Wake up kiss

Adira woke up feeling tired and groggy as she rubbed her eyes. She tried to get up but she felt a weight on her body. Opening her eyes, she saw his hand was resting on her waist.

And his face was buried in the curve of her neck. She could feel his hot air tickling her neck making her feel hot. Adjusting her position she turned towards him, in a way that she can see his face.

He looked so carefree, handsome, and innocent in his sleep. Running her fingers on his she felt his smooth skin that women die to have. She was so lost in imprinting his face in her memory that made her fall into a trance.

"What a beautiful way to start a morning, Wifey," she heard Zaro's voice breaking her from her trance. Before she could fathom what was happening, she felt his lips on hers.

"What a beautiful way to start my night, Wifey," she heard Zaro's voice breaking her from her trance. Before she could fathom what was happening, she felt his lips on hers.

Adira was too surprised to respond. She didn't expect him to catch her watching him.

How stupid of her to watch him asleep?

Before she could shift her position, she felt him changing his position. He hovered over her as he trapped her between his hands while he pressed her between him and the mattresses.

"Wh-wha-what a-are you doing?" she said.

"I will show you," he said with a smirk that made her heart skip a beat. Before she could realize what was happening, she felt his lips on hers.

His lips were cold and soft that infused well with her warm lips as they shared the warmth.

Their bodies were pressed against each other tightly without a gap against the soft mattresses. The more they felt each other's lips the more their bodies dipped further into the mattresses.

Breathing heavily they both were so lost in the heated kiss. Even Adira forgot all the inhibitions she had toward him and started kissing him back.

Their lips pressed together as they breathed heavily. Lenora could feel his taste as they kissed while Zaros could feel her taste too. Their breaths were mingled with each other and their hearts thudded against each other's ribcage.

He licked the curve of her upper lip making her exhale shivering breath that sent thousands of electric jolts in her body. His hands roamed her curves as he felt the smoothness of her skin under his rough palms through her flimsy chemise making her press her thighs together as she tried to suppress the itch that started in her nether regions.

Unknowingly she arched her back, as she pressed her chest against his. Zaros can feel the arousal of nipples as her soft bosom presses against his hard chest.

He moved his hot tongue towards her lower lip and licked it. Zaros can feel her lips shivering more fervently than usual as he kissed her. And the way her body was responding to his touches, and the way her body shivered under his touch made him go crazy. Blood rushed to his dick making him hard as he kissed her.

The slow yet gentle kiss started turning hot as he continued to lick her lips. He traveled his tongue around the curve of her full lips. When he tried to pry open her lips she didn't open them. Left with no choice he bit slightly on her lips making her open her lips for him, before he entered her mouth, he licked her lips again as if he was trying to soothe her pain.

His hot, wet, sleek tongue entered her little mouth which was a true haven for him. He didn't try to rush things as he plunged his tongue inside her mouth.

She tasted like heaven to him. He traveled his tongue in every corner of her mouth as he took his sweet time exploring her mouth.

She not only smelled like a rose mixed with sandalwood, but she also tasted like ripe dragon fruit.

Adira felt breathless as she was being kissed and dominated by him breathlessly. She relaxed her waist as she tried to let herself be in a relaxing position so that she could breathe properly. But It was getting hard for her to breathe, but as seconds passed his kiss was turning more aggressive, hotter, and sensual. Her mind was flogged with haze due to his hot aggressive kiss.

It's as if she turned numb, she couldn't push him away or could breathe properly. Unknowingly she ran her fingers into his hair as she started liking the kiss. He wrapped her legs around her waist as he tried to press himself more into her body. Zaros was turning greedy to feel her, her skin, and her taste as seconds passed.

And the way her slender fingers ran through his silky locks while sending hot tremors to his body. Lava started flowing in his veins instead of blood as he kissed her. The more he kissed her, the more he wanted her. But he has to break the kiss. He could feel that she was out of her breath.

He broke the kiss agonizingly, he gave a peck on her lips for one last time before he started peppering kisses on her face.

He started kissing the corner of her lips, then his lips traveled towards her cheeks which again traveled to the curve of her jaw.

Adira tried to take deep breaths when he broke the kiss but before she could take a few mouthfuls of breaths greedily, he started kissing her fervently making her breathless again.

She could even feel his throbbing dick that was just waiting to slither its way into her vagina but he was holding it on.

She wondered what was stopping him.

Finally, he peeled his lips from her skin and buried his face in the crook of her neck as he breathed in her scent heavily.

Her heavy chest raised and down as she breathed heavily. Her breasts touched his chest when it rose every time. Her eyes were still closed from the pleasure she was getting from her husband.

If a kiss can make her feel these many things, then she didn't dare to imagine how she would feel when they do the real thing with him. At that thought, she stiffened lightly.