ch 41 - gondul and kitsune

"Are you sure this is okay? It looks scary."

"Don't worry, babe. If you get frightened, I'll hold you close and scare the ghosts away."

"Will you really? That's so sweet!"

Naruto watched from his peep hole as the next young couple who were going to get the shit scared out of them entered the Occult Research Club's haunted house. Of course, he called it a peep hole, but it wasn't like he was spying on girls while they were changing. He was cataloging reactions and seeing which of his horrors was the most frightening. This was to help make the haunted house more successful.

It had absolutely nothing to do with how he wanted to scare people so hard they pissed themselves. Absolutely nothing.

The two people this time were a young couple who looked about college age. One of them was a man with slicked back bleached hair, a shirt with a popped collar, and slacks. He reminded Naruto of a yakuza. Meanwhile, the girl was a cute little purple-haired chick with a petite body. It was hard to tell how old she was because of her slight frame, but from her general bearing, he guessed her to also be a college student.

They were currently wandering down a darkened corridor, which only had a few flickering lights to guide them. Of course, this was just a straight hallway, so it wasn't like they had to worry about losing their way or anything, but if they weren't careful, they would trip over some of the cracks and roots growing from the ground.


"Whoa! You okay, babe?"

"Yeah… I'm fine. I think I just tripped over a root, or something…"

"But there's nothing here."

"… I know I tripped over something."

"I believe you. Let's keep going."

Naruto could hardly contain his mirth as the girl tripped over a tentacle that he had placed there. This particular prank—erm, this particular horror idea came from a story about a girl from Kuoh Academy who went to the beach on vacation and was drowned by a giant octopus. The tentacle was a machine he and Azazel had made. It would show up at random via a transfer circle that was completely invisible. It should be showing up again in three, two, one…



The tentacle once more appeared, from the ceiling this time. It reached out and lovingly caressed the girl's face. Of course, the girl panicked, screaming her head off and running into the arms of her boyfriend, shivering like a woman who had been… well, who had been touched by a tentacle. Of course, while the girl looked like she'd just been violated, her boyfriend looked happy. Naruto was sure that man was giving the tentacle a thumbs up in his mind.

"It's okay, babe. That thing is gone."

"I don't like this place, Hayato. Let's get out of here."

"We have to finish the whole haunted house to leave. Why don't we keep going? The faster we go through this, the quicker we can leave."


The two continued on. Naruto had to switch from his current peep hole to another one a little further down. A grin was spreading across his face as he moved quickly. He wanted to beat them to this place since it was where his next prank would be.

"W-what is this? String?"

"I don't know… it doesn't feel like string. It feels more like… hair?"

The couple was now wading through what appeared to be long strands of hair that were stuck to the ceiling. Of course, it wasn't real hair because Naruto couldn't convince Rias that using real hair was necessary, but he had done his best to produce realistic synthetic strands of hair. He thought he'd done a pretty damn good job, if he did say so himself. Azazel had helped him create this prop as well. It looked and felt like actual hair.

"There's no way. I'm sure it's fake."

"I-I don't know. It seems pretty real. I don't think I like this."

"Relax, babe. I already promised to protect… you…"

Naruto watched eagerly as the young man trailed off and looked ahead. Further down the hall was a figure. The figure was huddled against the wall and sniffling. The sounds of crying were probably what had caught the man's attention.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked the man.

"M-mommy… mommy is gone…"

"Oh, no. Did you get separated from your mom?" the girl asked as well. She placed her hands on her knees and leaned over to offer the lost child a caring smile. "Would you like to come with us? Maybe we can find your mother?"

"Mommy… she's gone… she's… she's gone…"

The two tried to speak with the young child huddled in the corner, but no matter what they said, the sniffling figure kept repeating the same words over and over again. As this continued, the two began to look uncertain. Perhaps they felt something was wrong? Maybe they had realized all was not as it seemed? However, by this point, it was already too late.

The child turned her head around 180 degrees to look at them. It was just her head, however. The rest of her body remained facing the wall.

