ch 38 - we only sell hentai

Naruto yawned as he sat on the train with his friends. He didn't know how long they had been on the train for, as he'd fallen asleep not long after it began moving, but when he woke up, he was sitting beside Kiba, and Irina and Xenovia, who'd been sitting with them, were mysteriously absent. He wasn't worried, though. No one was going to attack the train they were on right now. That would be stupid.

"It sounds like something you would do," Kurama said.

"Can it. I'm not the sort of person who would attack a train."

"Unless you thought it would be fun."

Grumbling about overgrown furrballs, Naruto stood up in his chair, drawing the attention of Kiba, who had been staring contemplatively into space.

"Are you going somewhere?" asked the immaculate pretty boy.

"Toilet," Naruto replied with a grumble. Kiba snorted into his hand as Naruto scratched his belly. He noticed this and glared at the other blond, but the pretty boy just waved him off.

Grumbling some more—because what else was he going to do?—Naruto reached the toilet, only to groan when he realized it was occupied. He really needed to take a leak. He couldn't afford to sit around and wait for whoever was in there to finish their business.

"Ugh… this is just what I need," he mumbled before deciding to try the toilet further back.

While he was praying to the kamis to let the last toilet be unoccupied, Naruto walked toward the next door, but then he paused when he found Irina and Xenovia standing just a little ways off. Should he keep going? It looked like they were having an important conversation, and it would be rude to interrupt, but at the same time, his bladder wanted to explode! Also, he'd admit he was curious to know what they were talking about…

"I'm so sorry, Irina!" Xenovia bowed to her friend, literally bending at the waist. "I never meant to hurt you so badly! I never wanted to be used like that!"

"Relax. It's okay." Irina placed her hands on Xenovia's shoulders and pushed the girl back up so she wasn't bowing anymore. "I'm not upset. I was hurt, but never upset. If anything, I'm glad you're finally back. I've really missed you."

"Irina… thank you."

Naruto scratched the back of his head, feeling uncomfortable as he stood several meters away. This was definitely not a conversation he should be hearing.

"You don't have to thank me. This is just what friends do—oh. Naruto!" Irina waved at him when she saw Naruto standing there. "What are you doing over there?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just looking for an unoccupied bathroom." Naruto scratched the back of his head as he walked up to them. "The one up front is occupied."

"You aren't going to find much luck here," Xenovia said. "The one back there is occupied too."

"You're kidding me!" Naruto groaned even as he resisted the urge to hold his balls. He could feel his bladder going ballistic.

Irina giggled, but then her expression became both serious and slightly embarrassed. Her cheeks turned an adorable red as she began fidgeting. Naruto and Xenovia both noticed this. However, where Naruto was merely curious to know what was embarrassing her, Xenovia looked worried.

"What's wrong, Irina? Are you feeling well?! Why is your face so red?!"

"I'm fine. I just… ahem!" Coughing into her hand, Irina continued facing Naruto as she clasped her hands together and bowed. "I wanted to thank you for helping me rescue Xenovia. I was only able to do it because of your advice, so thank you."

"I'm not sure why you're thanking me," Naruto admitted. "I like you, so of course I'm going to help you out whenever I can. Isn't that what you do for people you like?"

"L-l-like?!" Irina's face suddenly exploded with color as she placed a hand to her mouth. She fidgeted a little, then looked away. "B-by like… do you mean like… uh… you know…?"

"I'll leave that for you to decide," Naruto said with a smile that was more serious than what this sort of conversation warranted. "You're still trying to decide what you want in life, right? With Ise, I mean. I'm not about to add more baggage to your problems. Anyway, if the bathroom over here is still in use, I guess there's not much point in going back there. Thanks for letting me know."

Turning around, Naruto tried very hard not to walk bow-legged as he did his utmost to contain his incessant need to piss. Damn it! This was going to kill him!

Fortunately, the person who had been in the bathroom previously was no longer occupying it, and thus Naruto was able to use it before anyone else could. As he sat down on the toilet, a sigh of relief escaped him.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" asked Kurama.

"Of course it was! Actually, I think moving so much helped keep the stress in my bladder from building."

"I'm not talking about that! I meant that angel girl! Are you really okay not settling the matter with her? Don't you think you should tell her about your feelings?"

Naruto finished his business, wiped himself off, and then flushed the toilet. He turned on the faucet and began washing his hands. The water was a bit cold, but he lathered his hands with soap and washed them anyway. As he was drying his hands off, he spoke to Kurama.

"Right now, Irina is dealing with her feelings for Ise. It would be cruel if I added more problems for her, so I'll wait until she's figured out what she wants."

"And what happens if what she wants is to be with Ise?"

"Then I'll pretend I don't feel anything and support her decision."

Naruto turned off the water, exited the bathroom, and made it back to his seat. Xenovia and Irina were there when he returned. They were talking about something, though they stopped when they saw him. He frowned when Irina's face went a little red, but then he saw Xenovia's grin and realized the girl had probably said something to tease Irina. He wondered if it was about him. However, he didn't intend to ask about that.

"I think you are way too nice for your own good."

"You think so?" Naruto turned his head and looked out the window. The scenery was passing by mostly in a blur now. He didn't see the scenery. His mind went to several young women who were waiting for him back home, which caused a smile to appear on his face. "Maybe you're right. But I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with being too nice."

Karama didn't say anything. He just snorted.

~Devil Ninja~

The train pulled into the Kuoh station.

Naruto, who had been speaking with Kiba and Issei about man stuff, looked up as the train stopped.

"Looks like it's finally time to get off." He stretched his arms above his head and yawned. "Maaaaaan, sitting on these chairs for so long is exhausting, and I don't even know why."

"Probably because you can run faster than these trains," Issei said. "I bet you were thinking something like, 'this train is so slow. I could be home a hundred times faster if I just ran home.'"

"Why would I be thinking something like that?" asked Naruto.

"You mean you weren't?"

"Well… I mean, I could run faster than this train, but that's not the point."

He, Issei, and Kiba stood up and grabbed their school bags from underneath their chairs. In a group of seats several chairs up, Asia, Irina, Xenovia, and Karyuu were doing the same thing. Naruto didn't know what they were talking about, but they seemed to be having fun.

They exited the train alongside the dozens of other students. Saji and his group were also somewhere in here, but Naruto couldn't see them. As he stepped onto the platform, he looked around, knowing that a certain someone would be waiting for them.


Just on time, a loud shout rang through the station, and Rias came rushing through the crowd. Naruto found himself engulfed in a powerful hug that would have cracked his ribs had he been a human. He returned Rias' hug, enjoying the way her boobs smashing against his chest felt.

Ah. How he had missed this.

"I'm so glad you're back. I've missed you so much."

"Me too. Life isn't the same without you in it."

"It's good to know you missed me as much as I missed you."

As they were hugging, someone tugged on Rias' school uniform. The two of them looked over to see Koneko staring at her with a frown and Ravel, standing just a little behind Koneko with slightly red cheeks.

"When are you going to get off him so we can have a chance to say hello?" asked Koneko.

"In a minute." Rias went back to hugging Naruto. "I will of course let the two of you give him a hug, but you have to wait your turn."

Rias was normally pretty nice when it came to sharing him, which he chalked up due to her giving personality and the security she felt about their relationship, but she was being awfully needy at this moment. Naruto wondered if that was due to them having been away from each other for several days. Come to think of it, aside from that time he'd gotten that hairbrained idea to let the Khaos Brigaide steal him away, this was the longest they had ever willingly been apart from each other.

Unfortunately, regardless of all that, Koneko did not seem to appreciate that Rias was hogging him to herself.

"You've already said hello! Give the rest of us a chance, nya!"

