Chapter 128

At least the next TEN chapters (up to CHAPTER 113, which is two and a half months ahead) are on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 103- Freedom At Last!


The rest of the final term passed in a haze of blazing sunshine. Hogwarts was back to normal with only a few minor differences—Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were continuing since I was here(that is a difference from the original cannon where Gilderoy Lockhart would be made into more of an idiot than he already was, so I at least avoided that fate) and Lucius Malfoy had been sacked as a school governor. It turns out that the rest of the board didn't quite like how he was trying to take away their children's greatest protector, once they realised that was what they were doing.

Little Draco Malfoy was no longer strutting around the school as though he owned the place, and that customary smirk was nowhere to be seen. On the contrary, he looked resentful and sulky. On the other hand, everybody else in the castle seemed to be quite happy, that is except for a few Slytherin students. Those students, being the ones I had erased the memories of, were looking very sombre and moody, no doubt because they had a whole lot of catching up to do. I was actually quite impressed with how the situation was handled for them as well as the students that were petrified.

Dumbledore allowed them to do what they could with the other students and finish out this final term, and then he gave them the option of either repeating the year next year if they so wanted, depending on the amount they missed, or coming in over the summer and finishing everything they missed so they could be ready for the new year. The Purebloods would be coming in themselves, and the teachers would be going out to collect the muggle-borns and bring them in for a day of jam-packed lessons before dropping them off at home. That way, they would be fully ready for the beginning of the next school year.

If there was one thing that kind of worried me, it was that the six Slytherin students would be together if they stayed back for the next year. Hell, even if they just took the remedial classes over the summer, they would be together, and that worried me. This was six kids who were in complete control of their actions, and they bought into everything Riddle was selling. And now they would be together, and who knows what they are going to get up to together. Well, that's not my problem anymore. In fact, nothing at this school has anything to do with me anymore because today is my last day.

Right now, it is the end-of-year feast, with everyone looking happy and relieved to have made it through the year, barring those that I had previously mentioned. Well, that's not fully true. Fear and suspicion banished, the House tables are abuzz with excitement and anticipation... all except the Slytherins, who just do not share the general feeling. I look out over the hall and calmly watch them all eat to their heart's content. Seated at the tables are the formerly petrified, revived students.

Ernie Macmillan joins his fellow Hufflepuffs. Colin Creevey is snapping photos of the proceedings. At the rear of the hall, standing near the entrance, looking decidedly unhappy, is Filch, who is looking very depressed. And over on the Gryffindor table, Hermione is sat between Harry and Ron, the two boys acting quite protectively. She is smiling widely and looks no worse for wear; I can only guess that she is so happy because she will be able to continue learning during the summer holiday.

Feeling that this was a good moment, I picked up the crate I had placed on the floor beside me and walked around the teacher's table. Then, I walk down the middle of the hall towards the entrance, gathering eyes on me as I do so. It's the end of the year and the last day, so I thought I should leave a bit of an impression before never returning here ever again. So, carrying the crate, I go up to Filch, who doesn't even realise what is going on until I am standing in front of him and cough to get his attention.

"...What do you want?" The old man says quite rudely, but there's no real energy in it, and the man seems to not even be alive anymore as he just stands there limply. "Argus, I am genuinely sorry for your loss. It is clear how much Mrs Norris meant to you, and I know there couldn't ever be a replacement, but I hope this will help you." Saying so, I open up the crate, which is more akin to a carrier, and move it forward, allowing Filch to see inside.

At first, he was looking despondent, but then, once he glanced inside, his eyes went wide, and tears began to appear at the brim of his eyes. "Oh- Oh my," Filch whispers as he brings his hands up hesitantly. He then reaches into the box, grabs the contents, and brings it out gently, as if it is the most fragile thing in the world. The whole hall watches as he brings out a small little kitten with yellowish-blonde hair that I didn't even know was possible. Filch starts to sob as he brings the kitten in close and hugs it close to him, the little thing mewing against his chest.

"What's the little one's name?" Filch asks, his voice now more alive than ever, and I smile, watching the old man finally have another reason to live because from what I was picking up from his mind, he was on the edge of ending it, suicide, big time. "The little guy doesn't have one yet, I thought I'd leave that up to you since you are her new owner." Honestly, I just asked Andromeda to get me a cat and send it to me, and she sent this one. I think she thought I wanted it for myself, and that's why she sent one with hair similar to mine. That or she likes a good joke.

"Then, their name shall be Mrs Lockhart. In honour of you, professor." Filch looks at me with a happy smile, and I have to nervously chuckle and scratch the back of my head while inside, I am cringing, not liking the name in the least. "Now, now, Argus. No need for that; you can name the little guy what you want, and I'm pretty sure it's a boy, haha." I say, trying to reject the name as nicely as possible, but the old man just shakes his head in the negative.

