Preliminary Rounds

Haku was still shocked at what she had seen Naruto do. She had been told of Naruto's ability to remove a persons soul. But it was one thing to here about something, and another entirely to see it happen before her eyes.

Naruto had been quiet since they left the clearing and Haku was slightly worried. The joker and all round friendly person, she had the pleasure of getting to know over the last few weeks seemed to be replaced by a distant dark character that had ripped the souls out of two people.

"Is he alright?" Haku asked Akimi in a whisper.

"I think so. He often gets a little upset after using that jutsu" Akimi said.

"So he can read someones mind but he has to remove their soul at the same time?" Haku asked wondering how the jutsu works.

"Not exactly" Naruto said stopping suddenly. Haku was shocked she didn't think the blond could hear them from where he was out in front. "The jutsu allows me to touch someones soul and gain what ever information I need. Jiraiya sensei thinks I could use it to learn jutsu from enemies but I have never tried. Anyway as I was saying it allows me to touch someones soul and it shows me what type of person they are. Those two back there in the clearing were horrible, they enjoyed inflicting misery upon others, they had no desire to change their ways. So I couldn't let them live, I killed them to save the people that they may have harmed later in life. But even so to take a life like that is not pleasurable to do" Naruto said.

"So you could say... read Jiraiya-sama's mind and leave him alive?" Akimi asked.

"Yes I could... But I really do not trust anything that Jiraiya sensei has in his mind, it could turn me into a pervert" Naruto said feeling much better after getting some of what he was feeling off of his chest.

Akimi and Haku both smiled at the return of the more relaxed, fun loving Naruto.

They were very close to tower when Naruto stopped again. "We are being followed" he said slowly turning around.

"Who is it?" Haku asked.

"I don't know. Three ninja so I am guessing they are nothing more than genin trying to challenge us" Naruto said calmly.

From the trees three Kumo ninja appeared. They stopped in their tracks when they came face to face with the three Yoinokuchi ninja. "I suggest you three leave. We have no desire to fight you" Naruto said. Even though he knew it wouldn't work, he had to give the Kumo ninja a chance to escape.

"We don't care about these exams anymore. If we can capture her we will get promoted anyway!" a ninja at the front of the group. He was highly tanned and had curly white hair.

"Very well then. But I didn't want to have to do this" Naruto sighed. "What do you say... one each?" he asked.

"Your on... how about first one to incapacitate their opponent gets lunch brought for them by the other two when we get out of this forest?" Akimi said.

"I'm in what about you Haku?" Naruto asked.

"Very well I agree" Haku said as she pulled out several senbon needles.

"Go!" Akimi yelled as she blurred out of existence and flew forward.

Naruto and Haku were caught off guard along with the three Kumo ninja. "Bansho Ten'in!" Naruto said when he regained his composure.

The Kumo ninja he targeted was yanked forward and flew toward Naruto at the same time as Haku launched a hail of perfectly aimed senbon at her target. They were both too slow however as

a split second before both Naruto and Haku both finished off their targets Akimi reappeared with a chop to the back of the Kumo ninjas neck.

"Done!" she yelled happily just as Naruto slammed his fist into the leader of the groups face sending him flying and Haku's senbon left her opponent paralyzed. "Looks like I win! Free lunches for me!" Akimi said while dusting her hands of imaginary dirt.

"No fair you cheated!" Naruto said.

"Too bad, you agreed to the bet now you both owe me lunch" Akimi said.

"Well I guess we will just have to make it a cheat as well and make you a sandwich" Haku said with a joke.

"No way! I want to go back to that Dango place!" Akimi yelled.

"Well it's only fair. After all, you didn't say what we had to get you for lunch" Naruto joked.

"Well now I am telling you that it is going to be dango" Akimi said.

"Sorry too late for that. If it wasn't in the original bet it doesn't count" Naruto replied.

"Look let's just take this teams scroll and go" Akimi said before grumbling about cheap teammates.

"Looks like they have already had their scroll taken" Naruto said.

"It doesn't surprise me, these three were not very good back in the academy. They were all in the final year when I entered the academy but had to repeat twice after failing the exams. They must have graduated after I left though. But I don't know why they would even try to challenge us" Akimi said.

"Who cares lets just get to the tower" Naruto said.

Team Yoinokuchi made it to the tower and after opening the scrolls they were led inside by one of the chunin that had helped hand out the consent forms for the second task.