"I will! Just as soon as I'm satisfied!"

"If we waited until you were satisfied, we'll die from old age!"

"T-that isn't true! This isn't like fans waiting for One Piece to finish!"

Naruto found Rias relinquishing her grip on him, but it wasn't because she planned on giving Koneko and Ravel a chance to say hello. It was because she and Koneko were arguing. Having not seen this happen before because they always seemed so close, Naruto pondered whether he should step in.

"I wouldn't if I were you," Ravel said as she walked up to him.

"You wouldn't what?" asked Naruto.

"Step in." Ravel placed her hands on her hips. "That is what you were thinking of doing, right? I think it's better if you let them solve this issue."

"I'm impressed you could know what I'm thinking," Naruto said with a smile.

Ravel's cheeks turned red and steam rose from her hair, but she tried to justify herself with a stuttered reply. "T-that's because… I mean, you and I are… you know… I mean, gosh! Isn't it just natural to know what you're boyfriend is thinking?!"

Seeing the way Ravel got flustered caused Naruto to drag the girl into a hug. Ravel squeaked, but she didn't pull away as her face became pressed against his chest. After several seconds of this, she reached up and hugged him back.

While Rias and Koneko continued to argue about why Rias shouldn't hog Naruto's attention, the boy in question took a look around at the others. Issei was being greeted by Raynare, of all people, who looked like she was trying to both insult him and show him how happy she was to see him. Naruto still wasn't sure about their relationship, but he figured it wasn't something he should bother with. He did notice that Akeno hadn't shown up. Issei had too. The boy was looking around and his expression seemed somewhat depressed.

Rossweisse was also present, but she was with the teachers. However, Naruto could see her glancing his way every so often.

"Looks like those two are more interested in arguing over you than actually seeing you," Kiba joked as he, Irina, and Xenovia wandered up to him and Ravel. While Kiba was smiling, Irina wore something of a frown as she stared at Ravel, still being hugged by Naruto.

"It certainly seems that way," Naruto said.

"Aren't you going to stop them?" asked a curious Xenovia.

Naruto took one look at Koneko and Rias, who looked like they might actually come to blows, and then shook his head.

"Naw. I'll let them solve this on their own. Anyway, who is up for pizza?"

~Devil Ninja~

The group returned home and decided to hold a small celebration in honor of not only returning safely, but also dealing a serious blow to the Khaos Brigade. Rias ordered several pizzas and even decided to decorate the house. Naruto was greatly confused as he looked around, staring at the "Welcome back!" and "We missed you!" banners strewn across the living room. Had she been planning this from the very beginning?

"We weren't gone that long," he muttered with a sigh.

"Maybe not, but we did face quite the harrowing experience," Kiba said.

The two of them were standing near a wall in the living room. It wasn't just the regular people who lived there that had come to celebrate. On top of the Gremory Peerage, Metatron, Ravel, and Raynere, there was also Azazel, Sirzechs, Rias' mother and father, Michael and Gabriel, the Sitri Peerage, and even Serafall Leviathan, who had shown up at the last minute and was currently chasing her sister around the room so they could change into matching magical girl outfits.

Everyone had sort of split off into their own groups. Rias' dad and Sirzechs were talking to Michael, while Rias' mom spoke with Gabriel about something. Naruto didn't know what. However, the two women were giggling, and that was never a good sign. Meanwhile, Rias was trying her best to play the host, but it was clear from how she kept staring in his direction that she really just wanted to head over to him. It was too bad her sense of duty kept getting in the way.

Over toward the couches was Ise, the poor boy who was currently surrounded by Asia, Irina, Raynare, and Xenovia, of all people. Straining his ears, Naruto quietly listened in on what was being said.

"C-could you please not sit there, Raynare-san. That spot… it belongs to Akeno-sama," Asia said.

"Tch! And where is this 'Akeno-sama'? Oh, that's right. She's not here. Ise-kun, forget about that woman. She obviously couldn't handle you like I can."

"I've heard that dragons are strong," Xenovia said. "I didn't realize how strong until after you fought against Cao Cao. I was very impressed."

"Um… thank you? But… I'm not that strong. Sensei is much stronger than me," Issei said.


Issei looked like he didn't know where to look. He glanced at Raynare's tits as they pushed into his arm. However, all this did was make Asia jealous. The girl hugged his arm to her modest chest, pushing the two bulges in her shirt against him. Issei was now switching back and forth between one set of sweater stuffers to the other.

"Naruto-sensei…" Issei's face took on a very… perverse expression as he continued to switch between Asia's and Raynare's breasts. It seemed the boy was struggling quite hard. However, a situation like this was a losing battle. There was a reason he earned the nickname Oppai Dragon.

"Ah… Naruto. Yeah… he was very strong."

As if she was drawn in by his presence, Xenovia looked back at Naruto, who tilted his head upon realizing he was being stared at. Naruto nodded at her, which caused her to nod back. Oddly enough, despite being interested in Issei's strength, she didn't seem all that interested in his.

"But… you're also a dragon," Xenovia added. Then paused. "And from what I hear, Naruto already has a large harem."


"That's why I've decided to compete over someone more manageable."

"Why does that make me feel like I'm your second choice?" Issei asked with an odd tone of voice. His question went unanswered.

Shaking his head, Naruto returned his attention to Kiba. "I know we returned from a pretty dangerous trip, but it's not like we haven't faced danger before. I'm pretty sure Rias originally planned on having a small party, but then Metatron probably overheard her and told Azazel, who told everyone else. Just look at how contrite Rias seems. She clearly never expected this party to snowball into the gathering that it is now."

"That reminds me…" a voice said from below them. Kiba and Naruto looked down at where Gasper Vladi was hiding inside of a box. "I do remember hearing Metatron on the phone and talking with Azazel. Maybe that's it?"

"Could be." Kiba shrugged. "We're here now. Does it matter how we got here?"

"I guess not," Naruto said with a shrug.


At the sound of Ravel's voice, Naruto turned around as the blonde Phenex and the white-haired Koneko came up to him. Kiba smiled as he stepped aside to allow both girls the spot next to him. Naruto grinned at the pair. While Ravel was holding a wine glass filled with what was obviously juice, Koneko was munching on something that looked suspiciously like pizza mochi.

"Hey, you two," he said. "Where have you been?"

"I wanted to come down soon, but fried chicken here said she needed to find the perfect outfit," Koneko said in a bland, deadpan voice.

"Wha—I-I did not! I just wanted to make sure I looked good for Naruto-sama!" Ravel shouted.

"Try saying that when your cheeks aren't red."

As the two began to bicker, Naruto caught sight of Azazel and Rias breaking off their conversation with Rias' father and making their way over to their group. He could tell from the tired look on Rias' face and the excited expression Azazel wore that something had happened. He wondered what.

"Hey, kids," Azazel said with a grin. "Are you all having fun?"

"Honestly? I'd much rather sleep," Naruto said with a shrug.

"Now don't be like that. This is a party. You guys are celebrating successfully returning home after battling against the Khaos Brigade." When all Naruto did was give the man a deadpan stare, Azazel chuckled and continued as if he hadn't seen the look. "I figured I'd let you guys know that a week from now, the Gremory Peerage will be playing in a Rating Game with the Sairaorg and his peerage two weeks from now. However, before that, your two peerages are going to be having interviews. Those will be this week during Saturday."

Naruto wanted to sigh. They had only just gotten back home and it looked like they were already going to leave. He loved seeing new sites and visiting new places, but damn it, he also wanted to relax. Couldn't he just kick back, eat some ramen, and have sex like a normal high school student?!

"We also need to discuss what sort of activity our club should do for the upcoming culture festival," Rias told them. "That's what we're going to be doing when you come back to school tomorrow."

