An Unwelcome Reunion

Two years had passed since the Uchiha massacre, and Sasuke had spent every second of his life that he was not training or in the academy, fantasizing about the day he finally killed Itachi. And today was no exception despite how important the day was. Today was the day he was given his genin team.

Across town in the Hokage tower Hiruzen Sarutobi was in a counsel meeting along with the Ninja who would be acting as the sensei's the following year.

"Now, I think you know why you are all here. We have to decide on the team placement for this years genin. The normal way of choosing team seven which has been so successful in the past providing us with such ninja as my own three pupils, the Yondaime and Kakashi Hatake was to take the top ranked Ninja and Kunoichi along with the bottom of the class. This has been used the past four years but as you know Kakashi Hatake has failed to pass any of the teams he has been given" the Hokage said.

"He, probably just didn't want to do it, I don't know why you would pick such an unreliable ninja to be a sensei, he has become more and more difficult ever since that … that thing left the village" one of the civilian counsel member said who had in the past had run in's with the copy ninja about the treatment of a certain former resident of Konoha.

"Yes and I am sure it is because of people like you that Naruto has left the village and not returned" Kakashi said flatly.

"I wish I could take the credit, I have sent enough money to Kou Hyuuga's family to almost pay for their seals to be removed" the counselor chuckled ignoring the looks of disgust on the faces of the clan heads and the Hokage.

"We are getting off topic, if we are to follow team seven tradition then it will be the team os Sasuke Uchiha, who was the top ranking among the boys and rookie of the year" there was a round of applause from the civilian side of the council room. "Yes thank you. Anyway the top ranking kunoichi was Hinata Hyuuga who finished in third over all behind Sasuke and Shino Aburame. And last in the class was Shikamaru Nara. However, upon looking at young Shikamaru's grades I found something interesting. He only ever answered half the questions and hit the exact amount of points so he would pass and nothing more. I believe him to be far more skilled than he lets on. However that would be team seven. I am sure there will be some objections... there always is after all" Hiruzen sighed.

"Yes Hokage-sama, we requested back when they started the academy that Ino Choji and Shikamaru, were placed in the same team" Inoichi spoke up and his statement was greeted with agreeing nods from Choza and Shikaku.

"Yes I agree that would be a formidable team and it has the balance that we know works, I am inclined to agree, but then who do I fill the final place in team seven with?" Hiruzen asked.

As if on cue a pink haired woman stood up and the ninja councilors readied to block their ears incase she started screeching like she had so many times in the past. "My daughter Sakura should be placed with the Uchiha!" the Pink haired Sakebi Haruno screeched causing the people in her direct vicinity to wince from the pain that their ears had to endure.

"That may actually work, Sakura's ninja skills were the lowest but she scored the highest in terms of book smarts and chakra control which could lead her to becoming a talented support ninja, and with Sasuke being a close to mid range fighter and Hinata being a close range fighter that leads to a balanced team, despite a break from the usual one kunoichi per group rule. The final team will be a hunting and tracking team and will be Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka and Sai" Hiruzen said.

There were no more objections and the Hokage was able to send the full list of teams to the academy for the head teacher Iruka.

Several hours later, all the teams had left the Academy, well that was all except for team seven. "Gah where is our sensei!" Sakura whined.

"Uh, I am sure there will be a good reason that he is late, they are all supposed to be jounin after all so they are among the top ninja in the village" Hinata said.

Several hours later the silver haired one eyed Copy ninja casually strolled in. "You're late!" Sakura screeched causing Kakashi to wince.

'I really hoped she would not be like her mother, I guess I cant be that lucky, this might be tough' "Ugh sorry about that, I got lost on the road of life... anyway, meet me on the roof in five minutes" Kakashi said, before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

'Lost on the road of life? Oh why couldn't I have Kurenai as my jounin sensei' Hinata thought as she followed after Sasuke and Sakura.

The three fresh genin made it to the roof to find Kakashi casually leaning against the railing. "So, take a seat and tell me a little about yourself, your likes, dislikes, hobbies, dream's for the future" the copy ninja said.

"Why don't you go first Kakashi sensei, so we know what to do" Sakura asked.

'I thought it was a simple question, how could they not know what to do?' Kakashi thought. "Hm alright here goes, I like things and I dislike things as well, as for my dreams for the future, well I don't feel like telling you" he said.