Their eyes widened in horror. The child had no eyes. Its mouth was open wide, revealing a dark cravity with strange tentacles wiggling around inside of it.

"Mommy's here," the child that was not a child said.

And that was when "Mommy" dropped from the ceiling. It was a woman who looked to be in her mid-30s. However, this shoeless woman was not alive. She was hanging by the neck from her own hair!


The man screamed like a little girl as he turned tail and ran off, leaving the young woman to fend for herself. Naruto turned his head just as the man tripped a trap door that caused him to drop into a waist-deep pool of water dyed to look like blood.


While the man was screaming, the girl he had come with was just standing there. Naruto frowned. Most people would have fled by this point, but she hadn't moved at all.

He shuffled around to get a better look at the girl, changing to another peep hole that provided a closer look at her face, and then he sweatdropped. The girl's eyes were rolled up in the back of her head. Her mouth was wide open in a horrified expression. However, she wasn't moving. She had passed out while standing up.

Maybe I went a little overboard here… Naruto pondered this thought for all of .5 seconds. Naw. If these wimps can't take a little scare, they shouldn't even be attempting this.

"I'm pretty sure very few people in this world can deal with your idea of frightening."

"Then this is a world of wimps. Not my problem."

With a sigh, Naruto left his peephole, entered the haunted house through a secret door he had created for emergencies just like this one, and scooped the passed out girl into his arms.

He didn't travel through the haunted house itself in case someone else came in after them and began running. There had been a lot of runners in this haunted house. He went back through his secret passage and took several shortcuts, eventually emerging from the haunted house and into the Occult Research Club's main room, which was the end of the haunted house.

Rias, Akeno, and Rossweisse were the only people currently inside. They looked up when he emerged from a wall in the room. At first, they seemed surprised to find him emerging from a secret passage that they didn't know about, but then Rias deadpanned at him.

"Did you… really make a secret passage just for this haunted house?"

"Of course I did." Naruto walked further into the room and over to one of the couches, where he gently set the passed out girl down. He decided to close her eyes and mouth since she looked unsightly with all three hanging wide open like that. "In order to ensure this haunted house is a success, I've created secret passages all over the Occult Research Club building. Don't worry. I'll change it all back once the festival is over."

Rias just sighed and rubbed her forehead as though listening to him was giving her a headache, but Naruto didn't let that bother him. He loved Rias. However, she didn't always understand that to make a good prank—ahem, that to make a good haunted house, some sacrifices were necessary.

"What happened to that girl?" asked Rossweisse. "Is she okay?"

"Oh, she's fine," Naruto said with an airy wave of his hand. "She just got a little frightened from one of my prank—I mean, she got scared by one of the attractions in the haunted house."

Rias narrowed her eyes. "Did you just say pranks?"


"I could have sworn I heard you say pranks."

"It's clearly your imagination."

Rias was obviously not satisfied with this answer, so she opened her mouth to respond—


At that moment, a young man with slicked back hair and covered in fake blood ran out of the haunted house's exit, screaming like a little girl. His arms were flailing in the air and his mouth was open wide. His eyes were bulging as spittle and drool flew from his mouth. Every set of eyes turned to this man as he ran a full lap around the room, reached the door, and slammed into it face first.

He fell backwards.



Leaping back to his feet, the man opened the door and rushed outside without bothering to close it. His screams echoed back to them, becoming more and more distant until they finally disappeared.

Rias turned to Naruto.

"What?" Naruto shrugged. "It isn't my fault if these people can't handle being scared."

While Akeno giggled, Rias sighed again and Rossweisse wore an appalled expression like she couldn't believe what had just happened.

At that moment, Koneko, Xenovia, Irina, and Asia entered the room. All four of them were dressed in sexy Halloween costumes. Asia was supposed to be a zombie nun, but she looked more like a cute nun who would blush as she flashed her panties. Xenovia and Irina were dressed as a witch and Sadako respectively, but again, their clothing was pretty skimpy. They were all sexed up and wearing clothes that revealed a good amount of chest and leg.

