Chapter 38 - Celebration

After this small fight Haruto went to a cafe with Miu and Lala to celebrate Miu's first play being successful, they buyed a cake and snacks to celebrate it. They didn't stay long and were heading home while Haruto and Miu catched up since the two had shared history together. Haruto bought food for everyone in Ryozanpaku as they went towards their homes. As the three of them were heading back, Natsu had already woken up in Akisame's clinic.

"Where am I?" Natsu asked and confused as he found himself somewhere that he hadn't been before.

"You are in my clinic." Akisame said who was sitting on a stool beside Kensei Ma.

"Your clinic!?" Natsu said didn't like being there since his pride was being damaged because of it.

"Correct our disciple Haruto! after taking you down, asked us to check on you and see whether you were injured badly or not" Akisame said.

"Tsk" Natsu clicked his tongue as he stood up from the bed and started wearing his clothes.

"Your martial arts are more like Chinese Kung fu! If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me who your Master is?" Kensei Ma asked

"You must be Kensei Ma, his teacher in Chinese martial arts right! He told me that you may have some relation with my teacher, Ma Sougetsu!?" Natsu said.

Kensei's eyes were wide open when he heard the name from Natsu but that was only for a split second as he regained his bearings, which wasn't noticed by Natsu but Akisame did notice it.

"Yeah I know him, so he is your Master!?" Kansei Ma asked.

"Yeah but he didn't teach me everything and vanished suddenly without any notice! Do you know where I can find him." Natsu wanted to train under him and beat Haruto the next time they met.

"No, I don't but I will tell him about you if I get to meet him." Kensei Ma replied.

"Then I will be going now." Natsu saidas he started walking out of the clinic.

"Before you go I will like to tell you something." Akisame said.

"What is it!?" Natsu shouted in annoyance.

"Don't go down the path where you won't be able to face your loved ones." Akisame said and Natsu heard his words but didn't reply and walked out of the clinic in silence but his mind was continuously thinking about his sister Kaede. Just after Natsu left, Haruto, Miu and Lala came back.

"I have brought food for everyone for dinner." shouted Haruto as he entered the hall and just as he finished his sentence a gust of wind came and Apachai was standing in front of them.

"Hamburger! Apachai wants Hamburger!" said Apachai

"Yes-Yes Apachai-San I have brought your hamburger for you" Haruto said as he passed one of the bags he was holding to Apachai which was filled with hamburgers.

"Yesss Apachai loves hamburgers!" said Apachai as he sat there and started eating his hamburger.

"Oye oye, what have you brought for me?" asked Sakaki as he entered the hall.

"We have brought a lot of food, Sakaki-san, you can choose from anyone" said Miu as he kept the bags on the floor and went into the kitchen to bring plates for everyone.

The next one to come was Shigure who entered the hall from the ceiling and was going back when Haruto stopped her.

"Shigure! we are celebrating Miu's success in her play so why don't you and Tochimaru sit with us for today."

Shigure looked at Tochimaru who was standing on her shoulders nodding his head so she also nodded her head and sat beside Miu as she smiled when she saw Shigure was also sitting with them while eating

"Thank you, Shigure." Then looked at Haruto and Lala

"Thank you for being my friend." Haruto just smiled at her and didn't say anything as he knew that she was really happy right now.

"No problem! I like being your friend, Miu-chan!" Lala hugged Miu who was happy that she couldn't describe what bliss it was whole looking at Haruto who grinned.

*Same here, if I hadn't met you then I won't be able to meet Sensei." Haruto said as Sakaki hid his embrassement while Apachai was too busy eating and Shigure also enjoyed that she met Haruto since he is the only one who likes learning weapons.

"Too bad, our classmates were too busy." Haruto tried dinviting Haruna and her friends but they were busy and had somewhere to be. After some time, the last ones to come were Akisame and Kensei who came from the clinic after closing it down.

"Oh! so we are having food from outside!?" asked Akisame.

"Yes I thought it would be nice as we can see Miu's success on her first play." Haruto replied.

"That's a nice gesture Haruto." Akisame said.

"Thank you Akisame-sensei!... oh yeah I almost forgot how is that Natsu Tanimoto!?" Haruto was worried about him but knew his attack won't put him down that easily.

"He is fine! just minor injuries no bone was broken except the will some swellings on his head, as your elbow wasn't weak" Akisame said

"Ok then that's good I don't want him to become an idiot because of me." Haruto was relieved to hear his words.

"Then you don't have to worry about it, it won't happen." Akisame replied and Haruto smiled then looked at Kensei Ma who hasn't spoken anything yet

"Yo Master Kensei what happened!?" asked Haruto

"Oh! nothing Haruto!" Kensei replied, acting strangely.

"Hmm ok then." Haruto said and didn't force him to do anything as he knew it was something his master had to face.

"So Haruto, how was your experience fighting Someone with good skills?" Akisame asked curiously and Haruto shook his head.

"He was fine, I actually fought him before but our fight was sadly interrupted." Haruto said and his master were thinking of bringing him somewhere to train along with Haruto who needs experience against other opponents while Haruto needs a different kind of regime to do.