'He didn't really tell us anything other than his name' all three of the young genin thought.

"Okay pinkey you're up" Kakashi said.

"Um alright, my name is Sakura Haruno, I like..." she looked a Sasuke and blushed but said nothing. "I mean the person I like is I like is..." again she did nothing but blush. "as for my dream for the future" again nothing but Sakura blushing redder than ever before.

'Delusional much' Kakashi thought struggling not to mock the pink haired kunoichi. "Okay pale eyes you're next" he said.

"U-u-um my name is Hinata Hyuuga, I like cinnamon buns and my hobby is pressing flowers. I dislike crab's and shrimp. As for my dream for the future, I want to bring the two branches of the Hyuuga clan together under one roof as equals, and I need to say thank you to someone who inspired me to prove that I could better myself and that I didn't need to be the weakling looser everyone thought me to be" Hinata said.

"Why is that last part a dream, I mean just go tell them, it's not like that is difficult to do" Sakura said.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes disapprovingly at this, Sakura had no right to say anything about another persons dream and even worse when they are supposed to be team members.

"I can't tell him because he doesn't live in the village any more, he left the village to train with a tall man with long white spiky hair!" Hinata said angry that Sakura would say that about her dream. Then she realized she had just broken the promise she made to Naruto and Jiraiya never to tell anyone about seeing them.

'Long white spiky hair and tall? That could only be Jiraiya-sama, be he left the village for good after he found out about Naruto's disappearance, and he certainly didn't take anyone from the village with him' Kakashi thought looking for an answer but deciding to drop the issue.

"Okay last of all the brooder, you're up" Kakashi said.

"Hn, I have no real likes, but I don't see that it matters much because I hate lot's of things. I have no dream for the future, what I have is more than that, it is a need a desire, I will rebuild my clan and I need to kill a certain man" Sasuke said darkly.

Hinata was a little taken aback by Sasuke's goals but accepted that was just who he was, while Sakura just seemed to swoon over the 'cool and dark' Uchiha.

'So he wants to kill Itachi huh, well good luck with that kid, he was considered the biggest genius in the Uchiha clan since Madara, as for the group as a whole, I have a fan girl, a shy princess and a brooder with a dangerous goal, I sorta wish I past the team last year now, especially with the counsel on my back to pass this team' Kakashi thought.

Now that that's done, I want you all to meet me at training ground three tomorrow at seven, oh and don't eat breakfast, you will just throw up" Kakashi said and without further thought disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

(Land of Hill's)

Two ninja wearing white hooded cloaks were entering a small town.

"This suck's all we have been doing for the past year is mission after mission, mercenary life is not as fun as I thought it would be" the shorter ninja complained.

"Well Naruto-kun you could always return to Konoha, I am sure the Hokage would welcome you back with open arm's" the taller one said.

"Yeah Jiji might, but everyone else might have a different point of view, you know better than anyone, you used to watch me after all" Naruto said.

"Yes you might be right, it is mostly my fault we have to keep moving, despite how secure some of our hidden bases are we do not want to run into any hunter ninja, I would like to avoid any unnecessary blood shed" the taller of the pair said.

"That's fine Itachi sensei. I don't blame you. Do you know why Jiraiya sensei called us here? I thought he was busy working on one of his horrible book's" Naruto asked taking his hood off to reveal the spiky blond hair that was now shoulder length.

"No I do not know why Jiraiya-sama sent the toad to tell us to meet him here, but I am guessing it is important" Itachi said removing his own hood showing that he no longer kept his hair in a ponytail and instead let he hair fall naturally flat falling about half way down his neck.

"If this is just some call to read a couple of chapters of his book and tell him what we think I will be pissed, we finally get to a visit a tourist destination and he sends us a toad" Naruto whined.

"I'm sure it wont be something that simple" Itachi said.

The two village less ninja walked through the streets of the town looking for the location that Jiraiya said to meet them. It was not surprising that when they found the name of the meeting location that is was a rather questionable tavern where the waitresses seemed to have more fabric on their shoes than the rest of their bodies.

"This must be the place" Naruto sighed as he went to enter.

Unsurprisingly the bouncer stopped Naruto from entering. "Hey Itachi, little help?" Naruto asked.