Naruto was rather disappointed when they showed them to a dorm room with separate bedrooms, he had been hoping they could have left to return to the village and wait for the final task rather than wait for the five days to be up.

"Well it looks like we have some time off... Hey Naruto what did you end up finding out from the Oto ninja?" Akimi asked after she had a shower and cleaned up from spending the better part of two days inside the forest of death.

"They were ordered to kill Sasuke Uchiha, but it appears that was nothing but a test. Orochimaru gave Sasuke something called a curse mark. I don't know much about it I will need to ask Jiraiya sensei. As for Orochimaru's over all plan, I was not given much, he is planing an attack on Konoha that much is certain. But he didn't know when or who was helping him. But I have a feeling it might be Suna, he had been given orders to stay far away from the teams from Suna" Naruto said.

"Suna huh. But isn't Suna, Konoha's ally?" Akimi asked.

"Things change, they were indeed allies but who knows, I know Suna has not been given much support from their own Daimyo recently. Maybe them helping Orochimaru is because of that. Either way I need to see Jiji as soon as possible to give him the information" Naruto said.

The days passed without much incident however and the only point of interest for Naruto and the rest of his team was the arrival of the other teams that had made it to the tower.

Naruto was pleasantly surprised that quite a few of his old classmates were arriving. Finally on the last day of the exam they were called to a large hall. Waiting for them there were both proctors of the previous rounds as well as all the sensei of the teams that passed the second round, Jiraiya included. Naruto noticed that all the teams that had passed were from Konoha apart from them and the team from Suna with the red headed jinchuuriki.

Of the teams from Konoha three of them comprised of his former team members while there were two other teams, one of them looked like they were about a year older than Naruto and the others were quite a bit older still. Naruto recognized the silver haired Kabuto in their ranks.

A couple of moments later and there was a new arrival in the hall. The Hokage walked in and took a seat at the center of an elevated platform at the far end of the hall.

After Hiruzen had become comfortable he began to speak.

"Hello and congratulations in making it through the forest of death. Unfortunately we have too many people to proceed to the final round of the exams. Therefore we will be holding a preliminary round of matches now. With that said teams are no longer in use and should any individual want to pull out now that will be allowed" the Hokage said.

"Yes I can't fight anymore" Kabuto said raising his hand.

"Very well you may leave" the proctor said.

'He doesn't even look fatigued. Why did he pull out?' Naruto thought with narrowed eyes watching Kabuto leave the hall.

Similar thoughts were running thought the mind of the proctor but he didn't say anything about it. "Anyone else?" the proctor said before descending into a coughing fit.

After he was satisfied that nobody else would be leaving the Hokage went on with a lecture about how the chunin exams are a competition watched by people from all over the elemental nations and are were designed as a way of settling disputed between villages other than war.

After the Hokage had finished speaking the next proctor spoke up his voice seemed weak and he kept coughing ever couple of words. "My name is Gekko Hayate and I will be the proctor for the preliminary fights. Now these will be one on one matches, picked at random. All other contestants are to make there way to either side balcony where they can watch the matches" the sickly looking jounin said.

All the competitors looked up at two large screens over looking the arena floor. The names stopped spinning on Sasuke Uchiha and Yoroi Akado.

Naruto shrugged and went up to the balcony where Jiraiya was quietly talking to Kakashi and the other Konoha sensei.

"Hey congrats gaki, you made it here" Jiraiya said when he saw Naruto and the others.

"Did you really think we wouldn't. How was your research you old pervert" Naruto said, adding the insult as pay back for Jiraiya calling him a brat.

"I will have you know I didn't do any research. I had to find Tsunade-Hime. She would have killed me if she knew you were competing and she didn't place a bet on you" Jiraiya said.

"That basically means that I am going to loose" Naruto sighed.

"Yeah I guess it does" Jiraiya joked.

"Oh well, it will be interesting to see just who beats me" Naruto chuckled and moved on to allow the Konoha teams to join their sensei's.

Sasuke's fight was not all that exciting at least until the end where Sasuke had to repress the curse seal from taking over. They only used taijutsu and even then it was rather basic. But Naruto had to admit Sasuke was probably better than your average genin. At the end of the fight Kakashi arrived to take Sasuke away.

"Why is Sasuke-kun being taken away?" a long haired blond girl Naruto remembered was called Ino said

"He has had a curse mark placed on him... It needs to be sealed before it starts to influence him" Naruto said calmly but loud enough for all of the Konoha ninja to hear.

