They already went in the barrier, there were lowly corpses along the way but those couldn't harm the peerless Hangguang-Jun and the Yilling Laozu Wei Wuxian. Although Mo Xuan Yu has low spiritual powers, Wei Ying still has talismans, and the corpses could be killed by a mere dagger too, the maze and barriers all of these are just a trap for the commoners. Just then they entered another barrier, this time the barrier was different, it was stronger than before. It was a hallucination spell, Lan Zhan gave the silver bell to Wei Ying so he wasn't affected, Wei Ying was calling out to him amidst the white fog, he was afraid to lose him again, their problem wasn't cleared out yet, he can't lose him before that happens.
Wei Ying, "Lan Zhan? Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan, where are you? Answer me!"
There was no response on the other side, Wei Ying was going impatient, he couldn't calm down at all, he then fainted.
~Lan Zhan~
Lan Zhan then woke up, he was in Cloud Recess, the sun was about to rise, it was 5 AM already. He then was wondering if that was just a dream until when he got out he saw the same Cloud Recess, but the people has changed, he was confused so he asked for looked for his brother. Just as he went inside he saw his Uncle in there too so he slightly bowed and greeted them.
Lan Zhan, "Brother, what year is it right now? I feel I had a long dream"
Lan Xichen, "Wangji, you're 18 right now, in a month cultivators from other clans will come, we have a lot of things to do right now."
Lan Zhan, "18 years old? That's weird."
Lan Qiren, "Wangji, I'm assigning you on a task, in a village near Gusu, there are weird things happening, so I want you to check it out, bring a group of elite disciples with you."
Lan Zhan, "Alright Grandmaster" He bowed and left the room, he got the worrying things he have on his mind, he proceeded in his journey.
~Wei Ying~
Jiang Cheng, "BRAT! Wake-up! The sun is up already but you're still here snoring."
Wei Ying, "Lan Zhan!"
Jiang Cheng, "What Lan Zhan? How dare you call Hangguang-Jun's name!"
Wei Ying sat up, "What time is it Jiang Cheng?"
Jiang Cheng, "It's damn 10 AM already"
Wei Ying, "Anything to do today?"
Jiang Cheng, "Wei Wuxian, Wei Wuxian, what is inside in that brain of yours? We're going to depart for Gusu today, you're already 19, we have to go there for studies."
Wei Ying, "OH"
Wei Ying thought that everything that happened was true, so he was careful, he knew he killed Jiang Cheng's whole family so he was trying to be careful, he wants to find Lan Zhan, he doesn't know if the Lan Zhan he'll meet is the same with the one he knew in those years, the same Lan Zhan who loves him and waited for him in the 16 years. He sighed, he then got ready, by the noon he asked someone to make him a flute, he then learned to play it, he wants to play the song Lan Zhan played for him at Xuan Wu Cave he wants to piece the song together.
He then started to write the notes of it to remember the whole song, his senior sister Jiang Yanli was good at zither, thus Wei Ying asked his shijie to play it for him, as she played it Wei Ying didn't get the same feeling when Lan Zhan played it, so he asked his shijie to keepit a secret for now.
It was 9 in the evening, he was lying on his bed, he took out a piece of paper. "Lan Zhan, I'll definitely change the future if I can, I won't give up." He smiled and kept the painting together with the music sheet he created, 'Lan Zhan must be asleep by now it's 9 already hehe.'