Koneko was wearing the skimpiest clothing of all. She was dressed like a neko zombie, but she was wearing a bikini, a pair of boots and gloves that looked like paws, and she had her ears and tails out. If Naruto was being honest, and he usually was, he thought she looked really adorable and sexy.

"We've changed into these outfits," Irina said, though she looked uncertain. "But… are you sure it's okay to wear these? I thought the theme was horror stories from the Kuoh? These look more like sexy Halloween costumes."

"We figured the people who survive the haunted house would need something cute and sexy to rejuvenate them," Rias said. "It seems Naruto decided to go all out when creating this haunted house and it's a little too frightening for most people."

"That doesn't surprise me," Koneko said. "Naruto's an idiot who doesn't know how to hold back."

"I resent being called an idiot," Naruto said, though he didn't sound too torn up about his neko girlfriend calling him stupid.

It wasn't long after those four entered that Issei, Kiba, Gasper, and Ravel entered next. The boys were all dressed as sexy male versions of famous spooky characters. Kiba was a shirtless werewolf, Issei was a ripped zombie (also shirtless), and Gasper had been turned into the cutest Dracula anyone would ever see.

However, call him straight, but Naruto only had eyes for Ravel.

"D-don't stare at me, idiot!"

"I'm sorry. You're just too sexy."

Ravel was dressed as a human-shaped phoenix. A pair of fire wings were on her back, though they were props, and she was wearing a bodysuit that looked like it was painted on. Her body was orange and had black swirls around her breasts and crotch, which brought attention to her nipples and cameltoe. Naruto couldn't help but admire her.

Koneko's cheeks welled up.

The next two people to walk in were Ophis and Azazel. While Azazel had not dressed up, being an adviser and therefore not part of the festivities, Ophis had dressed herself up as a kitsune. She was wearing a kimono, had nine furry tails growing from her back, and fox ears on her forehead. Her breasts bounced as she moved.

"Hello, everyone! I saw someone run away screaming," Azazel said by way of greeting. "I'm guessing that means the haunted house is successful?"

"A little too successful if you ask me," Rias muttered.

"Dude, what did you do?" Issei asked as he turned to Naruto.

"I just used some famous stories from school to create a haunted house." Naruto shrugged. "It wasn't a big deal."

"I somehow feel like you are understating things, but I won't get into that," Kiba said as he turned to Rias. "What do you want us to do?"

"Just get ready to serve refreshments," Rias instructed. "I feel like anyone traveling through the haunted house will need it."

As everyone nodded and grabbed a tray of drinks and snacks people could eat upon completing the haunted house, Azazel went up to Rossweisse. It looked like he was here to speak with her and not see how the haunted house was coming along. What a great adviser.

"Is something wrong, Azazel?" asked Rossweisse.

"No, not really, but I do have something to tell you," Azazel said. Rossweisse tilted her head, though she didn't speak. "Several Norse gods and Valkyries survived the collapse of Asgard. Our faction is currently helping them relocate. Your grandmother was among them."

Rossweisse took a deep breath, and then placed a hand on her chest. "I'm glad to hear that. There's been no word from anyone about the Norse, so I was worried they had all perished."

"They haven't, so please feel at ease. Also…" Azazel added, making Rossweisse look curious once more. There was a glint in the Fallen Angel's eyes. "It seems your grandmother has decided to pay you a visit. She'll be here sometime in the next five days. I figured I'd let you know."

Rossweisse stared blankly at Azazel for several seconds, but when his words finally registered, her face rapidly drained of blood.


Five seconds later, her surprised scream echoed across the campus.

~Devil Ninja~

Ever since learning that her mother was coming to visit, Rossweisse had been a nervous wreck. During class, she wouldn't scold the students for calling her Rossweisse-chan or even Ross-chi (which the girls had nicknamed her), and she screamed like a frightened child when someone tapped on her shoulder.

Naruto had seen Rossweisse during some of her worst moments. He'd seen her when she was wasted, he'd seen her cry because the students were teasing her, and he'd seen her naked. However, in all the time that he'd known her, he'd never seen her like this. It was honestly shocking.

