director's son

Jungkook was so angry. And you were too but that guy was looking so dangerous so you controlled yourself. "sorry director's son i can't sit with you, teacher already fixed our seats with our group leader and mine is with jungkook" you said making him angry. He was going to grab you but jungkook stopped him by throwing his hand away. They started fighting, you were nervous.

Meanwhile teacher came into class and seeing jungkook and director's son (beom syo) fighting so hard and teacher shouted "what are you both doing. beom syo, don't cross the limit and you too jungkook".teacher asked these both to stand on their seats and answer to teacher.

"jungkook you tell first what's going on?" asked teacher

"actually sir, y/n is in my group and as you know you made me her leader and that beom syo is forcing y/n to sit with him, He even tried to grab her". said jungkook, trying to control himself

"what, beom syo we know that you're director's son, but it doesn't mean that you'll do what you want." said teacher back

"sir, i am gonna asked my father to arrange me with y/n, she won my heart, i really want her."

you were going to say something but jk cut you off

"excuse me beom syo, she's in my group and she can't go without taking my permission, and it was ruled my sir" jungkook said making you feel ok

"stop it and beom syo what is that behavior with your own teacher. shut it other wise, i'll talk to your dad and make him angry against you" teacher said

You feel proud to be jungkook's friend but he wants you to be his girl friend. Teacher started teaching after scolding beom syo that made you feel comfortable.... you sighed and sat with jungkook as well "thank you jungkook" you said making jungkook glance at you, he looked at you gave a wink making you blush and he said "even if you don't accept me, but everything for you".....

TO BE CONTINUED...........