Changing Dangers

As the pair walked, they soon felt the need to look around their shoulders as they looked all around. The illusions had become frequent. This made the pair extremely cautious of any movement as they needed a moment to find out if it was a flash of an enemy or a glimpse of something that didn't exist.

All entities also started to get more common. Still, despite all of this, the pair had been relatively safe. 

"Hey Pops, why is it that the expedition before us stopped at the 750 mile marker? Sure the Hoppers are dangerous, but so long as they are careful they should be able to pass them easily."

"Huh? Seriously you should have just read the report."

"Hey, at least we have more to talk about now."

"HAHA! I guess that is true! HAHA! Well, it all has to do with the upcoming transition area. You see, right now there is only around one, maybe two Hoppers per large area. But when we reach the transition area, it slowly becomes a plague!"