For awhile, Naruto wondered if maybe he should do something for her, but she hadn't come to him for help, even though she had been caught staring at him several times. Of course, Naruto was nothing if not a busybody. While she hadn't come to him, he had no issue going to her.

That was why he offered to take her to her favorite 100 Yen Shop.

"A-are you serious?!" Rossweisse asked as he made the offer. It was a few days after Azazel had said her grandmother was coming to pay a visit, the weekend, and Naruto felt it was the perfect time to see how she was doing and learn why she looked so worried.

"I would not have asked if I wasn't serious," Naruto replied with a grin. "I was thinking of getting some school supplies and wanted your help."

Anyone who knew Naruto knew that he didn't really try hard at school. That said, it wasn't like he got bad grades. He had very good grades in fact. He just had a habit of cheating on all his tests and forcing his Shadow Clones to do his homework.

Rossweisse didn't know that since Naruto was careful about cheating around her.

"I'd love to help you! I know a great 100 Yen Shop that has everything you could possibly need for school!"

The look on Rossweisse's face made it clear that she was relieved. Her entire body had suddenly relaxed as a joyous smile blossomed on her face. Even if Naruto was not interested in school, he would have gladly become a studious academic if it meant seeing a smile like this.

"Then why don't we head out now?"

"Right now?"

"Right now."

It was the weekend and Naruto didn't have any pressing matters to attend to. Rias was currently meeting the Norse gods with Sirzechs and his peerage, Koneko and Ravel were practicing their techniques together (Ravel had been motivated to begin training after seeing the battle between the Gremory and Bael teams at the Rating Game), Irina was with Asia and Xenovia, and Ophis was… somewhere. Naruto didn't know where. The dragon god liked to come and go as she pleased.

"Well…" Rossweisse waffled. She wasn't good at dealing with on the spot situations like this.

"There's no time like the present." Naruto grabbed Rossweisse's hand and began leading her to the front door. She was too shocked by his sudden actions to put up a fight. "Let's go there now so we can get what I need. Maybe we can even get a light snack while we're out."

"O-okay. I guess that's fine."

Naruto turned his head to look back at Rossweisse, whose cheeks had become a dark red, and grinned. She was really too easy to see through. She was also really cute. Naruto had no idea how a woman like her had gone so long without ever getting a boyfriend. Were the Norse gods stupid?

They left the mansion and headed into the city. Since it was a nice day, Naruto decided they should walk there. Rossweisse just meekly went along with his whims. She really didn't seem to have any defense for this sort of thing.

As they were passing by a park, Rossweisse stopped walking and glanced at something happening inside the park. A mother was pushing her child on the swings. The child was laughing and smiling so widely her face looked like it was going to split in half. Naruto looked from the scene to Rossweisse.

"Are you thinking about your mom?"

"What? Not really. To be honest, I don't really know my parents all that well." Rossweisse bit her lip. "I was actually thinking of my grandmother."

"The one who is coming to visit?" Naruto inquired.

Nodding, Rossweisse looked back at the child and her mother before shaking her head and continuing on. Since Naruto was holding her hand, he also ended up walking alongside her.

As the two walked, Rossweisse began explaining a bit about her grandmother. "Gondul has always been a very stern and proud woman. She's very traditional when it comes to matters of the heart and likes to adopt a sink or swing approach to teaching. She was the one who taught me magic, and she was also the one who gave me my strict moral conduct." A smile appeared on Rossweisse's face, but it wasn't what Naruto would have called happy. "I used to blame her for the lack of interest men showed me. I thought if I didn't have these morals instilled in me, I would have found a hero to marry by now, but that was just me being childish."

"Your grandmother sounds like a strict person," Naruto said.

"It's not that she's strict…" Rossweisse paused as they turned down another street that led into a larger part of Kouh. "My grandmother is a little more complicated than simply being strict or loose. My grandmother has always been a stern woman with a lot of pride in herself and high expectations for those around her. She is the reason I'm the way I am today. She always told me that I needed to protect my chastity, which is why I have never b-been with a man before in my entire life. Of course, this is also the reason I was constantly teased as the Valkyrie whose never had a boyfriend."

