Ye Fan's Comeback

The moment Ye Fan and Lucas had landed in to the capital city and stepped foot out of the private jet Lucas had rented out, there were a bunch of black SUVs and BMWs surrounding a white Ghost Rolls-Royce waiting for their arrival.

After Ye Fan had made his way out of the plane and headed straight towards the Rolls-Royce, one of the bodyguards that was waiting outside of the car opened the backseat of the car door and signaled Ye Fan to get in.

Ye Fan nodded his head at the bodyguard, then slowly started to enter the vehicle while Lucas went onto a different vehicle.

When Ye Fan entered the Rolls-Royce, he saw a thin man that seemingly looked like he was in his mid 50s sitting inside of the car.

Ye Fan instantly recognized this man since this was one of the people Ye Fan had saved while he had been working as a mercenary back over at the Western World.

"Oho, and just as I thought I would never see my benefactor again, he appears right in front of me. It's great to see you again, benefactor." The thin man couldn't help but get overjoyed after finally seeing the person who had saved him from a group of terrorists while he was back over at the Western World once again.

"It's nothing, you just happened to be with someone I was tasked to save at the time." Ye Fan was telling the truth.

The mission that Ye Fan had received at the time was to rescue an important figure's daughter, and the man in front of him just happened to be in the same group of hostages that the important figure's daughter was in.

"I know it may seem like nothing to you benefactor, but it really means everything to me, I would've died over there for sure if you didn't come to our aid back then. Oh, let me formerly introduce myself, I'm Gu Shunzhang, the head of the Gu household." Gu Shunzhang then brought his arms out in front of Ye Fan.

"I'm Ye Fan, did you say that you were the head of the Gu household?" Ye Fan shook Gu Shunzhang's hand and then immediately asked with a slightly surprised look on his face.

"Ye Fan… what a fitting name for my benefactor, but yes, I am in fact the head of the Gu household, is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing..." Even though Ye Fan seemed calm and composed on the outside, he was extremely furious on the inside.

Why does it seem like Ronald is so loved and has so many connections with so many other different families despite him having a infamous reputation as being a dog licker?

Although he doesn't have any actual explainations for it, just thinking about it made Ye Fan's blood boil more and more until his abdomen started to ache in pain.

"Benefactor! Are you okay? Driver, quickly bring him to the hospital!" Seeing that Ye Fan was clutching his abdomen with a painful expression on his face, Gu Shunzhang couldn't help but ask.

"No stop it, no need to bring me to a fucking hospital, I'm sick of always being cooped up in there!" Ye Fan hurriedly announced and took a deep breath to clear his mind out.

"Okay… if you don't mind me asking benefactor... what happened to your stomach?" Gu Shunzhang asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Just a minor gunshot wound, don't worry about it."

"Okay, but if you need anything from the Gu fam-" Midway through Gu Shunzhang's sentence, his personal phone had started to ring.

"My apologies benefactor, but let me answer this phone call real quick." Gu Shunzhang then picked up his phone and stayed on it for about a minute.

After Gu Shunzhang had finished talking on the phone, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Sorry about that benefactor, but my son had started causing a major disturbance for some reason, so I hope you don't mind coming with me to see him." Gu Shunzhang then ordered the driver to start heading towards where Gu Changsheng was.

"Your son? Is your son's name Gu Changsheng by any chance?"

"Yes benefactor, how did you know?"

"I actually have some grievances against him." Ye Fan decided to tell the truth after thinking about it for a brief second.

Although Ye Fan had only interacted with Gu Shunzhang for about a few minutes now, he was certain that Gu Shangzhang would fully stand by his side instead of his son.

"That good for nothing son of mine! Don't worry benefactor, I'll teach my son a lesson when I see him." Gu Shangzhang was furious knowing that his son had made an enemy with his benefactor.

After seeing that Gu Shangzhang was on his side, Ye Fan couldn't help but smile.

He knew that this was his time to finally start making a comeback.


'How in the hell did we manage to even get to this point?' Ronald complained in his head while looking at the countless amounts of the Gu family's bodyguards laying on the floor unconsciously.

