ch 30 - ragnarok begins

Explosions rocked the training area in the backyard of the mansion that the Gremory Peerage lived in. The training ground, which was just a large space of nothing but sand and rocks and boulders, shook as fire plowed into the ground. Sand turned red, bubbled, and melted, becoming liquid like magma. Steam hissed all around the field as the superheated sand emitted powerful heat waves that distorted the atmosphere.

A small figure darted between the balls of fire.

The figure was Koneko. She wove between the fire, which ranged from tiny spheres that exploded as they hit the ground to large cones that were so hot the ground melted. Meanwhile, high above her, flying on wings made of fire, Ravel continued launching attack after attack.

"How have you gotten so fast?" Ravel asked in a loud shout that rang out over the explosions. "I thought you were a Rook!"

Koneko didn't respond with words; she kept darting past each attack that came her way. Sweat poured from her brow. There was a frown on her face. While these attacks all came really close to hitting her, so close that fire and heat washed over her like an avalanche, none of them were actually close to landing a true hit. Most would have assumed this was all her doing. Koneko knew better.

Ravel is missing me on purpose.

Thanks to her ability to use nature chakra, Koneko could sense the intentions of others, to some degree at least. She wasn't as good at it as Naruto was. Still, it was enough to let her know that these near misses were intentional. The only question Koneko could ask now was: What was Ravel planning?

She soon found out when cracks appeared along the ground. The area around her caved in and lava gushed out from the cracks, forcing Koneko into the air. She used her wings to fly. However, Koneko was a cat, not a bird. Even if her wings theoretically allowed her to fly, she did not have the predisposition for it.

Ravel took advantage of that, slamming into her like a fiery projectile. Koneko was smacked back as Ravel headbutted her stomach. She flipped end over end. Sadly, she couldn't recover either because her opponent launched another attack, a fire blast that soared toward her like a spear.

The attack was powerful, certainly, but Koneko didn't let that bother her as she readied her fist, straightened her flight, channeled nature chakra into her punch, and literally demolished the flaming attack with not but her fist. The attack was still powerful, however, and Koneko was pushed backward by the destructive force. She landed on the ground.

Ravel was still in the air.

She and Ravel looked at each other, one floating high over the other. Despite this being a spar, both of them were treating it as though they were in a real life or death battle. They'd thrown any number of deadly techniques, so many that even Naruto thought it looked like they were trying to kill each other.

"You're pretty strong for a kitten," Ravel said with a glare.

"You're strong for fried chicken," was Koneko's immediate.

"Don't call me that!"

Ravel created another pillar of fire underneath Koneko, though it was easily avoided. This didn't deter her and she launched more and more attacks, all with the purpose of hitting Koneko, though it didn't look like her attack were doing much. Once again, however, Ravel, was using her abilities to trap Koneko, not hit her outright. This was as much a battle of wits as it was a sparring match between friends.

It didn't matter if she trapped Koneko or not. When that happened, Koneko used her nature chakra abilities to destroy Ravel's flames. At some point, the two became completely exhausted. Naruto, who'd been watching the spar from start to finish, looked at the pair as they sat on the ground, their backs leaning against each other as they breathed heavily enough that it looked like they'd run a marathon.

"Good work, you two," he said. "Why don't you go wash up? I'm sure breakfast will be ready soon."

Ravel and Koneko had begun training together only recently. Naruto wasn't sure when they decided to start training with each other, but they had asked him to watch them when they did. He'd done as they asked and watched them spar every morning for the past week. He was surprised, though. He didn't think Ravel cared about getting stronger.

"Are you going to join us in the bath?" asked Koneko.

While Ravel looked at her shoes, Naruto shook his head. "Not this time. I actually have something else that I need to do."

Naruto watched both of their expressions shift to disappointment, but it was his turn to check on Rossweisse.

They had discovered early on in the days she started living with them that Rossweisse was a very serious person. However, she was also very susceptible to teasing and tended to get upset easily. It supposedly had something to do with the way she had been treated when she was working under Odin. Rossweisse also suffered from night terrors. That was, Naruto suspected, a side effect from having her mind controlled with something infused with nature chakra.

He found Rossweisse in her bedroom. She wasn't alone this time, which was probably fortunate. Irina, and Ophis oddly enough, were with her. Rossweisse was wearing a dark gray business suit with a short skirt. She sat on a stool while Irina sat behind her and combed her hair.

"You have such long and pretty hair," Irina complimented. "I wish I had hair like this."

"Oh… um, thank you," Rossweisse said. Judging from how she blushed, it seemed she wasn't able to take compliments very well, another result of her treatment at the hands of Odin and her fellow Valkyrie, no doubt.

"If I had hair like yours, I bet I would look even more like an angel."

"Um… right."

"You girls should really lock the door," Naruto said as he walked in. "What would happen if you three were naked when I walked in?"

He was teasing, of course. That kind of thing didn't happen in real life—at least, not often. However, given that he, Kiba, Issei, and Gasper were all living with them, it was definitely important to lock the doors, lest one of them accidentally walk in and find themselves in a compromising situation.

"That would never happen!" Irina said with a laugh, though her cheeks did turn red.

"Naruto, please do not joke about such things," Rossweisse, her hair now combed and perfectly straight like a shimmering waterfall, said. "I know that you are something of a joker, but all jokes have a time and place. Please keep that in mind."

"Yes, yes." Naruto waved her off with a smile. "Anyway, breakfast is probably ready by now, so come down once you're finished. It's a big day for you three."

School was starting up again, and since these three had become official members of this house, they were all going to be attending school. Ophis was going to Kuoh Academy as a freshman alongside Ravel and Koneko. Meanwhile, Irina was going to be in the same grade as him, Issei, and Kiba, while Rossweisse was going to be a teacher.

He had no idea how this was going to turn out. Rossweisse was a serious woman who always took every matter, whether that was shopping at a one hundred yen store or lecturing Issei on why he shouldn't be so perverted, as if it was a matter of life and death. Given that she was going to be his homeroom teacher, he could only wonder.

Either way, it was sure to be interesting.

~Devil Ninja~

"Then we are all in agreement?" Sirzechs asked as he looked around the conference table.

Sitting at the table with him was Michael, Azazel, Gabrielle, Barakiel, several other members of the archangels and the grigori. There was also his compatriots, Serafall Leviathan, Ajuka Beelzebub, and Falbium Asmodeus. In total, there were twenty people present.

The table they sat on was not round, but it wasn't rectangular either. It curved to create a strange wave-like aesthetic. No one sat at the head. Since this alliance was one in which there were no true leaders, they had decided that a head was unnecessary. Sirzechs sat in the middle with Michael on one side and Shemhazai on the other.

They had been debating the matter of what to do with Loki and his takeover of Asgard, which they had learned about from Rossweisse, for over a week now. This was a serious issue. No, it wasn't just serious. Loki had killed Odin and taken over Asgard, enslaving its people using strange devices that none of them had ever seen and even Ajuka couldn't analyse. All they knew was that it used nature energy. They only knew that because Naruto had told them that he sensed Nature Chakra coming from it during his fight with Rossweisse.

"I believe we are," Michael said at last.

"Are we really sure it's a wise idea to send in an army?" asked Shemhazai. He was a member of the grigori, and its newest leader. Azazel had resigned some time ago, claiming that he wasn't a good leader. "We still don't know the full situation."

"We'll probably never know the full situation," Serafall said, currently acting the part of a maou and not a crazy magical girl. "I think it's better to take the initiative than it is to wait for him to attack us, especially since we don't know what he's planning."

"Point," Shemhazai said with a nod.

"Then that's how it will be," Sirzechs said, standing up and placing his hands on the table. "In two days time, we'll travel to Asgard, free all of the people who've been placed under Loki's control, and defeat Loki. Let's end this in one decisive battle."

