

Adira's mind raced as she considered her options. She knew she needed to keep Azazel's attention away from the globe, buying time for her family to rescue her. Summoning her courage, she spoke up again. Adira's wolf was in dormant state too. She can't fight him. All she could do was distract him. 

"You must be quite powerful to have infiltrated my household so easily," she said, her voice steady despite her fear. "But do you really think you can outsmart the King and my family?"

Azazel chuckled, a low, chilling sound that echoed through the dimly lit room. "Outsmart them? Oh, my dear, it's not about outsmarting. It's about power and control. And right now, I have both."

Adira knew this man had both power and control. The dark magic he practices, his spells, and his position give him everything that can keep everyone in control. Her sister-in-law can kill anyone with a single blow and burn them into ashes. If a vampire can have that much power, this man, who was an undead creature, can have much more. Not to mention the whole Vampira fears this man. Seeing his eerie face made her scared, but she covered it in a split second. 

Adira suppressed a shiver and tried to keep him talking. "What do you want with me? Why go to such lengths to kidnap me?"

Azazel's human eyes glinted with malice. "You are the perfect sacrifice. With your blood, I will regain my full strength and extend my life indefinitely. And your husband and family will be powerless to stop me once I am fully restored."

Indeed, if he were to sacrifice her along with his daughter, he would get full control over the ancients. The ancients will give him the previous glory he had. And not to mention... that he was the beloved of Ancient. 

Adira's heart pounded in her chest, but she refused to show her fear. "You underestimate them," she said defiantly. "They will find a way to stop you. They always do. And I will watch you fail with my eyes."

Azazel's grin widened. "We shall see, little one. We shall see."

Just then, the globe flickered, and Adira caught a clearer glimpse of the figures inside. It was indeed her brother, sister-in-law, and husband, moving stealthily through the palace. They were getting closer. She had to keep Azazel distracted.

"Why me? Why now? You have tried using Sister Victoria previously. Why me now? I am the most insignificant and the weakest among all your targets." Adira said, distracting him again before he could lay his eyes on the magic globe. 

Azazel just smirked at her. "Your wolf. You are a white wolf. It has power that even you do not fully understand. Combined with the blood of my daughter, it will create an unstoppable force. As for the timing, well, your crowning provides the perfect opportunity. All eyes are on the ceremony, not on what happens in the shadows. When the time comes, I and the ancients will take back our claim. There will be none to stop us."

Adira's mind whirled with this new information. She had always known her family was powerful, but this was something beyond her understanding. Adira knew she was the daughter of his father's second wife. Serene was the third wife, but she never consummated with her father. Despite the chaotic relationship, Serene always treated her like her own flesh and blood. She had to keep him talking; she had to keep him focused on her. 

"And your daughter," she said carefully. "What makes her blood so special?"

Azazel's eyes darkened. "My daughter is a unique creation, a blend of dark magic and my own essence. She has powers that surpass even mine. Together, our combined essence will be invincible."

"You don't even show mercy to your daughter. How heartless. She must be cursed to have a father like you," Adira said. In reply, he just laughed loudly at her. 

"Do you think blood relations matter to me more than my gains?" he questioned her. She looked at him deeply. His eyes in his skull turned darker with each second, as if he were really a ghost. Despite her fear, she stared at him with courage. 

Adira nodded, pretending to be fascinated. "It sounds like you have thought of everything," she said. "But do you really believe my family will just let this happen? They will fight to their last breath to stop you."

Azazel leaned back, clearly enjoying the conversation. "Let them try. They will fail. And when they do, I will be there to pick up the pieces."

Adira noticed that the three figures were about to enter the doors. Azazel chanted a spell, which summoned someone. "Stop them or kill them. The girl has to stay alive," he ordered. 

Adira can't let that happen. Before they could do something, Adira decided to take her chance. She lunged forward, grabbing a vase from the table beside her. She threw it directly on the person who appeared. Gathering all the strength she had, she threw it on the back of that person's head, making his blood drop onto the array. The array flickered and weakened, giving her a moment of freedom.

Azazel turned back, fury in his eyes. "You dare!" he roared, but Adira didn't stop. She used the brief moment of confusion to pick up the knife on her waist to attach him. His skeletony fingers stopped her immediately. 

"With that little dumb brain of yours, you think you can kill me? No weapon can kill me, little one!" he said as he threw the knife down from her hands. She tried to step away from the array, only to be pushed back into the middle. 

Azazel walked forward and slapped her hard, making her hit the ground. Adira felt dizzy from the hit and the fall. 

"Well, since you stopped me from obstructing them, then let it be. In the end, they will come here, be it with good news or bad news," he said as he sat back. 

Adira could only hope they would come soon and catch Azazel off guard.