Cheap convenience

(Lex POV)

"What!?? wait... What?"

I couldn't formulate words properly but that's most to my typical ineptness at holding a conversation, in reality my head was spinning on what to make of this. Spirits? I haven't heard of something like this in this world.

'Usually a protagonist would take care of this sort of spirit or make it an ally in some way. Could I? Can I consider this to be my luck improving?'

Recently I've been putting a lot of reliance on luck, every thing up to this point has required my situation to go to shit so I can benefit.

"Woah, woah Angeline are you okay? Don't be frightened I don't know what's happening but I can try helping you."

Angeline was visibly shaken as if she wasn't aware that it would react like that. Her face was pale and didn't have any features of being a spirit. The little theorist in my brain has too many guesses.

"Calm down its okay, just follow me into the library its just around the corner."

I speak in the most soothing voice I can muster, I need to observe and understand this situation. As a self aware protagonist, I don't want to trust in simple coincidences.

Angeline nodded quietly, but little tear droplets fell down her now expressionless face. It's a bit heart-wrenching seeing a little kid cry. With such a fear stricken face.

Slowly Opened the door to the library the place was enormous like three floors and 10's of rows on each floor and this is just the place for people with the minimum access?

I approached the librarian casually to ask for directions to books on general knowledge, history and beginner entries for mages, aura users, and creatine users. (A/N it isn't a hot librarian much to everyone's disappointment).

They were about to say that guests aren't allowed to read the books pertaining to the energies in this world. But when I showed them my level 3 pass they spit out their drink, and dropped the book in their hand.

According to Arlan there are 5 levels bit he only gave me up till level three because of the royal families request to not give access to just anyone. He himself has a level 5 badge and has the authority as an extremely respected mage in all kingdoms.

They asked someone to lead me to the sections I desire and ended up going through 2 more doors, Angeline still behind me, silently, but seemingly not visible to others.

Each section was missing a lot of people, I expected more bit then remembered the incident that literally just took place today. The nobility are probably not looking to exit their houses for a while or at least not frequently.

I say that because in the third level where I was lead to was one person. A cup of tea in hand, sitting elegantly was a well dressed woman who dressed in a lavish yet comfortable blue dress.

'She definitely carries that hot librarian vibe.'

I inwardly nodded at her very distinct appearance but moved in with my life, I'm not here to leer at good looking people such as myself. (A/N he is slightly don't believe him) I scratched my ear like someone was talking shit while I looked for books. A bit unrefined sure but I'm basically alone here I have no reason to bother with manners.

(Narrator POV)

Lex followed the worker in the library silently till he found around 10 decently sized books that he was recommended and found interesting. He thought it'd be best if he sat far away so he could make some small talk with Angeline when he could.

The little girl didn't look in the mood to talk and her feelings in her status showed that.

On Earth he enjoyed reading, he wasn't an avid book reader but he could be said to be a very competent webnovel reader. At a certain point, at what age he doesn't know but he discovered a certain korean novel about a certain reader. It all went down hill for him from there (A/N wonder who gets the reference...).

He had an obsession with most forms of media that weren't really western. I'd watch anime, read manga, manhwa, manhua the whole thing and then he slowly got into reading only text (A/N still was up to date on other stuff). In a way you could say I sort of devolved from animation to simple text but hey what was there to say... No really what can I say?

All those forms of entertainment took over my life and well if the sin of sloth became a person they'd probably consider Lex a rival to their title. Just saying.

Back to reading Lex learnt a whole lot about the world, exposition that I won't be providing because it doesn't effect the narrative. From Evening it turned to night, the beautiful woman had already left and Lex continued to flip pages, pen and paper to his side writing notes that he'd put in bis inventory when he got the chance.

Slowly the sun was beginning to set and the moon was partially visible.

(Lex POV)

"Huuam! That was a decent study, I managed to get [Tune out] to level up again it's a really decent skill for when I need to focus on a single thing just the emotional burden is troublesome. Feels like those times I'd feel depressed it when I was a teen."

After writing a decent amount of pages that contained bits and pieces of history surrounding this country and its relations. They were around medium sized, short but informative books. As I stretched I got so into it that I literally forgot Angeline was next to me. Except the thing is... she wasn't.

I felt surprised, calling Angelines name silently in the library she was nowhere to be found. But there was a very familiar chill, the one I felt when I came into contact with her.