"Who did that to Sasuke-kun!" Ino said angrily.

"Konoha missing ninja and one of the legendary Sanin... Orochimaru" Naruto replied.

The other shinobi didn't say anything, but Jiraiya had a small smile on his face, he knew that if Naruto knew that then he had completed his mission and found out something about what his old teammate is planning.

The Konoha ninja were brought out of there shock when the large computer screen came back to life and the names of the remaining ninja began to spin. It stopped on the named Shikamaru and Sai.

Naruto found this match very interesting. Sai used a type of genjutsu with ink to create animals to fight for him while Shikamaru contorted his shadow in an attempt to capture his target. Eventually Shikamaru won when Shikamaru used a kunai to change the direction of a ceiling light causing his shadow to move forward much faster than Sai could move trapping the ink user forcing him to give up.

"That's quite a useful skill" Naruto said.

"Yes the Nara clan is famous for their shadow jutsu" Jiraiya said.

The next fight was Temari Subaku against Tenten. Naruto felt kind of sorry for Tenten because it was clear that she was a talented kunoichi, but she just had the misfortune of coming up against a Fuuton user who had access to a large fan to help her manipulate the wind. Still the fight left a slightly bad taste in the mouth with how it ended, Temari could have caused some serious damage to the young weapons mistress if it wasn't for her teammate in green spandex saving her.

"Man when are we going to get to fight. I hate the waiting" Akimi whined once Temari had left the field and went to join her brothers and sensei.

"There have only been three fights so far. Are you really that impatient?" Naruto asked.

"Yes! Now lets hurry this up" Akimi said.

"Oh I am sooo going to take my time if I fight before you" Naruto teased.

"Agreed" Haku added.

"Oh you guys are mean" Akimi huffed folding her arms and turning away in mock anger.

The next names up were not any of the three Yoinokuchi ninja however. Rather two Konoha ninja. Kiba Inuzuka vs Ino Yamanaka.

The fight was over quickly, Kiba was much faster than Ino and with help from his dog Akamaru was easily able to get behind Ino and place a kunai under her throat causing Hayate to call the match in Kiba's favor.

"Ha take that Ino pig... you lost to dog breath!" Sakura yelled.

"Shut it forehead, you still have to fight you know" Ino said.

"What ever I am ready for who ever I get" Sakura said confidently.

That confidence was soon erased however when she found out just how cruel fate can be. She almost lost her breath when the computer screen stopped revealing the names Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto who had been listening to Sakura's arrogance couldn't help but smirk a little as he passed her walking down to the arena.

"What you're not scared of him are you forehead, I thought you were ready for anyone?" Ino asked pleased the tables had turned.

"Shut up, I'm not scared of that Baka!" Sakura yelled trying to convince both Ino and herself.

"Careful Sakura. You can pull out if you want" Kakashi said, knowing that his pupil didn't stand a chance.

"No I am going to fight" She said and made her way to join Naruto in the center of the hall.

"Alright, competitors ready?" Gekko asked.

Yes" Sakura said. And Naruto only nodded not getting into a stance and standing with his hands crossed.

"Hey you don't think he is really going to drag this fight out do you? I don't know how much longer I can wait?" Akimi said, looking down at where Naruto looked completely relaxed.

"I don't know, you know him better than I do. Do you think he would drag this out?" Haku replied.

"Yes" Akimi moped smacking her head on the railing.

Down in the center of the hall the proctor stated the fight and Sakura took off launching several kunai at Naruto while she attempted to get behind him. They didn't get far however as the kunai seemed to hit an invisible barrier and just fall to the ground shocking everyone watching apart from Jiraiya and his team.

"What was that?" Kurenai asked as once again another hail of kunai sent from Sakura failed to get even remotely close to Naruto.

"I don't know it seems like he has put up some kind of barrier around him that stops anything from approaching" Kakashi said revealing his sharingan to get a closer look.

Meanwhile Naruto had yet to move and was still standing with arms folded. Naruto quirked an eyebrow when Sakura stopped running and started to perform several hand seals. 'A jutsu... so she is finally trying something else' Naruto thought.

The world began to change around him and he found himself trapped in a rather basic genjutsu. Naruto simply disrupted his chakra flow canceling the jutsu. "Are you finished yet?" Naruto asked.