Naruto listened to Rossweisse talk, waiting until the very end before speaking.

"Well, I'm honestly glad you are the way you are." When she looked at him, Naruto gave her his trademark foxy grin. "If you weren't the way you are now, then it's possible we would have never met."

"Y-Yes, I suppose that is true!" Rossweisse squeaked. "A-anyway, why don't we continue on to that 100 Yen Shop."

Naruto decided to let things stop there for now, and they traveled the rest of the way to the 100 Yen Shop in silence.

The 100 Yen Shop that Rossweisse took Naruto to was called Le Plus… which was a very French name and not at all Japanese. For whatever reason, the Japanese loved the French. Actually, French Cuisine was one of the most popular types of food in Japan. Naruto didn't know why, but he was sure Rias did since she was a major Japanophile.

The shop wasn't very big. There were a few racks and tubs outside of the store that had a variety of supplies like socks, cards, ribbons, glitter, arts and crafts supplies, and cooking supplies. A glance inside revealed that there was even more items.

Rossweisse led Naruto into the store, where they shopped for about an hour. Since Naruto had said he needed help finding some supplies for school, Rossweisse had shown him where all the supplies like pencils, binders, folders, and pens were located. Even though he didn't actually need any of that, Naruto bought some stuff because he wanted Rossweisse to feel like she'd helped him. He was running out of pencils anyway.

"Why don't we get something to eat before heading home?" Naruto suggested after they had left the store. "It's about lunch time anyway."

"Are you sure that's okay?" asked Rossweisse. While she looked like she was actually kind of excited to go out and get lunch with him, Rossweisse being Rossweisse felt a very strong sense of responsibility toward the others. She also probably had problems because Naruto was dating Rias.

"Sure I'm sure." Naruto shrugged. "Rias won't be home for awhile, and Ravel can cook something for Koneko and the others."

"Well… so long as you think it's a good idea."

"What do you feel like?"

"Um… well, I've kinda… always wanted to try a ramen stand…"

"Ramen?" Naruto perked up. "Say no more! I know a great ramen stand! Just follow me!"

Naruto led Rossweisse to a small stand several blocks from Le Plus. It was a little out of the way, but the scent coming from inside the stand was amazing. Naruto lifted the flap and allowed Rossweisse to proceed him, and then sat down with her at the stool.

"Give me the usual, pops!" Naruto said.

"Naruto!" The middle-aged man standing behind the booth grinned at him. "It's good to see you. One of the usual coming up! And what about you, miss?"

"Um…" Rosweisse studied the menu and bit her lower lip. It was such an attractive move that Naruto was momentarily stunned. Really, he couldn't see how this gorgeous if slightly self-conscious woman hadn't ever gotten a boyfriend. Something must have been wrong with the people have Asgaard. "I'll have your tonkotsu ramen, please."

"Your orders will be right up."

Naruto decided to converse with Rossweisse, though he kept the conversation light, focusing mostly on school, Rating Games, and staying away from her grandmother.

The food soon came. Naruto ate with a bit more poise than usual, though all he really wanted to do was slurp it up like always. Still, he could eat slowly and savor each bite if he wanted to. The ramen here was really delicious. It wasn't the same as Tuechi's back in Konoha, but the burst of complex flavors that filled his mouth with each bite was nothing to scoff at.

"This… this is really good," Rossweisse said in surprise.

Naruto grinned. "Isn't it?"

"I've always been curious about your ramen obsession. I think I'm beginning to understand. It's cheap but delicious."

"I'm glad someone finally gets it." Naruto sighed as he polished off his bowl. The shop owner gave him another one. "Back when I was living in Konoha, ramen was often my go-to meal. I'm an orphan, so I didn't have much money. Ramen was cheap, easy, and the shop owner was one of the only people who didn't scorn me."

Rossweisse already knew about his past, so telling her this wasn't a big issue. She didn't say anything to his words. However, the silence that lapsed between them was in no way uncomfortable.