The conversation continued along the veins of the school festival, which Rias expressed a lot of excitement about doing. Her eyes shone as she discussed what her class had planned. Naruto thought she enjoyed the idea of a culture festival because it meant she could act like a regular high schooler.

At some point, most of Sona's peerage joined them. Even Sona made a brief appearance before she had to run away from her sister. Ophis also came by at one point, but that was only to demand Naruto go on a date with her again, which Naruto agreed to, much to Ravel's chagrin. Of course, Rias and Koneko also got dates out of him.

When the evening ended and night descended, everyone decided it was time to conclude the festivities. Michael, Gabriel, Sirzechs, Rias' parents, and basically everyone who didn't live in Naruto's mansion left.

Naruto also planned on heading to bed, but he turned back when he noticed that Rias was not coming with him, Ravel, Koneko, and Ophis.

"Are you not gonna join us?" he asked.

"In a minute." Rias smiled at him. "I just have something I need to do before then. You four can go on ahead without me."

~Devil Ninja~

Rias wanted nothing more than to join Naruto, Koneko, Ravel, and Ophis in bed. It had been an entire weekend since she'd been able to sleep with Naruto. He would never understand the struggle that she, Koneko, and Ravel had gone through while he was gone. Koneko and Ravel, in particular, had been quite traumatized after being nearly smothered to death by her breasts, something that wouldn't have happened if Naruto had been present.

However, before she could enjoy cuddling with Naruto, she had to deal with one more issue.


Rias was sitting on a couch inside of the meeting room, a sort of office/lobby space. On the opposite couch was Xenovia and Irina. They had come to her with a most unusual request.

"Are you really okay with this?" asked Rias. "I know it's probably a bad idea for me to question you when you tell me that you wish to become a devil, but are you sure that's really what you want?"

"Yes, this is really what I want," Xenovia said. Her hands were on her lap, her back was straight, and her eyes were quite firm. "I can no longer go back to the Church. After learning that God was dead and that the Church kept it from us, even if I understand why they did it, I still can't get over the fact that I've been lied to this entire time. I need a new direction in my life."

"And you feel like becoming a devil will give you that direction?" asked Rias.

"I think so," Xenovia nodded.

Now that Xenovia had let her know that she was indeed serious about becoming a devil, Rias found her qualms over convincing the girl growing smaller. She had always planned on trying to make Xenovia a devil after the Kokabiel incident. The chance had disappeared before she could even offer it, however. Now that they were in this position, Rias would have been a fool to turn down such a strong person.

"It is definitely possible for you to find purpose as a devil." Rias crossed her left leg over her right, placed her clasped hands on her lap, and continued. "However, there are some things you should understand. Being a devil is different than being a member of the Church. Where the Church believes in abstaining from desires, we devils thrive on them. Not only do we fulfill the desires of others, but we also do our best to fulfill our own desires because doing so increases our power."

"Our… desires?" Xenovia tilted her head. Meanwhile, Irina was looking interested but also a little appalled by the topic of their conversation. "What do you mean?"

"Let's say someone desires to find love," Rias began. "They summon a devil and ask them to help him or her get into a relationship with the person they love, or even just find a random person who would be willing to love them. We would do our best to fulfill that request. By granting people what they desire, our power increases. Of course, devils are greedy by nature, so we don't neglect our own desires. If you have anything you desire, be sure to do your best to claim it, okay?"

"I understand." Xenovia nodded. "I'm ready. Please make me a devil!"

"I'm somehow not so sure about this anymore…" Irina muttered.

"It'll be fine," Rias said as she summoned her remaining Knight piece, stood up, and handed it to Xenovia. "Irina, come over here please. I don't want you getting in the way of the ritual."

"Ah! Yes, I'm coming!"

Irina stood up and walked behind Rias. Taking a deep breath, Rias channeled her demonic power into the evil piece held by Xenovia. A bright red glow appeared from the Knight piece. Then a magic circle appeared around Xenovia, who watched on curiously.

"By the power invested in me, I command that you be reborn under the House of Gremory as my Knight!"

As Rias spoke, the chess piece that Xenovia was holding slowly sank into her chest. Xenovia blinked several times while the bright glow surrounding her died down.

"And that's it," Rias said with a smile. "You are now officially a devil."

"How do you feel, Xenovia?" asked Irina, worried.

"I don't feel any different, to be honest," Xenovia admitted as she looked herself over.

"You won't feel that many physical changes, but you might feel a bit different tomorrow. However, they will be small differences," Rias remarked.

"I see." Xenovia stood up and bowed toward Rias. "Thank you, Rias Gremory—no, thank you, Rias-senpai. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations."

"I'm sure you'll do fine."

It was really late by the time Rias finished turning Xenovia into a devil. After she finished brushing her teeth and entering the room that belonged to her and Naruto, it was already early morning. She sighed but quickly removed her clothes and walked over to the bed.

Naruto was already asleep. Of course, he wasn't alone. Ravel, Koneko, and Ophis were all asleep as well. She watched the group as they snored away. Koneko was making soft whistling noises, Ravel was mumbling in her sleep, and Naruto had a snot bubble blowing from his nose. The only one not doing something weird was Ophis.

Crawling into bed, Rias slid in until Ravel was sleeping on Naruto alongside Koneko. The blond man grunted as the added weight put pressure on his ribcage, but then he settled back down, allowing her to use his shoulder as a pillow. Finally, after several hours of having wanted nothing more than this moment, Rias went to sleep.

~Devil Ninja~

Naruto woke up the next morning to the feeling of something soft, wet, and slightly rough engulfing him. Gritting his teeth, he opened his eyes and looked around the bedroom. Rias was still sleeping on his left. Ravel and Ophis were on his right. He couldn't see Koneko, but there was a large lump in his blanket right next to his crotch.

Pulling the blanket up, Naruto discovered Koneko with her mouth wrapped around him. Her soft lips had engulfed him until her nose was pressed firmly against his skin, and he could feel her breathing on him. The he lifted the blanket, she had looked up, so he had a perfect view of her beautiful yellow eyes framed by white hair and cat ears.


Naruto bit back a surprised cry of pleasure when Koneko used her tongue to great effect. Damn. If she was a Pokemon and this was a lick attack, it would have been super effective! Gnashing his teeth together to keep from crying out, he placed his hands on Koneko's ears and began sensually rubbing them. This caused Koneko to begin purring. The feeling of her throat vibrating was far too much for Naruto, and with a startled grunt, he shot his seed directly into her stomach.

"Ha… Ha…"

As Naruto took several deep breaths and tried to get his breathing under control, Koneko crawled up his legs until she was straddling him. She rubbed her sodden entrance against his flaccid member. A jolt of pleasure raced through his body as he became wedged between her plump lips. She was using her own love nectar to liberally coat him in her juices. Koneko placed her hands on his chest and rocked her hips back and forth, her eyes closing as she meowed and ground her wet mound into him.

"Koneko," Naruto said, half-whisper and half-groan. "What are you doing?"

Not responding with words at first, Koneko, who had taken off all of her closed and exposed every part of her body to him, leaned forward until she was lying on top of him. Naruto could say nothing as her lips hampered his. However, rather than continuing to question what she wanted, he kissed her back as she slipped her small cat tongue inside of his mouth and continued grinding their pelvises together. Her juices were leaking out of her and creating a slippery sensation that made him wish he could purr like Koneko did.

"I want you right now," Koneko said the moment she released his mouth from their intense and sloppy kiss. "Rias-senpai has been hogging you all to herself, and I'm tired of it. We're going to have sex, so shut up and take it."


Naruto had no idea what he was supposed to say to Koneko's forceful words. Of course, it wasn't like he could say anything because Koneko began kissing him again.

