Fact and Logic

"Princess Sophia, you're the Princess of the Leighton family, am I correct?" Since Ronald was going to use facts and logic against her, he wanted to make sure that the Princess is aware of her current position.

Even though he never really had any romantic experiences before besides dating a girl back on earth for a few years before breaking up with her, he knew that love can make people blind.

So maybe if he drilled the fact that she was the Princess of an actual royal family inside of her head, then maybe she'll give up on him and go back to the Western World where she can slowly lose interest on him overtime.

"Yeah...? Why?" Princess Sophia had a confused look on her face, what does her having to be a Princess have to do with wanting to live with him?

"Don't you know what kind of commotions you'll actually cause then if the entire world knows that you're living with me? You already visiting China has caused a big enough stir already." Ronald saw the confused look on Princess Sophia on her face and he couldn't help but get dumbfounded.

Does she really not know that all of her movements are usually being watched by the entire media?

That was how Ronald knew that Princess Sophia had even visited China to begin with despite having no interactions with her whatsoever in his past life.

"That's okay, I don't really care if the media knows about it anyways." Princess Sophia wasn't lying, she didn't really care what the media really thought about her, she already knew that being the Princess of the Leighton family would obviously come with some setbacks, and the media always watching her every movement was one of them.

And besides, even if the media publicly criticized her and tried to ruin her public image as a Princess, she wouldn't be too bothered by it anyways.

"But I do!" After hearing Princess Sophia's remarks, even though Ronald knew that she didn't care about what the media thought about her living with him, he still did.

If the entire media knows that Princess Sophia was actually living with him, then naturally every heroine would know about it also.

Wouldn't that mean that the heroines will try and do something about it since they for some reason love him as well?

What if they all tried to move to his household as well?

That'll singlehandedly destroy all of the entire plots in the future!

Just thinking about it made Ronald's entire body shiver.

"I can just prevent the news from leaking out then if that's what you want." Princess Sophia saw the concerned looks on Ronald's face and she knew exactly what he was thinking about.

He was thinking about Luna of course.

Even after everything Luna has put him through, he was still thinking about Luna's well being and how it'll affect her reputation if the media knew that the Princess was living with him.

After all, every time someone talks about Ronald, Luna's bound to be in their conversation as well.

Such a selfless guy always putting others before himself first, Luna clearly doesn't deserve him.

'Damn I forgot that since she is the Princess of the Leighton family, she could actually do things like that with ease.'

Although that solved one of his problems with the heroines, the main problem was that Princess Sophia was still going to live with him!

She may be able to hide from the public eyes about the fact that she was living in the Kuangge household, however Ye Fan would still know about it anyways.

He's the protagonist for god's sake!

"Okay, but what will the Queen think about it? I'm sure she already knows that I was the one who kidnapped you to begin with. You know that the Queen will cause me a ton of trouble if she finds out that you're living with me, right?"

There was no possible way that the Queen would allow her own daughter to live over at a foreign country especially at the kidnapper's own house.

Not only will it be almost nearly impossible to ensure the safety of her own daughter since obviously she's in a foreign country, but she's also entrusting the safety of her own daughter with Ronald, the person who kidnapped her daughter to begin with.

No living being in the entire universe would be crazy enough to do that unless if they hated their own kid or something.

And if Princess Sophia actually loves him, wouldn't she try her best to not cause him and his family a ton of trouble?

"Ah... I forgot about that." Since Queen Helena was her mother, obviously Princess Sophia knew what kind of personality her mother had.

Although her mother was extremely strict and usually acted cold towards everyone on the outside, she also loved each and every one of her family members.

And with the amount of influence, power, and connection her mother had, it would be completely impossible to hide the fact that Princess Sophia was living with her kidnapper.

So her mother would undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble for Ronald and the Kuangge family after she finds out that her daughter was living with the Kuangge family.

Of course, Princess Sophia didn't want to actually cause any troubles to the person she loved just for her own selfishness.

"Well don't worry Ronald, I'll do something about it if she tries to intervene." Since Queen Helena loves Princess Sophia, she knew that she'll somehow resolve it if her mother does try to do something to the Kuangge family.

"And what if it doesn't end up working out?"

"If worse comes to worst, I'll just threaten her, or if you don't mind of course, then you could use some of your streng-" Just before Princess Sophia could finish her sentence...

"Okay Princess, I get it." Ronald suddenly interrupted her and then hurriedly tilted his head slightly to where he can see Iris, who was currently standing next to his seat from the corner of his eyes.

Even though Princess Sophia knew about his strength, he didn't want the heroines to know about it, since that'll obviously cause the future plots to deviate well before they even start.

When Ronald tilted his head to look at Iris's reaction, Iris looked back at him and gave him a dazzing smile with star-struck eyes on her face.

After seeing the bright smile on Iris's face, Ronald couldn't help but secretly sigh.

Compared to the cruel and cold hearted world-class killer Ronald was used to seeing back in his previous life, the current Iris infront of him right now looked more like a cute and obedient puppy.

If he was currently in his first life right now and someone told him that this was the same Iris he had read from the original novel, he wouldn't believe them at all.

After turning his head back to Princess Sophia and thinking about it for a bit longer, Ronald couldn't think up of any other reasonable excuses for driving the Princess away, and just decided that he'll try to make the Princess slowly hate him during the duration of her stay here.

"Well whatever, knock yourself out. I'll go get one of my maids to give you a tour around the house later." Ronald then stood up from the chair he was sitting in and then left the living room.

Even though Ronald didn't want Princess Sophia to move in with him, all he could do about it now was try to make the Princess hate him for the duration of her stay here.

However, he has to complete another plot with Gu Changsheng tomorrow so he didn't want to deal with Princess Sophia for now.

So with that in mind, Ronald headed back to his bedroom and decided to get some peace and quiet for himself, completely oblivious about the fact that there was a verbal war going on in the living room between Iris and Princess Sophia right after he had just left.

'Why do I feel like something big is about to happen right inside of this household?'

'Oh well, my intuition is always wrong anyways.'