiraiya said.

"How can the Kyuubi not be alive?" Naruto asked.

"Well you see a Bijuu is a massive ball of chakra given a consciousness. Why the Kyuubi takes the form of a fox, I could not say. Anyway the Yondaime Hokage could not kill the Kyuubi, so he did the next best thing. He sealed it away where it could not hurt anyone" Jiraiya said.

"No... It cant be, tell me your lying!" Naruto yelled, but the more he tried to deny it, the more it made sense, all the hate filled glares, nobody allowing him to enter there shops, being kicked out of the orphanage at the only four years old.

"Naruto calm down, you are not the fox, you are Naruto Uzumaki, you said it yourself you have two chakra's, one that is yours that is calm and one that is wild and uncontrollable, I think you will find that would be the Kyuubi's. And if you don't believe me take off your shirt and channel some chakra through to your feet" Jiraiya explained.

Naruto nodded and did as Jiraiya said. Channeling