By now, Naruto had pretty much given up on trying to get anything more out of her anyway. He could have forced her off. He was stronger than her. However, he barely pondered the idea for a second before discarding it. He was horny as hell now. No way he was going to pass up on the opportunity for sex.

As they continued their sloppy exchange, Koneko reached down and wrapped her small fingers around his shaft, which had been soaked in her juices. She began stroking him. Naruto's breathing picked up as he tried hard not to groan into her mouth.

"Do you like that?" asked Koneko. Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper, and none of the bland dryness that usually made up her tone was present. He'd rarely ever heard Koneko speak with this much passion.

"I-I do," Naruto admitted. "It feels… so good."

"Good. I'm going to make you feel better."

Koneko moved her hips forward and used her hand to line him up with her womanhood. She bit her lips as she slowly inserted the tip of his head inside of her. Naruto felt like he was going to explode. It was just the tip, but her body was so tight that it felt like she was squeezing him dry.

Wincing as she pushed more and more of him inside of her, Koneko's walls slowly expanded to accommodate him. Inch after inch was engulfed, until he was about a third of the way inside of her. However, at this point, Koneko stopped and her eyes became uncertain. Naruto wondered why at first, but then he felt the soft membrane that was stopping him from going any further.

"Do you… want to just do it like this?" asked Naruto. "We don't have to go any further."

Koneko shook her head. "I want this. Hhhggggnnnn!"

With a pained groan, Koneko pushed herself down on him further, breaking through her hymen and bottoming out. Her arms lost their strength and she fell forward into his chest. Breathing like she'd just run across the globe without stopping, the young cat/devil hybrid shuddered several times. Naruto shuddered as well, but that was because he was inside of her and her walls were convulsing around him. The feelings were incredible. He'd never experienced a sensation quite like this.

"I feel like you're crushing me," Naruto muttered.

"I feel like you're breaking me," Koneko shot back. "That makes us even."

Naruto chortled a little, but then he hissed when Koneko began rocking her hips back and forth. He grabbed onto her hips and began kneading them. His massage caused Koneko to meow and purr before she placed her mouth against his neck and began lifting off the sweat. Gasping, Naruto decided to go another step further.

He reached behind her butt and plunged one finger into her hole.

"Nya!" Koneko actually released a startled cry, but it was restrained by her gasp. "That… don't… not there…"

"It seems this is pretty sensitive," Naruto muttered as he rubbed his finger inside of her. "Do you have a sensitive ass, Koneko?"

"It's not—nya!" Koneko arced her back and opened her mouth as he began pumping his finger inside of her. Drool began leaking down her mouth and dripping off her chin as he continued. Her hips seemed to move without conscious thought as he kept up his actions. Her butt was a bit dry, and she'd probably be sore tomorrow.

I'll just help her spread some Vaseline on it or something.

"Ha… ha… hyk… Naruto… ha… that feels so good. It's too good. S-shtop… pleashe…"

When Koneko began speaking with a strange lisp, Naruto felt like he was going to die. He looked at the catgirl above him. Her ears were twitching wildly, as was her tail. Similarly, her insides were pulsating. The feeling of her walls as they twitched against him was unbelievable. He already knew he wasn't going to last for much longer.

"Koneko," he began, "you're the best pussy ever."

On any other occasion, Koneko would have snorted and replied with a dry and witty quip, but in that moment, Naruto leaned up and claimed her mouth, pushing his tongue inside of her and stirring up saliva between them. At the same time, he inserted another finger inside of her and rocked his hips. Koneko released a loud scream that was only partially muffled by their kiss. He felt her walls clenched around him like she was sucking him dry, and then he released his load inside of her. He was sure his sperm had reached her womb.

Naruto fell back onto the bed and Koneko came with him. Their heavy breathing was the only thing they heard in the room.

Pulling his fingers out of Koneko, Naruto placed his hands on her back and began stroking her like one might a cat. Koneko released several low and soft purrs as she licked his chest. The warmth of her softy body pressed down on him. Despite having just woken up only a short fifteen or so minutes ago, Naruto was incredibly tempted to fall back asleep.

"You two seem to be having fun."

Unfortunately, a voice stopped him.

Turning his head, Naruto grimaced when he saw Rias lying on her side, wide awake as she rested her head on her hand and stared at him and Koneko with half-lidded and annoyed eyes.

"Rias… um… good morning?" Naruto said.

"It's certainly a good morning for two of us, at least," Rias replied with sharp words.

"I-I-I can't believe you two had sex while I was sleeping right next to you!"

Before Naruto could respond to Rias and her harsh words, another voice spoke up, causing Naruto to turn his head. Ravel and Ophis were wide awake. While Ophis was staring at the spot between his and Koneko's legs, Ravel was looking all over the place as steam poured from her ears like she was gonna catch fire.

"Er… well… yeah, I got nothing," Naruto finally admitted with a sigh. He looked at the catgirl still purring on his chest. She didn't look like she was going to get off any time soon. "You got anything to say, Koneko?"

Koneko lifted her head from Naruto's chest and gazed at Ravel. Her eyes were half-lidded, and there was the most satisfied smile on her face that Naruto had ever seen. She looked like the cat that got the cream, which, when he really thought about it, might have been the most accurate use of the term he'd ever thought of.

"Yakitori is just jealous that we had sex first."

"W-w-w-what?! I am not jealous!" Ravel said hotly. However, while her words were indeed filled with anger, the way she kept looking down at where his and Koneko's hips had been joined betrayed her. "Why would I be jealous! Naruto and I have already had sex! And… and… uh… uuuuuuu… I can't believe I just said that!"

Ravel began blushing up a storm as everyone stared at her.

"Or so KFC says, but I don't believe her."


As the two girls began arguing, or rather, as Koneko mercilessly made fun of Ravel for still being a virgin while her cherry was officially popped, Naruto wondered if there was some way to quietly slip out of the room. He glanced at Rias, who looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Realizing she probably wouldn't help him, he looked over at Ophis.

However, he felt some sweat drip down his forehead when he saw how intently she was staring at him with frightening intensity.

"I want you to do to me what you did to the cat," Ophis said.

"What are you saying, Ophis?!" Ravel shrieked. "Y-y-you can't say stuff like that so shamelessly! It's unladylike?!"

"So?" Ophis tilted her head. "I'm not a lady. I'm a dragon."

Dragons were technically genderless. Naruto heard from Azazel that Ophis had been in disguised as an old man several centuries ago.

"That… that… that…" Ravel was pointing at Ophis now, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Look at how red Yakitori is," Koneko teased. "She looks like she's about to become extra crispy."

It was a testament to her shock that Ravel didn't even respond. Naruto stared at the wide-eyed girl for a moment, then turned his head to Rias. He was surprised to see the redhead climb out of bed and wander over to her dresser, where she grabbed some underwear and a shirt.

"Rias… a little help please?" Naruto said.

Taking one look at the situation Naruto was in, Rias suddenly gave him an extra bright smile. Naruto could not keep himself from shuddering.

"But you look so comfortable. Why would I possibly help you? Anyway, I'm taking a shower. See you all during breakfast."

Naruto could have cried out and demanded that she help him. He could have also used his physical strength to break away from these girls, but he didn't. He laid his head back on the bed, tried to ignore the feeling of his and Koneko's love juices as they dripped down between his legs, and also did his best not to listen to Ophis as she demanded he have sex with her.

Was this what people meant when they said you should start the weekday right?

