Rescue Mission (2)

"Sir, what do you want from us? We can possibly negotiate a deal here." Amidst all of the unconscious bodies currently out on the floor of a restaurants, an masculine injured middle aged man was staring at a certain youngster infront of him with a terrified look on his face.

Despite being considered a master of martial arts, all of the attacks that he landed didn't even make a single scratch on the young man infront of him.

And not only that, but he somehow managed to end up injuring himself instead while he was throwing in punches at the young man.

So who was the young man that the martial artist master was talking about right now?

That young man was obviously Ronald.

"You look like an absolute clown right now, just give it up and hand over the princess, that's all I want." Ronald showed a sinful look on his face and stated in an vicious tone.

Even though Ronald had thought about buying some time for either Ye Fan or one of the heroines to show up and witness this cruelsome scene, his plan is to kidnap the princess and hold her hostage for the next two weeks in order to fully show the heroines how awful of a person he is.

And besides, he can't just reveal to the protagonist and the heroines how strong he really was, otherwise it'll completely ruin all of the future plots.

So he doesn't plan on confronting the protagonist or the heroines this early just yet.

But even if he was in a rush right now, he still has to spew random bullshit infront of people that are apart of the protagonist's camp just like every other typical villain out there who loves to talk a lot.

"Sir, please, I can give you anything else but I can't hand you over the princess!" The middle aged man was absolutely certain that the young man infront of him was at least a Grandmaster and possibly even stronger, so he knew that he stood absolutely no chance against him and knew that the only way he could make it out alive was to try and appease to the young man's needs.

However, he couldn't just hand over the person he swore absolute loyalty to just like that.

"That's quite a shame, well since you won't hand over the princess, I guess I'll have to forcefully take her then." After stating those words, Ronald suddenly teleported right infront of the middle aged man's face.

"YOUR HIGHNESS! RUN! He's a Grandmas-" Before the middle-aged man could finish his sentence, he was hit in the chest by Ronald's palm, rendering him unconscious.

Afterwards, Ronald turned his head towards Princess Sophia with a sinister look on his face.

"W-what do you want from me?" Princess Sophia was completely horrified after watching not only about 30 of her most elite bodyguards, but also one of the master martial artists that was escorting her get absolutely sweeped by the young man right infront of her face with complete ease.

Although she didn't know much about the rankings in the martial arts community, she knew that let alone a grandmaster, it was extremely rare for someone to even hold a title of a master martial artist.

So unless if that martial artist was raised by a family since birth, it would cost billions and billions of dollars just to even hire a master martial artist to protect and escort someone somewhere for a few months.

And of course, since encountering a master martial artist was extremely rare, they were also heavily feared throughout the martial arts community.

But now a Grandmaster, a being that nobody even knew if they even existed or not...

That exact being was now right infront of her.

"What do I want? Haha princess, although I would love having a civilized chat with you right now, you see... some people are currently rushing towards our direction right now, and I don't want to confront them just yet, so we'll have to save the chat for a later time." Ronald then knocked Princess Sophia unconscious after wickedly announcing his words.

And then after picking up Princess Sophia and putting her unconscious body right ontop of his shoulders, he completely vanished, as if he was never here to begin with.


Right after Ye Fan arrived at the location where Lucas had told him to go to, Ye Fan looked at the scene infront of him and scanned around the restaurant trying to find if anyone was still conscious.

However, it seemed like the attackers didn't even bother sparing a single soul and just went completely mayhem.

So after quickly scouring the restaurant and locating the unconscious body of the martial artist master, Ye Fan checked the pulse of the body and after confirming that the middle-aged man wasn't dead yet, Ye Fan masterfully used his medical skills on the martial artist master.

A few minutes later, the martial artist master regained consciousness again.

"Thank yo-" Before the martial artist master could express his gratitude, Ye Fan interrupted him.

"What happened to the princess? Do you know where the enemies went?" Ye Fan hurriedly urged the martial artist master to talk.

"I'm not too sure... the Grandmaster who kidnapped the Princess knocked me unconscious before I was able to do anything else, how am I going to face her majesty now..." The martial artist master said in extremely depressed tone, the person he had swore to protect was now in the enemy's hands.

"Wait... did you say Grandmaster? There wasn't multiple people that had helped with the kidnapping? How do you know that it was a Grandmaster?" Ye Fan was extremely concerned and asked in a worrisome voice.

At first, Ye Fan thought that it was potentially an enemy that he had offended during his time overseas, however he scratched that from his head after he heard the word Grandmaster.

He had never once even encountered a Grandmaster, let alone even offending one.

It was fine if he was fighting against multiple master martial artists even while he was injured since his martial arts technique was suited to fight multiple enemies, however the same story can't be said if he was going up against a Grandmaster.

"All of the attacks that I tried to inflict on the Grandmaster ended up harming me instead, and he completely knocked me unconscious with just a hit of his palm."

"Okay, well don't worry. I'll save the Princess for you, be prepared to tell the Queen about my great feat." Although Ye Fan enthusiastically patted his chest and tried to reassure the martial arts master, Ye Fan himself was extremely worried and frightened inside.

Let alone him being injured right now, Ye Fan wasn't even sure if he would be able to take down the Grandmaster even if he was completely healed up.

However, even though Ye Fan didn't feel too confident in himself, he knew that no matter what happens, he wouldn't die anyways.

And with that in mind, he headed outside of the restaurant and asked Lucas, who had just arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, to locate Princess Sophia.