Creature and plot armour trouble

(Lex POV)

I keep on running and running desperately, the previous Lex Armine's feelings nearly outweighing my desire for survival. I've now been running for over, 20 minutes, and I believe my original hour estimate could be brought down to what I'm guessing is 45 minutes.

There was no time to take in my new surroundings and absorb the fact that I'm in a world that possesses many differences from my own. Even more worrisome is that Shara is a town on the edge of Cheshire's country border. The carriage was taking a shorter route to another city instead of traveling within the borders. Out here it is a well-known fact that there are beasts of various kinds that live within the range of Cheshire and the country next door...

Hence why 'I' had originally brought along a competent knight of 'my' own. Though now I had to face many potential dangers by myself... also I have a plan, or rather an escape route to run away with my father entirely planned out, Lex Armine's are seen like clips but the emotions also slowly assimilate in me; I need to be fast otherwise it would all be for naught if I can't reach there in time. I had no idea how to get there any faster. Racking my head with no idea suddenly... a notification appeared!

[[ "I can give you a hint to get there faster if you are interested..." ]]

I was a bit stumped seeing a message from the higher existence, I don't want to rely on them after all... I'd probably not have to struggle in this situation in the first place if it wasn't for them. But now I have to, there is no other option! To make the most use of being the protagonist I need to be like one... take risks! Overcome! Get as powerful as possible to take control of my life... no matter how frightening it is, besides I'm currently not smart enough to see another choice.

So with a solemn nod of the head, I replied to them being...

"Yes, I'd appreciate the hint so I can successfully do what I set out to accomplish."

[[ "..." ]]

[[ "Very well."]]

[[ "The hint or it would be better to say... the method is to turn on your plot armour. ]]

I read the notification, again and again, to make sure I read it correctly, a baffled expression appeared on my face.

"I have to use that tedious ability?!"

I raised my voice a bit but I meant no disrespect, it was more of a disgruntled and helpless yell,

[[ "Yes, but you must do it quickly..." ]]

Since there was no other option I heeded the suggestion and navigated the system to find the plot armour set as a skill...

"Turn on plot armour Rank G."

I ordered robotically and there was no apparent difference even after 2 minutes had passed. I even tried asking the higher existence but I was ignored, or at least I think so...

Running and forming ideas in my head, I decided to use [Tune out lv. 1] so I can put the entirety of my focus on running and ignoring any obstruction in my path. Soon a dreadful feeling made me sweat, feelings of impatience, longing, and stress clouded my mind and narrowed my vision.

Like the road was the only thing that mattered I ran more desperately than before.

Though as it seemed my momentum was increasing, my breathing began to falter and my chest started to hurt which to took me out of my stupor.

My vision was blurry and my surroundings were familiar to Lex Armine's memories, it was the memories of the time in the carriage I remember this area...

'huff, huff...It seems I'm around 20 minutes away... I can make it... I can...'

I fell on one knee huffing and puffing air, I coughed up nothing... pretty certain that I've run out of anything on my insides.

'Did I push myself too much beyond my current physical capabilities?'

I wondered, trying to exert what little strength I had, I wondered if there was a backlash for relying on the increased physical capabilities from the sunlight glove...

'I can't fall now! I must not fall now!'

Trying to get up using the protagonist's thought process wasn't working sadly, I now laid on all fours a single movement jolted some pain in my muscles.

'Move! Move! Please... move.'

My hands clenched the dirt beneath me but I couldn't lift myself. I wasn't losing too much motivation though, cause after a short break, I could stand. It's been a few minutes and just as I was wondering where my plot armour was...


An animal sound reached my ears from behind a tree. I slowly turned around in exhaustion and felt chills crawl up my spine. A beast that didn't resemble any creature I knew back on earth.

Standing on two hind legs, that resembles a horse, an arched back with a thick exoskeleton around its forearms and its bottle-shaped head with sharp teeth.

I had no words and it's not like it was going to give me any.

'So this is my first fight huh?'

I had to try and fight this thing because I'm too exhausted to run away, besides if I can do anything it should buy me some time to think of something if I even can. The creature walked slowly towards me. Its large hoove-like feet with three cut sections in each leaving footprints behind it.


It suddenly dashed forward I hopped to the right and it went past me, but with a quick pivot, its blunt arm swung backward before I could react. Hitting me in the gut, making me cough violently.