~Devil Ninja~

Naruto wouldn't say the Occult Research Clubroom was awkward, but there was certainly a tension of atmosphere as he sat between Ravel and Koneko. The two of them had not stopped glaring at each other all day. To make matters worse, Ophis had not removed herself from his lap since he arrived. He was normally more than happy to pamper her, but ever since she changed her appearance to one that was older and more—how should he say it?—stacked, he couldn't see her in the same light.

Of course, there was also the fact that Rias had left him to fend for himself this morning. That had been mean. Of course, she'd given him a big hug and a kiss when they parted ways at school, but even so, she didn't have to leave him while those two argued, did she? How cruel could his girlfriend be?

"Now that everyone is here, I believe we should decide on what to do for the upcoming culture festival," Rias said.

By everyone, Rias meant the entire Occult Research Club, which included more than just Naruto and his harem. There was also Issei, Asia, Kiba, Raynare Xenovia, and Irina, who were currently sitting on the opposite couch. While it looked like Xenovia and Irina were having a nice conversation with Asia, one of them kept glancing his way with a frown. Not only were they present, so was Akeno (who stood beside Rias), Azazel, Raynare's former teammate Mittelt, and Rossweisse.

Gasper was also present, but the poor boy was hiding inside of his box.

"Why should we bother doing something for this stupid culture festival?" asked Mittelt. She was standing off to the side, her arms crossed and a haughty look on her face. Naruto thought she was displeased because she couldn't wear her lolita cosplay.

"Because the culture festival is an important part of our life here at high school," Rias replied with a smile, one that became far darker as the seconds passed. "And if you don't help, I'll let Naruto play with you."

At those words, Mittelt suddenly paled and glanced at Naruto. He tossed her a wink. The girl shuddered and looked away.

"I'll help," she said meekly.

Naruto wasn't bothered by how Rias used his actions to quell Mittelt's rebelliousness and make her submissive. It was, after all, part of the reason he acted the way he did. Instead, he tried to think about what he believed they should do for the culture festival.

Sadly, he was drawing a blank.

"What do clubs normally do for school festivals?" he asked.

"It depends on the club," Kiba replied as he sat next to Issei with his arms crossed and his left leg on his right knee. "I know that the kendo club usually does keno demonstrations, but a lot of sports clubs will often do food stands. The basketball club is doing a taiyaki stand this year, I believe."

"What about non-sports clubs?" asked Naruto.

"I think the literature club is writing a book on the history of the school and its Seven Mysteries," Ravel informed him. "Since the theme is 'the History of Kuoh Academy', a lot of clubs have similar ideas. Mine and Koneko's class is creating a cafe with a theme centered around the sort of fashion students of the school have been wearing for the last 20 years when they are off campus."

"Fashion, huh?" Naruto muttered, but he was still drawing a blank.

"What if we did a haunted house?" asked Issei.

"Oh, that sounds fun!" Asia clapped her hands.

Xenovia and Irina nodded along, but Ravel cupped her chin in thought. "It could certainly work, but since the theme is 'the history of Kuoh', we would have to expand on the haunted house idea by incorporating ghost stories from students in the past into our haunted house."

"That reminds me, just how old is Kuoh Academy?" asked Irina.

"It's only about 20 years old," Rias answered. "My family bought it back when the Rating Game and Evil Piece System had been implemented. The idea was to find promising young women who could become members of our peerage."

"Why only women?" asked Irina.

"Because our family also owned an All-Boy's School to find promising male candidates there," Rias answered, and everyone who didn't already know that, including Naruto, went "ah." After the group fell silent, Rias continued. "I think the haunted house idea is a good one. We can talk to former graduates of Kuoh Academy and even members of the college division. A lot of the people who graduated now work for Gremory Large Enterprise. I could easily ask my parents if they'd let me get in touch with some of their employees and ask about any ghost stories that happened in the past."

Naruto listened to all this with increasing excitement. He'd never actually been part of a school festival before. It wasn't like they'd ever had festivals back at the Ninja Academy. What would they do? Show their parents how to throw a kunai? Most of their parents already knew that! And the ones who didn't were civilians that would totally flip their shit if they saw their kids playing with sharp objects used to stab people.

"So what do you need in order to make this haunted house?" asked Naruto.

Rias tilted her head a little as she thought about the question, then began ticking things off on her fingers. "We'll need art supplies to create the haunted house, costumes to wear, makeup, halloween decorations, and several other supplies. I'll look at our club's budget and draw up a list of things we need to buy. Once that's done, we can begin actually making everything and setting it up."

"So the haunted house is a go? Awww yeah! I am so psyched for this!" Issei cheered.

"You seem pretty happy Ise," Asia said.

"Of course! Don't you know? Haunted houses means Halloween, and Halloween means I get to see all of you in sexy costumes!"

As the perverted young man began blushing, obviously dreaming of what all the girls would be wearing, Irina gave the boy a hard stare. She didn't seem as pleased by his perverse comment. Naruto thought she'd be used to it. Issei had always been a perv-bag.

"Haunted house doesn't mean sexy costumes, sleezeball," Koneko's words were as sharp as her claws. "You can't scare people if you're dressed like a slut."

"Hey! A guy can dream, can't he?!" Issei shouted.

"Whatever floats your boat. Just don't dream of me." Koneko shrugged.

"A haunted house, huh?" Kiba smiled. "That sounds like fun."

"I'm pretty excited," Naruto added. "I've never made a haunted house before, but I have loads of scary ideas."

"I'll also help however I can," Rossweisse added, but Azazel stopped her.

"We can't help them." He shook his head. "Here in Japan, culture festivals like this one are left up to the students. It's meant to show their independence and creativity. If teachers got involved, it would ruin the whole point of having a festival."

"But… I can… tell them where all the great 100 yen shops are so they don't get ripped off buying supplies!" Rossweisse tried to explain, only for Azazel to shake his head once again.

"Ufufu, I think it's safe to say we know what we're going to be doing this year," Akeno said.

"It certainly seems that way," Rias added with a smile.

~Devil Ninja~

The week past relatively quickly, despite the fact that Naruto thought school was incredibly boring. He chalked it up to the school's upcoming culture festival and the work they were putting in to make it a success. During this time, their classes had been canceled so they could work on the culture festival, which meant doing a lot of busy work that involved building props, buying supplies, and rushing from homeroom to their clubs, where they invariably did more or less the same thing.

Naruto's class was doing a Biker Gang Cafe in honor of a group of girls who attended ten years ago. The women were going to be dressing up as a biker gang, getting fake tattoos, and even carrying styrofoam bats and other weapons that gangs like that apparently used. One girl had even suggested they create a fake motorcycle to display in the cafe. Of course, they didn't have the budget for that, so the idea was thrown out the window.

Most of the work involved creating props, costumes, interior decoration, and coming up with a menu. On that note, the boys would be doing all the cooking since the cafe was meant to represent the all-girls biker gang from ten years ago.

This was on top of the work they were doing for the Occult Research Club. Rias had indeed given them all a list of supplies to buy, and once everything had been brought, the work on constructing a realistic haunted house had begun. On that note, Rossweisse nearly had a coniption when she found out they weren't using the 100 yen stores she suggested they shop at.

Naruto, being the creative prankster that he was, had been given the task of using the information gained from former graduates to create realistic and frightening recreations of various horror stories. Sadly, most of those horror stories involved pantie thieves and peeping toms, so a lot of them had to be discarded for the sake of keeping everything family friendly. It wasn't like they could realistically recreate those stories without anyone who traveled through their haunted house feeling violated. He ended up using mostly the ghost stories about girls drowning and a woman who hung herself with her own hair. Actually, that last one of his was pretty impressive, if he did say so himself.

Before Naruto knew it, the weekend was upon them and the Gremory Peerage was off to the Underworld, where they had a mass interview alongside Sairoarg and his peerage in preparation for the upcoming Rating Game.