"No... you just want me to quit because you don't think you can beat me. In the end you are nothing but a reject of Konoha that was thrown out because you were nothing but a trouble maker and looser! I remember you, always getting into trouble because you never had anyone to give you any discipline. Who knows your parents probably just abandoned you" Sakura said, forgetting for a moment just what Naruto did to Sasuke and the team from Oto in the forest of death.

Up in the stands Jiraiya cracked his fingers angered by what Sakura had just said. But that was nothing compared to how angry Naruto was feeling, and he was going to make the pink haired kunoichi pay for what she had said.

Unfolding his arms he turned to Sakura and extended one hand forward towards her. In the other he began gathering chakra. "Bansho Tennin!" he said his voice void of all emotion.

Sakura had nothing to grab onto and flew uncontrollably towards Naruto who had in his hand a spinning ball of chakra ready to finish the fight. "Rasengan!" Naruto yelled driving the jutsu into the young kunoichi's stomach.

Everyone in the arena was shocked. Jiraiya for the fact that Naruto would go that far and the others at the fact that they just witnessed a jutsu that they would never have thought that a young teenager could perform, even if it was Jiraiya's student. The only person who didn't seem to be shocked in anyway was Akimi and that was mostly because she was happy that Sakura had got what was coming to her when she said those things about Naruto and the fact she was now one match close to her own fight.

On the other side of the hall the team from Suna were even a little scared of Naruto. They had watched the match and saw that every attack that Sakura had tried even if they were basic didn't get anywhere near the blond. Gaara looked at Naruto like it was his destiny and wanted more than anything to kill the blond.

Medics came and rushed Sakura to the hospital while Naruto silently walked back up to his place on the balcony ignoring the shocked looks from the other contestants and some of the jounin.

"Don't you think you went a little over the top? I mean you could of won that fight easily without doing so much damage" Jiraiya said once Naruto arrived. Back with his team.

"She deserved it" Akimi said.

"Well I guess she did, but a rasengan could have killed her" Jiraiya said.

"I didn't use much power in it, with medical jutsu she should be up and moving again in about a week" Naruto said.

"Well I guess that is better. I mean a fully powered rasengan is a killing blow if it hits a vital area" Jiraiya said.

"Look I don't care about any of this I just want it to be my turn!" Akimi said as the computer came back to life after the medics removed the unconscious Sakura from the arena.

She was to once again be disappointed however as her name didn't come up instead the names that appeared on the screen were that of Neji Hyuuga and Hinata Hyuuga.

"This could be a top match. The Hyuuga taijutsu style is in a league of its own thanks to their Byakugan" Jiraiya said looking on sagely as the two competitors made there way down to the ring.

"Looks like Hinata is in a bit of pain though, she was out cold when we ran into her team in the forest, my guess would be Orochimaru" Naruto said.

Down in the arena floor Neji was glaring harshly at his cousin. "Just quit Hinata. You don't stand a chance against me, no matter how much you have improved you are still a looser and always will be" Neji said.

"I used to believe that as well, Neji-niisan. That I was a failure and could never change, but I worked hard and improved so that I wouldn't be a failure anymore, someone encouraged me to be more than I was. And I will not give up no matter how badly hurt I am already I will fight you, even if I loose I do not care because you are my family and I will still love you like a brother either way" Hinata said before dropping into her stance.

"If that is your wish" Neji said coolly before entering his own.

'Naruto-kun is watching! I have to do my best not just for myself, but I want to show him just how much I have improved' Hinata thought. But the second the proctor started the match those thoughts were gone and her face held nothing but determination.

They met in the center and both Hyuuga were attacking with deadly accuracy. To the untrained eye and those that did not understand the gentle fist taijutsu style would have thought that neither were getting in any decent hits but when they broke apart after the first little skirmish Neji had a small amount of blood coming from his mouth and so did Hinata. Unfortunately for the kunoichi however it seemed as though her left arm was also effected.

"You were actually able to damage me. Maybe you have improved, but you are still a long way away from being able to challenge me!" Neji said before rushing in for round two.

As the fight wore on it became more and more obvious that Neji was superior and Hinata's prior injuries seemed to be catching up with her along with the damage that Neji was doing and after a while Neji jumped back and Hinata collapsed.

"Call the match, she wont be getting back up... Like I said. Once a looser, always a looser" Neji said and he began walking towards the balcony.

"You are wrong! You may have won this fight but I do not see myself as a looser just because I lost to you" Hinata said struggling to stand.

"Why you!" Neji roared and he charged at Hinata aiming for her heart. He didn't get there however as a massive force threw him into the wall. "What the?" Neji said looking for what ever hit him.