"With pleasure Naruto-kun" Itachi replied, activating his sharingan cast a genjutsu on the bouncer to allow the pair to enter.

Looking around they saw that this bar was a very dark place, the sort of place that you would go if you didn't want to be seen. "You have to hand it to Jiraiya-sama, he may pick some perverted locations, but his choice is in fact genius in that you could have an important conversation and pass on information here without anyone knowing" Itachi said.

"Yeah you're right, but lets just find him before the patrons start to flip because I am underage" Naruto said.

They found the toad hermit in a back corner being fed by two women with amazingly large breasts. When they arrived the pair sat down at the same table. Upon seeing Naruto the two ladies stood up and went straight to the bar looking to complain about them allowing an underage kid to enter the tavern.

"Damn it gaki, couldn't you have put on a henge or something, now you are going to get us all kicked out!" Jiraiya whined as he watched the ladies talk to the what appeared to be the owner.

"Think of it as punishment for taking away my time off" Naruto complained.

"Damn kid, anyway, as we may not have much time I will get to the point. As you know there has been a civil war in the Land of Water for a few years now" Jiraiya said.

"Yes the Mizukage is attempting to take out and annihilate every clan with a bloodline from the country" Itachi said.

"Exactly, anyway I have found the location of the resistance HQ but they will not trust any outsiders, that is why if we want to help them in this war we need to find someone who they know is wanted by the Mizukage and who the resistance would see as a valuable ally to their cause" Jiraiya informed the pair.

"So who are we looking for, some former Kiri ninja with bloodlines are not exactly just going to willingly return to Kiri just so we can join the war and make a name for ourselves as an organization" Naruto said.

"You're right Naruto, but someone who has tried to assassinate the current Mizukage once already will, I want you two to track down Zabuza Momoichi, the 'Demon of the Hidden Mist'. I then want you to get him to agree to join us" Jiraiya said.

"Hm sounds like a lovely guy and all that, but do you really think he will join with us. I mean you and Itachi sensei maybe, but nobody knows who I am and I doubt he will agree if it is just Itachi sensei and myself that find him" Naruto said.

"Don't worry about that, if you promise him you will help him kill Yagura the current Mizukage and can get him into the resistance he will have to bite" Jiraiya said.

"Does he have any companions?" Itachi asked.

"Three I believe, the demon brothers B ranked missing ninja who are little more than over grown bottom feeders, and a girl named Haku, I do not have any information on her, but I can assume you two can handle them if they try to fight" Jiraiya said.

"It could take quite awhile to locate them, they have been on the run for some time after all. Our best bet would be to find the demon brothers who are bound to be more lax in security as there will not be many hunter ninja that will bother with them" Itachi said.

"You say that, but for the last six months we have done nothing but stupid escort missions for private investors who are too cheep to pay one of the villages. And capturing lower level missing ninja, I haven't even had to use a more than one jutsu to fight any of them" Naruto said.

"You complain too much Naruto-kun, new lets go before that bouncer breaks free of the genjutsu I cast on him, the owner looks rather close to hitting him" Itachi said and the pair stood up before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.

(Land of Wave's)

It had been months since Kakashi's team had graduated and this was supposed to be their first C rank mission. However things did not always turn out like they are supposed to, as things were right now they were looking at a A rank mission, and what was worse the missing ninja they thought they had killed ended up only being in a death like state. So things were not looking the best for team seven.

"I think tomorrow will be the day, everyone get a good night's sleep and get ready for the fight tomorrow" Kakashi said.

Sakura and Hinata looked clearly worried, but Sasuke saw this as his chance to show what he could do, to judge how far he had come, and how close he was to killing his brother.

Yes there were definitely two vastly different emotions running through the three genin, but they were all as ready as they would ever be. Kakashi was sure that Hinata and Sasuke could hold their own for at least a good length of time against who ever the masked ninja that saved his opponent the last time they met, but he still was having worrying thoughts about Sakura. She had not seemed to grow out of her fangirl attitude and what made it worse was Sasuke starting to respect Hinata as a shinobi meant that the Uchiha was showing more attention to the Hyuuga than she liked.

The next morning Kakashi was not surprised at all to find the bridge empty and a strong mist fill the air.

