Aura, learning, and more training

(Lex POV)

"You'll be following this regimen for the next two weeks, after that we'll check your condition and start teaching you some martial arts for self defence."

A piece of parchment floated over to me the next morning, Arlan and the person who I just learned is the captain of the third knights squadron came up with this for me. I couldn't believe my eyes looking at this, it's almost inhumane.

"M-master h-how am I supposed to do all this everyday? A 15 kilometre run, all sorts of cardio work outs, a yoga regimen and how isn't that an extra digit in the number of pushups? How is this humanly possible."

Arlan shook his head, at my stuttering a devilish smile on his face,

"It's no mistake, you can simply go to Fenitz for healing. If you look at these points... here."

Pointing on some parts of the schedule,

"Fenitz has made some very skillful observations of your physique and made a training regimen to suit your current and future fighting style. You're mind is what will hold you back, in fact we were even lenient on some of these things the times you can get healed by the knights healer are also written..."

I got a very long description of my regimen over all it would take around 6-7 hours everyday. It's definitely beyond what most people on Earth could do... (A/N Props to professional athletes)

I sigh now my schedule looked like this in order

1. Prepare breakfast for myself and Arlan

2. Break to study etiquette for half an hour

3. The insane workout for 5-6 hours

4. Break in the library

5. Stay awake some nights to level up or practice creatine


I both hated looking at it, and admired how much my life has changed, there's no telling where it could go. How does a person who know they're the protagonist of some form of story progress with their life... thinking about wouldn't most people have an existential crisis or something?

'I guess I was the right pick for a system like this.'

[[ Yes the system has done a very good job at selecting a host ]]

'Way to suck up to yourself...'


"Esel! Lily! Do the two of you want to join me I'll be working out from today?"

'I've heard it's easier to work out longer when you have support doing it besides it'd be weird if only Angeline was watching me... besides I'd like a clear vision of Esel and Lily's capabilities, or even if they'd reveal them to me.'

""Yes young master."""

I look at the two talking in sync, perhaps it would be time to earn their trust, become more casual...

"You know the two of you, don't have to address me as 'young master' all the time I'd prefer it if you just call me by name since it's not like I'm nobility..."

Lily shook her head,

"Sorry young master but that won't be possible it's our duties to address you and the master with respect?"

"...What if I just ordered you to address me more casually would you listen?"

This time Esel spoke,

"No that wouldn't be the case it's how we must do it as slaves."

'Hmm... they're really stubborn this is becoming a tedious how can I convince them?... Oh! I've got it!'

Slamming my fist in my palm as if a light bulb appeared on top of my head,

"Aha! But since we're both slaves, doesn't that mean that we're on the same level because all slaves are seen and treated equally..."

'Like property with most others but luckily I'm part of a decent family.'

Esel looked troubled at my insistence, not my problem though I want to break this invisible wall between us and this is the first step,

"Well it does make sense..."

Lily mumbled under her breath,

"Right? So come on say it~ call me Lex~"

Esel stayed silent but was grimacing more and more Lily bring the brave and brighter kid in my "humble" opinion took that first step across the line,

"Y-yes alright master L-Lex."

"Tsk, tsk remove the master we're on the same level now so address me less superficially."

"Ok... Lex."

"Much better~ now Esel come on you can do it too."

I was for some reason acting as if talking to a toddler,

"Yes Sir Armine."


"Yes sir Esel?"

He looked at me as if he something victorious,

"Why are you calling me that when I asked you call me by my first name come in take Lily's example."

"But sir don't you think it's only right to address acquaintance with a bit of respect?"


'Smug bitch, now I really want to get you to call me Lex.'

"*Sigh* Fine it's acceptable for now, Lily you can keep calling me that way alright?"

"No it's quite alright sir Armine."

I glared at Esel, he's to easily an influence to Lily,

"*deep sigh* whatever you'll call me Lex one day."


I ran on a running track round and round and round, it was really making me dizzy I just kept my focus this was another way of levelling up [Tune out] and maybe I'd unlock aura when it was all done.

Thinking of the rewards, was a good motivator and so I kept going till I got stopped my a young blonde this lady was the one healing me with aura, her name is Tanya.

"Thanks Tanya this is really a refreshing feeling, I don't know how I'm still alive seriously."

She was the silent type and gave me a quick nod with a gentle smile, it was angelic after such a dreadful run.

'I wonder if she's similarly as strong as Fenitz since she can use aura in the same way. I'll read on it when I head to the library.'

"Lex are you okay? You had trouble breathing are you tired."

Angeline... I mean Angie was worried because of the exhaustion and the pain it made in my chest. It was survivable and with being healed I was doing just fine.

"Thank you Angie."

