We Have Unfinished Business !

The sun basked his face immediately she drew the curtains open. He moans and turns in his bed sprawling his limbs. She sighed. He was such a big baby. Now the maids had a double trouble.

"C'mon , Lucille." He groans looking for the quilt to hide under. But the grey quilt lain on the carpet in the center of the room.

"Every human being is up except you." Lucille retorts as she binds the curtains.

"And I am not just any human being." He grumbles into his pillow.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." She moves to his beside and begins tapping his leg. "Your toiletries are ready. You can use them today." Yesterday the maids had forgotten to change his towel rendering him to rely on a blow dryer to dry himself.

"I'll take my bath just another extra ten minutes of sleep." Lucille kept on hitting his leg.

"I allowed you to have your way these past months but not this time." Lucille was his housekeeper. If they were to be speaking the truth, she was his nanny. He lives alone with her and his younger sister in this big mansion he bought for them. His parents had disowned him for his ways. And he couldn't just leave his poor sister in their hands for fear of what they might restrict her from doing. She was too young and innocent to listen to their stupidities they call fucking rules. Dana needed that freedom they restricted him in his childhood. Lucille gladly came on his side with the same goal as his and has been the same since five years ago. Dana is thirteen now. He , in simple words, owe this amazing woman his life.

Lucille does not leave until he gets his ass out of his bed into his shower tub. She goes to his wardrobe and takes out a black two piece suit then place them on his now well laid bed. She goes downstairs to prepare a meal for him. He was going to eat his breakfast before leaving home or else no work for him. Dana would be ready soon. She smiled at the thought of her daughter. He had bestowed that position on her.

The two people sit in anticipation of the meal at the dining table. He had a big scowl on whilst Dana had amusement dancing in her eyes. Her brother's actions make her want to burst into laughter. Lucille had personally handcuffed his leg to the dining table. In short, he couldn't move without the cuff keys which were hidden in her dress pocket beneath her apron. He would go through a tough time to get it from there. He groans. All he had to do now was sit still and eat the food without any nagging then show her the empty plate and cup. Hopefully, she would release him.

"What's wrong, Deacon?" His sister muses. "Had a rough night?" She giggles. He cherished that sweet noise.

"Nothing, dear." Deacon breathes in irritation. Both knew that the matter was far from that. "How about you?"


"How was your night?" He gives a bright smile reserved only for her.

"Peaceful." Is all she says before Lucille walk in with a tray full of food. He nods. That's what he preferred for her. Peaceful sleep. He didn't think that she would be able to attain some if she were to be living in his parents castle.

"How can she not get a peaceful sleep when she's got the two people who love her the most by her side?" Lucille pinches her cheeks in glee causing her to show her teeth in bashfulness. "Here eat up. You've got school," She dishes out Dana's food. "And you mister, have got work." Deacon narrows his eyes.

Varna Avionics

The men and women in white lab coats played with the tools in their hands in their various cabins at Varna Avionics. They looked peaceful and at place at their various stations. Needless to say, they felt content and grateful that they got their jobs and are working for Varna although their Boss can be pretty aggressive at times.

A few representatives from NASA, the military and some private guys who love space and criminality altogether were coming over to see the prototype of their latest invention. They couldn't be much happier about their success.

Deacon Shaun strolled through the glass doors to the scientists working on a complex gadget in a highly classified laboratory. He stood silent for a while watching from afar what they were doing. He used to be at this stage working with his fellow colleagues at NASA building many life changing machines until his father abdicated his position at Varna.

It was worth it, for his father had left Varna in bankruptcy and he, through his toils, brought it to the heights it is seeing now. He took a lab coat, put it on then walked over to where they were. It was a blond woman and another lanky man in the same coat were working on the prototype they were going to demonstrate to these greedy bastards. All that he cared for was his money and nothing else.

"Connect the grey wire to the brown node, Trina." He growls closely to the ears of the blonde woman. "You don't want to lose your savings when this deal goes wrong." The woman had horror written on her face. "You and I both know you need the money" Trina frantically do as told whilst the man excuses himself to take a pair of alligator clips.