"Before Ragnarok can begin," Michael added with a serious nod.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

~Devil Ninja~

Since they were all going to the same place, everyone walked to school together, chatting away as if nothing had happened this summer, as if they hadn't survived a life or death situation in the Underworld. They drew a lot of attention as well. Perhaps it was because of how many people there were, or maybe it was because more than half of those people were gorgeous women, but everyone stopped and stared as they walked, especially when they reached Kuoh Academy and strolled through the gates.

"I feel like we've suddenly turned into mice in the middle of a group of cats," Rossweisse mumbled as she eyed the students that stared at them—and her in particular.

Being the newest—and a mature hotty to boot—Naruto could understand why she was being given more attention than Ophis and Irina. A mature adult woman was infinitely more interesting to horny teenagers than two girls their own age. That was just how things went with boys.

"Just ignore the crowd," Koneko said. "They're a bunch of dickless cowards anyway. The most they'll do is stare."

"Okay, then. I'll follow your advice."

Koneko gave Rossweisse a thumbs up. "You're golden, Rossie."

"Um, what?"

"I'll show you to the principal's office," Rias said as they stepped into the school building.

"Oh, thank you," Rossweisse said with a bow.

Everyone went their separate ways, though not before Naruto got three kisses from three separate women. Ophis also tried to kiss him, but since they weren't dating right now, he'd said to wait until he at least took her out on a date. There were steps to follow. Rossweisse had given him the stink eye for some reason, or maybe she'd been giving the girls the stink eye. It was hard to tell.

Naruto shared classes with Kiba. As they walked into the homeroom, Kiba was assault on all sides from the girls in their class.

"Kya! Kiba-kun! How was your summer? Did you have fun?"

"You should have called me! I sooo wanted to spend time with you!"

"Yeah, I even got a cute swimsuit that I wish you could have seen."

"Ladies," Kiba greeted with an easy going smile. Only Naruto noticed the tick mark on his head. "I'd love to have spent time with all of you, but my club and I actually had some important work to do this summer. Sorry."


Kiba looked at Naruto, the way his face twisted into a grimace, as though in pain, practically begged him for help. Naruto just smiled as if to say, "your on your own, buddy," and walked over to his seat. The way Kiba's face morphed into one of betrayal tickled his funny bone.

Class eventually settled down, though it took fifteen minutes of girls squealing and guys giving Kiba the death glare, and it was during this time that Rossweisse entered the room.

It was almost funny. The moment Rossweisse stepped in, every single head turned to her with machine-like precision. Many of the guys suddenly went beat red, or they started drooling lustfully, while the girls eyed her like she was competition. Either way, Rossweisse appeared to have finally mastered her surprise at being gawked at, for she didn't respond to their blatant ogling.

Rias must have given her a pep talk.

"Good morning, class." Rossweisse adjusted her glasses, which he noticed she hadn't been wearing until this morning. They must have been for aesthetic purposes. "My name is Rossweisse, and I'm going to be your new homeroom teacher. I'm not very experienced as a teacher, but I hope we can all get along."

While many of the boys cheered at his proclamation, the girls just groaned and gave the appearance of people who wanted to slam their heads against the table.

They probably thought she was competition for Kiba's affection, or something to that effect.

"Hey, teacher!" one of the students said. He was a young man with spiky brown hair and blue eyes. Naruto thought his name was Oshizaku, or something like that. "Would you mind if we asked you some questions? You know, to get to know you better."

Rossweisse paused. She had been prepared to dive right into their lecture, but now she was considering the young man's question with a seriousness that Naruto didn't think it deserved.

"Well… I don't see why not," she said.

Giving these brats permission to ask her questions was a mistake. The moment she said it was okay, the boys all stood from their seats and began firing off questions at a rapid rate that made Rossweisse's head spin.

"What are your three sizes?!"

"I-I can't tell you that!"

"How large are your tits?!"

"T-that question is rude!"

"Do you have a boyfriend?!"

"Erm… well, no… I don't, but…"

"Have you ever had a boyfriend."

"Um, well… I… I have not…"

"Then doesn't that mean you're a virgin?! Our teacher is a virgin who's never had a boyfriend!"

While Rossweisse's face had been growing periodically red thanks to the rude questions, her face suddenly froze with that last question. Not only that, but it began paling rapidly as tears welled up in the woman's large blue eyes.

"It's true! I've never had a boyfriend!" Rossweisse suddenly started crying in earnest, tears streaming from her eyes like nothing else. They reminded Naruto of waterfalls. "Go ahead and laugh at me! I don't care anymore! Waaaa!"

No one seemed to know what they should do. Rossweisse was on the ground, bawling her eyes out like a child who'd just been spanked by their parent. Even Naruto didn't know what to do. In the few days that he had known her, Rossweisse had never once responded to a question like this. What's more, it made the mature aura that surrounded her evaporate like a fire jutsu being doused with a water jutsu.

"W-what should we do?!"

"The new teacher is crying!"

"This is all the fault of you boys!"

"What?! How is this our fault?!"

"If you hadn't asked her so many perverted questions, this wouldn't have happened!"

As the girls used this opportunity to browbeat the boys about their perversion, Naruto continued staring at Rossweisse in shock. Seriously. Where did that stern young woman disappear to? It looked like Rossweisse wasn't as mature as he had first assumed, or maybe she had merely been putting up a front this whole time.

Naruto ignored the argument, stood up, and made his way to the front of the classroom. He stepped in front of Rossweisse, put his ring finger and thumb in his mouth, and whistled, loudly, so loud that the noise pierced the air and made everyone stop arguing. Even Rossweisse ceased crying when he did that.

"All of you need to shut up and sit down!" Naruto commanded. Everyone sat in their seats and closed their mouths with a loud clacking sound. He nodded. "Good. Now, I'm going to take Rossweisse to the nurse's office. You have free study period until then. Kiba, keep an eye on everyone, will you? If anyone acts out, list them down and tell me later. I'll make sure they regret acting out."

"You got it, Naruto," Kiba said.

Several people shuddered at this threat, no doubt trying to imagine what sort of prank he'll pull on them if they act out. While he hadn't pulled a prank in awhile, everyone was aware of the pranks he used to pull, and they had better believe he would prank their asses into next week if they didn't listen to him.

Turning to Rossweisse, Naruto extended a hand. "Come on. Let me help you up."

"I-I can stand on my own," Rossweisse suddenly muttered, turning her head away from him.

"Don't be so stubborn," Naruto said as he reached down and grabbed Rossweisse hand. She let out a mouse-like squeak as he helped her up. "There's nothing wrong with accepting help. Now, come on. Let's get you to the nurse's office."

"Erm… Oh, no. I'm really all right," Rossweisse tried to say as he dragged her out of the classroom. "I really should be starting this morning's lesson—"

"You aren't in any condition to teach right now," Naruto rebutted. "Now come on."

Left with no other option, Rossweisse grew silent as Naruto pulled her to the nurse's office, which was really just a large room made of white tiles, white walls, and a white ceiling. Several beds were located in the nurse's office. Naruto ignored those since Rossweisse wasn't sick. The room was empty. Since it wasn't being used, Naruto had her sit down on the chair by the desk, then made her a cup of Jasmine tea.

"Here. Drink this," he said.

"Oh. Thank you."

Rossweisse accepted the tea and took a tentative sip. After the first sip, she took another, and then another. It looked like she liked this kind of tea.

"Are you feeling better?" asked Naruto.

"Yes… a little." Rossweisse blushed. "I'm sorry you and the other students had to see me in such an unsightly manner."

"Do you want to talk about it?" When Rossweisse stared at him, he added, "you don't have to. I just thought it might help."