"Angeline are you here? I can't see you. Are yu trying to play hide and seek?"

I doubted this was the case, I mean how could she change from being horrified out of her mind to playing a game? I tapped my chin in thought there was another possibility. I looked at the glove on my left hand, the one that currently had the sun sigil in it. It had some resistance to the undead maybe she's weaker at night so the gloves effects were more effective.

I was right with the [Fortune Search] on in case I needed it, I found keeling on the floor near my leg a young girl sobbing uncontrollably,

"Mister please, don't leave me alone... please the metal man will come he'll find me soon."

Right! The so called metal man is it another spirit or a knight that can see spirits? Should I help her? I mean of course I should, but this doesn't fit the image of me not wanting to be a hero very well...

I sigh I'll at least make judgement after getting a better grasp of the situation. Guess I'll be spending another sleepless night.

[[ New skill earned [Sleepless lv. 1] Congratulations! ]]

While I was whispering sweet, sugar coated words to little Angeline I suddenly glared at the system, at this point I don't think there's a criteria for these skills and classes it just suddenly gives me them when I don't expect it, when it forgets to or now just to make me fee worried that it can read my mind. In the end I don't mind, it's a beneficial skill that reduces my tiredness and in facts increases the amount of energy I store when I sleep. It doesn't quantify it though which is a bit annoying.

"Angeline is there anywhere you want to go? Any place you know where you can hide?"

(Angeline POV)

The funny mister asked me, but I don't know. There's no more place to hide for me, the metal man it was fun at first but now when he discovers a hiding spot I can never go back there.

"UmU mister, I can only hide next to you now as long as you be my hiding spot he'll bit be able to find me again as long as he doesn't see you."

"Umm... could you be a bit more specific what do you mean he can't find you if I'm your hiding place?"

Oh no if the mister doesn't understand,what do I do?! I ruffle my hair that always neatly combs itself and think. But thinking is so... tiring.

"Mister just stay with me! That's all you need to do."

His stone grey eyes looked at me with a sort of deadness in them, I don't know why but mister seems more handsome now than he did earlier today. No what am I thinking! Now is not the time. What can I do to make mister not be found...

I felt my head get steamy as I was tired of thinking. I made almost the entire home of my old friend into my hiding spot. Wait what friend? Why do these weird thoughts keep coming?

(Lex POV)

Angeline said I had to stay with her, I don't fully get the concept but I'll just have a little faith, besides who wouldn't in this girl who's was thinking to the point of steam coming out of her head. I laughed a little inwardly it was funny seeing her rack her head on something.

Until I realised... wait this isn't an anime why is there steam coming out of her head? I rubbed my eyes once , twice, still the same.

With my gloveless hand I tried to touch it and soon I felt a connection. The cold steam was like putting my hand in flowing water.

[[ You can gain a sidekick! Do you wish to make this existence the protagonists first sidekick?

(Yes) (No) (Remind me later) ]]

[[ You can gain a minion! Do you wish to make this existence the protagonists first minion?


[[ You can gain a subordinate!...


[[ You can gain a disciple!...


[[ You can gain a...


A sidekick? minion? what is this? Has the system run out of ideas? Why would it suddenly do this because of a contact with the energy? Or is it just running out things to make me decide on?

[[ "*Sigh* Sorry really am, the system has been taking everyone's interest into account. It may do something like this when it wants... well it was the system providers decision to choose a system for the sake of entertainment. Just choose you'll receive extra skills and it can effect your destiny." ]]

'... seriously? I'm pretty sure I got a hedonistic system it actually does what it wants when it wants? What is this level of convenience?...

This is really just cheap whatever being is the creator of my story really is lazy huh? It's convenient for me though, I now know more than one existence is watching me. In a way there's a lot of answers in this piece of text. It's still cheap though don't get me wrong. I give the creator the class {Cheap convenience for author} class... name is a work in progress.'

(A/N I will not satisfy you with an answer on whether this is all planned out or not figure it out yourselves.)


(A/N The novel is back! uploads will still be a bit inconsistent since I have more papers next week, hope you enjoy the chapter despite the cheap conveniences provided to dear protagonist chan. Add it to your library, vote and share if you enjoy reading. Another chapter tomorrow. Also please comment any mistakes you see in chapters. I'm putting this here because I don't trust you to read the original author's note.)