"No, that wouldn't be right. It's Mrs Lockhart now." At that, I just chuckle and nod before turning around and walking back to my seat, I have wasted enough time on that, and I'd rather not think about it anymore. As I walk back up all the students are watching with a smile, and while I planned for it to be admiration, I am sure that some of them are finding the new cat's name funny. However, the teacher's table is different as they all smile at my actions except Snape, who doesn't show a thing. And then there is Dumbledore, who is looking at me with a knowing twinkle in his eyes.

Fuck off, old man. I think it so hard that I am pretty sure Dumbledore actually picks up on it, but he just chuckles and sips his pumpkin juice. The old fucker, thinking I'm actually an okay guy or something like I just did that out of the kindness of my heart. It was a tactical PR move after this entire year of fear without me being able to stop it, and yeah, it took a little bit of a funny turn at the end, but it still worked to that effect. Holding in a sigh, I sit back in my seat and continue my meal while I think about any other loose ends I might have to tie up.

Thinking back on everything I've started this year, I can't really see anything I've left unresolved. Riddle has been taken care of, I taught my classes, everybody is safe and healthy, and nobody is thinking of suicide anymore. That is for the main things that involved my tenure as a Hogwarts professor, and now for the other things. Learning magic from the Hogwarts library, I did that, well, not like I wanted. I would have liked to spend the time learning any magic that took my fancy, but no, with the Basilisk running around, I focused on researching it and learning things that could help in my battle against it.

I focused on developing ice and sound-based spells, and it was very tricky to make a spell that sends out vibrational sound waves, but I did it. And then, I didn't even get the chance to use them. The Basilisk had its mouth wide open to devour Harry, its eyes already taken care of, and I just levitated and shot the sword of Gryffindor into its mouth, ending its life quite easily. It was very simple, and it made me feel that I wasted my time, but I suppose any spell is good, so I'm sure I can use the new ones as well.

Now, what else, what else. Ah, right, During this final term, Andromeda informed me that she had procured a set of matching Vanishing Cabinets, which I was very excited about. After making sure that she didn't take the one from Borgin and Burkes (since that would be crucial for Dumbledore's death, how nice am I now?), I made sure it worked, and after that, I went and took receipt of it. With one placed in my home for the moment, the other was taken by me, and I took it straight to the Room of Requirement, where I went straight to the special place with the talking stone head and set it up there. I tested it, and it worked.

Speaking of the Room of Requirement, that had been finished up as well. The House Elfs had done their jobs splendidly and sorted everything into the different chests I had given them. I had them gather everything into different chests depending on how they were categorised. We have non-magical, magical but useless, don't know what the hell that is, safe books, dangerous cursed books, weapons, items, wands, cursed and dangerous objects, and a bunch more for all sorts of different things. I had taken all the chest with the useful stuff, but I had decided to leave the useless things there. I actually had a plan for them.

The room with the talking bust of Ignatia Wildsmith, which was somehow inside of the Room of Requirement, was where I put the vanishing cabinet. It was quite weird because once the room was fully emptied out and put into chests, the room had shrunk since there was no need to be that big. It was still quite large because I had left the vanishing cabinet that connects to Borgin and Burkes in there untouched, as well as the pedestal that used to hold Rowena Wavenclaws Diadem. I placed the Diadem back on it since I no longer needed it anymore and I was done with being a teacher.

Anyway, with all the useless stuff, I gave it to the House Elfs and instructed them to make a maze out of them that leads to that room, which they did quickly, having fun throwing things about and making shoddy paths each and every way. It was genuinely confusing once complete, but thankfully I had asked them to make a map of it as well, and they did, which gave me a proper way to reach that room if I ever lost the use of my personal vanishing cabinet, as well as keeping it hidden from others.

Speaking of maps, I also have in my possession the Marauders Maps, which can track everybody over the whole of Hogwarts. So, of course, I had to do some testing and see if I could replicate it. I couldn't send it to my researchers as the thing became inert after being taken out of Hogwarts, just ordinary paper. It only works because of all the Hogwarts Wards that it has tapped into, which the map just reads, that's it. It was interesting to learn about, but nothing really gained. That reminds me that I still have it and have to give it back to the twins. I also need to give Harry his cloak back as well, so I'll do both later.

McGonagall suddenly taps her goblet and brings me out of my recollection. Dumbledore then stands and addresses everybody. "Before we begin our feast, let's give a round of applause to Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake Juice has been successfully administered to all those who had been petrified." He starts to clap, which prompts everyone to applaud. "Also, as this is the end of the year, I feel the need to put your minds at ease. Hagrid had to take some time off to recover from his time being wrongfully detained, but now he is back being Hogwarts Keeper of Key and Grounds." He says, gesturing towards the door.