"There's not a whole lot to talk about," Rossweisse said with a sigh. "It's just as you've heard. I'm nineteen years old already, and I've never once had a boyfriend. Back in Asgard, everyone used to make fun of me for it… they would always call me awful nicknames like the 'Valkyrie who's never had a boyfriend.' They said it was because I was too stiff, and that no man would want to date a woman who was so serious all the time. They also made fun of me a lot for being Odin's aid, calling me his 'secretary on the side' and other crude nicknames."

"Sounds like you've had it rough." When Rossweisse finished her tea, Naruto took the cup from her and set it on the table. "I don't know what their problem is, but I think they were just jealous."

"Jealous?" Rossweisse blinked.

"Because you're so pretty," Naruto clarified.

"I-I am?!" Rossweisse looked down at her lap.

"Of course you are," Naruto said, sighing. What was with these girls who seemed unable to realize their own beauty? It was stupid. "You're gorgeous. Any guy would be blessed to date you. That's probably why the other Valkyries kept making fun of you. They were worried you'd steal their men away from them."

Is she blushing?

"T-thank you," Rossweisse mumbled. "It's nice of you to say that, even if you don't mean it."

"What makes you think I don't mean it?" Rossweisse looked back at him as he grinned. "I would totally date you." Rossweisse squeaked. "Anyway, now that you're feeling better, do you think you can go back to class and teach?" He held out his hand. "Don't worry. If anyone says anything stupid again, I'll take care of them."

Rossweisse hesitated for another second before tentatively putting her hand into his, letting him pull her to her feet.

"I think I can," she said.

"That's the spirit! Now let's go back to class!"

With Naruto leading the way, the two headed back to the classroom.

What an interesting start to the new school semester.

~Devil Ninja~

Like most higher dimensions, getting to Asgard required someone to activate the gate from the other side—normally. In most circumstances, the person who activated the gate to Asgard was Heimdall, known in the mythology as the whitest of the gods, he was the one who possessed foreknowledge, keen eyesight, hearing, and kept watch for Ragnarok.

However, since the likelihood of Heimdall being controlled by Loki was high, they had to use another method.

"Are you sure that device of yours is going to work?" Michael asked Azazel as they stood in the center of several stones jutting from the ground. The area around them was nothing but dirt. Past the stones, which formed a circle around them, grass encroached upon the earth.

Azazel was holding a staff in his hands. Archaic symbols ran along its surface, glittering silver in the light. The staff had been forged from the remains of Gugnir, Odin's staff, which had been destroyed by Loki. According to Azazel, they could use it to forcibly open the gate to Asgard.

"Of course I'm sure." Azazel began channeling energy through the staff, which was basically the same as an artificial Sacred Gear now. "Ajuka and I ran all kinds of tests on this thing. There's no way it can't not work. Trust me."

Michael, Azazel, Sirzechs, Shemhazai, Gabrielle, and Serafall were standing in the center of the circle. However, they were not alone. Each of them had brought an army with them. Arrayed around the circle, some hovering in the air and some standing, were over ten thousand angels, devils, and fallen angels.

They had changed their uniforms. Since they had become an alliance, everyone had decided to give them matching uniforms. Dark blue pants and shirt with light blue piping wrinkled as wings flapped. Gleaming silver breastplates shone in the light. Shoulder pauldrons and greaves clinked together. Everyone was wearing gladiator sandals. It was a very basic uniform, but they thought it suited their new coalition, and it should help prevent friendly fire.

The place where they were now was the location of the gate that led to Asgard. Technically, the gate could be activated anywhere in the world, but only Heimdall had the power to do that. That meant in order to open the gate, there were three items they needed: a location within the country of Asgard's origin that was strong in magic, an item that had ties to Asgard, and several people with the powers of an ultimate-class being. Fortunately, with two archangels, two leaders of the fallen, and two maous, they weren't in short supply of power. They also had Gugnir, and the place they were at was in Germany, where Norse mythology originated from.

"I don't have much choice but to trust you," Michael said with a sigh.

"Don't worry too much, Michael," Sirzechs said, standing next to Serafall. "Azazel might be a bit of an airhead, but you can trust that his ideas, at least, are almost always correct."

Azazel laughed off Sirzech's insult. "Listen to Lucifer. He knows what he's talking about."

Michael just sighed again.

It was eventually time for them to get started. The new moon was high above them, a symbol of new beginnings and one of the more powerful times of night. He, Gabrielle, Shemhazai, Sirzechs, and Serafall stood around Azazel in a circle, channeling their energy into the staff that Azazel held, while Azazel slammed the butt of Gugnir into the ground.

A soft ding rang out from the point of impact, echoing with an abnormal loudness, the ringing sound spreading across the entire clearing. It was obnoxious. However, none of them paid attention to that. They were more focused on how the staff was lit up. The symbols, written in the ancient Nordic language, pulsated several times. With each pulsation, the staff's glow grew brighter, until, without warning, everyone standing in the circle felt something pulling them. It was like they were being sucked into a vacuum.

A vortex opened up all around them. Michael wanted to shout a warning at his comrades, but it was far too late by then. Even if he did scream, nothing would come of it. Not that it mattered. His voice had been lodged into his throat. It was like his throat had closed around his vocal chords, cutting them off.

When the sensation of being sucked into a vacuum finally stopped, they were not standing in the clearing. A circular plate made of polished stone was beneath their feet. There was a large circle behind them, a gateway made of a unique metal that none of them had ever seen before. The gateway was inactive just then. Heimdall, the guardian who should have been in front of this gate, was nowhere to be found.

"It looks like we're the only ones who made it through," Sirzechs said.

"Seems that way." Michael looked around. "I cannot see our army anyway, which means they are still on the other side."

"Azazel?" Gabrielle ask. "Is there a way to open the gate now that we're on the other side?"

Azazel tried to open the gate via Gugnir several times. Theoretically, it was possible for someone who didn't belong to that specific myth to open the gate from Asgard to the human world. However, no many how many times Azazel tried, nothing he did worked. That was when Michael realized it.

"I believe this is a trap," he said.

Sirzechs nodded. "I was thinking the same thing. It looks like Loki knew that we would come for him."

"In that case," Shemhazai began, "the only thing we can do now is continue to press forward."

"I agree," Serafall said.

The group of six walked along a broad walkway that overlooked an ocean. The still waters were calm, eerily so, but then, the silence was also quite eery. Up ahead stood Asgard, the stronghold of the Norse Gods. Massive towers and large buildings sat upon the rocky outcroppings of a gigantic mountain range. The largest of these buildings, Odin's palace, sat in the center, on a large mountain that looked like a city had been built into it.

"It's too quiet," Gabrielle muttered as she looked at the buildings they passed.

"If this is a trap, then that is only natural," Michael said.

"This is the clichéd 'silence before they spring the trap' part," Azazel added.

It was true that it was far too silent there, but it wasn't just that. It was the complete and utter lack of people that disconcerted them the most. Asgard should have been filled with the Asgardians, the Norse dods and goddesses who ruled over Germanic myth. There should have been hundreds of people walking along these walkways, standing inside of the buildings. That no one was there disturbed them more than they were willing to let on.

"Sirzechs," Serafall said suddenly, "there are several people in that palace up ahead?"

"How many?" asked Sirzechs.

"I sense twenty… no, thirty."

"That's probably the welcoming party," Azazel joked.

Shadows eclipsed them as they walked under a massive archway, which also seconded as a bridge. A set of large steps stood before them. They walked up those, past columns, all the way to the top, where a large double door sat, made from bronze, gleaming brightly as though freshly polished.

Sirzechs walked up to the door and pushed it open. A loud groan resounded around them, ominous in that it was the only sound present.

A well-lit interior revealed itself to them as they walked through door, moving slowly in case of an ambush. No one greeted them, however. No one leapt out at them. Their situation was probably more eerie for that very reason. They walked through a hallway made of marble, with open windows on one side and lateral passages on the other, and through it all, they didn't see a single living soul.