Everyone thought they knew who they were dealing with but always he proved them wrong. He proved them wrong every time with his intellect and attitude. Though he wasn't the most pleasant one, he was the one and only person who could lead a prestigious industry as Varna Avionics. Not even his father, their former leader, could be compared.

"Sir, the representatives, the General and Mr. Esperanza and Mr. Giovanni have arrived," Justin, his assistant barges in, in a haste. "They are waiting." Deacon connects the very few wires left on the circuit board he was working on before he leaves the laboratory. Trina and Geoff relax their shoulders and breath a sigh of relief when he gets far enough. His aura was intimidating. Being around him, it kept them on their toes. They were afraid for their lives for a slip could be the end to all, their lives included.

The guests were waiting as Justin had said. They were in the conference room trying not to piss each other off. Esperanza was trying his best not to mutter cusses at Giovanni in Spanish while the General was trying to keep the urge to kill these two for being terrorists. But the representative from NASA constantly rubbed his nose annoyed at their presence. He just wanted to get over with whatever he came to do.

" Mr. Pierce," Deacon says a bit startled to see the administrator for NASA in person. He hadn't anticipated to meet him since he was at a meeting in Copenhagen. He had said a representative would come in place of him.

"Deacon." Mr. Pierce acknowledges. "Let's get this going, shall we," Deacon nods then leads the way to the demonstration room.

A few scientists were busy working towards the demonstration. "Is everything all set?" Justin asks the head who was busy checking the terminals on the databases.

"Yes sir." Justin goes over what they are doing then confirms with a nod of the Head. Justin hands out black sunglasses to those present including Deacon. They begin the simulation when the scientists also put theirs on. It was a simulation of the trajectory of a space station NASA wants to build on Mars. NASA has been working on this project and thought to include Varna Avionics, an industry whose products are trusted and their leader, the former head of launching department. A department full of complex calculation and extraordinary focus. They dealt with the take off and landing of the rock or space shuttle anywhere in the universe and if they were to go outside the universe, that was also under their expertise.

Mr. Pierce and the others applaud gleamingly at the end of the demonstration. They were clearly excited at the simplified way Varna Avionics were putting such a complex project as such into simple words and animations.

"That's great!" The administrator praises.

"And innovative." The General accords. But the two foreigners smirked to themselves thinking how great this will be for them. Owning this or being the foundation for this project sounded canorous in their ears. They stroke their chin formulating a plan.

"I think it's time for the whole world to know about our latest and newest success." Deacon nodded. He has been waiting for this day. And it was coming to him. Justin returns to the room with his phone in hand.

"Sir the press are waiting outside already." The head of security had called to inform him about their unexpected arrival.

"Seems like news travel fast here." Pierce chuckles. "Alright, let's get on with this. We must feed them hungry reporters."

Outside Varna Avionics

They kept pushing each other behind the blockade trying to get the best angle for their pictures to publish in their newspapers and blogs. The crowd began to get hysterical for the security when they spotted the NASA administrator walking with the CEO of Varna Avionics. Something smelled fishy but it was good. Civilians interested in rocket science were present and began to cheer when the administrator ascended the dais.

"A good day to you all, ladies and gentlemen," Pierce began. They quiet down a bit. But the cameras kept on flashing and phones, recording. "Today marks a very special day for NASA, Varna Avionics and the whole world. On this day, a very big initiative has began. We are going to have our very first space station on Mars." The crowd grows wild for some time. "Quiet down please, you don't want to miss the good part." They for once listen with rapt attention. " On this day, the dream of NASA to have a space station on Mars has spread its wings and waiting forth the D-Day to fly. I'll have Deacon Shaun, Varna's leader and brainpower behind this initiative to expound in the simplest way he can." Deacon stands tall in pride and begins towards Pierce. "I give you Deacon Shaun. C'mon son, the whole world's itching to know." They were transmitting live on television and social media feeds. The crowd go silent at the sternness o Deacon's expression. He wasn't one to tell them to keep quiet. They knew. He makes sure to make everyone know.