They soon left the ramen shop after Naruto paid for their meal and began heading back home. It was later in the afternoon.

"About your grandmother…" he began. "Do you think her visit is because she wants to see how you're doing?"

"I'm sure that's part of the reason," Rossweisse said, and then sighed. "But I think she's also curious to know if I have any romantic prospects. If I don't, she might try to hook me up with one of the remaining Norse gods."

"Do you want that?"

"Not really. I mean, I do want to find someone, but I don't want to be forced into an arranged marriage." Rossweisse paused as her cheeks turned red. "B-besides, you said you would date me… back in Kyoto, remember?"

They wandered back to the park where Rossweisse had seen the mother playing with her child. The two weren't there anymore. However, several other kids were running around and playing in the sandbox.

Naruto stopped near the entrance and turned to Rossweisse, who looked at him with a curious tilt of her head.

"I did say that, and I still mean it." Naruto scratched his cheek. "I was actually planning on waiting a bit to establish a stronger bond, but… Rossweisse, would you become my girlfriend? I can't promise you exclusivity or anything like that, but I can promise you that I'll do everything in my power to make you happy."

Rossweisse's lips trembled a little. "I… I don't know… I mean, I'm a teacher and you're a student… it would be wrong… wouldn't it?"

"We could always wait before getting intimate if that's a problem," Naruto said. "But I'd like you to become mine, and I don't really want to wait. Someone might snatch you away before I can. I'd hate it if I waited too late and someone else already made you theirs."

"I… don't think you'll have to worry about that," Rossweisse said.

"No, I do. You don't seem to realize how attractive you are because you've always been so busy with work, but the fact is you are beautiful, smart, and any man who doesn't want you is obviously an idiot." Naruto grabbed her hands in his and stared into her eyes. "I'm not an idiot. I want you, Rossweisse. Please become mine."

The longer Naruto spoke, the fiercer Rossweisse's blush became. However, she slowly nodded her head.

"O… okay. I'll become yours." Rossweisse gave him a tiny smile. "I was actually going to ask if you could pretend to be my boyfriend when grandmother came over, but I think this is better."

"I'm glad." Naruto sighed in relief. He hadn't done this in awhile—asking someone out, that is. "Anyway, we should probably head home… unless you'd like to spend some time with me in the park?"

"Can we?" Rossweisse straightened her shoulders and looked at him with glittering eyes.

"We can," Naruto said.

Naruto and Rossweisse spent several more hours in the park. They wouldn't get home until much later.

~Devil Ninja~

An exhausted Rias returned early the next morning.

Since she was so tired but couldn't seem to fall asleep yet, Naruto prepared some coffee for her to drink while the two of them sat in the living room. The quiet morning air was broken solely by the sounds of Rias as she took intermittent sips from the steaming mug. She was seated on the couch, her knees drawn up to her chest and hidden underneath her massive shirt… which was actually Naruto's, but she was using it as a nightgown. She wasn't wearing any socks. Her cute toes clenched and unclenched the fabrics of the couch.

"A large number of Norse gods survived the destruction of Asgaard. It seems Ophis protected them when she killed Loki," Rias started explaining it to me. "I'm sure Azazel told you that much?"

While it sounded like a question, Naruto was sure Rias already knew what his answer was going to be. "He did."

Nodding, Rias looked far off into the distance. She had bags under her eyes, which were glossy and unfocused. Blinking several times, Rias took another sip of her coffee, sighed as the warmth suffused her body, and continued talking.

"What he didn't tell you was what we plan on doing with them. Currently, many of the Norse gods are in the process of relocating. They aren't able to live in the Underworld, so we're planning to relocate them here to Japan. The reason is because the Three Factions Alliance, the Yokai Faction, and the Japanese gods have all formed an alliance of our own. The Norse are joining us."

Rias held the coffee between her hands, watching steam rise from within the mug. She looked like she was contemplating something.

"I'm guessing you were in charge of helping them relocate?" asked Naruto.