"The presences have all disappeared," Serafall said. Then she paused. "No, wait. There's one presence up ahead."

"That would probably be Loki," Sirzechs said. "He's likely playing tricks on us."

Sirzechs was the first one to step into the throne room, a responsibility he took upon himself because he was the most powerful among them. It was a large, open space. Colonnades formed a sort of path that led up to a massive thrown, upon which Loki, Norse God of Trickery, lounged as though he were an indulgent king.

"Welcome to Asgard, misbegotten creatures of Christianity," Loki said, smiling as he remained where he was, as though he didn't care that six of the most powerful Christian figures had come to slay him.

"We've come to put a stop to whatever it is you are planning," Michael said, stepping forward. "We won't allow you to unleash Ragnarok."

Loki smiled before, finally, he stood from his chair in a graceful move that made Michael blink. It was almost as though he'd teleported.

"You cannot stop Ragnarok," Loki said, and it seemed be a signal. Serafall screamed that the presences that had disappeared were back. At the same time, several Norse gods and goddesses appeared before them, surrounded them. Michael recognized a few like Thor, Freya, Baldur, Frigg, Tyr, and Sif, but there were quite a few who he couldn't name right away.

Not only had the Norse gods appeared, but a giant winged serpent flew into the room. Michael knew this creature. It was ten times larger than the ones they had fought at the colosseum, but there was no mistaking this creature. Miðgarðsormr. The real Sleeping Dragon, the Dragon of End, the World Serpent. Michael could see now why he was called the largest dragon in the world. Unlike those clones, he truly was massive, easily spanning a kilometer in length. He was so large only part of his body could fit inside.

All of the Norse gods and goddesses were armed. Thor had his infamous hammer, which was said to generate storms with every swing. Freya twirled her spear with the precision of an experienced warrior. Bows and arrows. Swords. Knives. All manner of weapon was pointed at them, all of them legendary and powerful.

Michael wanted to curse himself, to curse them for this plan, but he already knew that there was nothing they could have done. Loki had to be stopped. The problem was that he didn't know if they would be able to stop them, not when they were up against an entire pantheon.

"For you see, my Christian friends, Ragnarok has already begun," Loki finished, lips twisting into an arrogant sneer.

~Devil Ninja~

After getting over her issues about not having a boyfriend, Rossweisse proved herself to be an excellent teacher. Naruto soon discovered that Rossweisse's serious demeanor lent itself well to teaching. She was also well-versed in their lessons, and she explained everything in a way that even Naruto, who couldn't care less about school, could understand. There was just one problem…

Rossweisse's figure.

More specifically, her boobs.

It was clear to Naruto that she was wearing a bra, but even so, the way they popped out of her business suit was distracting for the male students. Naruto was sure they had spent more time staring at Rossweisse's tits than they spent listening to her lecture.

Of course, this wasn't her fault. If anything, the people to blame were the boys who lacked lacked self-control, which was every boy except for him, Kiba, and a few others. It made him feel bad for the woman. Being ogled like that couldn't be enjoyable.

There wasn't much Naruto could do about that. He was just a student. Fortunately, Rossweisse didn't seem to notice the leering looks. Perhaps she was just so serious about everything she did that she was oblivious to how her looks made heads turned.

After school, Naruto exited the classroom with Kiba and Rossweisse. With Azazel gone, she was acting as their current advisor.

Of course, it wasn't like there was much for her to do. Azazel hadn't done anything either. Really, all she did was watch them as they went about her business. Of course, there was one person who Rossweisse, the serious woman that she was, took issue with.

"I cannot believe you would be so disgusting as to put a pair of panties on your head," Rossweisse was lecturing Issei, who had been running around with a pair of black lace panties on his head—Naruto thought they were Akeno's, until he saw a beat red Irina standing several meters away, near the shower room.

She was dressed in nothing but a towel.

"Look, I already told you that I didn't put those on my head," Issei said. "They were hanging from this clothes line, I didn't see them, and I accidentally walked into them."

Rossweisse crossed her arms and glare. "A likely excuse. I'll have you know that I was Odin's secretary for two whole years. I know perverts, and you are definitely a pervert."

"Hehehehe…" Issei chuckled in a dark manner that seeped with lecherous intent. "You underestimate me. I am not just some pervert."

"Oh?" Rossweisse raised an eyebrow. "Then what are you?"

Puffing out his chest as though in pride, Issei shouted, "I am a super pervert!"

Rossweisse took a step back as though she'd just been slapped in the face. Naruto couldn't tell if the redness on her cheeks was due to embarrassment, rage, or both—though he'd bet on it being both.

The doors opened during this time, and Koneko walked in alongside Ravel and Ophis. She took one look at the situation, frowned, and then looked at Naruto.

"I'm guessing the perv did something pervy?" she asked.

"Seems that way."

"Huh." Koneko accepted this with a nod, then pulled Ravel and Ophis over to the couch. "Come on, Yakitori, Dragon. I've got some sweets that I'm willing to share with you."

Ravel sighed. "I wish you would stop calling me by that nickname."

"Not happening."

"What kind of sweets do you have?" asked Ophis.

"It's a kind of mochi…"

Koneko, Ravel, and Ophis sat together on the couch, and Koneko brought out some mochi that she broke into pieces and shared with Ophis and Ravel. As they nibbled on their treat and spoke amongst each other, Naruto felt his heart lighten. It was nice to see them getting along.

Seeing that Irina was still embarrassed, and Rossweisse was still arguing with Issei, Naruto grabbed the girl's underwear, walked over to her, and held the panties out to the girl, who took them from his hands with an embarrassed blush.

"T-thank you," she muttered.

"May I ask what happened?"

"Um, I don't mind telling you, but please let me get dressed first."

Irina, panties now in hand, rushed back inside of the shower, the curtains closing behind her. Naruto heard the rustling as she dropped the towel and began changing. He could also see the outline of her body through the curtains. Maybe he was imagining things, but he could've sworn he could even see the outline of her nipples.

She came out about a minute later, now dressed. During the time that she'd been changing, Naruto had spent it watching the argument between Rossweisse and Issei get progressively worse. It was kind of funny. Issei used to be so meek and docile around women, but now he was arguing with a woman who's body was, as Issei might say, "banging."

I wonder if this is the result of whatever happened between him and Akeno.

Certainly, Issei seemed a lot more confident than before, and he was a lot more lively again. When Akeno had dumped him, he'd been listless. Even after trying to move on, he'd rarely spoken out except during battle. Yet now, here he was, yelling at a woman who was accusing him of being a pervert. Had this happened months ago, he would have just taken his lumps.

Akeno, Rias, and Asia had arrived while Irina was getting dressed. It seemed Asia was trying to placate Issei and Rossweisse, but she wasn't having much success. Rossweisse's face had become red, and for some reason, tears were welling up in her eyes as though she was getting more frustrated by the second.

"So… what happened?" Naruto asked the still-blushing Irina.

"Ah… I think it was my fault," she admitted. "I had gotten really dirty while helping clean out the gym storage shed. Rias said I could use the shower here, so I did. Then Issei came in and…"

"He didn't walk face first into your undergarments, did he?"

Irina's blush told Naruto all he needed to know.

"I see."

"Aggghhh! You are so annoying! I didn't do this on purpose!" Issei grabbed his hair and shouted. "You know, for someone who has such a smoking hot body, you've got a really shtty personality. That's gonna make it hard for you to get a boyfriend."

That was the wrong thing to say. Naruto barely had a second to think "Uh-oh" before Rossweisse began wailing again.

"You think I don't know that?!" she cried to the now shell-shocked Issei. Tears streamed down her face like waterfalls as she sank to her knees. "I know that men don't like me! I know that! I know I'll never get a boyfriend!"

"Uh… no… I didn't mean…"

"That's why everyone calls me the 'Valkyrie who could never get a boyfriend!'"