Neji found the culprit in Naruto standing at the opposite side of the hall walking forward. "I believe she conceded defeat, she was also defenseless. It is a despicable act to attack a comrade when they are already down and even worse when that comrade is family" Naruto lectured.

"She is not family! She is the main house born to be spoiled and have everything done for her while I am in the branch house destined to be nothing more than a servant, a caged bird. But what would an outsider like you know about anything" Neji said.

I do not need to explain anything to you! But it seems the main house gets special treatment even here" Neji replied.

"Special treatment? Is that what you call saving someones life?" Naruto said.

Neji just huffed and stalked away to rejoin his team and the other Konoha genin. His sensei Miteo Gai looked at him with pitty and a little disappointment but said nothing.

"Are you alright Hinata?" Naruto asked turning his attention to the Hyuuga Heiress, who was just barely standing.

"Yes, but it will take some time to heal, I should go see the medics. Thank you for your concern Naruto-kun" Hinata said fighting down the blush that was creeping onto her face despite the pain she was in.

Naruto helped her onto a stretcher before returning to his team.

"So correct me if I am wrong, but I do believe that young Hyuuga girl likes you" Jiraiya said.

"You're imagining things" Naruto replied.

"I could see her blush from up here" Haku teased.

"Oh come on, she was hurt, that was probably just because of her injuries" Naruto said.

"Isn't that the same girl that found you in the park the night we left Konoha?" Jiraiya asked semi seriously.

Naruto knew his sensei just wanted to tease him some more but Naruto for some reason answered anyway. "Yes, it was".

"Well then I guess she must have been waiting a long time for your return, maybe you should go comfort her, I bet she would like that" the toad sage joked.

"I'm telling you its not like that! Besides even if it was, it would never work. Once these exams are over there is no need to stay in Konoha and she can't just come with us" Naruto said.

"He's right, if a main branch Hyuuga was to leave the village we would have the whole village after us" Akimi said.

Jiraiya dropped the topic after that and they turned their attention to the large computer screen waiting for the next match to be announced.

"Come on there are only three fights left! I don't want to be the last one up" Akimi whined.

The only other person that looked as eager to fight as Akimi, was the green clad mini clone of Gai, Rock Lee. And both were highly disappointed when neither of there names came up.

Haku Momoichi Vs Kankuro Subaku the bored read and Akimi deflated. "Momoichi... does she have any connection to Zabuza Momoichi, the Demon of the Bloody Mist?" Asuma asked walking over to Jiraiya after he saw the name on the screen.

"Yes, she is Zabuza's adopted daughter" Jiraiya answered.

"So she must have been the fake hunter ninja on the bridge in the Land of Waves" Kakashi said from within ear shot.

"Yes that's right. Haku was traveling with Zabuza when Naruto and Itachi found them" Jiraiya said.

"Itachi? You mean Itachi Uchiha? Kakashi you never said anything about running into Itachi on any of the missions your team had" Asuma said shocked.

"Well you see, because of his arrival and the arrival of Naruto the mission events became classified by the Hokage" Kakashi said offhandedly.

"Jiraiya-sama why are you working with someone like Itachi Uchiha?" Asuma asked in complete shock.

"Why not, he is a great ninja, able to teach Naruto about things like genjutsu far better than I ever could, and he is no danger to anyone as long as they aren't an Uchiha" Jiraiya answered.

"But he killed his entire clan. don't you think he might be dangerous to keep around" Asuma said, still not believing what he just heard.

"A ninja's life is dangerous, personally I would prefer Itachi as an ally to an enemy. And as you said, he killed his entire clan, nobody else in Konoha was harmed by him, he left without touching a single non Uchiha. So the way I see it as long as we don't have the sharingan and a massive ego problem we are safe" Jiraiya said causing Naruto to chuckle knowing that was exactly what Sasuke was like.

The match started and Haku and Kankuro seemed to be rather evenly matched in terms of taijutsu. But Naruto knew that was not Haku's strength. Her strength was with throwing weapons and Hyoton and Suiton ninjutsu. Her Fuuton needed work as she had not trained with her second element yet.

Then Naruto noticed something was a little odd about the way Kankuro moved and he channeled some chakra into his eyes to enable him to see chakra. 'He is a puppet the real Kankuro is hiding in the thing he was carrying on his back' Naruto thought as he could now see the chakra strings quite clearly. He did not share this information with his teammate however as he wanted to see if Haku would figure it out for herself or not.