"So Zabuza, back for a second round it seems, and you brought some help it seems" Kakashi said.

"Do you think you can fight both me and Haku at the same time? You are good Kakashi, I will give you that, but you are not that good" Zabuza said.

Do you think you can fight both me and Haku at the same time? You are good Kakashi, I will give you that, but you are not that good" Zabuza said.

"I don't think I have to, my genin will be able to hold her off long enough for me to finish you" Kakashi said.

The moment the copy ninja finished speaking Sasuke charged forward. But he didn't get more than two feet across the gap before a large wave rose up from the ocean knocking Sasuke back.

"What was that he didn't even use any hand seals?" Sakura asked.

"He didn't do it, the chakra came from behind us!" Hinata said with her Byakugan active.

Kakashi took comfort at the sight that Zabuza and Haku seemed to be just as confused as the team from Konoha. "Hinata can you see what we are dealing with?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes, it is not very clear because of the mist but it seems to be clearing, there are two ninja but their faces are hidden behind hooded cloaks" Hinata said.

"What do you mean the mist is clearing, I haven't ended my jutsu!" Zabuza yelled.

But sure enough all around them the mist seemed to be lifting. 'impossible, not even the sword Samehada could do this to my mist' Zabuza thought.

"I can see what's happening, it's... it's the smaller of the two new arrivals, he seems be be absorbing the chakra into his body" Hinata said showing just how much her confidence had improved by only stuttering once.

'Someone that can absorb chakra from a jutsu into their own body, that sounds like one hell of a skill' Zabuza thought begrudgingly.

"I'm afraid we will have to put a stop to this little confrontation of yours. Zabuza is too important to risk in a fight against you Kakashi" a smooth voice called out as the last of the mist vanished revealing the two hooded ninja clear as day.

"Who are you? And why do you think Zabuza is so important" Kakashi asked.

"Who we are is not important, what is important is that we need Zabuza to join us" Naruto said calmly yet still with a sense of commanding in his voice.

"Haha, that's a good one kid, I don't even know who you are, why would I join you, say tell you what why don't you join me? That little skill to absorb a jutsu could be useful" Zabuza said.

"I think he thinks he is superior to you" the taller hooded figure of Itachi said.

"I knew this would happen. We can get you into the Resistance in the Land of Water and give you another crack at killing the Mizukage" Naruto said.

"Pull the other one, only people inside the resistance know where they are hidden, so only a member of the resistance can make that offer" Zabuza said.

"You seem to be underestimating our abilities, we know exactly where they are, but we need something that the resistance wants to get in. and that would be you Zabuza" Itachi said.

"Interesting offer, let me just kill this bridge builder and then we can talk" Zabuza said.

"Why would you want to do that, your employer is dead, he was planning on betraying you, we killed him and his men to stop that from happening" Naruto said.

"How do I know you are telling the truth, and you are not just saying that to save the old man?" Zabuza said.

Naruto shrugged and pulled out a scroll tossing it to Zabuza. When the Demon of the Bloody Mist opened the scroll the body of Gato appeared. "What the hell happened to him, he doesn't look like he was poisoned, neither is their any sign of physical damage in any way, not even any signs of a genjutsu induced death" Haku said shocked.

"Ah well, my companion has a rather unique way of dealing with people who are not being cooperative" Itachi said.

"Well looks like we are not enemy's anymore Kakashi, but you two, I don't trust either of you, show me your faces, or I will not even think about going with you!" Zabuza ordered.

"Wait a minute, Kakashi sensei are you saying that's it? We're just going to let Zabuza and the masked Hunter nin get away?" Sasuke asked loudly.

"Yes Sasuke, he was just doing his job and we were doing our own, it was never anything personal as far as I am concerned this is over" Kakashi said.

"Well, can we do this elsewhere, somewhere less crowded perhaps?" Naruto asked, not wanting shinobi from Konoha to see him or Itachi for that matter.

"No, you take your hoods off and show us your faces or we are not moving!" Zabuza ordered.

"Very well then" Itachi sighed and began removing his hood.

'Damn it, this isn't good' that jounin is bound to recognize Itachi' Naruto thought, but it was not Kakashi who reacted first. No that honor was given to the raven haired genin.