"Look… I only meant… it's like this…"


~Devil Ninja~

Almost from the get go, Sirzechs and the other five who'd come to Asgard with him, had been forced to fight separate battles. Not only were they being forced into separate fights, but they were fighting five on one. Overwhelmed and outnumbered. It was the worst case scenario. No, it might have been worse than the worst case scenario.

Sirzechs was fighting a completely defensive battle. Against the forces of Thor, Freya, Frigg, Hermod, and Sif, it was all he could do.

Thor struck at him with his hammer, a mighty swing that caused lightning to burst from the legendary weapon, Mjolnir, and race toward him. The ground in front of him, rocks and marble, was ripped from the ground. It scattered everywhere as though more than just lightning was flying Sirzech's way. The air itself exploded and burst as though being torn apart by a storm.

Sirzechs would have moved out of the way. No sane person would have taken this attack head on. He couldn't, however. Freya and Frigg were already attacking him in a pincer maneuver, and Sif was immediately behind him, two swords in hand and ready to skewer him. If he wanted to make out of this, he needed to deal with the attack and these three.

Creating a magic circle in front of him, Sirzechs unleashed as much power as possible without losing control. The lightning from Mjolnir slammed into his magic circle. The Powers of Destruction clashed with the powers of Asgard's mightiest warrior. The air between them combusted, blasting at his face, making his eyes water. However, he couldn't afford to remain idle.

Freya, Frigg, and Sif were coming in from the other three sides. If he didn't deal with them, he'd be done for.

This would be so much easier if I could just kill them.

Releasing a loud shout, Sirzechs temporarily turned his entire body into the Powers of Destruction, and then sent a good portion of that power at the three attacking him from behind. The results was that all three women were blasted away.

Sadly, he didn't see Hermod hiding beneath him until it was almost too late.

Sirzechs grunted as he raised his forearm to block the dagger aimed at his throat, gnashing his teeth together as the small weapon pierced his armor. Fire flared through his arm and up his shoulder. It wasn't terrible. However, it distracted him long enough for Thor to unleash another attack, one that would hit both him and Hermod.

He's willing to attack his own brethren?!

With a grunt, Sirzechs grabbed Hermod and threw him out of the way of the attack, thus taking the attack head on. Lightning tore through his body. He would have screamed, but he didn't have the breath to unleash one. Snarling in concentration, left with no other option, Sirzechs once more became the Powers of Destruction.

Everything around them shook. The ground, the columns, the walls, everything. Cracks appeared along the ground as Sirzechs released his power, which helped negate Mjolnir's lightning attack at the cost of damaging the surroundings. Because he was nothing but pure energy, nothing could hurt him. At the same time, he was pretty much destroying everything. The ceiling, already under threat of being destroyed, crumbled away as his powers ate at it.

Knowing that he couldn't continue releasing this much power if he wanted to save the Norse Gods from Loki's mind control, he sealed his powers back up the moment Thor's attack dissipated.

Sirzechs looked at the five surrounding him once more. With Thor in front, Frigg and Freya on either side, and Hermod standing behind him with Sif, he was pretty much penned in. And he wasn't the only one having trouble.

Nearly a dozen meters away, battling through the skies, visible through the now destroyed palace, Michael was being bombarded with attacks from Magni, Tyr, Nott, Skadi, and Eir. He might have had it even rougher than Sirzechs. Tyr, God of War, clashed against Michael's light swords with his massive war ax. He should have been slow wielding such an unwieldy weapon, yet he swung the damn thing like it was a feather. Michael was being pushed back, and matters only worsened when Magni slammed into Michael with his mace. The archangel of heaven, leader of the Heavenly Gate, was able to avoid the attack, but it was a near thing. What's more, he ran into Skadi, who used her powers of winter to freeze Michael's wings. As the archangel of heaven fell, his wings no longer able to maintain height, Tyr and Magni attacked in unison.

The result was a devastating shockwave that Sirzechs could feel even from where he stood. The remaining columns of the palace were blasted away. What remained of the floor shattered. Sirzechs was forced to become the Powers of Destruction once more, lest he be squashed by the overwhelming force slamming into him from above. When the fierce, howling winds and massive pressure ceased, he returned to his original state.

He was standing inside of a crater.

Flying out of the crater, Sirzechs surveyed the scene. The palace was gone. The throne where Loki had been sitting was no more. He couldn't see his previous opponents anywhere, and his companions were not in his immediate vicinity.

Two massive serpents of ice rose in the distance, attacking a dragon four times their size, Miðgarðsormr. Earth-shattering roars echoed from the battle. Miðgarðsormr bit into one of the serpents, tearing through it as though it was made of paper. The other attacked it while it was distracted. It didn't seem to do anything. The ice serpents teeth shattered against Miðgarðsormr's hard skin. Then a massive beam was launched from the dragon's mouth, and an explosion so massive and powerful that the world around him was whited out with light erupted against the ground.

Sirzechs was given no more time to search for his other companions. Thor, Freya, Frigg, Sif, and Hermod surrounded him again. They weren't alone. Loki also stood before him, and what's more, Loki was holding an unconscious Gabrielle by the neck.

Gabrielle, her normally beautiful pale skin bruised and black, was leaking blood from her mouth and several cuts that marred her flesh. Her twelve wings hung limp. Her white dress was torn, revealing more skin than she would have probably been comfortable showing off. He could tell she was alive. She was still breathing. However, her injuries were extensive. If she didn't get help soon…

"She tried to save them," Loki said, and suddenly, five more gods and goddesses from Norse mythology appeared around Sirzechs. Lips twisted into the sort of disturbing grin one would expect from a madman, Loki continued. "It was a foolish notion. She should have just killed them. You and those in your mythology are far too soft."

"I knew it," Sirzechs muttered. "You're using the same method to control these people that you used for the ones who fought us at the colosseum. However, those devices aren't something a person like you can create. Who's your backer?"

"Backer? Hmph!" Loki scoffed as though the concept of him having a backer was absurd. "Those fools in the Chaos Brigade aren't my backers. I'm merely using them for my own purposes. Once I've placed you and all those who came with you under my control, I'll begin my campaign to destroy this pathetic world, along with those idiots from the Chaos Brigade. Now, then, I tire of talking, so I'm going to have these people defeat you. Don't worry. I won't kill you. Your powers are far too useful for me. That said, you're going to become my unwilling slave until Ragnarok claims you."

As his words signified an end to the conversation, the now ten gods and goddesses began the battle against Sirzechs anew.

Left with no other choice but to go all out, Sirzechs summoned all of his power. The energy he released crashed into the Asgardians, sending all but the strongest flying. Sirzechs didn't stop there. Having unleashed everything he had, his body quickly transformed, converting into energy, the Powers of Destruction, which the Bael Clan was well-known for.

As its name suggested, the Powers of Destruction was, in essence, the power to annihilate everything it touched. One could consider it the erasure of all that existed. Only a being that was even more powerful than an ultimate-class devil, such as the Heavenly Dragons or the Oroboros Dragon, could withstand this incredible power.

The ability that Sirzechs was using was known as Aura of Destruction. This was Sirzechs' true form. It was when his entire body was completely transformed into the Powers of Destruction, the powers condensed into a human-shape. While in this form, his power was immense, easily surpassing the powers of the original Satan. At the same time, he didn't have complete control over it, so the Powers of Destruction spread the longer he remained in this form.

"So, this is your true form, Sirzechs," Loki said as he floated in the air, far enough from Sirzechs that his powers could not reach him. Gabrielle was still in his grasp. "I see now why so many fear you. In this form, you are easily one of the most powerful beings in this universe. However, not even you can defeat the entire forces of Asgard."

Sirzechs said nothing. He could have spoken if he wanted to, but he was already busy.