"I didn't relocate them myself, but I did have to deal with a lot of the paperwork involving the relocation," Rias said. "Sirzechs and the other factions leaders have been lending them the biggest hand so far, but because they are constantly out working in the field, a lot of the paperwork that deals with issues like gathering funds for the mass relocation, buying property for the Norse gods to live in, and corresponding with the Yokai Faction in Kyoto has fallen onto me and Sona. To be honest, we're fairly lucky the Japanese gods are so lax. If they weren't, we'd have nearly twice as much paperwork to deal with."

Naruto couldn't even begin to imagine how much work she must have been doing. It sounded like she was working nonstop.

He thought about what had happened to the Norse gods, who were now completely displaced and reliant upon others for their livelihood. They must also be having a hard time of it. However, Rias was doing her best to give them a place where they could stay and remake their lives. Naruto once more marveled at how great his girlfriend was.

"Do you have any more work to do at the moment?" asked Naruto.

Rias thought about that, tilting her head, and then shook it back and forth. "Aside from greeting Gondul when she arrives and acting in my capacity as the host, I really don't have anything important to do."

Naruto nodded and took the coffee mug from Rias' hands. He set the mug on the coffee table in front of them, grabbed Rias' feet, and pulled on them until her legs were no longer hidden inside of her shirt.

"What are you doing?" asked Rias as Naruto went a step further by scooping her onto his lap.

"You don't have anymore work for now, right?" He reached up and placed a hand on her head, gently stroking her hair as he placed her head against his shoulder. "In that case, you can afford to get some sleep. Rest up now. I'll wake you when breakfast is ready."

Rias looked like she was about to argue, but then she sighed and closed her eyes. She shifted around on his lap to get more comfortable. Her face was soon buried in his neck, and her warm breath washing over him sent a pleasant tingle down his spine.

"Thanks, Naruto," Rias said before falling asleep.

As Rias relaxed against him, Naruto settled down and thought about what was going to happen soon. Rossweisse's grandmother was coming to check up on her granddaughter. This would normally be a happy reunion, but he somehow felt like this might become an argument, or maybe it would turn into something where the grandmother scolded her granddaughter for being foolish and reckless. Of course, he knew nothing about Rossweisse's grandmother, so he couldn't really say anything.

He didn't know how long he had sat there. However, Ophis eventually came down the stairs and found them. The way she narrowed her eyes at Rias as the redhead slept on his lap amused Naruto, but the girl said nothing as she walked over to the couch, lifted Rias' legs, and sat down beside them. Rias wiggled her toes a little when Ophis set her legs back down, but she must have been truly tired because she didn't wake up.

"You're up early," Naruto commented.

"Dragons like me don't actually sleep."

"Right. I knew that. I just meant you're normally in bed for longer."

Ophis shrugged. "There's not much point to staying in bed if you aren't there."

"I guess not," Naruto chuckled.

With Rias on his lap and Ophis now pressing into his side, Naruto had two pairs of boobs brushing against him. It was a very pleasant sensation. He didn't think he'd ever get used to this, nor did he want to. Few things could beat breasts. Issei had the right of it in that regard.

At some point, daylight began filtering in through the windows and footsteps could be heard from the hallway. Ravel entered the room, though she paused upon seeing Naruto being snuggled by Rias and Ophis. The blonde girl took a deep breath, sighed, and then smiled wanly.

"So this is where you were. Koneko was pretty upset when you left to go to the restroom and never came back."

Naruto had a feeling Ravel was just as disappointed, but it wasn't in her nature to comment on such things.

"Rias came in early this morning," Naruto answered. "Apparently, she's been working all this time and only just got in."

Ravel nodded. "I understand. I'm just saying you should be weary of Koneko when she wakes up. Anyway, I'm about to get started on breakfast. Do you have anything particular you'd like me to make?"

Giving her question serious consideration, Naruto eventually asked, "How about something that will give people energy?"

"I'll make some pancakes with blueberries, strawberries, and bananas," Ravel said after a moment. "The natural sugar from fruits should help give Rias some energy."

"I was actually thinking I might need the energy for myself," Naruto corrected her. "You know Rossweisse's grandmother is coming over, right?"

