Marble Saves The Day

(Mojo under the sea sprinting so fast to the palace. On his way, he was caught by the guards around. The guard took Mojo to the palace).

Maza:(Bows) My king, we finally caught him.

Maul: Where was he found?

Maza: Close to the palace gate my king.

Maul: Good. Bring in a cage and put him inside.

Maza: Okay my king. (He left as Maul brought out the button about to press it).

Maul: I can do this alone. (He threw away the button. (Mojo became conscious as he open his eyes seeing Maul sitted on his throne. Mojo found himself in a cage as he struggles to escape). Well, well... well. So you are the human brought into the sea killing my guards. (Marble heard this as she ran to the door. She saw Mojo and felt for him).

Mojo: What do you want from me?

Maul:(Laughs) That's a good question and I will give you answers. You did a very bad thing killing my guards at first and secondly, I'm in love with your powers. Hand over your powers to me then I give you back your mother.

Mojo: Where is my mother? (Maul snapped his fingers as a cage came down. In the cage was Meena sobbing) Mum!

Meena:(Looks up) Mojo? Oh no

Marble:(Talks quietly standing behind the door). So he actually came for his mother.

Mojo:(Turns to Maul) Please let her go.

Maul: A simple task, hand over your powers and your mother will be free.

Meena: No don't give him Mojo.

Mojo:(Touch his chest) I can't give you my powers. The power is not just in me, I'm the power.

Maul:(Laughs so loud). Impressive huh, let me tell you something, you both die if I don't get the powers.

Mojo:(Blue light passed through the mark on Mojo's chest). I'll not give you my powers. You can do your worst!

Marble & Maza:(Gasp) Ahhh!

Maul: So be it, Guard! Kill both of them. Make sure you crush their bones. (Maza and the guards behind him sprinted toward Mojo and Meena. Immediately, marble stopped them). Marble? What are you doing?

Marble:(Walks to Maul) Dad, why are you so mean? (Maul was shocked) Because he didn't give what you requested, you want to take his life. A life you didn't give. The fact he is a human being and we are mermaids, we still have the same heart. What will be your gain if you have him killed?

Maul: Marble? Can you please stop.

Marble: Dad, I know the truth is bitter but please hear my voice. Let them go please. (She continues to talk as Mojo whisper to Meena).

Mojo: Who is she?

Meena: She is the King's daughter. She is trying to save us without involving any violent act.

Mojo: Mum I can handle this... I was ready to fight.

Meena: In the cage?

Mojo: Mum...

Maul: Maza! Please let them out. (Marble smiled as Maza released Mojo and Meena. They both came out of the cage). I'm sorry, my daughter has made me to understand I can't get all. I really need powers at all cost to be great king. I wasn't born with a mark, the priest deceive me and never gave me any powers. I drink innocent babies blood. (Goes to his knees) Please forgive me.

Marble:(Knelt down) We're sorry

Meena:(Goes to Marble as she holds Marble's hand lifting her from kneeling down). You did not offend me.

Mojo: My king please stand up. I'm not angry at all. I just thank the gods your daughter came at the right time cause things might get worst if she didn't intervene.

Maul: I'm grateful. I have to deal with the priest.

Mojo: Don't worry, I'll handle that. (He turns to Marble) Thank you so much. You saved the day.

Marble: Actually, I didn't save the day. You did. You came for your mother and that Gladden my heart.

Mojo: Thank you so much. We have to leave now.

Maul: Good but always remember to come visit.

Meena: Okay my king. (Mojo and Meena left the palace as Marble hugs her father).

Marble: Father thank you so much.

Maul: Anything for my dear and loving daughter. (He calls out the maids as they all feast and celebrate. Meena and Mojo outside the palace gate discussing)

Meena: Mojo, I'm sorry... your father couldn't make it.

Mojo: He came to me in a dream. He glows like a ghost. He made me to understand how bad you really need me. But thank the gods things turn around for good.

Meena:(Sobs as tears trickle down her cheeks) May his soul rest in perfect peace.

Mojo: He won't be forgotten. I'm just so happy you are alive. I can see you are tired let's go home. (He holds Meena as they both swims home. Mojo Laid Meena to rest in her room).

Meena:(Lying on the bed holding Mojo's hand) Thank you my son.

Mojo: Mum, it's not a big deal. I returned the good you did for me when I was a baby. So now you have to rest, let me go prepare something for you to eat. (He went outside and saw Milla who also slighted him as she got closer).

Milla: Mojo, you are back? For days now your mother is still in the palace. I hope she is still breathing.

Mojo:(Chuckles) My mother is safe with me.

Milla: Really? You found her?

Mojo: Yes, she is in her room resting.

Mila: Wow! This is good news.

Mojo: The king let us to go.

Milla: Just like that?

Mojo: The princess saved the day. I never knew the king had a daughter.

Milla: The king has always been hiding her in the palace.

Mojo: Say no more, cause the king you know to be evil is now so loving and caring. His daughter disciplined his heart and he is a change person.

Milla: Good! Are you going back to the land?

Mojo: No, I'm here for my mother. I'll stay here until she gets better. I want to go prepare what she will eat.

Milla: Let me assist you.

Mojo: Thank you (Light fades).