Down in the arena floor Haku had discovered that winning this fight was not going to be as simple as some of the fights in the forest, but she had a few tricks up her sleeve. "Shoton: Demonic Ice Mirrors" Haku yelled and a large mirror appeared behind the newest member of the Yoinokuchi.

"Woah, Ice release! That is a very rare bloodline now days" Asuma said. As more mirrors began to seemingly grow out of the first one until they created a dome of twelve mirrors on ground level and eight floating in the air.

Haku then stepped right inside the mirror shocking most of the genin. Once inside the mirror Haku was far faster than Kankuro's puppet but nothing she did would put him down. But similarly there was nothing the Kankuro puppet could do to even scratch the ice. Then she saw it, the chakra threads that were connected to the puppet. If she was not inside the ice which was acting to magnify her vision she would have never saw it.

Following the chakra thread with her eyes she found the real Kankuro and planed her attack. A small section of the ice mirrors vanished as Haku made her way to the opposite side of the dome. Kankuro who was to busy trying to keep up with the Ice users movements didn't notice that the section missing was facing his real body.

Then it was over. A hail of senbon needles flew out of the opening in the dome and struck into the real Kankuro's body. Several seconds later the puppet Kankuro fell to the ground and Haku jumped out of the Ice mirrors and went to inspect the real Kankuro who couldn't move his arms or his right leg as he struggled to stand. "I think it would be wise to concede defeat" Haku said. Taking out a kunai for the final strike.

"Proctor I concede" Kankuro said bitterly.

"Kankuro Subaku is unable to continue and surrendered. Winner... … Haku Momoichi.

Once Haku was declared the winner she removed the senbon from Kankuro and pulled him to his feet. "That was quite a good strategy, if it wasn't for my ice mirrors improving my vision the result may have been different" Haku admitted.

"Yeah.. thanks I guess" Kankuro said grumpily before stalking off back to his team.

Naruto found the next match to be incredibly interesting. Shino Aburame Vs Choji Akimichi. Two of Konoha's premier clans going head to head. For a long while it looked like Choji had the Aburame on the run. But every time it looked like Shino was going to get hit he dissolved into bugs. Naruto struggled to see Shino's end game in allowing Choji to attack and only defend, until he remembered the kikachu beetle that the Aburame had sent to investigate him during the first task. Naruto could see why he was allowing Choji to attack constantly, Shino's beetles were eating away at his chakra. And sure enough after almost fifteen minutes Choji collapsed into unconsciousness.

"Okay, there are only two damn matches left, and I still haven't had my turn" Akimi wailed.

"Don't be a baby" Naruto said.

"Sure you can talk. You had your match already" Akimi moped.

They turned expectantly to the to the board but Akimi was once again to be denied. Gaara Subaku vs Misumi Tsuguri.

This was not so much a match as it was a waste of time. At the very start Gaara sent a wave of sand that broke both of Misumi's legs causing the proctor to call the match after about three seconds.

"Well that was fast" Naruto said.

Akimi didn't hear him she was two busy jumping up and down in anticipation. She knew that it was finally her turn to compete. And once Misumi had been removed by the medics both Akimi and Lee jumped from the railing down into the center without bothering to wait for the computer to tell them that they would be fighting.

"The final match will be Akimi Hayaku Vs Rock Lee... Fighters ready?" Hayate asked coughing while he talked.

"Yes I have been ready since the first match" Akimi said bouncing up and down on the spot eagerly.

"Yosh I finally get a chance to prove that I am a splendid shinobi" Lee said just as eagerly as Akimi.

"Then Begin!" the proctor called.

Both Akimi and Lee moved at the same time blurring away. This was when Lee got his first shock, Akimi was much faster than he was despite all of his training. Lee's punch missed and Akimi slipped underneath his strike delivering a knee to Lee's chest knocking him back.

"Wow she's fast!" Kiba yelled.

"Indeed but she doesn't look like she has anyway near the lean muscle mass to be that fast" Asuma said.

"It's because she isn't" Jiraiya informed the ninja.

"What do you mean?" Gai asked.

"She isn't that much faster than most newly promoted chunin. Her speed is all generated from her unique Kekkei Genkai" Jiraiya said.

"Kekkei Genkai... so what does she have?" Kurenai asked highly intrigued seeing that Akimi was now expertly dodging Lee's strikes and getting in her own. The only thing that was keeping Lee in the match was his superior physical conditioning.

