Kissing her

"Am I that handsome? You cannot even take your eyes off me. If you want, I will remove this towel too," he whispered in a low voice, making her shudder at his sexy voice.

"What are you doing?" she asked shakily.

"Giving a good view of my well-maintained body to my wife," he whispered again.

"Shut up!" she tried to yell but it came out as a whisper from her throat.

"Fine," he said and bent his head lower to her lips. Pushing her back into the soft mattress, he hovered over her and claimed her lips. Before she could understand something, he already started to kiss her.

The kiss was slow and smooth and it was just…. Melodic to her body and her heart. With every move of his lips, her body shuddered with the pain of wanting more of him. Her body wants him more inside her but more than wanting him to claim her lips.

Her body was already moving in sync with his actions. It's as if her body knew how to dance to his magical touches.

Before she could comprehend, her mind turned foggy. Her body became paralyzed. She lost the ability to think. And she surrendered in his arms, melting in his embrace with his lips on hers. As if her body was appreciating his actions, a throaty moan left her mouth making her wide-eyed.

She realized what was happening around her. Adira bit his lip lightly and pushed him away. Zaros knew she didn't want this anymore, so he let her go.

Adira took this as a chance and got up from her place. She was flustered with the series of actions that happened just now. Her cheeks were flushed, she lowered her head, and her shy posture made him want to bite her. But he held them back. He knew he wouldn't just stop biting her.

"I will freshen up," she said awkwardly. She saw Zaros' heated gaze on her. Adira even saw his aroused dick, which was standing proudly in front of her. Thanks to the thick towel, it was covered a bit. But she can't say what will happen to her if she stays for some more time.

Adira dashed inside the bathroom without wasting a second. After taking a bath, she wore her chemise. Since she was used to dressing up by herself during normal times, she didn't have difficulty in undressing and dressing. Her hairs were left open for the air to play as it wished. Her face has no makeup powder or lip colors. It's natural. She looked fresh and cute.

Zaros was already giving orders to the maids to set up their dinner table. They were already setting up the table according to his instructions.

After they were done, he dismissed them, leaving the two of them alone.

"Are you hungry?" she asked, walking towards the table.

"Yeah, I am hungry for you," he said.

"What?" she asked with her furrowed brows.

"I heard your stomach growling before you went to freshen up," he said with a cough.

It was getting hard for him to control himself from setting his eyes on his beautiful wife. Damn! He never thought she would be this beautiful just in a simple chemise.

Giving up the resistance he looked up to her. When she was about to sit, he reached her side at a Vampire speed and stood beside her.

"What?" she asked flustered at their sudden closeness.

"I will pull the chair for you," he said with a grin that melted her heart.

She nodded, still feeling confused at his actions.

He pulled the chair and helped her sit on it. He came so close to her that she could feel his hot breath brushing her delicate skin.

Uff… why the hell was the chambers so hot today?

She cursed the climate for some time before trying to brush her thoughts.

"Shall we?" he asked her.

She nodded her head to him.

They both started eating their food. After they were done they both retired to their bed. As usual, Adira rested her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her torso hugging him.


Zaros was being with her almost all the time as if she would disappear very next second. When she was alone, always try to kiss her or bed her. She felt too shy to be with him.

But he was doing a few things secretly and was hiding them from her. She doesn't know what to do anymore with him.

The more he hid things from her the more scared Adira was turning. what if he turns into his old self?

She couldn't bear it.

Adira want to stay cautious with him but she was melting in his arms.

She used to be scared of him, but now she wasn't. She was feeling happy, content, and warm being with him.

Adira could say he was really regretting the things he did. He may not say them but he was trying to mend them.

What if she misunderstood by thinking he was hiding his past self?

Maybe she should clear the doubts with him by asking him directly.

Adira decided to ask him directly just like that. since they wanted to restart their relationship, asking out the doubts, and getting answers were the best things.

Whenever she decided to ask him, he came late for genuine reasons. As he was helping her brother with the coronation, and handling the Werewolf Race matters that involved both races. They both together were bringing new schemes which were useful for both races' economies, and the citizens' welfare. She can't ask him to give her time by keeping these things aside.

He comes late and leaves early. Since he was someone with supernatural powers, and inhumane, he was handling it. if he was a human he may not be able to handle the pressure.

She started worrying about his health. Days passed just like that.

And it's the night before Maximus's first day. She hoped to see him before he left the chambers.