"A good day to you ladies and gentlemen, I believe that even having Armstrong's footprint on the moon is a great achievement for us. How much more having an earth sent space station on Mars. This is not to only boost our achievement charts but it is also going to help us understand Mars better and possibly ship humans to Mars for living which we are hopeful about. Keep your fingers crossed and anticipate the unexpected," Deacon settled his gaze in the horizon focusing on nothing as he spoke. That's when he saw what he hadn't thought he would see from this past months. "We are in collaboration with NASA, the military and a few associates to realize this dream."

He thought he was hallucinating when he saw her and her slender body with pleasing curves in a denim jeans, a white turtle neck blouse and a black blazer. She still looked breathless like before. She must love to wear jeans for she looked edgy in it. She had a pen and notepad in hand and a phone he later saw. He smirked. Their first and very last session they had had been sensual and spicy. She was a tigress in bed and wanted dominance which he didn't give to her. They fought as if their lives depended on it. He didn't care though. He absolutely loved it and has been missing it and would care for another only if she'll give to her after what he did.

He had wondered why he hadn't closed the curtain or why Lucille hadn't done it for him. He was well aware of her secretive ways she entered his room to do just that. He adored that woman. She understood him perfectly. The sun had hit him square in the face and he tried to raise his arm to shield his face but was stopped by the weight on his arm. At first he thought it was Dana but when he remembered he didn't give her good night kiss did his senses draw back to the previous night. How he had approached her and her cooperativeness. He couldn't help but take in the delicate figure beside him.

Her hair was splayed on the pillow and his one arm was wrapped around her waist. He traced every inch of her body with their deed flashing before his eyes. He didn't regret it. She was so pretty and not deflowered. He noticed his marks on her skin and hers on his. It was a rough night, he admitted. On that day, he was thankful for the sun's rays. It showed her skin and gave her an optimum shine. In short words, an Aphrodite in human form. He knew she wasn't going to be walking for the next few days with what went down there. Pride shown in his eyes.

She began to groan and turn in her sleep away from him causing him to frown. He noticed it was from the sun and with much reluctance, he drew the curtains. But her beauty didn't go with the sun. He got back in bed just to be with her all day watching her sleep not in a creepy way. However his dream was cut short when Lucille called the hotel room. He scrambled to pick the telephone up to avoid waking her but she didn't look stirred at all. That girl could sleep through an earthquake! Lucille had chewed his ears off and demanded him home at that instant. He hated to leave her alone so he ordered the hotel management to not disturb her sleep. She needed it.

He hadn't bothered to search for her when she didn't show up in the subsequent days at the club. Maybe she didn't remember him. It pained his heart. But karma had her rules for the game. Here she stood before him looking edible. She hadn't noticed him or maybe she didn't recognize him but all the same, the emotion in her eyes tell a different story. He didn't even know her name. As if she knew that she was being talked about, she turned. Her eyes fell unto his intensifying gaze and she gasped. Shock, anger, frustration, betrayal, broken…and relief, he read in her eyes. He blamed himself too but he looked away. Not now, not ever. She was a reporter.

The crowd which was once silent began to murmur indistinctly amongst themselves then it grew to a wild confusion. Deacon paused his speech and ready to lash out. "Somebody call the ambulance!" Someone in the crowd screams. Phones began dialing. He reeled in his anger. He didn't see her again. Maybe like he said, she was just a hallucination. But he was wrong. The security, afraid that a sniper had shot the woman, began to push the dignified men inside the big building, Deacon included. Before he could comprehend what was happening, he saw her on the floor gasping for air and being knelt over as someone rummages her bag for something.

His heart bled when she switched her wavering gaze to him. She was pleading with her eyes to stay with him. For him to stay with her. But he wasn't granted that wish. He heard the siren of the ambulance when he got to the bullet proof elevator made for emergencies. He let out a large amount of air. He hadn't noticed when he stopped breathing. At least, she was in safe hands.

He summoned Justin and ordered for a copy of the coverage. She might have popped in earlier. He needed to find out who she was.