"Hey, I think I remember this place!" Naruto exclaimed as their group stood in front of a gigantic hotel. It easily towered over just about everything else. He couldn't even count how many stories it was.

"This is where we stayed the last time we were in the Underworld," Rias said. "Come on. We have to travel all the way to the sixtieth floor. That's where the interview is being held."

"Sixtieth…" Naruto muttered. What an insane number of floors!

Their group entered the hotel, where they were greeted by a devil in a business suit. Naruto thought the look suited him for reasons he couldn't quite explain. Maybe he'd seen a devil in a business suit in one of the anime Rias made him watch? He couldn't remember. In either event, the devil explained that everyone else was already present and waiting for their arrival.

"You all need to hurry and get ready," he told them as they made for the elevator. "We're not running behind schedule, but the interview is expected to air in less than half an hour."

"We understand," Rias said, doing all the talking. "We'll get ready quickly. Fortunately, we don't have to change into anything. I think having everyone see us in our natural clothes would help show our true selves."

"Hmm… that's fine," the man said.

They entered the elevator, and the devil pressed the button that would take them to the sixtieth floor.

"Are you nervous?" Kiba asked Naruto.

"Why would I be nervous?" Naruto tilted his head. Kiba shrugged.

"Well, I'm nervous as hell," Issei admitted. "I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing and everyone will laugh at me."

"You always say the wrong thing," Koneko and Naruto said at the same time.

"Thanks. Way to give me a confidence boost that I won't make a fool of myself." Issei's shoulders slumped.

"Ufufu." Akeno giggled a little, but when Issei looked in her direction, she stopped laughing and looked away.

The elevator eventually stopped on floor 60, and the group was hustled into a large hall, all the way to the end, where a massive set of double doors was waiting for them. A pair of devil guards opened the doors. On the other side was a large room that had been set up for the interview. There were two tables set up for the respective peerages to sit. Meanwhile, three chairs were set in the center of these tables. Cameras were everywhere and dozens of people had already filled the seats near the back. Those people turned to stare at them as they entered.

"Now I'm feeling a little nervous," Asia said as she walked closer to Issei.

"I'm sure you'll do fine," Issei said. "I'll be here every step of the way."

"T-thanks, Ise. I feel better knowing that."

While his words caused Asia to beam, they caused Xenovia, Irina, and Akeno to frown. Naruto could only shake his head.

"You might be fine, but I'm scaaaared!" Gasper, wearing a bag over his head, grabbed Naruto's arm. "This is scaaary even with the bag over my head!"

Naruto just sighed and patted the poor boy on the head. For a hikkikomori like Gasper Vladi, attending an interview that would be broadcast all across the Underworld was sure to be frightening.

Sairoarg and his peerage were already present. Most of them were sitting at one of two tables, but Sairoarg Bael himself was in one of the chairs at the very center of the room. The devil who brought them up here directed their group to the table reserved for them, while Rias was asked to sit next to Sairoarg.

A flurry of activity went up as everyone got ready to start the interview. Lights were turned on, Cameramen got ready, and a gorgeous devil in a sophisticated and sharp suit sat on the interviewers chair.

"And we're going live in three, two, one," the cameraman counted down and then the light on stage turned green, signalling that it was time for them to start.

"Hello, everyone. Welcome to Underworld CNN. I'm Catherine McDowell, and with me are the two upcoming young devils who will be fighting in next week's Rating Game…"

The interview went about as expected. The woman asked Rias and Sairoarg how they felt about the game, what they wanted to come away with, and whether or not they believed they had a chance at winning. Of course, both of them expressed their confidence in their peerages and said they wouldn't go easy on their opponent. After the interview with Rias and Sairoarg were conducted, the interviewer opened questions to the audience.

A lot of the audience members had questions for Rias and Sairoarg, but there were also many for the more prominent members of their resective peerages. Sairaorg's peerage received more questions. Naruto believed it was because they were better known, having already proven themselves in numerous Rating Games before.

"I have a question for Naruto Uzumaki!" someone suddenly said, shocking Naruto.

Leaning into the microphone that had been placed in front of him, Naruto said, "Yes? What's your question?"

"Is it true that you fought against the entire Greek Pantheon and nearly won?" asked the man.

"Um, I kicked their asses good," Naruto responded immediately.

"Naruto!" Rias snapped.

"Sorry," Naruto said.

His answer caused the members in the audience to chuckle. Feeling a little better now that he had made everyone laugh, he gave them a more serious answer. "I wouldn't say I won, nearly or otherwise. It was more like I was able to hold them off long enough for everyone else to accomplish their goal."

"But it is true that you fought the entire Greek Pantheon by yourself?" the man asked for confirmation.

Naruto hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. "It was only the major gods like Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, and Athena, but yes."

His words caused everyone to go still for a moment, but then the entire group of devil news reporters was bombarding him with questions. Naruto realized he'd suddenly become a lot more popular in the Underworld since his battle against the Greek Pantheon.

"Naruto! Is it true that you shoved your fingers up Zeus' butt?!"

"Naruto! What is with your infatuation with little girls?!"



So many people began asking Naruto questions that the interviewer had to call for them to cease and desist. She told them they needed to wait patiently for him to answer one of their questions. Everyone calmed down, though from the way they shook in their seats, they were clearly restraining themselves a great deal.

For the rest of the interview, Naruto became the main subject, with a few questions for Issei regarding his love for oppai thrown in.

~Devil Ninja~

Naruto sat back on his bed and sighed. That interview had lasted nearly all day. It was so late that Rias had decided not to bother hopping on a train to leave the Underworld, and they would be staying inside of the hotel instead. This meant everyone had their own room, including him.

He was a little surprised when Rias had not given them a shared room, but perhaps there was some political reason for that. Naruto didn't know.

As he sat there on the bed, someone knocked at his door.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"It's me." That was Rias' voice. "I was wondering if you wanted to take a bath with me. I've reserved the hot springs for us."

"Oh?" Naruto stood up from his bed and opened the door. "Sure, I don't mind heading to the hot springs with you—"

Naruto paused when he finished opening the door, his eyes landing on Rias before shifting his gaze to Ravel. The blonde Phenex heiress was standing just slightly behind Rias as though hiding from him. When she saw that he was looking at her, she glanced away, causing him to look at his girlfriend with a raised eyebrow.

"Ravel was standing indecisively by the door, so I'm inviting her along." Rias smiled at him. "I hope that's okay."

"Yeah, that's fine." He looked at Ravel. "Do you want to come with us?"

"I… ahem. I mean, of course I do! We're, you know, kinda dating, and… it isn't like we haven't been intimate before, so…" While Ravel tried to start out strong, she began poking her fingers toward the end there. Naruto didn't let that bother him.

"Well, all right then. I'm assuming this place provides towels?" Naruto asked as he grabbed his keycard, closed his door, and stepped into the hallway.

"They do," Rias said with a nod.

"That's good because I didn't actually bring anything with me."

The three of them began walking down the hallway, entered an elevator that took them to the first floor, and walked down another hallway as Rias led them to the hot spring's changing rooms.

While the hot springs was apparently meant for mixed bathing from a certain time (it only allowed mixed bathing later at night like now), the changing rooms were separated by male and female. Naruto undressed and found a towel hanging off a nearby rack.

When he entered the hot spring, Naruto needed to stop for just a moment to admire it. He had seen better hot springs. Hell, the hot spring in his house was better than this was, but even so, he had to admire the unique Japanese aesthetic this hotel's hot spring had going for it. Despite being indoors, the hot spring was surrounded by colorful blossoms and the spring itself was outlined by large rocks. It looked almost like a natural hot spring.