Thor came in with his hammer swinging. Sirzechs smashed the hammer apart, destroying it—no, annihilating it until nothing remained. Another burst of power sent Thor flying.

Sif and Freya came at him from behind, one swinging a sword and the other trying to pierce him with her spear. The spear he annihilated. Just touching it caused the weapon, legendary and powerful, to evaporate as though it was water disappearing on a hot summer day. Sirzechs then punched Sif in the chest. Her armor disappeared as she was sent flying. Fortunately, Sirzechs was able to hold back enough that he hadn't killed her. She would live.

Something tried to impale his throat. The dagger, which was being swung by Hermod, vanished as it touched his body, which was now nothing more than condensed Powers of Destruction. In return, Hermod was sent flying by a kick to the face. Sirzechs didn't know if he died. His powers were no longer under his complete control. However, between himself and his comrades and them, Sirzechs was going to choose himself and his comrades.

Protecting your companions was only natural.

Everything became a blur of colors, streaks of light that attacked him from all sides, images that he could barely discern. Sirzechs fought. He fought and fought and fought. He had no idea how long he battled, how many people stepped up to face him, how many were killed or injured. He just didn't know. Time lost its meaning. The world had become shades of red as everything was consumed by his Powers of Destruction, which spread across Asgard at a slow but steady pace.

It could have been hours. It could have been minutes. At some point, a voice penetrated the fog of battle.

"I'd suggest you stop," it said. "Unless you want your companions to die."

Sirzechs did stop. It took a concerted effort, but he reigned his powers in, though what had already leaked out continued causing havoc.

The world around him was different from the one he'd been in before. The palace belonging to the Asgardians was gone. Sirzechs was standing in a crater several kilometers deep, the results of his own powers wreaking havoc on this world. He didn't see any of his opponents. Had he accidentally killed them? It was entirely possible. His powers in that form were beyond his control. They might have been annihilated and he'd never know it.

"You really are powerful," Loki said.

He was floating above Sirzechs, uninjured. Many of the Asgardians were also with him, as was Miðgarðsormr. Not only that, but they were all holding one of his companions, whose beaten and battered frames sent a shock through his body.

"I must admit," Loki continued, "I never expected you to be this powerful, but now that I have seen your power for myself, I want to subdue you all the more and take your powers for my own."

"What makes you think I'll let you do that?" asked Sirzechs.

"Because if you don't, I'll kill your friends," Loki said.

"I could always kill myself."

"Then I'll just place these five under my control and use them to attack your little sister." Loki chuckled when Sirzechs stiffened from fear and rage. "Yes, I'll use them to attack your sister. I won't kill her, not right away. I'll rape her first, and then I'll let the Asgardians rape her. Slowly, through a combination of torture, rape, and mental attacks, I'll break her mind and soul before dismembering her and using her body to build myself a new throne."

Sirzechs gritted his teeth. He didn't think Loki was bluffing. That was something he would do, and while he wanted to have confidence that Naruto could protect her…

"All right," he said with a sigh. "I'll surrender."

"Good." Loki showed off his white teeth with a wide grin. "With you in my pocket, we're one step closer to Ragnarok."

Naruto… Sirzechs thought as the Asgardians descended upon him like a pack of ravenous beasts. I beg you… please… protect my little sister.

~Devil Ninja~

Two weeks passed by in the blink of an eye, and not a whole lot happened during that time—at least, nothing that concerned Koneko. Some new rumors had spread about Naruto seducing the "hot silver-haired teacher." Apparently, someone had caught them chatting in the nurse's office several days ago and that had somehow turned into Naruto screwing Rossweisse on one of the beds.

Koneko didn't know about what had really gone on during the time where Naruto and Rossweisse were speaking in the nurse's office, but she somehow doubted they had been fucking. It wasn't Naruto's style. He also had her, Rias, and Ravel if he wanted to have sex. She didn't think he'd go to Rossweisse unless something happened between them and they fell in love.

It was the weekend. As usual, Koneko was spending the day with Ravel and Ophis. They had been spending more time together, possibly because they were in the same class, and it had gotten to the point where several people were calling them the Loli Alliance because they were all small and cute, or something like that.

Such opinions didn't really concern Koneko.

"Can you believe the nerve of that store clerk?" asked Ravel. "That disgusting man was staring at us!"

Koneko shrugged. "Did you think Ise was the only perv?"

"I know he's not the only pervert," Ravel muttered. "I just don't like how that guy was staring at us."

"Naruto stares at us in a similar way."

"T-that's different!"

"I'm just messing with you, Yakitori."

"So, all humans stare at us like this?" asked Ophis.

"Pretty much," Koneko said. "Though only a certain type of man stares at little girls like us."

"A certain type of man?"

"A lolicon," Koneko said, and then added, "like Naruto."

"But is Naruto really a lolicon?" asked Ravel. "He's dating Rias-sama, so I don't really think he meets that criteria…"

"True enough. Naruto is the kind of person who enjoys all types of girls," Koneko agreed.

They were on their way home from visiting a nearby sweet shop. Koneko had gone there because she wanted to buy some more candy, but Ravel had gone with her because she wanted to steal their recipes and use them in a cake for Naruto. She and Naruto often had tea together. Koneko didn't know what they talked about during that time. That was Ravel's time with him. On the other hand, Ophis just seemed to be following them because it amused her, or maybe it was because she had was studying their bodies for future reference. She couldn't tell.

As they walked down the street, a strange smell caught her attention. She recognized this smell.

"K-Koneko!" Ravel shouted as she ran off. "Where are you going?!"

Koneko didn't answer. She was too busy following the scent. This smell… it must be… it was… it was…

~Devil Ninja~

Rias was hard at work. Sitting behind her desk, Akeno standing behind her, she diligently read through numerous reports. Most of the reports dealt with Gremory Clan holdings in the human world. The Gremory Clan owned several businesses here in the human world, and since she was living there, her father had placed her in charge of managing them. This was also a test to see how well she could manage people.

"It seems like we've had more work these past two weeks," Akeno said as she diligently refilled Rias' cup with steaming hot tea.

"That's what happens when more than half of the Three Factions Alliance goes off to deal with another pantheon," Rias said, taking a sip of her tea. "Thank you."

"Ufufu, you're welcome."

Setting the teacup down, Rias leaned back and looked at the extra stack of papers that she had. These ones had nothing to do with the clan. These ones revolved around the Three Factions. They ranged from simple requests to outright demands, to dealing with logistics and funding for people seeking to move to Kuoh. Among the list of people who would be coming to live in Kuoh, all of the people who had taken part in the Rating Game—minus a few of the young devils—were requesting permission to live here.

As she continued to work, the doors to her office were slammed open and Koneko leapt in.



Rias barely had a second to grasp the situation before Koneko bounded across the room, leapt onto the desk, and then slammed into her like a guided missile. The chair tipped. They were both sent to the floor. Stars exploded behind Rias's eyes as her head cracked against the carpet. She blinked several times. Akeno was hovering above her, a befuddled smile plastered on her face. She wondered why for a moment, when…

"Rias-tan! Rias-tan! Your boobs are so big! Nya ha ha ha!"

Koneko was lying on top of her, nuzzling her face into Rias' chest while the girl's fingers sunk into her boobs as though they were squeezing marshmallows. Rias bit back a cry of surprise when her bra was suddenly unhooked.

"K-Koneko! What are you doing?!"

"Skinship! Skinship!" Koneko cheered as she slipped a hand into Rias's shirt, sliding between the buttons and grabbing her bra. Rias squawked again when Koneko pulled the bra out of her shirt. How was she doing this?!

"Oh, my. Ufufufu."

"Stop laughing, Akeno! Help me—kya!"

Rias struggled even more fiercely when Koneko slipped a hand back into her shirt and began fondling her boobs. Electric jolts raced up and down her spine. She tried to ignore it, but it was hard. This girl wasn't quite as good as Naruto, but Koneko seemed to know some of her weak points.

