Interrogation part 2

It was the first time Jade got called to the principal's office. And to add fuel to the fire they didn't even wait to the end of class.

He reached the office's door, at this point he was able to hear his own heart beat.

'Here goes nothing' and so he entered.

What he found inside waiting for him was the principle himself and two men that seemed to be important considering the uniforms they were wearing and the sunglasses indoor.

He instantly felt himself entering a state of "fight or flight". While there was reasons to be panicking, he didn't understand why his body became so tense all of a sudden. He felt that if he stood there even for one single second more than necessary he will be doomed. It was a really odd sensation.

"Ars Jade. Hello young man. Sorry to have interrupted you from attending your lecture." said the principle with -what seemed to be- an honest smile.

"How can I be of any help, sir?". Somehow, he felt like the principle seemed also uncomfortable.

"Go ahead and take a seat. I heard that you fainted yesterday and that you can't quite put your finger on the reason behind your symptoms."

Jade nodded apprehensively.

" These gentlemen here, came all the way to our university to check out your symptoms and see what they can do to help you."

Before Jade could even react, the principle stood up and went towards the door.

" I'll leave you two to your work" He said so while giving Jade a weird glance that he couldn't really understand what it meant.

And so, Jade was left alone with the two strange men.


' Those must be the colleagues doc talked about. Though, I did not imagine their reaction would be that fast ' Thought Jade.

"If you were to check on me shouldn't we go to the hospital?" After noticing they didn't have any medical equipment with them he somehow found a courage to speak up.

" No need for any equipment " One of them said while taking off his sunglasses.

" My name is Nicolas and that's my colleague Arnold " The other person Arnold nodded with his head but didn't say a word.

" Now, before we start, if you don't mind I'll be recording this interaction for research purposes "

Before waiting for Jade's approval, he had already brought out a recording device and placed it on the principle's desk.

"So tell me, what exactly are the symptoms you're suffering from" Nicolas crouched his back a little and focused all his senses on Jade.

Jade proceeded on telling him all the details without leaving anything. When he reached the point about the flying birds, Arnold has come out of his silence and interrupted him.

" So it was as if you were focusing on that sound to the point of not noticing any other sound "

He pondered for a moment, but agreed with this statement none the less.

At that moment, Nicolas stopped the recording device.

" Thank you mister Ars, we are done here " said Nicolas with a a flat tonality.

" Is that all ? Is this some sort of a joke or what " Jade couldn't help but express his feelings, he was way past the point of being scared.

Without needing to speak, Nicolas played the recording device to Jade.

Jade listened to the conversation that occurred between them. Everything was normal, he didn't seem to have missed anything, he didn't understand why he was hearing this now. At least not until he noticed that Arnold's words weren't in the audio.

He didn't know what to make of this. It seemed as if Jade had answered a question that was never demanded.

He was sure Arnold had spoken to him. He kept looking at the floor completely dazed. What he didn't know, was that this was the first of many bizarre stuff that he will hear today.

Arnold cut off the silence that was starting to linger.

" Mister Jade, we are agents of a secret state organization that specializes in cases like yours. As fast as we heard your case circulating between the medical community this morning, we rushed here to test you and make sure that you are indeed a - manipulator - before any harm could befall you. "

' Secret organization? manipulator? And more importantly, my life is in danger? ' There was so many questions in Jade's mind, questions he never thought in his whole life he would think of. However the two agents didn't give him the chance to ask about anything.

They abruptly stood up, and on there way out, Nicolas turned around one last time.

" We will be sending you one of our professional trainers in three days, that would explain everything to you and help you learn about your new abilities. In the mean time, try to keep a low profile "

It was all so twisted and unfathomable that he wasn't sure if he was dreaming or awake. He just heard from a stranger that he possessed a power that is more or less supernatural.

' I don't know if I should be laughing or crying ' Seconds later, he was combining the two options together, resulting in his face looking like a mess.

Jade stood up and head directly to his dorm room. He simply couldn't go back to the classroom after this cluster f*ck.


He spent the rest of the day researching anything that was relevant to his case. Sadly, he did not find anything helpful. He saw some videos here and there about people with super powers, however it was either an obvious fake, or something that was considered more of a talent rather than a super power.

While he was still searching, Taofik came in.

" 'Sup dude, what was all the fuss about earlier today? " he, too, found it alarming for his friend to be called in the middle of class.

"It was about what happened to me yesterday. They brought some medical experts to check my condition. Sadly though, they could not find any thing out of place" Even though he was a close friend, Jade decided to tell him only half the truth for now.

" I see... Well I guess you will just have to live with it for the time being, and try not to let it affect your preparations for the coming exams " said Taofik while making himself as cozy as possible to prepare for a peaceful night of sleep.

Not so long after him, Jade followed the same procedure, hoping that sleeping would help him think less of this situation and instead focus more on his studies.