I mouthed since it'd be weird to talk to the air when Tanya healed me. I don't mind people seeing as me as a little crazy or chaotic because of my "vibe" but it'd be better to maintain a person that just a little different as a reputation.


Esel is a god, I swear. How is this guy hardly struggling from this workout, Lily was closer to my level and that's cool but she's definitely still in better shape than me.

They don't really bother to hide it, and I think they may be making fun of me for my weakness shit. (A/N probably must overthinking it from exhaustion not going to lie.)


In the library,

"What do you mean a happy ending is not the only good type of ending?" (Amber)

"Of course they aren't sometimes, it isn't just about if the protagonist reaches a good end, it's about the journey and the depth in the writing, if wme everyone always got a happy ending is it realistic?" (Moi (me in French))

Amber and I were having a little petty conversation about writing an ending, sure happy endings are sweet bit that doesn't mean they're the only good type of ending. It may be a little twisted but even a bad end can be satisfying if it correctly follows the flow of the story.

Kind of ironic of me the protagonist to be talking about liking bad endings though, I wonder if I'll even get one?

"Of course you're right that writing and flow of the story are very important but, in the end a a bad ending leaves a bitter tastes I people's mouths and darkens the soul for a long time.

"Besides what are you a masochist? Do you like seeing the protagonist in stories die, lose all their loved ones and such? Do you like crying?"

"One I'm not a masochist, and I don't mind crying I think it's very important to experience all sorts of emotions, it helps people mature, to be the best versions of themselves."

"That's kind of deep."

"It is."


We had some petty banter for a while till we get bored and went back to reading our individual books.

"You're reading a book on aura? You're a creatine user though why are you reading that?"

I look up at her who was curious about my choice of study,

"Hmm... well for multiple reasons. I want to get a. better grasp on molding aura and mana conductive materials to create and write inscriptions on them. Also I started working out today, and got about how they heal people using it."

"I see, that is a fascinating subject tell me more about it once your done."

"Sure thing."


Eat, read, train, eat, train, eat, sleep sometimes, repeat for a whole week it was so god damn tiring. I wasn't so physically drained as I was mentally. The repetitive schedule was honestly the most boring thing in the history of forever.

That's not to say it wasn't useful though. I learned a lot and secretly I got,

[Aura Control lv. 1]

You can now use aura congratulations ! You've begun to learn one of the most frequent sources of energy in all universes! Using this skill you can augment a single part of the body or amplify a single one of your senses. (Condition for level up: Training, consuming aura medicines, {unaccessible methods currently}) (Consequences: No consequences of skill earned through hosts own efforts.)


My aura has an interesting hue in fact it's not very consistent. It changes from purple to green to red and all sorts of other colours. It's a very warm energy. Unlike creatine that feels cold, mechanical, programmable even.

Supposedly the range of colours is normal according to records in the library. It needs to stabilize with the users characteristics. Some theories suggest it represents the personality of the person, fanatics say it's the colour of the soul.

It has all sorts of uses when it grows, it doesn't actually heal people as I first thought. Aura is completely influences the nature and physique of the person.

It can be used for healing purposes but it doesn't repair it just speeds up the process.

'These nuances are really fascinating to learn about.'

I thought as I looked at the back of Esel I was no where near to catching up. In fact he's a few rounds ahead of me, I've been secretly flowing aura back and forth between each foot to ease control and speed up the process.

'The light is luckily covered by my shoes.'


"Huff! Huff! thanks... Once again. *Huff* Tanya!"

"No issues."

Tanya seems to enjoy the endless praise from me for the healing I receive free if charge,

'God I hope if I get a female lead added to my story, that they can heal me like this.'


"Here it is Amber I've made you, multiple items to keep your presence low. A hairpin, a broche, a bracelet even some earings! I purchased the materials myself and the design may be a bit crude but I hope you like it."

"No! It's perfect thank you. You're very talented so explain to me how it works?"

"A simple double tap will do, it'll silence any sound you make, the bracelet specifically dulls your appearance a bit, and the broche has the added bit dampened effect to visibly disgust others from you. Only. little bit though I took into consideration that you're reputation doesn't completely go down the drain."

"This... is... perfect! Thanks so much Lex this will be really useful. How log does it last?"

"They will last around 2 months at least give or take how much you use it. If it runs out in that duration you can bring it back to me."

"Once again thank you, I promise I'll keep your abilities secret."

"Thank you."

I didn't tell her that quite a few people have now seen me use my creatine creations. It hasn't spreaded too much so that fine.


[[ Your skill [Aura control] has leveled up! ]]

[[ Your skill [Creatine control] has leveled up! ]]

Wow... I'm so good at being me.


A/N hope it doesn't feel like a rushed chapter. I want to get to the more exciting stuff soon. Maybe another training arc chapter and then boom! Exciting stuff happens. We'll see hope you enjoyed reading.