As he stood there admiring the scenery, the sliding door to his left opened and two people stepped out. He recognized Rias and Ravel, if not by their respective red and blonde hair, then by the impressive size of their busts. Rias was not holding a towel to her body, which meant he could see her large breasts in all their magnificence. Ravel, on the other hand, was, and she looked a little embarrassed as she squeezed her chest together.

He thought the contrast they represented was hot.

Issei would have been so jealous of him.

"This is a really nice hot spring," Rias said with an approving nod.

"I think so too," he agreed.

Wearing a smile, Rias took his hand. "Come on. Let me wash your back."

Naruto was directed to sit down on a stool. Rias then squirted some soap into her hand from a jar, but she didn't lather it on her hands. She smeared the soap all over her breasts and lathered it until it had become a rich foam, and then she pressed her chest against Naruto's back.


A loud groan escaped Naruto's mouth as Rias began using her breasts to clean him off. They both knew breast-cleaning was actually impractical and didn't really clean people, but neither of them cared. Rias began breathing heavily as she squished her boobs together and used them as a loofah for his back. However, just as Naruto was getting worked up as well, a loud squeak made him remember they had a watcher.

"Ravel." Rias gestured toward the girl with a smile. "Come here."

"M-Me?" Ravel pointed to herself.

"Yes, you. Do you see any other Ravel here?"

"I-I guess not…"

Rias gave Ravel an amused look. "Come on. Get over here. Help me clean Naruto."

Ravel looked indecisive for a moment, but then she nodded and wandered over to them with small footsteps.

"What… should I do?" she asked.

"Clean his front please."

"H-his front?! You mean like—"

"Well, I'm already cleaning his back, so someone else needs to clean his front, right?"

Naruto wondered what Rias was trying to do with this, but she just pushed her boobs harder against his chest, to the point where he felt her stiff nipples drilling into his back. He sucked in a deep breath. As the sensation of Rias' massive tits pressing against him caused a pleasurable shiver to run down his spine, Ravel finally made her decision. He became shocked when she knelt before him.

"Are you really going to do this?" he asked.

"It… it's not like I haven't seen you naked before," Ravel said. "This… this sort of thing is just… the next logical step."

"That would sound so much more convincing if you weren't looking away when you said it."

"W-whatever!" Ravel huffed. "Not only have we taken a bath, but… you've touched me all over my body anyway. This is just… it's only fair that I do the same to you."

"I guess you bring up a good point."

"Right. So hold still while I clean you off."

Unlike Rias, who had basically made Naruto her dancing pole, Ravel was a lot more reserved when washing him. She used a loofah… an actual loofah and not a titty loofah. Still, it was nice having a beautiful blonde girl cleaning him. What's more, even though she was still wearing a towel, Naruto had a great view of her cleavage, which he didn't think she realized because of how focused she was on his chest.

It wasn't until she got to his legs that things changed.

"Uh… um… Naruto?" Ravel sounded uncertain.


"Your… your thing… it's…"

Naruto didn't know what she was talking about at first, but then he looked down and saw the pitch tent in his towel. He looked from his hidden erection to Ravel. The blonde girl was staring at it with something that was like a mixture of shock, curiosity, and shame.

"Do you want to touch it?" he asked.

Ravel looked up at him, but then she looked at Rias. There was a question in her eyes.

"Go ahead," Rias said. "You are dating him too, right? It's fine."

Ravel licked her lips as she reached out and grabbed the towel. He thought her small tongue was cute, and as she removed the towel from his waist, allowing his erection to spring free, he wondered what it would feel like if she licked him with that tongue.

"It's so big…" she whispered. "Aren't they supposed to be smaller?"

"Are they?" Naruto asked.

"I saw Rizer's once. His was smaller," Ravel said.

"That must have been pleasant," Rias said sarcastically.

"I don't know about other guys," Naruto said with a shrug. "But this is mine."

Ravel didn't say anything at first, but she slowly reached out and placed her hands around his shaft. Naruto bit his lip to stop himself from groaning. However, he couldn't stop himself from twitching in her hands. Ravel jerked away in surprise at first, but then she placed her hands around it again and began stroking it.

"It's… kinda cute," she mumbled.

Naruto wasn't sure how he felt about his dick being called cute.

"Isn't it?" Rias agreed.

He also wasn't sure how he felt about Rias agreeing.

His breathing grew heavy as Ravel continued giving him a very light handjob. She wasn't the best, but that was because she didn't have experience, unlike Rias who'd done just about everything under the sun with him. Paizuri was her personal specialty. Still, Ravel's soft hands felt incredible against his searing hot skin.

"Try sucking on it," Rias suggested as she wound her arms around Naruto's chest and began massaging him. Naruto bit his lip when she pinched his nipples.

Ravel's cheeks flared incandescent. "S-sucking on it? I don't know…"

"Go on. This is something you'll do at some point anyway. You might as well learn how to do it properly now."


Tentatively agreeing with Rias, Ravel leaned forward and very softly licked his head. It was no more than a simple touching of her tongue. Ravel leaned back for a second, but then she licked it again, and it was longer this time.

"It tastes salty," she said before began licking it in earnest. "But for some reason, it's also kind of addictive."

Naruto tried not to release his load as Ravel coated him in her saliva. It was very different from what he was used to. Not only was her tongue small and soft, but her embarrassed expression as she did it was really turning him on for some reason.

"Ravel, if you keep doing that… I…"

He tried to warn Ravel that he was going to cum if she kept this up, but Ravel didn't seem to be listening anymore. Naruto realized why when he looked down and found one of Ravel's hands underneath her towel. She was masturbating while she gave him head. That thought alone was enough to make him lose control. Ravel squeaked when hot and sticky white fluids shot from him and sprayed her in the face.

"I… I'm sorry, Ravel," he apologized. "I didn't mean to hit you like that. Did you get any in your eyes?"

"No… I'm fine." Ravel blinked several times before she reached up, scooped some of the white fluid on her fingers, and stuck it in her mouth. She made a face. "It's kinda sweet, but it's also kinda bitter."

"That bitterness is probably from all the ramen Naruto eats," Rias said. "I tell him to lay off all the time, but he never listens."

"That's because ramen is the food of the gods," Naruto quipped. "Why would I stop eating it?"

"I'll never believe that. Anyway, we should get Ravel cleaned off next since she's covered in your spunk."


Naruto couldn't say anything to that, so they had Ravel sit on the stool next and began cleaning her off. While Ravel protested for awhile, she ended up relenting, though he was sure she didn't expect Rias to clean her off by licking her face.

"Hey! What are you doing? Cut that out! Ahya!"

"I can't stop. You've got Naruto's seed all over you. Don't you know it's a waste not to drink every last drop?"

"That doesn't mean you have to—hya!"

Ravel unleashed something that was like a moan and a squeak when Naruto slipped his hands inside of her towel and began cleaning off her chest with soap. She unleashed several of these noises as he rubbed her chest, pinched her nipples, and kissed her back. Matters only became more complicated when he placed a hand over her crotch and began rubbing her. The girl could do nothing as the two played with her until she was a breathing, blushing wreck.

"I think she's clean," Rias said with a satisfied tone of voice. "Let's get in the bath."

"The bath?" Ravel asked.

"Yes, the bath. Come on."

Rias led Ravel by the hand and stepped into the bath, Naruto following behind her. She allowed the blonde girl to sit down in between them. Now sandwiched between Naruto and Rias, Ravel seemed to have become aware of her new situation and was unsure of where to look.

"Ravel, do you want to have sex with Naruto?"


"It's a simple question."

"Well, I… that is…"

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but the two of you are dating, and it is only a matter of time before you marry him. You know it's okay for you to tell your boyfriend you want to have sex, right?" Ravel said nothing, prompting Rias to ask again. "Do you want to have sex with Naruto?"