Originally, Ronald was suppose to be over at the Gu household getting tortured to death by Gu Yuan.

But since Gu Yuan's original personality had also completely changed just like the rest of the heroines now, Ronald's plot of being tortured to death hasn't actually started yet, so he decided to just hang out with Gu Changsheng for the day since he had nothing better to do anyways.

And everything had seemed to be completely fine up until Ronald had gone to the restroom.

But why the hell does it seem like an entire war had just erupted while he was in the restroom?

However after looking around for a bit and seeing a certain someone holding Gu Changsheng by the collars with a disgusted look on their face, Ronald could probably guess what had happened while he was in the restroom.

Gu Changsheng, being the playboy he was, probably saw how beautiful this certain someone had looked and probably tried to hook up with her and ended up getting rejected.

And then of course, after Gu Changsheng had gotten rejected by this certain someone, he probably tried to threaten her with his bodyguards, which ended up leading up to this current predicament.

So who was this certain someone Ronald was talking about?

It was Sylvia, Princess Sophia's supposed best friend.

With how beautiful Sylvia had looked, Ronald could completely understand why Gu Changsheng wanted to hook up with Sylvia.

After all, even though Sylvia also wasn't considered one of the heroines for some reason, her looks were up to par with one.

So after connecting the dots and figuring out what had actually happened while he was in the restroom, Ronald decided to quickly escape from this bar before anyone noticed he had come out of the bathroom.

However, just before Ronald could just vanish out of thin air...

"YO RONALD! PLEASE COME USE YOUR GODLY SKILLS AND HELP ME OUT WITH THIS CHICK!" After hearing the restroom door swing wide open, Gu Changsheng hurriedly called out to Ronald.

After seeing who Gu Changsheng was calling out to, Sylvia hurriedly drop Gu Changsheng to the floor and slowly started to back away from him.

'Damn this playboy, why can't you leave me out of your personal problems?' Ronald couldn't help but complain in his heart while slowly making his way towards Sylvia.

But just as he was about to make his way towards Sylvia, Iris immediately stood in front of him with her back facing him.

"Why are you blocking my way, Iris?" Ronald asked in a domineering tone.

"Y-young Master... it's because she's dangerous." Iris could be seen visibly shaking.

Just by observing the way Sylvia had fought against the Gu family bodyguards, Iris could tell that even if there were 10 of her now, she still wouldn't be able to defeat Sylvia.

And of course, since she knew that wouldn't be able to defeat Sylvia in a fight, then that meant that Ronald's life was in serious danger right now.

So after some quick thinking, Iris gritted her teeth and pulled out a dagger and a handheld gun she had been hiding under her leg stockings right in front of Ronald.

Even though she was worried that Ronald might start questioning her about why she had these weapons to begin with and might even start distancing himself from her once he learns that she was a world-class assassin, she knew that she could worry about those later after she manages to bring Ronald to a safe spot.

Seeing that Iris was visibly shaken up and had pulled out a gun and a dagger for self defense, Ronald couldn't help but start to think if these heroines didn't actually love him but were just mentally ill inside their heads or something like that.

Sylvia clearly didn't even have any intentions of fighting!

Sure, even though Sylvia was just blankly staring at him for no apparent reason, Ronald was pretty sure that he could probably just walk out of this bar all willy-nilly right now and Sylvia wouldn't even bother trying to talk to him.

So why the hell is Iris actually trying to start a fight with someone she was absolutely certain she wouldn't even be able to win against?

Does love make people that blind or something?

Just as Ronald was about to walk over the unconscious bodies of the bodyguards and leave this bar, he saw a bunch of black SUVs and BMWs pull over to the side of the sidewalk, completely blocking out traffic.

And Ronald was completely dumbstruck the moment he saw that Ye Fan and Gu Changsheng's father, Gu Shangzhang, step out of a Ghost Rolls-Royce.


'Because I don't recall Ye Fan ever visiting a bar during his stay at the capital city!'

'Did I somehow skip a chapter or two along the way while I was reading the original novel or something like that?'

'Man I don't even know what's happening anymore.'