"Her mother had the Kumo bloodline limit known as Storm release. But their was a mutation of the bloodline within Akimi and she didn't get the Suiton element in her bloodline and instead just received Raiton and Fuuton, creating her Swift release. She channels the lightening and wind chakra around and through her body to allow for a dramatic increase in speed" Jiraiya said.

"Amazing" Gai said turning back to the fight where Lee had still not managed to land a decent hit. "Lee... Take them off!" he called, knowing it was the only way that his pupil would be able to win this match.

Lee heard his sensei, and was incredibly grateful for the permission. "You are truly a worthy opponent and as such will have the privilege of fighting me without my weights" Lee said before jumping to the top of a pillar.

'What are a couple of weights going to do?' Akimi thought skeptically but all skepticism was replaced with shock when two sets of weights hit the ground creating a large crater. 'Okay that might make a difference, I am going to need to pick this up' Akimi thought as Lee charged down from the pillar in a blur slamming his fist into Akimi who was just able to block in time by crossing her arms in front of her face. She was still sent sliding back across the arena floor however from the sheer power behind the punch.

"That was some hit I am surprised the guard wasn't broken" Asuma said.

"Well the Raiton and Fuuton chakra helps strengthen her muscles and bones, she can take quite a beating and still stand" Jiraiya informed the younger Sarutobi.

"That is quite a powerful Kekkei Genkai, it almost seems as though she was built for taijutsu and kenjutsu" Kakashi said.

Akimi lowered her arms from the previous block and let out a sigh of relief. 'That was a close one. I need to keep my guard up now that speed is intense, he could even be close to my maximum' Akimi thought as she started to channel more of her chakra through her body.

Lee took off in a blur and not wanting to let him have another shot while she had no momentum took off as well. They clashed in the center fist striking fist and fought for dominance over the other. Sheer speed and strength from Lee, against the swift release of Akimi. In the end Akimi was forced to jump away. At her current power level Lee had more strength in the punch than she did.

They clashed again this time Akimi blocked Lee's punch with one arm while delivering her own with the other. Lee ducked under the punch and attempted to sweep Akimi's legs out from under her. She saw this coming and flipped over Lee to attack from his blind spot, but the green clad ninja used the momentum from the leg sweep to spin around and kick the kunoichi high up in the side of her arm sending her flying to the other side of the ring.

Akimi was able to readjust in mid air and turn into a flip landing on her feet but she had to admit that her arm sorta stung.

Not wanting to let Akimi have anymore time to adjust after winning the last skirmish Lee charged in again. This time however Akimi waited until the very last split second to move that was only possible thanks to the chakra affecting her synapses in away that allowed for inhuman reaction speeds that rivaled even the Raikage's. Rolling out of the way she delivered a kick right to the center of Lee's back this time sending the green spandex loving genin flying.

This back and forth continued as the fight wore on. Both shinobi now sporting a fair amount or injuries. Akimi was holding her right arm trying to shake it back to life after being forced to block a particularly powerful kick from Lee. And Lee was panting heavily after several hits to his rib's.

"Hey Akimi! If you loose the previos bet is canceled and you have to buy us both the lunch of our choice!" Naruto called breaking the silence that had spread over the hall since the fighting had intensified.

Akimi couldn't help her self she broke into a small smile and laughed. "Fine! But when I win, you owe me lunch at the dango hut twice!" she yelled back.

Lee thinking that her guard was down went in for another attack but Akimi was far more ready than he knew and received a palm to the chest slightly knocking the wind out of him. But he recovered in time to block the follow up attack of a kick to the side of the head. But missed the quick jab to the pectoral area causing him to stumble back. "Sorry but I think it is time to get serious, I don't want to have to buy Naruto lunch, he can eat a hell of a lot or ramen. But I have got to say I never expected a fight this good. It is almost worth having to wait to go last" Akimi said with a smile.

"Yosh then I too will just have to try even harder to win. You are definitely a worthy opponent!" Lee said.

Lee bust forward far faster than he had been moving before and got underneath Akimi's guard. Kicking her high into the air.

"Gai is that what I think it is?" Kakashi asked up on the balcony.

"That's right, the Initial Lotus!" Gai said proudly as he watched Lee untie the bindings on his wrist as he jumped up after Akimi.

Akimi saw him following her flight in mid air using the shadow of the dancing leaf and knew she was in trouble. The exact same moment Lee attempted to wrap Akimi in his bandages however she created a clone and pulled herself out of the way.