I glared at the beast and surprisingly it shuddered at my look. Perhaps my experiencing 2 deaths made me less afraid or more furious... but I didn't plan to waste time making guesses. So kicking forward I raised my arms in a boxing stance that I remember using when I was a but a young lad.

Hands up to the temple left leg forward and twisting the waist like I remember characters doing in stories, a right jab to its jaw that was only a few inches above me. It stumbled back and I think it had some effect cause it was now definitely awake from its stupor. It growled aggressively and charged forward,


I screamed in my mind like anyone would react, though luckily even with its speed it lacked any sort of stance so it was almost awkward to see it approach me not even running properly. So in my relatively balanced and fatigued position, I took a step forward and to the side. Its right arm came swinging but before it could do so just one leg forward and I kicked its calf!

It awkwardly fell forward, and I ignored the bruise forming in my leg because of the adrenaline rush. While it hurriedly tried to get back up I took out a large wooden stick from a space pouch of mine. A piece from the carriage quickly bashed it over the beast's head!

But it wasn't enough the stick broke in half and it only left the monster bleeding a bit. So instead I jumped on its back and put my arms around its neck, my strength seemed dependable enough so I tried choking it to death.

The suffocation activated its base survival instinct as its arm tried to hit me in the head with its tough exoskeleton it started to scream

"Skrawr! Skrawr!"

It managed to hit me once or twice and when it did I felt the blood flowing into my eyes from my head. Like when I got hit by the truck...

"I'm not going to die again! I won't!"

One death was more than enough for anybody to have to remember! The feeling of never going to be able to wake up again at that last second is horrifying. I was not going to let this... thing be the one to grant me a third end.

It flailed around and pounded my head again but it had difficulty reaching this far back. It probably dislocated its arm. A little while later its breathing stopped and its limbs went cold.

I gripped its neck tighter but there was no resistance and I ended up completely crushing its bones. Letting go I felt so accomplished, the rush was a different feeling. There were no strong feelings of pity for the creature it was either me or it, and I wasn't going to be that 'it'. Perhaps my cold response comes from Kim Oh-Jin being numb to the sight of dead bodies and my strange mindset as being the 'protagonist'.


Now was not the time to reminisce or form theories. My father was in trouble and I'm bleeding out a lot a battle had probably already begun in town.

Trying to stand up was difficult before but now it was feeling close to impossible. I was wondering where is my plot armour. Am I not seen as 'worse' enough to give me some good luck.

Furiously wondering, suddenly a sound came from nearby in the same direction the creature came from. Roars of at least a dozen of the sake type of creature came, my despair at this sight was through the roof and I swore a few million curse words, including ones that probably don't even exist, all spoken at the higher existence; about his 'Turn on the plot armour' bullshit!

Thinking at a protagonist, super-fast pace, suddenly I heard a boom. A flying purple figure descended from the skies and landed in the center of the group of beasts.

Dashing green hair, a luxurious purple, and gold robe, to top it off with a pointed hat. However, the figures' most eye-catching features, to me at least, were the sharp pointy ears and clean vibe that surrounded them.

'"An elf!"

I yelled but covered my mouth as I realized my mistake. Someone of this level I didn't expect to see this early... someone with green hair and a purple robe and this exact appearance, one thing to know is that he isn't an elf he's a half-elf; and according to Lex Armine's memories, this wasn't just some wandering half-elf instead it was one of the top 10 mages on the continent! One that despised being recognized as a pure-blooded elf!

His name was...

Arlan Schmidt!

'Yes, there's my plot armour baby!'

I was overjoyed but I couldn't rest yet, while Arlan was fighting these things I had to rework the original plan I had, because by now the original plan is overdue, I can't even make use of the contingency plan. I can only hope that my new father is safe cause I can't afford to lose even if it's a family member the earth 'me' never met. With that, I realized my changes I was now Lex Armine and Lex Armine is me... maybe with a pinch of Kim Oh-Jin in there. So I will do what 'I' want to do even if we are a confusing mix of each other.


2 large craters made explosions later and the creatures lay mangled on the ground, bloodied and mutilated.

'I probably need to apologize if he heard me too haha...'

I sighed feeling exasperated, as I looked at and raised my head to the sky.