Chapter 115 [R-18]

At least the next TEN chapters (up to CHAPTER 100, which is two and a half months ahead) are on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 90- Gems A Plenty! [R-18]


It had been nearly four months since Justin and Nearly Headless Nick had been Petrified, and almost everybody seemed to think that the attacker, whoever it was, had retired for good. They were right in a manner of speaking since Riddle no longer attacked students but instead controlled them. Some would say that is the better alternative. However, I believe it is much worse. Riddle has been up to something, and no one has caught onto it except me, and if Riddle knew about my interference, he would come for me. He definitely has eyes on me, but thankfully, I have ways around the castle and am always using the invisibility cloak when I go hunting.

At this point of the year Peeves had finally got bored of his "Oh, Potter, you rotter" song. In March, I learned through all of the students excitedly chattering about it that several of the Mandrakes threw a loud and raucous party in Greenhouse three and that this made Professor Sprout very happy. Confused as to why this was, I questioned the woman, and she told me that it meant they were close to fruition. "The moment they start trying to move into each other's pots, we'll know they're fully mature," she told me. "Then we'll be able to revive those poor people in the hospital wing." I honestly didn't know whether to be glad or not about that because the threat was still at large.

I had been capturing pages every night, but every night, once again, there were multiple people being controlled and used for something. No matter how much I did, nothing seemed to change. I felt like I was that one guy from Greek mythology who keeps pushing a boulder up the mountain, but the mountain never ends. Or is it that he goes back to the beginning when he rests? Either way, I feel like I am making no progress. I mean, Riddle is definitely more powerful than he should have been. And he is currently a magical book. Does that mean he can spawn infinite pages, and I am actually doing no damage except doing some insignificant slowing?

I can't think like that. Even though there doesn't seem to be an actual decrease in activity or in pages, I am sure I am doing something. If anything, I am, at the very least, whittling away at him piece by piece, and at some point, it will become too much for him. I will do too much and impede him from completing whatever his objective is, and at that point, I don't know what else I can do; I will have to wait for him to make a move. I don't like it, but there is nothing I can do. Trust me when I say I have been trying to rectify that, but it just hasn't been panning out.

I still haven't stopped searching for the book since if I get that, then it is the great end clause, and everything stops. It's the shut-off switch, and if I get my hands on it, then everything is over, and I have won. Of course, it isn't that easy, is it? The book must be in a very secure location surrounded by wards or something that is stopping my spell from tracking it down, and the pages come from there. However, even if the book was out, my spell only connects to the closest Horcux with a stable connection. I've been trying to modify it in my free time to connect to the strongest link in the vicinity, which I hope is the book, but it doesn't seem to want to work.

Right now, my best guess for the location of the book is somewhere in the castle under intense wards, or the more frightening of the two options, the Chamber of Secrets. It will make sense if it is down there since that place already has potent wards that would mask it from my detection spell, not to mention that Riddle already had access to the place and that it was much easier to just reside there than risk taking the book out. Not to mention the need for a Parseltongue to get in and also the defence that was a motherfucking Basilisk. Even if I wanted to go down there and look for the book, I am not prepared.

First of all, I didn't even have a way to access the Chamber since I don't have Parseltongue, and I was not willing to try and trick Harry into helping me get through another snake barrier again. The kid is much more suspicious of me now for some reason, something to do with me smelling off, which I just assume is some bullshit Horcrux thing, but either way, that option is now cut off to me unless I put a lot of work into it. And even if I did manage to get into the Chamber, I am not ready to face down a Basilisk and win.

First of all, chickens won't do shit against it except be a mild annoyance as it is a fully grown Basilisk, and chicken cries only affect young ones to a devastating effect. I am still working on my vibrational spell as an attack against the Basilisk, but it is still not finished. Not to say I haven't made a lot of improvement on the spell, but I don't think it is at the point of exploding a Basilisk's head, which is the point where I will actually take it to fight a Basilisk. Still, vibration magic has come in handy in some other ways, and a lot of the Hogwarts women like it, especially Aurora Sinistra, the Minx.

I've also been working on my ice magic, but even if I managed to freeze the thing whole, it would only stall it for a bit, and the Basilisk would break out eventually. What I need is a way to kill the thing after I slow it down, but I don't have that. It isn't like I have a magical sword to stab it through with and kill it after a brain shot. I don't know where the Sword of Gryfinddor actually is right now, so I can't go and grab it, and I don't think the sword would appear if I reached up into the sorting hat; I don't think I qualify for it. And not just any sword or weapon is capable of piercing into a Basilisk, and I don't have any so I am not going to fight it. I don't even have a proper viable way to fight without staring at it, so no, not going down there anytime soon.