"Rias-sama!" Ravel said as she burst into the room. Unlike Ophis, who also rushed into the room, Ravel was breathing as though she had run a marathon. "Rias-sama—Koneko is…"

"We already know," Akeno said, gesturing to her and Koneko. By now, Koneko was beginning to undo the buttons of Rias's shirt. It wasn't long before her breasts popped free from their confines with a noticeable jiggle.

"Oh, no! It looks like we were too late," Ravel said, her cheeks flushing red as she saw the way Koneko was rubbing her cheeks against Rias.

"Never mind that!" Rias both moaned and shouted. "Will someone please tell me what is going on here?!"

An explanation was quick in coming. It wasn't one that Rias wanted, but as she moved to the couch with Koneko, who sat on her lap and was now sucking, nibbling, and licking her nipples, she at least received an explanation that explained Koneko's state.

"So she smelled catnip." Rias would have sighed, but Koneko chose that moment to bite her nipple, and Rias had to grit her teeth to keep from moaning.

"Y-yes," Ravel said, nodding.

"Ara, ara." Akeno giggled.

"Quiet you," Rias muttered bitterly, though it was completely ineffective because she had Koneko licking her chest. Her mind was growing hazy.

"W-what should we do?" asked Ravel.

"W-we'll just have to wait it out," Rias said. "The effects should only last for an hour or so."

"Maybe we should get Naruto to help?" Ophis offered.

Rias opened her mouth to tell the girl that that wasn't a good idea, but Ravel was a step ahead of her—a step ahead in the wrong direction.

"Good idea!" Ravel hopped back to her feet. "Wait right here! I'll come back with Naruto-sama!"

"W-wait!" Rias shouted as Ravel rushed out of the room. Well, she tried to shout, but when Koneko slid a hand into her panties and rubbed an index finger along her lips, her mouth refused to work the way she wanted it to.

As the door closed, Rias prayed to whatever deity was listening that Naruto was not home right now.

Or they would all be in trouble.

~Devil Ninja~

Naruto and Irina were on their way home from the grocery store. Naruto had gone out to shop for dinner that night, and Irina, who didn't have anything else to do, had decided to join him. It had made the event much more fun. On Irina's suggestion, they had grabbed supplies to make an Italian dish called Cheese Ravioli. Naruto didn't know how to make that, but Irina apparently did. She told them that she'd make dinner this time.

He was looking forward to it.

"I'm surprised you haven't had it before, Naruto-san."

"I've only had what other people make me, or what I make myself." Naruto shrugged. "No one's made this ravioli before."

"Then you're in for a real treat!"

It was a beautiful day, though with it being so late, evening would be coming soon. Even so, the air was cool against his skin. As they walked, Irina's hair swayed back and forth. They reminded him of streamers caught in the wind.

They arrived home and took off their shoes. It felt weird not to have Metatron pounce on him while screaming "NINJA-SAMA!" at the top of his lungs. Naruto wondered what the archangel was doing. They were supposed to be dealing with Ragnarok, but did it really take two weeks to take care of the Asgardians? Just how strong were these Norse gods anyway?

The pounding of feet reached them before Ravel did, the young girl turning the corner and rushing up to them, tripping over her own two feet in her effort to reach them.

"N-Naruto-sama!" she shouted.

"What's wrong?" asked Naruto.

"It's… It's Rias and Koneko! They're—!"

From the moment Ravel mentioned Rias and Koneko, Naruto stopped listening. He rushed past Ravel and ran for where he thought they would be, Rias's room—except they weren't there. Frowning, Naruto tried to think of where they else might be. Koneko's room? Maybe… but no. If they weren't in Rias' room, why would they be there? They had to be somewhere else.

"Naruto-sama!" Ravel gasped as she and Irina rounded the corner. "Office… Rias-sama's…"

"Office. Right! I'm there!"

Naruto hurried down several hallways, through an outdoor hall masked from the sun by a roof, and burst into the office that held Rias and Koneko, the office that Rias used when conducting business in her capacity as the King of a peerage.

He didn't know what he had been expecting to find. Given the urgency in Ravel's voice, he had assumed that Rias and Koneko were in some kind of danger. Whatever he was expecting, whatever thoughts he might have had, none of them matched up with what he discovered.

Rias and Koneko were on the bed. It was a large bed, massive enough to fit a dozen people, a canopy hanging over it. Rias often used that bed when she was too tired to reach their bedroom. He'd sometimes find her with only half her body on it, as though she'd passed out before being able to properly lie down.

The crimson sheets had become a tangled mess, twisted around the two figures. Rias, the buttons of her shirt open, exposing her large breasts, was panting heavily as Koneko fondled her nipples with dexterous fingers. The nekousho was sitting behind Rias, who leaned against her as if her body had become boneless. In return, Koneko licked up the sweat from Rias's neck. His girlfriend's cheeks were flushed a dark shade of red, and the enticing jiggle of her breasts was enough to make him aroused.


Naruto had no idea what to say. His mind was frozen solid, iced over like he'd been dunked head first into the waters of the Antarctic. At the same time, all of the blood in his body was rushing toward one specific area, and it was growing larger as the seconds passed.

"Is this what they call arousal?" Ophis asked as she crouched next to him.

"O-Ophis?" Naruto squeaked as he adjusted himself. "What are you doing he… re…?" he asked, his question partially stalled when a loud moan erupted from Rias. Naruto glanced over, but he had to quickly look away. Koneko had stuck her hand down Rias' panties and was clearly fingering her. His girlfriend's hips were bucking, and a dark stain was growing on the fabric, while juices ran down her thighs.

"I've been observing the situation," Ophis said, looking at Rias and Koneko. "I had no idea that catnip could do this to a nekousho."


Naruto knew what catnip did to cats, having used it in some of his pranks before, but he hadn't known that catnip worked on nekousho as well. From the looks of it, it seemed like catnip caused nekousho to feel an overwhelming lust. Maybe it sped up their mating cycle. That was his first thought, at least. Not that it mattered. Whatever had happened, he needed to find some way to resolve it.

Maybe if her lust is satiated, she'll go back to normal.

Naruto walked up to the bed. The dark red panties that Rias was wearing were completely stained, and her thighs glistened with a combination of her sweat and juices. He hadn't realized Koneko was so skilled at making other women orgasm.


Koneko's ears perked as her yellow eyes, complete with black slits, focused entirely on him. Rias had also opened her eyes, though she was too tired to do much more than whisper his name. Most of his attention was on Koneko this time. The nekousho let Rias fall back onto the bed and was crawling toward him on all fours, a smile on her face that spelled nothing good.


Koneko pounced quicker than a viper, but fortunately, Naruto had expected something of this nature. He grabbed the girl before she could tumble into him, snatching her out of the air and throwing her back onto the bed.

Time was of the essence. Naruto pinned Koneko to the bed before she could pounce again. The girl struggled underneath his grip, hissing at him, though that stopped when Naruto crushed his lips to hers. The girl's entire body went stiff, from her toes all the way to her ears. It only lasted for a second before her arms wrapped around his neck as she returned the kiss. Her tongue sought entrance to his mouth, but he didn't give it. He pushed his tongue into her mouth instead.

As his tongue encountered the warm wetness of Koneko's mouth, the girl in question rubbed herself against him, grinding her hips along his erection. Her underwear was already soaking. She must have been incredibly horny long before he ever arrived. It might have even been a combination of Koneko's and Rias' juices.

Knowing better than to let someone who was essentially doped on catnip set the pace, Naruto forced the girl to stop. Koneko let out a disatisfied "nya!" at being unable to move. Naruto merely bit her neck. She stopped. Then she let out another, less demanding noise, which sounded more like a plea.