The doors slowly open, and everyone watches as someone enters. It's Hagrid. He stops and looks around at everyone in the silent room, and then he smiles at them. "Sorry, I'm late. The owl tellin' me to come back got all lost 'n confused. Some ruddy bird named Errol." Ron exchanges a nervous glance with Dumbledore, but again, the man just smiles like an ass. Hagrid looks at all of the faces staring at him, and then he begins to speak. "I jus' want to say... that if it wasn't fer' you, Harry... you an' Pofesser' Lockhart... Well, I jus' want to say... Thanks." He sniffles there, and everybody smiles at the gentle giant. I play my part and smile as well; by this point, everybody knows some version of what went on, the version Dumbledore let out.

Needless to say, I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the goings-on, and I didn't much care when Gryffindor won the House Cup. I just want to go home.


It couldn't be sooner, but finally, it was time for the journey home on the Hogwarts Express. Well, I could have left another way, but I still did have two things to return today. I watched as Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Ginny got a compartment to themselves. Well, that made things more complicated, didn't it? If I wanted to stealthily return the stuff, that is, but at this point, I couldn't be bothered, so fuck it. After the train was well on its way back to London, I went and barged into their compartment. They looked very shocked when I suddenly appeared, and Hermione looked mortified, probably because of what they were doing.

It seems that they decided to make the most of the last few hours in which they were allowed to do magic before the holidays. They were playing Exploding Snap, setting off Fred and George's Filibuster fireworks (I'd seen some of them during my time at school; it's good stuff, and I should definitely get them working for me in the future), and practised magic on each other. I had come in just when Hermione had just disarmed Ron, and she looked like she was going to be sick.

"P-Professer! I'm sorry! I know we shouldn't be casting magic now we aren't at Hogwarts and-" I raise my hand, and she stops her blabbering. "First of all, I am no longer your professor. Second of all, this train belongs to Hogwarts (I think), so it technically counts, so cast all the magic you want." I finish, and Hermione nods happily, looking very pleased now that she thinks what she is doing is not against the rules.

"Anyway, I am just here to return something that I confiscated earlier in the year. Here you are, Fred and George, I believe this belongs to you." I pull the Marauders Map out of my robe and hand it towards them, and they look delighted at finally getting it back. "Just manage the mischief you get up to, alright." They look shocked, and then they rapidly nod their heads, looking at me like I am a god. They probably think I am one of the Marauders.

"Another thing, one of the House Elves gave me something to return to you, Harry. Apparently, you left it under your bed." With that, I reach into my robe once more and, pull out the invisibility cloak and hand it to him. "My cloak!" Harry exclaims triumphantly, clutching it tightly to him, reminiscent of Filch with Mrs Lockhart earlier. "If you care about something that much, then make sure you take better care of it, okay?" I say to Harry, and he looks up and nods at me with gratitude in his eyes.

"Yes, thank you, professor." Ron shoves Harry on the shoulder playfully, happy that his friend has gotten his cloak back. I look at all of them one more time before giving a nod and exiting their compartment, going back to my own, which I had fully to myself. As I walked back, I walked past a distraught Percy Weasley, who was banging on the door of a compartment. "Penelope, please open the door! What did I do wrong! Why did you break up with me" Percy whines outside the door, banging on it, but the banging is pretty feeble with his skinny arms and weak wrists.

"Go away, Weasley; she doesn't want to talk to you. Honestly, she was just being friends with you. You are delusional." Some girl inside the compartment shouts back, making Percy slump his shoulders and give up in defeat. He walks past me, and I give him a pat on the shoulder as he goes, tough luck, bud. If only you'd actually take your relationship further than holding hands once, but no, you didn't. Back in my own compartment, I sit down and relax, pulling out a book. I'm so glad Dumbledore will be handling the remedial Defence Against The Dark Arts lesson in the summer.

Finally, Freedom at last.


All right, the newest Yakuza game is out, Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, and I am going to be playing it soon. I am most likely going to platinum it as well, as I have for other Yakuza games. I'll be playing on my Twitch or YouTube, so you can drop by to chat if you want. Thanks for reading.

Upcoming Chapters:

Hero: Chapter 104- Back in Business!

Super: Chapter 106- The Lockhart Gala!

Legendary: Chapter 108- Unhappy Wife, My Happy Life. [R-18]

Galactic: Chapter 112- The Arcane.

Mythic: Chapter 113- Knives and Fire.

If you want to discuss this or any other topic further, follow the link to my Discord.

The link to everything you need and my patronage:

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!