So, since it seemed like I wasn't about to get my hands on the book anytime soon, I decided to try and figure out what the hell Riddle was actually up to now. My only possible way to do that was to follow the people with the pages and try and figure out what they were up to, but that was easier said than done. I don't know what it was, but after a while, each person possessed by a page would regularly do a spell that I didn't know about, but with it, they could somehow tell there was someone close. Some kind of detection spell that would detect me; the first time, I was lucky enough to react quickly and knock them out. After that, I was cautious and always had to wait for the right moment to strike.

Anyway, with that spell in play, I couldn't risk getting too close to any of my targets, which is why I had to watch them from a distance as they went about their business. I never managed to see what they were up to, as they always put up a hazy screen. They worked at random parts of Hogwarts, and if I were to enter it, they would know. I had to wait for them to leave and inspect the site afterwards, but every time, I couldn't find anything. No detection spells revealed anything, and no matter how closely I looked, I couldn't find anything. Either they were faking me out, or whatever was going on was way above me, and I would need in-depth knowledge of whatever they were doing to actually identify it.

I tried many times to figure it out but never could. So I went another way and decided to just follow one possessed person for the entire night and watched them repeat the same process at multiple points all over the school with no clue what they were doing. Maybe they are searching for something? Some kind of secret weapon hidden in Hogwarts or a hidden room? I am pretty sure I remember something about hidden vaults around Hogwarts or something that was from a game, but I don't know anything about them. I thought maybe I could follow the possessed student back to an important location, but whenever they have fulfilled their use, the pages just take them back to where they got them from and then fly off too fast for me to track or chase them.

To me, it doesn't seem like I have any other possible way to fight against Riddle at the moment, so I have to just keep doing what I am doing and hope it will weaken him enough that he can't get whatever it is he wants to get. Honestly, if you think about it a bit too much, then there are holes and pitfalls in my plan, and that's why I will stop thinking about it. If things get too far or reach the end stages, then Dumbledore and Harry will get involved and bring an end to things. I am just trying to stop him before things get to the point.

Right now, the whole school is on tenterhooks, but as always, there is one thing that can get them excited and help them forget all of the bad things that are happening within Hogwarts. People are being petrified, dementors and werewolves, death eaters, Voldemort, and all of it can be ignored for a moment when it comes to Quidditch. Bizarre, but for some reason, it works. Gryffindor's next Quidditch match would be against Hufflepuff. Saturday's match was the only thing raising the spirits of the castle; I was also looking forward to it. Just sitting there with nearly everybody in attendance and just sitting back and mindlessly watching the match without having to worry about anything. Sounds great.

"Hey, are you even paying attention right now?" I hear from in front of me

[Lemon Start]

"Hm, oh yeah. Of course, I am. You're doing great, baby." I say, putting my hand out and stroking it through the soft brown lock of Gemma Farley's hair as she suckles on the tip of my cock, her tongue slowly encircling my head and lapping at it. "That's good; I'd be quite angry if you were thinking of other things when I am lavishing so much attention on you." She says, taking my cock fully into her mouth and deepthroating me with a mischievous glint in her eye, immediately taking me right to the base and doing miraculous things to me.

I can't help but lurch forward, hunching over as I fix my hand atop her head and ashore her position there as I cum uncontrollably into her mouth, her gag reflex completely non-existent. I couldn't help but spill since she had been giving me her ministration for about an hour straight under my desk as I was marking students' work above the desk and pondering other things. After about a minute of holding her there with no complaints, I relax and lean back in my chair, letting go of her head. She removes my dick from her mouth and then goes about licking it clean for me with avid devotion.

I think I've had the thought before, but this girl is bizarrely obedient and subservient, with a bit of sassiness and mischievousness mixed in. She definitely wants some little Lockharts running around, but I am not about to give them to her. Having finished cleaning me up, I scoot my chair back and let Gemma hop to her feet before she turns around and neatly gathers my work before depositing it very tidily on a student desk and then returning before hopping up onto my desk, her form completely nude.

"Professor, can you do that thing I love? Please?" She asks, leaning back on the desk with one hand as she uses the other to spread her pussy lips wide for me, giving me a view into her most private part as she flicked her tongue in the air at me, making it very clear what she wanted. Yeah, my work with vibrational magic was very much a hit with the ladies. I scoot my chair forward once again as Gemma giggles with glee, delighted that I had agreed, and eagerly shuffles herself forward for my tongue to pierce.