Knowing better than to speak up, Naruto didn't talk and instead studied Ravel's face. Her cheeks were flushed beat red. It wasn't from the steam either. They hadn't been in that long. Finally, after what felt like several hours, Ravel nodded, though she still refused to look at either of them.

"Well?" Rias looked at Naruto. "I think that counts as permission."

"I think so too."

Placing a hand under her chin, Naruto turned Ravel's head toward him and tilted it up. Her eyes grew wide as he leaned down.

"Naruto-sama… I…"

Her mouth became hampered by Naruto's. She didn't have a chance to say more than his name before he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Her muffled moans were so cute that he couldn't resist it anymore. Lowering his hand, he bypassed her chest for now and went straight for the prize. The area between her legs was soft and warm. She had very plump lips, and as he rubbed them with his hands, her lips became engorged. The volume of her voice also increased.

As Naruto played with her smooth, soft lips, stroking them with a combination of feather light touches and vigorous rubbing, Rias leaned down and took one of Ravel's nipples into her mouth.

"Hyk! HNNN!"

Ravel's entire body seemed to jerk as Rias played with her nipple, visibly rolling it between her tongue. The nipple had already grown increasingly stiff and pointed. It was easy for Rias to put it in her mouth.

"Why... why does this feel so—hyk! Ahn!—why does this feel so good?!"

"Do you like it when I suck on your nipple?" asked Rias.

"I do!"

"And when Naruto plays with your cute pussy?!"

"I DO!"

Naruto finally inserted a finger into Ravel after getting her good and wet. Ravel's hands went to his arm. He didn't think she was asking him to stop, since she'd already given him permission. It seemed more like a reflexive action. In either event, Naruto curled his finger inside of her and found the slightly ridged spot that caused her body to violently clenched.

"That—ahn! Ah! AAAAHHHH!"

A few seconds later, Ravel went limp.

"Is she okay?" asked Rias as she removed her mouth from Ravel's nipple. Naruto took one glance at the breast coated in Rias' saliva and wondered if he should play with it next.

"Um… not sure. You all right, Ravel?" Naruto asked.

"I'm… I'm… fiiiiine," Ravel said in a slurred voice.

"She says she's fine," Naruto confirmed.

"Then why don't we move on to the next step," Rias suggested.

Naruto knew what she meant, and so he placed his hands underneath Ravel's armpits and lifted her onto his lap. He didn't insert himself yet. Ravel was still limp as a soggy noodle. She fell back against his chest, so he just sat there with his erection sandwiched between her soft thighs. It was rubbing against her plump, engorged lips, which was an amazing feeling all its own.

Finally, she began coming to.

"Naruto… what is… this?" she asked.

"This is… probably your last chance to back out," he admitted. "I don't know how much more I can stop myself, so if you want to stop now, this is your chance."

"G-go ahead," Ravel said without hesitating, though she did stutter. "I… I want this too."

Naruto nodded and placed his hands on her thighs. Ravel released a startled and embarrassed shriek as he spread her legs and placed them on either side of his. With her legs spread wide, Naruto grabbed his erection and maneuvered it so he was caressing her lips. He bit his lip to keep from groaning as he inserted just the tip. From his around the shoulder view, he couldn't quite see how he was spreading her lips apart, but as he inserted more of himself inside of her, he could feel how her tight walls were clamping down on him.

"This feels… like it's gonna break me in half!" Ravel cried out.

"Should I stop?"

"No! Don't stop! Don't stop now! If you dare stop, I'll go insane!"

Naruto nodded as he put his hands on her waist, lifted her up just a little, and then slammed her back down. Ravel's mouth opened wide as she released a loud scream. He'd buried himself up to the hilt inside of her. He tried not to move, though it was hard because being inside of her felt amazing. Ravel was tight but more compliant and yielding than Koneko. If he had to describe it with words, it was like her insides were soft and squishy, but they were also vice-like.

"Are you okay?" asked Naruto when Ravel calmed down.

"Yes… I'm all right. You can… you can move now," Ravel said, panting.

"I'm moving now then."

Since they were sitting, it was hard for Naruto to rock his hips, so instead, he lifted Ravel off his erection, and then pushed her back down while thrusting his hips up. Ravel let out a soft moan the first time he did this. However, once he began picking up the pace, the sound and intensity of her moans turned into screams.

"Hyk! Oh! Oh, that—why does that feel so—hyk! Ahn! Ahn! I feel like my mind is going to break! It's going blank! I'm losing my mind! Oh, Satan!"

Naruto understood how she felt. He felt much the same. Her tight passage was squeezing him for all he was worth. It was an unbelievable feeling that he wished could last forever. Had they not been in the water, he was sure the lewd squelching emitted from the actions would have made him lose control.

"I'm glad you two are getting so enthusiastic." Rias stood up and moved in front of them. "However, don't think I'm going to let you two be the only ones having fun here." Crawling onto Naruto's legs, Rias leaned over Ravel and presented her breasts to the other girl. "Suck on them please."

Naruto thought Ravel would say no, or maybe she would get embarrassed and panic, but that didn't happen. Ravel leaned forward and took one of Rias' nipples into her mouth, sucking on it and swirling her tongue around it. Rias released an appreciative noise as Ravel made her nipples grow hard. Then Rias began rubbing her own engorged lips against Naruto's leg. Her could feel how her lips spread apart against his leg as she ground against him. Had they not been in the hot spring, her actions would have left a wet trail across his skin.

He didn't know how long they went at it like that, but Ravel eventually screamed around Rias' nipple and went slack again. Her arms went limp as she slumped forward. Rias caught the girl and held close, even as she continued rubbing herself against his leg.

"Rias… I'm…"

"It's okay. She's still awake." As if responding to her words, Ravel rocked her hips back and forth, as though asking him to continue. "Keep going."

Naruto couldn't do anything else even if he wanted to. His mind was lost within a haze. He needed to cum or he was gonna have blue balls. So he thrust his hips as he leaned forward and pulled Ravel until her back was pressing against his chest. He cupped her breasts and fondled them, playing with her nipples, rubbing them, and pushing them in. Ravel moaned as she tried to respond to him, but Rias had leaned down and claimed the blonde girl's lips with her own. This didn't seem to bother Ravel in the least as she kissed back. Naruto could actually see the tongue action going on between them.

His ending came while Rias and Ravel were having a hot makeout session. He gritted his teeth and tried to hold it in for as long as possible, but then he exploded inside of Ravel, whose entire body stiffened to the point where she looked like she was made of wood. Her insides became warmer and wetter as she experienced her second orgasm of the night. This time, when she came down from her orgasmic high, she really did pass out.

"I think… maybe it's a little too hot for her in this hot spring," Rias admitted with a flushed face. Despite having not been the one having sex, she looked ready to fall asleep. "The combination of having sex with you and this heat must be getting to her."

Ravel was lying against Naruto as she slept. He had his arms around her waist and was still buried inside of her. Despite having cum twice, he remained hard as a rock. It was so hard he thought about giving it the name Rock Dick Jutsu.

"I guess we should get out then," he said with a sigh.

"I think that's a good idea." Rias climbed off him and stretched her arms above her head, her breasts jiggling from the action. Naruto, still buried inside of Ravel, grew stiffer. "I'm feeling a little hot too."

"Then let's go."

Naruto flinched a little as he removed his erect member from inside of Ravel, but then he scooped the girl into his arms and left the hot spring with Rias. They got dressed and dressed the still unconscious Ravel. Then they went to his bedroom, where the two continued what they started in the hot spring.

Ravel would wake up again eventually, but she would be too embarrassed to join them for a second round.