"She escaped!" Neji said in disbelief.

"Such an expert use of a shadow clone, impressive for someone so young" Asuma said causing the other jounin to nod in agreement.

'He got a whole lot faster all of a sudden, what was that?' Akimi asked herself as Lee landed and charged forward still at the highly increased speed. She reacted quickly and pushed a large burst of chakra though her system before rolling out of the way to avoid Lee's strike.

Well it seems that the gate of opening was still not enough, looks like I will just have to go all out!" Lee said. And he began channeling what little chakra that he had to the various gates that he could open.

"Uh Gai. How many of the celestial gates can Lee open?" Kakashi asked.

"He can open five of them" Gai said proudly.

"Five are you insane! That could do quite a lot of damage to his body. He is still developing after all" Kakashi said.

Back in the arena Lee had made it to the Gate of Life and Akimi was starting to sense that something big was about to happen. As Lees skin turned a shade of red and he started to glow slightly green. 'Not good, looks like he is going for one last attack, I am going to need to leg it!' she thought and she started rapidly increasing the chakra flow around her own body.

"Gate of Pain!... Open!" Lee said as chakra began to spiral around him. Akimi on the other hand had lightening dancing around her and what looked like a tornado rising over her body causing her hair that was normally tidy and slick to flail wildly in the wind whipping around like it was alive.

"Gate of Limit... Open!" Lee said and completely disappeared from almost everyone's sight. Akimi did the same and for around a minute nobody could see anything. But they could feel it, shock waves of the blows clashing against each other without them stopping to rest knowing that if they did it would be the end of their fight. Both fighters were running out of steam and Lees muscles were beginning to tear. It was now a battle to see which would last longer. Akimi burning through chakra faster than Choji goes through a packet of chips or Lee who's body could not take much more of the punishment he was subjecting it to.

The answer in the end came when Akimi and Lee both appeared in the air over the ring each having jumped from an opposite wall. At first it looked like they had both missed each other with their attack which was true. At least true about their initial attack. Unfortunately for Lee Akimi's reaction time was still faster than his and she had raised a knee using Lee's own momentum against him.

The green clad ninja fell to earth in a heap followed by Akimi who while she was able to land on her feet was on her last legs, panting heavily and barely able to stand. "Proctor... Check him" she panted weakly.

"He's out cold... Winner is" but Hayate was unable to finish his sentence as Lee struggled to his feet.

"Impossible... how could he still be able to fight" Akimi said disbelievingly, she had nothing left to fight with, if Lee could move even one tenth as fast as before he had begun opening the celestial gates she knew she was done for.

Akimi tried to ready herself for an attack but even the effort of slipping into her battle stance caused her to loose her balance and collapse. 'Well that's it I am done' she thought as she pulled herself back into a standing base. But to her shock Lee hadn't moved. "What the?" she thought out loud looking at Lee wondering why she hadn't been pummeled when it was obvious she had nothing left.

"He is unconscious, he has been before he stood up" Hayate said.

"No way, and he is still trying to fight despite being knocked out?" Akimi said slowly and carefully walking over to check Lee for herself.

"He is. Rock Lee is unable to continue... Winner Akimi Hayaku!" the proctor called causing her to sigh in relief and allow herself to sit down and relax. 'Oh man I'm beat' she thought lying back.

Gai arrived to carry Lee over to the medic team where they had a stretcher waiting. While Naruto approached his exhausted friend.

"Need a hand?" he asked kneeling down beside the fallen kunoichi.

"No... otherwise you will always remind me of how I got beaten up by a genin" Akimi huffed although the more she thought about the more she knew she would need help to stand.

"That was no ordinary genin, he was fighting to prove to everyone that he could be a top ninja with only taijutsu. His sensei told us about him while you were fighting. He has a rare disease that prevents him from using any nin or genjutsu. And personally I think he has done an excellent job. Not many jounin can keep up with you when you fight at full strength. For him to do it at fourteen is amazing. That said I am already never going to let you forget this" Naruto said chuckling at the end.

"Jerk!... just help me up already I don't think I can stand" she said accepting Naruto's hand as he pulled her back to a standing base and allowed her to rest her weight on him so the pair could move to the front of the hall where all the winners had gathered minus Sasuke to find out what happens now.

"So what will you do if we have to fight again" Naruto joked.

"Use you as a human shield" Akimi replied.

End Chapter!