"Alright, here we go. Just trying not to get anything on my work; I know how wild you can get when you start squirting." Before my appendage made the journey, however, I had to use my wand to apply the spell to my tongue, a charm variation to make something vibrate instead of producing vibrations, and with that, my tongue was a-chugging. Grasping Gemma by the thighs, I pull her in, and my tongue dives into her depths, immediately starting to spell the alphabet on her pussy as she starts to scream and hold onto my hair for dear life.

I am very glad that I had my classroom securely locked and sound dampened; otherwise, I would be getting complaints and nosy people coming from all corners of Hogwarts to come to investigate the shrieking that I was making occur right now. I didn't even have to put much energy into my pussy licking, my vibrations doing most of the work, with me sometimes having my tongue penetrate, but not often, as that would be too much for her. I sometimes sucked and flicked her clit, her squeals being music for my ears. There is one thing that I cannot deny, and that is how much I love hearing a girl's screams of pleasure, which I am responsible for.

That is always something that I have never entirely understood about myself, but I find the most pleasure in giving others pleasure, sexually, that is. There is just something about having a woman become undone before me that drives me crazy, that the composed being that used to be before me was suddenly nowhere to be seen when subjected to my whims and skills. Maybe I had a thing for domination, or power, or authority, but having that kind of sway over someone is just amazing, and I can't get enough of it. It's why I can't quit Gemma Farley. The girl doesn't say no, and she always lets me know quite vocally how much she loves what I do to her.

"Ah, I love it! I'm CUMMINGG!!" She screams as my upper body is hit with all the force of a Depulso and an Aguamenti at the same time as she quirts unrelentingly in my face, my mouth taking quite a bit, but the rest of it spraying out everywhere. She has a widespread, which is why I told her to try and avoid my work, having been the victim of her ejaculation once before. Though I don't mind the taste, I am quick to use my wand to get rid of the traces of it everywhere in the room, not wanting any evidence of our illicit student-teacher relationship to set in. I also stopped the vibration spell on my tongue.

"Hahhh... Do you think we can take this to the bedroom, Professor? I'd much rather the comfort of a bed than the hard desk, the wall or the floor." Gemma asks, lying across my desk, still trying to catch her breath. "No, we can't," I reply straight off the bat, having had to fend off the question before. She has asked before, and I've always said no. I have sensitive things in my room, and as much as I like Gemma, I've never been able to get past her shields, so I don't trust her enough to let her in. I'm not worried about refusing anyway, as that girl adores me, and I could beat her half to death with a wet fish, and she would still be on my side.

"Then, how about your office? I feel like anybody could walk in at any time and find us." She tries, but I shake my head no. I'm not willing to let her in there either, and truthfully, I am not that bothered about being found out, though I can always obliviate whoever enters. Sure, it will be a bit of a scandal and a hit to the reputation, but she's of age, and I only have to stay one year at this school, so even if I am fired it's fine. Most likely, they'd let me stay until the year's end anyway, even if I was fooling about.

"I have a better use for that mouth instead of these inane questions." And with that said, I conjure two dildos that are exact replicas of my dick, one flying to start pumping down her throat, and the other flying to dive straight up her arse without it even being prepared for it, I found she likes the pain just as much as the dick. With two of her wholes taken, I float her into the air and manoeuvre her ass towards me, grabbing her by the hips and thrusting forward into he pussy.

I am taking three of her holes at the same time, and her screams of ecstasy tell me she is loving it. It isn't long before I cum, not worrying since a spell already in effect is making sure I don't have offspring. Without wasting time, I switch holes with one of the dildos and begin thrusting there instead, her ass already warm and excited for me.

This girl is really helping out my charm work, if nothing else.


I did this one pretty late, but it is still done. So yeah, I'm still ill, and I also have an assignment to hand in for Uni, but I managed to get this out. I also started watching the new Yakuza series, only the first episode. It is okay so far, but the guy doesn't feel like Kiryu. Hopefully, I will feel better soon. Thanks.

Upcoming Chapters:

Hero: Chapter 91- Clearing The Waters. [R-18]

Super: Chapter 93- Threats, Taunts and Spiders.

Legendary: Chapter 95- Salvation Incoming!

Galactic: Chapter 99- The Suicide Squad!

Mythic: Chapter 100- Chamber of Fear...

If you want to discuss this or any other topic further, follow the link to my Discord.

The link to everything you need and my patronage:

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!