Exodia 115: Reishville family

The girl sat down in the seat opposite mine. The banquet barely started and she's already here. This means that the table that Father and he is sitting at isn't that far.

"Don't worry, our table is out of sight."

The purple-haired girl smiled at me.

Not a hint of a smile appeared on my face. I couldn't smile when looking at the daughter of that bitch.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"'You?' Isn't it rude to call your cute younger half-sister, 'you?'"

"Cute would be a false statement."

"Say. My. Name."

This girl won't stop until I say her name. Knowing her, she'll keep on pestering me.


I sighed.

"What the fuck do you want?"


The girl made a circular motion with her index finger.

Finally, I gave in.


"Now, we're talking."

Alicia, my half-sister, gave a satisfied smile.

"Anyway, now I'll answer your question. I'm here to bring you back."

Her expression became slightly serious.

"You know what my answer is. Why did you think I left in March?"

I told her.

"You don't get it. Your leave isn't only affecting you. Only the royal family and those at your school know of your leave. If the rest of England knew, the Reishville family would--"

"I really don't care. Having the Reishville name be tainted slightly would be a good lesson for Father. Call it my stage of rebellion."

Alicia sighed.

"You know, Father is going to stay in Japan."


"He's going to call him."

I shivered.

"You mean..."

"Yup. Your fiancè; Alexander... He's... He's coming to Japan in April."

I stared at her in shock.

God. If he comes in April, then... I won't be able to attend school. I won't... No. That's not it.

"I'm not going back."

"I have to stay here too. Dad says I'll have to attend Altheria here. Until you're back in England. Instead of making us go through the trouble, please, come back."

"No. I won't..."

I denied her.

Alicia leaned over the table.

"Your life isn't only yours to live. I won't be able to live my own life if you don't return. I won't be able to graduate from such a school and become a--"

She suddenly stopped.

"Become what?"

Now that I think about it, she's never said what her dream is. Not that I care.

Alicia didn't reply.

"Anyway, I don't care--"

"You don't get it!"

The girl slammed the table with her hands. The look on her face was a look I have never seen before.

That confident smirk, which I thought she wore everywhere, disappeared into a look of distress.

"You can't do anything! You don't have a choice! Michael WILL come and he WILL get you! If you don't come back, you'll be wasting our time! Just come back!"

"Why? Why are you so adamant?"

"Because... Because..."

She was truly acting like a kid. Something I've never seen her do before.

"It's Mother... Father said that if Alexander has to go collect you then... He'll divorce Mother."

"Good. So be it."

I said, mercilessly.

The girl, Alicia, glared at me before standing up.

"I don't even know why I fucking tried."

She stormed away with tears in her eyes.

I rejected her. I'm not going back to England, whether Michael is coming or not or if Alicia's mother's relationship is on the line. I don't care if Alicia is out of the fam...

If so, then why do I feel so bad?


{Alicia Kou Sabre Reishville's POV:}

Why? Why the fuck did I even bother?!

It's her! My fucking older half-sister who denies everything she's given! Whether it's out of love or not!

She's a bitch, that's what she is!

The most selfish older half-sister ever...

Our first proper interaction was when I was five.

It was just a little sister wanting to talk to her older sibling. Though, it turned into something else.

Because her mother was murdered by our older brother, she decided to act out.

Anastasia thought she was the only one hurting.


An innocent girl meeting her sister.

She glared at me and sauntered past.

"You fucking bitch. You should've never been born."

Those were the words she said to me.

At that time, she was seven or six.

A normal five-year-old wouldn't be able to process what happened but I was. I knew she hated me.

And so, I thought the only way I'd be able to talk to my sister is if I acted as a villain.

If I acted as her villain, I would be noticed. I would be acknowledged.

I was simply a young girl who wanted to talk to her older sister normally and still do want to be her sister.

I'm tired. Of everything.

I'm even tired of acting as her villain.

"So, how did it go?"

When I arrived back at Father's table, 804, Father began talking to me.

"She declined. I even told her about Michael and she still declined."


Father was ready to shout but then he remembered that he was in a banquet hall. Andrais Kou Sabre Reishville doesn't like to ruin his family's reputation.

He glared at me and pointed at the seat next to him.

"Sit next to me. Now."

I shivered.

Whenever Father was angry, he would never hide it. He's merely holding back for now but when I sit down, I'll get hit...

I followed his order obediently.

"You failed me! You--"

As his hand flew toward me, it stopped when he heard someone mutter a few words.


It was a slightly deep yet calming voice. Only one person I knew had that.

My elder brother; Edward Kou Sabre Reishville, the one said to be the strongest in Altheria Japan Branch.

When Father heard his voice, he slowly retracted his hand and directed his eyes to Elder Brother, who sat down next to me, opposite Father.

Elder Brother took a wine glass and a wine bottle and began pouring it into the glass. He then placed the bottle back and drank it.

When the glass moved from his mouth,

"Father. Why do you think you can strike Alicia?"

"She failed, Edward. Anastasia is not coming back."

Elder Brother kept his indifferent look as he looked into the red wine as he gently twirled the glass.

"And? Why does that matter? She came here after chasing me. Let her do what she wants."

It didn't seem like Father wants to tell him, so...

"Michael is coming in April."

I told Elder Brother.

"Alicia! Wh--"


The man in front of us displayed a pathetic expression as he moved back onto the body of his chair.

"Why do you want Anastasia so much?"

Father gulped.

"To make the Reishville family great."

"I am the eldest. I can make it even greater and more feared compared to now."

"She is the eldest daughter. She needs to return to England and continue her studies."

"Compared to England's Altheria Branch, Japan's one is far more superior. Do you think that Anastasia will grow stronger in England? I don't."

Father and Elder Brother stared at each other.

"I'm still bringing her back."

Elder Brother sipped his wine once more.

"Do what you want."