Exodia 41: I'm so dumb

Anastasia and Argent stared at each other. Anastasia had lured Argent into the Summoning classroom and put up a barrier.

No mana and person could get in and out. Not as long as the barrier is up. That would mean that Argent wouldn't be able to use his Spiritual Magic.

In this situation, Anastasia has the advantage.

Singularities are abilities which are associated with mana but are not from that direct source. The origin of Singularity is the brain. If the brain is destroyed, it'll result in death, meaning that there is no way of removing someone's Singularity without killing them.

The girl made the first move.

"Direct your flaring rage at him; Hellfire!"

The instant Anastasia finished her incantation, red flames formed under Argent's feet. He jumped backwards; the flames followed.

Though the flames spread, they weren't burning anything. Not the floor or surrounding areas. Everything was perfectly fine.

The boy noticed it and stopped. The flames swam toward him.

"Ah! OUCH!"

The boy yelped. He retreated instantly.

"These flames..."

He whispered.

"The flames of Hell. They don't burn anything other than living beings. After all, we are the ones that can commit sins."

Anastasia smirked.

The boy didn't smile. He climbed one of the tables. The flames ascended slowly while trailing up the side.

"I am surprised that I needed this. I guess that prophet was correct."


Anastasia looked at him, quizzical, as he reached into his pocket for a small bottle. There was a liquid inside. It looked like water, but it was sparkly.

As the flames climbed onto the edge of the table, he opened the bottle and splashed the water onto the flames.

They dissipated instantly.

"That was..."

"Holy water. I have a few bottles, never guessed that the pink-haired woman was correct."

He threw the bottle on the floor; it shattered.

(Pink-haired woman? Prophet? But that's...)

Anastasia shook her head and focused on her opponent.

"Guess I'll have to up my game slightly."

The girl backed away to the back of the classroom and began chanting. Argent noticed her sudden withdrawal and attempted to attack her. As he approached, he bounced off of something.

He tried charging again but bounced off once more. The boy banged his fists against the invisible wall.

"Another barrier... She conjured it up in that short time, or perhaps when I was being chased by the flames? This girl... How good is she?"

Once more, he tried punching the barrier. This time, instead of his fist bouncing off, he fell through. Argent almost lost his balance. Once he put his sights back on Anastasia, he dashed to stop her from chanting.

At that moment, everything seemed to go slower.

"Come out... Kaelstian."

A blue light formed in front of Anastasia. The mana from the atmosphere gathered at that point and released itself, causing a mini-boom, throwing Argent back. Anastasia was barely able to keep her balance.

["Come on... Why is it that you summon me at the most troublesome times?"]

A voice complained.

"Shut up, that's what you're for. Why else did you think I formed a contract with you? You're trying to get your revenge and I'm trying to get mine."

She retaliated.

["Okay, but this better be quick. I'll only be out for 10 minutes."]

The blue light formed a mini silhouette. The light broke. In its place was a fairy.

The fairy was a boy. His hair was spiky and blonde, while his eyes were blue. The clothes he wore seemed 'wealthy.' He dressed like a boy from a rich family. The wings on his back were blue.

"10 minutes? I only need 2. Time to wrap this up, Kael-chan."

The fairy blushed.

["Sh-Shut up..."]

"You have gotten quite confident. I guess it is because of your Familiar."

Argent speculated.

The girl smirked. The fairy flew in front of Argent's face. The boy had to cross his eyes to see the fairy properly.

["Sorry, mate, you have no chance of winning."]

Kaelstian put his palm out in front of him and blew lightly. A water ball was forming. It grew larger and larger and stopped as it reached the size of a basketball.

Before he could react, his head was engulfed in water. Argent stumbled and tried to get the water ball off of his head, though it did not do anything. He could not get the water off of his head due to its state. He could not grab the water and take it off.

"Kael-chan, undo the spell."

The fairy turned around.

["It's easier this wa-"]

"Undo it. That's an order."

Kaelstian stared into the girl's eyes before scratching his head.

["God, I wish you were still that girl filled with rage from back then."]

He snapped his fingers undoing the water ball.


["Already on it."]

Despite releasing the spell, he continued attacking the boy with water blades. Since Argent was still catching his breath, he couldn't dodge.

Seven water blades hit him on his arms, legs and face.

The fairy then charged up a larger water blade.

Anastasia noticed something about Argent. He could move and try to dodge it, but instead, he was glaring at Kaelstian.

At that moment, Anastasia noticed Argent's finger twitch. In an instant, she activated her infrared vision to detect any abnormal heat.

There was. In the shape of a hand.

"Cancel Summoning!"

The girl screamed. Kaelstian looked behind him, shouting.

["Wait, what, why?!"]

Before he could get an answer, Kaelstian disappeared. Argent kissed his teeth as he exited the classroom.

The barrier had been undone.

The girl swiftly chased after him. As she ran out into the corridor, the boy disappeared.

"Damn it."

The girl thought back slightly.

"I must've taken down the mana dampening barrier when I used Hellfire. What was the point of the barrier, then? God, I'm so dumb."

She told herself.


Gilheld watched as Yumeko was knocked out. He laughed instead of fighting Ayaka. Abruptly, he calmed down.

"It's funny, isn't it? Yumeko had the upper hand, yet she still lost. She should've stalled."

Gilheld spoke.

He turned to look behind him.

"I liked that girl. That's why I raised her like this, but that's all she could do."

"That's a horrible thing to do."

Another spoke.

"Oh, like you can say that, Weissmann."

Weissmann and Gilheld stared at each other. Gilheld was the one that smirked, while Weissmann frowned.

"Let's finish this, shall we?"

Gilheld asked.

"With pleasure."