"Have you fought anyone else recently?" Kansei Ma asked while Haruto hadn't told them about Ohma and how he lost. Sure he had used [ Foresight ] and [ Zone ] but it wasn't the same level as Cosmos and Kaneda, two characters from Kenganverse.

"I didn't know who he was but he was quite strong. He managed to knock me out with his unusual martial art." Haruto said still felt his neck stiff from his attack and the grandmaster wondered who his opponent was.

"TRAINING IS GOOD, THE MORE YOU TRAIN THE STRONGER WILL YOU BECOME, Heh I was just on a little trip. It seems like I go on a lot of them. " Hayato Furiniji shouted as he entered the room.

"Oh, Grandfather!....Welcome back." Miu said.

"Oh, eldest you have returned." Akisame said

"Did you bring souvenirs!?" Apachai asked

"Why did you come back from your trip just now!?" Sakaki asked

"How was the south!?" Miu asked.

"Hmm...Hahahaha it was extremely difficult!?" Furiniji replied then sat down as Miu served him tea. He recalled his encounter with the Ogre and how their fight ended when things escalated too far. Hayato obviously won but that demon was stubborn enough to let him go so that he had to run away from him.

"But before that we will be going out for training since your summer holidays are starting right!?" Akisame said

"Yeah they will start from the week after next week since we will have a field trip." Haruto said and Lala lit up in excitement remembering that they will be having a trip and Miu was the same and never had the chance to join them until now.

"Ok then you can pack your belongings as we will move on the day your summer holidays start." Akisame replied.

"Alright!" Haruto replied.


The next day, Haruto had a break from training at Ryozanpaku and decided to train with Ghislaine and summoned her where she was surprised when sensing Haruto finding that his entire Touki was vastly different than before.

"You've gotten stronger from the last time I've seen you. And why are you wearing a blindfold" Ghislaine said, crossing her arms noticing how she can label him someone who reaches Saint Rank purely based on his Touki or even King. But she can't be sure without sparring with him.

"Yeah, I haven't neglected your teaching but actually wanted to take you around like I promised. And the blindfold is something to avoid people's attention." Haruto wouldn't see any problem if she had her ears out and can simply say they're cosplaying.

"I see, I want you to show me around this world." Ghislaine said and Haruto nodded.

"Alright but in the afternoon since I have some plans later. Anyway I want to ask from your estimate how strong I am if I do this." In that moment, the Sword King eyes widened in shock to see the young man toki flared up like it was streamed of water that she almost saw that he was almost equal to her at the state he was in.

Haruto removed his blindfold where his eyes were revealed and his muscle was tense where the adrenaline was rushing through his body rapidly increasing his power. He hasn't shown his other master, deciding to master it first.

"How…how are you not dead?" Ghislaine knew that this kind of sudden increase would lead to death yet Haruto was fine and didn't show any discomfort. It was possible to forcibly increase a person's Touki but this has dire consequences.

"I acquired complete control over my body. Though, I can't remain in this too often since I might accidentally kill people around me." Imagine having unbelievable strength but this has some downside since without proper control then things would turn for the worse. Take Superman for example where if he doesn't control his strength then he could hurt those he love

"Is that so? Hmmm, based solely on your Touki then you are close to a King rank such as myself but certainly a Peak Saint Rank." Ghislaine can't exactly judge someone over all skills from what she is able to sense since there are countless factors that can change the outcome of a fight.

"Oh, is that so? Well, thank you, Ghislaine." Haruto removes his state since it's tiring to keep up since his mind and body needs to properly communicate making it possible to disrupt in some ways.

"Now then, let me see how you improve your [ Sword God Style ]." Ghislaine said, with Haruto nodding, taking out the Bokken and handing the other to the sword king. The two distance themselves and prepare for battle.

Haruto took deep breath then vanished from his spot surprising Ghislaine then parried his sword predicting where he would be while Haruto moved once again keeping himself at blind spot using [ Concealed Presence ].

The two were faster than eyes could see as they vanished where they could even after imagining from the speed they were in. Ghislaine was impressed that he was able to become even faster than before, blinking from his spot and reappearing to attack.

"You've gotten better. Now try doing the Longsword of Light." Ghislaine said as Haruto nodded holding the Bokken as if it had sheath taking deep breath concentrated every ounces into his sword and tried to preformed the attack vanished from his spot then reappearing in another spot while Ghislaine still able to block but her Bokken was broken upon impact.

Haruto panting heavily as he controlled his body and understood it was still far from perfect since he had only been training with Ghilsaine for over two months now.

"Hmm, that was close but still not perfect. However, if you fight someone who can use it then you'll definitely win." Ghislaine understood his prediction and [ Foresight ] can easily combat other Sword God Style practitioners. Haruto recovered rather quickly and bought a new Bokken, handing it to Ghilsaine.

"Then enlighten me." Haruto took a stand showing his eagerness to improve further while Ghislaine liked this about him. The two of them went and sparred a bit more where the sound of their clash was loud enough to mistake it for gunshots. Their touki increased the durability of their weapons allowing them to exert even more power.