Several kunai flew right at Itachi's face. Sasuke was shocked however when the kunai seemed to stop in mid air before falling harmlessly to the ground. The only movement any of them saw was Naruto raise hie head showing of a pair of metallic purple eyes with a familiar rippling pattern.

'It's him, I cant believe it. After all these years' "Na-Na-Naruto-kun" Hinata stammered shocking Kakashi.

Naruto removed his hood. "Well, I expected the Konoha jounin to be aggressive at the sight of you, but I didn't expect a genin to attack like that" Naruto said.

"I did, it is my foolish little brother after all. Hello Sasuke, how are you?" Itachi asked.

"I will be doing a lot better once I kill you!" Sasuke yelled and charged forward a kunai drawn in each hand.

"Is he really serious? Trying to attack us is utter foolishness... Shinra Tensei!" Naruto said lazily extending an arm sending a wave of compressed gravity towards the charging Uchiha that sent him flying back and Kakashi had to jump in the way to catch him.

'What was that, and is that really Naruto? The hair is perfect, but those eyes. And what was that jutsu? he just sent Sasuke flying like he was nothing' Kakashi thought. "What is your name?" Kakashi asked Naruto tentatively, ignoring Itachi for a moment.

"Me?... Didn't Hinata just tell you. At least I assume your young Hyuuga is Hinata, as she is the only person from Konoha to have seen me since I acquired the Rinnegan. But if you must hear it from me, my name is Naruto Uzumaki" Naruto said.

"Naruto" Kakashi said under his breath and he felt at that moment like he had both won the lottery and had the breath knocked out of him by a kick in the gut.

"Itachi Uchiha, I must say it is an honor to meet someone like you, and this kid you are traveling with seems to have quite the skill set as well. Maybe I will join you" Zabuza said.

"Itachi what have you done to Naruto" Kakashi yelled.

"I haven't done anything to him, we simply work together" Itachi said.

"Impossible, those eyes are not Naruto's!" Kakashi said.

"He had the Rinnegan when I met him, I assure you I have not harmed him, nor am I entirely sure that I could if I tried. The Rinnegan is an amazing Dojutsu after all" Itachi said.

"Rinnegan? Impossible that's nothing but a myth" Kakashi said, but the more he looked at Naruto's eyes they did look just like the legendary Dojutsu. "In any event I am taking him back to Konoha where he belongs" Kakashi said.

"I am not a Konoha shinobi, so Konoha has no ownership of me nor do you have any right to forcefully drag me back there, the only thing Konoha could claim is that I hold the Kyuubi, the Bijuu that is seen as property of Konoha, so if you wish to come after me because of that feel free, but you will fail in your attempt to capture me" Naruto said.

'He knows about the Kyuubi, he probably hates Konoha, I feel like I have lost him and failed you all over again sensei' the copy ninja thought as he stood unmoving holding Sasuke from attempting another suicidal charge.

"Now Zabuza, are you coming or are we going to have to capture you and take you with us?" Itachi asked turning away from the team of Konoha ninja.

"Yeah, it's not like we have anything better to do, let's go Haku" Zabuza said and they moved to join the two white robed ninja who used to call Konoha home.

"Farewell Konoha ninja, give my regards the the Hokage, it has been quite some time since I have seen Jiji after all" Naruto said before turning to leave.

"Wait Naruto-kun! I need to tell you something" Hinata yelled finally finding her voice.

"Hmm?" Naruto said turning around while the others kept moving.

"I need to tell you... Thank you!, because you believed in me I was able to better myself and now my clan doesn't think that I am a looser any more, even my father is starting to see that I have potential and it is all because of you, so thank you!" Hinata said.

"I didn't do anything Hinata, you did that yourself, but thanks anyway" Naruto said with a smile and turning away.

"Wait!... Will I ever see you again?" she asked her voice trembling but surprisingly no stutter.

"Who knows, after all I am not a ninja of Konoha and still technically a resident so I could return one of these day's if only for a little while" Naruto said and raising his hood over his head he gave Hinata a friendly smile before turning to follow Itachi and the new pair from Kiri.

"So What's this group of yours called, you surely have a name" Zabuza asked once Naruto caught back up to the group.

"Yeah we are the Yoinokuchi" Naruto said.

"Yoinokuchi... Nightfall... I like it!" Zabuza said as they walked away from the land of waves.

End Chapter!