Naruto placed a hand on her chest. Unlike Rias, whose ample breasts were large enough that his fingers sank into them, Koneko didn't have much there. She wasn't quite flat, but it would be hard to discover something unless they were searching. That didn't mean much. Koneko was still sensitive, and as Naruto rubbed her nipples through her shirt, he heard her release a lyrical sound that was half moan and half pur.

"Naruto?" Rias questioned him. "What are you…? You and she can't…?"

He knew what Rias wanted to say, but he had no intention of having sex with Koneko just yet. She wasn't ready. Her body was still too immature. But he could still satiate the lust running through her body via other methods.

Koneko was wearing a standard pink spaghetti strap shirt. Naruto slid his hand underneath her shirt, placing it on the small lump of her right breast. Her nipple was already stiff. He rolled the hardened nub between his thumb and index finger. Another purr emitted from Koneko as her tail curled around his left thigh.

If I can make her cum a few times, I should be able to satiate her lust.

Naruto pushed Koneko's shirt up to her chest and leaned down. He took her right nipple into his mouth. Hands threaded through his hair, pulling him down. Naruto swirled her nipple around his tongue, then tugged on it with his teeth. A loud cry rang out. It wasn't a cry of pain. It was one of ecstacy.

Sliding one of his hands beneath both her skirt and into her panties, Naruto immediately sought out her entrance, guarded by partially engorged lips. She was wet. His fingers slid along her glistening entrance before sliding in with a squelching sound. Koneko's back arched and her hips bucked. Naruto pushed his finger deeper into Koneko's entrance, while he used his thumb to find her clit. The moment he did, he stroked her as one might stroke a cat.

The bucking of Koneko's hips got worse. Her body convulsed. She shook back and forth as her loud cries reached a crescendo, and then, all at once, she slumped back onto the bed.

Naruto, having decided he hadn't had quite enough, reached under her skirt and slid her panties, drenched in her juices, off her legs. Starting from her feet, Naruto kissed his way up her legs, spreading them apart as he let his lips and tongue trail along her skin, until he was licking the juices directly from her. Koneko shuddered and moaned. Naruto lapped up her love nectar, enjoying the heady scent and taste like it was ambrosia.

Not stopping until he was satisfied, Naruto eventually pulled his head out from between Koneko's legs. The nekousho was staring at the ceiling. However, her eyes were glazed over. Her chest heaved up and down, and her body was covered in a light layer of glistening sweat. Naruto leaned over Koneko, to see if she would respond to his presence, but when she didn't, leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in another kiss.

It took awhile, but Koneko did eventually respond to his lips. She kissed him back. Naruto nibbled on her lower lip, then pulled back. Koneko blinked at him several times, but much like a cat that had just had its fill, she turned around, curled into a ball, and fell asleep.


Looking up at the still exhausted Rias, whose half-lidded eyes made Naruto's already stiff lower region hard enough to cut diamonds, Naruto grinned. "What do you think? I'm so good at using my tongue that I can take the edge off someone who's high on catnip."

Rias snorted. "Don't delude yourself. She was already nearing her limit when you showed up. If anything, my perseverance is what saved the day."

"No, no, no. It was definitely my skills with my tongue."

"My endurance and stamina."

"My talents."

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? We'll see who really made the catnip run its course: my stamina or your sexual prowess."

"Deal. Winner chooses what we get to watch tonight."

As Naruto crawled over to Rias and engaged in a passionate kiss as they began to masturbate each other, he forgot about the rest of the world, forgot that Ophis was still in the room, forgot that Ravel and Irina had been following, forgot everything.

He probably shouldn't have.

~Devil Ninja~

Ravel had arrived in time to see Naruto dominate Koneko, to watch as he played with her body like it was a fiddle. Every moan, cry, and purr had caused her body to quake. Each thrust of Koneko's hips as Naruto fingered her had left Ravel stunned.

She and Naruto had done some stuff together, but it was nothing like what was happening in that room. Naruto had fondled her breasts before, swirled her nipples in his mouth, and done similar activities. However, she had never once let him go below the waist. It wasn't something she was comfortable with. Naruto had respected that.

And yet now she was seeing Koneko, her close friend and half the reason she was in a relationship with Naruto—the other half being Rias—orgasming from Naruto's fingers. It was almost animalistic. Naruto's hand was in Koneko's drenched panties. His mouth was on her chest, swirling her nipples around with his tongue as he plunged his fingers into her, all the while, the girl in his grasp writhed and moaned as though she was possessed.

Ravel didn't know what to say. She'd been stunned into silence. What's more, seeing Naruto bring Koneko to several orgasms made her body feel hot. It was the same heat she felt when she and Naruto engaged in intimate activities. Ravel reached down between her legs and placed a hand over her crotch. She almost moaned when a jolt like lightning raced through her, and she jerked her hand back.

What am I doing?

Naruto eventually finished pleasing Koneko, who curled on her side and fell asleep. Ravel dared to hope that it was over. Then Naruto and Rias began having sex.

Ravel had intimate knowledge when it came to sex thanks to Rizer, but she'd never seen it before. Watching the two go at it was even worse than watching Naruto play with Koneko. Ravel's entire body was burning. There was an unbearable heat in her loins that she needed to satisfy, and it was making her head fuzzy.


The voice beside her almost made Ravel scream. She turned. Ophis was standing next to her, watching as Naruto and Rias played with each other's… privates.


Ophis turned to her. There was a look in the other girl's eyes that she'd never seen before. It made her very uncomfortable.

"You are aroused."

"W-what? N-no, I'm not."

Ophis tilted her head. "You are aroused. I can smell your arousal."

Ravel blushed and covered her crotch as though that would somehow hide whatever Ophis was smelling. This girl could smell her arousal? How… how mortifying!

"Do you want to experiment with me?" asked Ophis suddenly.


"I'm curious to know what an orgasm is like. I'd ask Naruto, but he's occupied with Rias. That's why I'm asking you."

Ophis stared at her with those two black eyes that reminded her of obsidian. Ravel's cheeks became enflamed—it wasn't just her cheeks either. Her entire body burst into flames. It felt hot. She felt unbearably hot. It was strange. She was a Phenex, so she shouldn't get hot, but right now it felt like she might melt at any moment.

"I-I-I'm sorry, but I'm not interested!"

Her legs moving of their own accord, Ravel ran out of the room. She made it all the way to her bedroom. Slamming the door closed, she leaned her back against the door and sank to the floor.

Chest heaving, Ravel closed her eyes and tried to get the image of what had transpired out of her mind. However, her mind wasn't having it, and neither was her body.

Ravel gasped as an electric shock ran through her. Looking down, she blinked several times when she noticed that she was touching herself again. She started to take her hand away. Then she stopped. Slowly, embarrassed by what she was going, Ravel rubbed herself through her cotton panties.

It felt good.

Ravel had never touched herself before, though she had once heard the term masturbation from her brother. Rizer had gotten his head bashed in for that. She had told herself that it was unsightly, that it was disgusting and she would never do it.

So much for that.

Unable to stand it anymore, Ravel lifted her shirt so it exposed her breasts and unhooked her bra, freeing her boobs from their confines. She slid one hand into her panties and fingered herself directly, while the other hand went to her breasts, which she tweaked and pinched like she'd seen Naruto do to Koneko and Rias. It felt so good. It was like an electric current of pleasure running through her system.

Ravel lifted her hips as she continued to masturbate. Something was coiling inside of her body. It was just below her stomach. She didn't know what it was, but her stomach was tightening, her thighs were quivering, her juices were drenching her legs, and her butt was clenching. A little more. A little more.


Ravel screamed into her shirt as she came. Her juices overflowed down her thighs as her body slumped back against the door. As she laid there on the floor, the slow realization of what she'd done dawned on her.

Her face caught fire.

The door was also lit on fire as a result.

How was she ever going to confront Naruto-sama now that she'd done this?

So mortifying.