Auction House (2)

"You know that my custom made suit costs tens of thousands of dollars right? You better kneel down to me and apologize and pay for my custom suit!" Ronald's face was full of anger and he said to Iris viciously.

Looking at the pretend astonished and surprised look Iris had on her face, Ronald was relieved.

Well done! A proper heroine that actually didn't start causing unnecessary drama.

Ronald was extremely happy now, he can finally continue to carry on the plot of being a vicious no brain villain.

Even though Ronald was ecstatic in the inside, he still glared at Iris on the outside.

On the other hand, Iris was actually dazed and surprised.

Even though she had tried her best to avoid letting the water splash on him, it still ended up splashing on him.

"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry." Iris was on the verge of crying at this point, how could she let him get splashed by water again in this life?

She was willing to kneel down and pay for all the sins she's committed this time around.

"I don't care if you're sorry, you better pay for my custom made suit! This suit is practically worth more than your entire life and now you actually dared to soak it wet!" Even though Ronald didn't understand why she said sorry, he still went with the flow and said in a harsh tone with an extremely cold expression.

I'm willing to p-" before Iris could kneel down and finish her sentence, there was suddenly another voice that errupted from another VIP booth.

"Why are you being so harsh on this maid, Ronald? Don't you have a bunch of other custom made suits at home?" Ye Fan had finally appeared.

Wait, what was Iris about to say?

Oh well, it seems like the event of Ye Fan coming in and 'saving the day' hasn't changed at all.

Finally, the plot is actually back on track and he'll be slapped in the face sooner or later.

'Luna Xuan and Xie Roulin, you guys see this? This is how it's meant to be done.'

"Which dumbass dares to try and meddle in my own business?" Even though Ronald was secretly rejoicing in his heart, he still yelled out arrogantly.

"Ronald Kuangge, seems like you're lacking quite a bit of braincells to not even be able to remember me from last night."

"Oh! You're that dumbass from the banquet last night! The one who got wine splashed all over him, slapped in the face, and dragged out by my guards." Ronald wanted to make Ye Fan more irritated in order to ensure that the plot will stay on the right track so he exposed everything that had happened during the banquet last night.

Ye Fan's face froze immediately, he was so humiliated at the banquet yesterday and it still made him furious every time he thought about it.

'Are you okay? Even though you're the protagonist you're that insecure about what happened last night?' Seeing Ye Fan not say anything, Ronald was getting nervous, maybe he had been a bit too harsh on Ye Fan.

After a few seconds of being completely frozen there, Ye Fan suddenly snapped back to reality, he realized that he still has to pretend to help Iris out.

"Don't worry about what happened last night, let's worry about this for now. I will help the young lady pay for your suit." Ye Fan looked as if he was really concerned about the maid that was being troubled by Ronald.

Including Ye Fan's handsome figure and heroic appearance on stage, a lot of the girls and woman were staring at him with heartfelt eyes.

A lot of the nobles who didn't even dare stand up for the maid gave Ye Fan an affirmed look as well.

Unlike Ronald who was completely useless and had nothing going for him besides his family background, Ye Fan looked and had the temperament of a true aristocrat.

Seeing the contempt of the people glaring at him, Ronald nodded in his heart, this is how it's suppose to be.

So without further hesitation, he decided to add a few extra lines for himself in order to further pull hatred from everyone present and ensure that the plot will go completely smoothly this time around.

"You're going to pay? Are you fucking stupid? This suit costs tens of thousands of dollars and yet you look like a hillbilly that had just accidentally stumbled his way into this auction house." Ronald had to admit, even though he was a villain and could naturally draw hatred from the protagonist, his ability to draw further hatred from normal people was amazing.

Even though Ye Fan was sitting at a VIP booth, a lot of people couldn't help but fall into deep thought and started to doubt him, could Ye Fan, someone they've never heard about before and was wearing ordinary clothing, actually be able to afford to pay for the custom suit that's worth tens of thousands of dollars?

The only person that didn't doubt Ye Fan however was Ronald.

Ye Fan was the protagonist after all, throughout all the times he's spent overseas, let alone tens of thousands, he could afford to spend billions of dollars.

The only main problem Ye Fan really has is trying to secretly bring over his entire force to China.

Just as Ye Fan was about to pull out his exclusive debit card which only 50 people in the entire world owned and brag to everyone in the auction house...

"What's going on here?" A cold voice suddenly vibrated everyone's ears.

Everyone in the auction house immediately became silent and held in their breath.

Ronald slowly turned his head towards the voice, and saw a woman wearing a red dress with long red crimson hair, blue gazing eyes, and nice slim body, her looks would've practically put every other models to shame back on earth.

It's the next heroine of the story, Li Wanruo.

In the original novel, it was said that not only did she have an extremely strong aura that could make even the elitest bodyguards of some of the major families shiver their legs, but would also kill or torture anyone that had offended her without blinking an eye.

She was essentially as ruthless as Xie Roulin.

Well Ronald wasn't too surprised about it, after all as she does come from a family that can cultivate, and a lot of the cultivators in the novel were usually short-tempered, but he couldn't continue to think about that right now because...

'Wait a second, this doesn't seem right. Wasn't Ye Fan suppose to face slap me two times first before she came out?' Ronald looked at Li Wanruo with a dull look in his eyes, and he had a bad feeling something bad was about to happen again.

'I swear to god if this plot ends up deviating from the original plot again...'