Feeling for her.

While you two were talking, jungkook came and said "she's right lee kyung, you can't make me your's, you know what, if you can change your attitude, then we can be your friends".

"you are right jungkook, i can't make you mine. And i am changed now. I promise, i'll not interfere in your life., forgive me, you and y/n can be my friend..." said lee kyung innocently.

The break was over now you and lee kyung are sitting together. After spending time in school you all went to home. After eating some food, You can't live without meeting bella so you went there and you saw, she was hanging uniform, which was same as your's college you went to her and asked her "Hey bella, this is my college uniform, why do you have this?"......."nothing special, i'm just changing my college to your's college" you heard that and you shouted "Hey bella, are you serious???omg it will be great.. i am waiting for you, you are coming tomorrow right?" you said and she nodded.

You are very happy for her. And you just went to your home with excitement. Then suddenly you got a call what was jungkook's call. "y/n i have a confession, can you come to a ****** hotel i'll tell you there" he said and after thinking you nodded.

You get ready and went to the place he said. He wave his hand to you, you went to him., and he said "thanks for coming y/n". "It's alright but what confession do you have?" you asked confusedly.

Jungkook: Umm, first let's have a lunch (he said and you nodded).

You ate with him, and he was staring at you, you feel like, he wants to tell you something... but what is it? Well you ate some food and then "I think you should tell me now, what confession do you have" you asked. "actually y/n i have waited so much, i don't know but i'm really falling for you, can we date". he asked but you were too shocked."wa...wha..t..what jungkook are you even serious, we are just friends, i thought that we are good but only in the relation of friends. Sorry jungkook, but i'm too much frustrated, i am going, because i have nothing to say" you said and jungkook stopped you by grabbing your wrist "y/n don't go please, please think about it. I really love you, and i want you to be with me in my life". he said. " but jungkook sorry i can't even think about this, I like you but only as a friend relation,So it's better for me to don't accept" you replied and went back to your home.

TO BE CONTINUED.............