God's Warrior

It was a couple days until Jared and Janice were found. The two dogs were gone, not to be found anywhere they were not dead they just disappeared. When Janice's and Jared's bodies were found it was in the afternoon two days later. When they hadn't shown up to any of their college classes all of their friends and family were extremely worried about their well being. It was their mother who found their corpses. As she walked into Jared's bedroom once filled with bright, white walls; now the walls are blood red with words written in black, PAIN IS CAUSED BY PLEASURE. The words were written in big bold letters. Underneath those words read in almost illegible cursive writing, REPETITION IS NOW AND FOREVER! Their mother screamed so loud it alerted everyone who was standing outside. Everyone came running into Jared's room they saw the horrifying sight and some of them even some of the men felt as if they would faint from the terror that flowed through their veins with a sharp spike of deep pain. All at once Jared's horrific, dead body gave a huge jolt as if he was just shocked by paddles of life. It made everyone cry out with blood curdling horror, they ran out of the room pushing and shoving as they fled. Even the men had tear streaked faces. In fact, the men were more traumatized than the women were. At the funeral home the bodies were laying in the cooling room after they were examined by a mortician. When there was no one around Jared's body suddenly sat up, the plastic covering fell off his body and onto the floor. He tried to stand up with difficulty. Once he was able to stand, he walked out of the cooling room. He saw an old mirror laying on the floor. The mirror looked very old as if it was transported from another time in many hundreds of years ago. He picked it up, looked into it, he dropped it but it did not break. Jared didn't see himself as he was. His face was different. He no longer looked like his old self before his terrible fate, or it seemed like his fate. Jared heard a heavenly voice talking to him, or at least it sounded like a heavenly voice. He turned but saw no one, he took another look around then he saw some man whom he had never seen in reality. He had seen a similar dressed man in a movie he enjoyed watching. The man was had on a long white, leather jacket with gun holsters around his waist with two six shooters in both holsters. There were two types of crosses hanging from his neck. One was a plain, pure gold cross with Jesus's name engraved in it. The other one was a wooden made from an unknown source of wood, unknown by man anyway, with Jesus's face engraved on it. The one with Jesus's face engraved in it isn't like the kind used by anyone in the world, the engraving is different, it was pure and simply Jesus's face without him being crucified. Nor did it have a crown of thorns on top of his head. On top of Jesus's head was a halo. And, in fact he has a bright smile on his purified face. The man walked up to Jared and introduced himself. "My name is Eragian (Era-g-yan). I am your mentor and trainer. I am here to train you to fight the pure evil in this town. The evil is what killed you and your sister. You are to choose a new name, one that is both heavenly and of warrior type. You may not believe me, but, you were chosen to conquer this evil by the Lord as his and Heaven's warrior. Also, the warrior for the world. Your new name must not in any way be similar to your earthly name. Are you willing to do so?" Eragian said all this in a low tone as to not wake anyone even though everyone around is dead. He looked at Jared with deep remorse for him. Eragian remembered just how hard it is to accept a new fate, a fate of conquering all evil beings that threaten both Heaven and earth. Jared thought for a long time about what kind of name he would want and if all of this is real or not. A name popped into his mind a name that was a little bit heavenly, mostly warrior kind. "I know what name I prefer, my name shall be Lenkinic. I know it may seem a bit weird but I like it and I think it fits me best, plus it is different." Eragian nodded his head in approval, and he was smiling showing his pearly white teeth. "Now, let's get you some clothes and boots. Shall we?" Asked Eragian as he stretched out his right arm for Lenkinic to grab onto to be led out to the hallway. The hallway was empty except for the two men. A tall, white dresser with the numeral 7 written in light blue paint appeared in front of them as they walked out the door of the examination room. Lenkinic opened the top drawer to choose his final wardrobe. The wardrobe he will wear for all eternity. His wardrobe is of a white T-shirt and light blue jeans. There was also a light blue leather jacket that was long just like Eragian's. A leather gun holster appeared around Lenkinic's hips with two automatic hand guns. And around his shoulders a bullet holder appeared with bullets already on it. Eragian asked, "Are you ready for this?" Lenkinic replied with certainty, "yes, I am ready. Let's do this." They both walked out into the sunny day ready to find the evil and battle. The day of the funeral was a muggy and raining, as usual, just like any other time there's a funeral. Well at least since the evil arrived in the town of Pocatello Idaho. No one noticed Jared's body was not there anymore in fact a temporary body was placed there to be the replacement of his old self. His former family and friends had no clue who he is now nor that he is the warrior for God and everyone on earth. During the funeral Janice's spirit was present. She thought she was crying but couldn't since she was just a spirit. "After all the pain and suffering of my nightmare I will never have vengeance of my killer nor my big brother's murderer whomever it was. They, he, she, well it doesn't matter anyway. There will never be justice for us nor the other victims before us." Whimpered Janice as she tried to cry tears that would never come any more. Janice looked up seeing other spirits wondering around the graveyard. Some were victims of murder some were suicides while others died of natural, old times of their age. When one of the spirits cried out, "look! It's the warrior of God! He has finally been chosen. We will be able to rest in peace when the evil has been vanquished. Finally! Thank you, thank you our Lord and Savior. We are so thankful for you to choose yours and our warrior." Janice looked up into the skies of dark gray, wet and smog. Yet, all that has disappeared now the skies are clear and graceful. Even those who are still living noticed a difference in the weather. But they didn't take notice of their warrior of peace and vengeance. The spirits in the graveyard knelled down taking praise to them, to Eragian and Lenkinic. No other feeling was near the spirits knowing they are going to be safe soon, or at least they hoped it would be soon. Maybe not as soon as they'd like or maybe sooner than expected. It just depends on how long it takes for Eragian to training Lenkinic.