"Oh… Oh!" Ravel finally seemed to get it. "That's right. I had completely forgotten that was today. So you're going to be… introduced as Rossweisse-san's boyfriend…"

"Is something wrong, Ravel?"

"N-nothing! Anyway, I'll get started on breakfast."

Naruto sighed as Ravel walked stiffly into the kitchen. He could take a guess at what was bothering her. Even after all this time, he still hadn't been formerly introduced to her parents, which was something Ravel had been pushing for. She was too polite to outright demand that he go and meet them, but she'd dropped hints every so often.

He'd always meant to travel with her to the Underworld at some point to meet her parents, but they'd been constantly busy doing other things that he hadn't been given any time for it. One of these days, he would make the time, though he didn't know when.

Ravel was correct when she said that Koneko would be upset at him for not returning to bed. The moment she'd walked into the living room and seen him snuggling with Rias and Ophis, her eyes had narrowed and cat-like hissing noises erupted from her throat. She'd then proceeded into the kitchen without so much as a greeting.

"I'm going to have to have sex with her in apology," Naruto mumbled.

"You say that like you aren't looking forward to it," Rias mumbled.

"You're up."

"Ravel's cooking woke me up." Rias yawned and stretched her arms above her head. "I'm still really tired, though. Honestly, I'd like to sleep for a few more hours, but I can't really afford to. Anyway, I'm going to make myself presentable. If Gundol arrives before I finish getting ready, please do your best to entertain her… boyfriend."


After Rias left for the shower, Naruto and Ophis headed into the kitchen, where Ravel was cooking in front of the stove and Koneko was staring at her empty plate. The nekousho looked up when she spotted him, but then she looked back down at her plate. He sighed and went over to Ravel.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked.

"We're out of strawberries. If you could run to the store and get some, that would be great."

Naruto nodded and quickly made for the store. He arrived back home about twenty minutes later with a box of fresh strawberries to find that everyone else was already awake. Kiba, Issei, Akeno, Asia, Raynare, Xenovia, Irina, Rossweisse, Gasper, Metatron, and Rias were all sitting at the kitchen table. Ravel was still preparing the food.

"I've got your strawberries," he said.

"Thanks, Naruto. Please just set them down on the counter right here."

Ravel gestured toward the place on the counter next to her, and Naruto did as she asked before sitting down next to Rosseweisse. She greeted him with a smile, but it was a wan smile that made him realize how nervous she was about seeing her grandmother again. He wondered what sort of relationship they had. Rossweisse had told them a little about what her grandmother was like, but it was one thing to hear about it and another to actually see it.

Breakfast that morning was delicious. The pancakes were soft and fluffy, lightly sweetened to compliment the natural sugar from the fruits that had been mixed in. She made several different kinds, including strawberry, banana, and blueberries pancakes. Ravel really was an amazing chef.

After everyone finished breakfast, Kiba and Naruto decided to do the dishes. They roped Issei and Gasper into helping, claiming it was only right that the men clean the dishes since Ravel did the cooking. Issei grumbled a little. However, none of them really had any complaints.

Because there were so many mouths to feed, it took longer to clean the dishes than normal, which was why having four people do it helped. Naruto washed, Kiba and Issei dried, and Gasper put everything away. It was the perfect assembly line as far as Naruto was concerned.

Just as he was finishing the last of the dishes, Rossweisse suddenly burst into the kitchen, her eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" asked Naruto.

"M-my grandmother has just arrived!" she said, so panicked her eyes looked like they might start spinning. "N-Naruto! I need your help!"

~Devil Ninja~

Naruto felt tense. Every nerve in his body were like strings being pulled taut, to the point where they might snap if someone tugged just a little harder.

The reason he felt so tense was, naturally, because of the woman sitting on the couch opposite him. Although there was a coffee table sitting between them, just sitting next to this woman was enough to make him feel stiff. Her overbearing presence was quite something. From a purely power-based standpoint, she was much weaker than himself, but her demeanor gave her a strength that was simply unmeasurable.

Gondul appeared to be an elderly woman. She was dressed in a deep blue robe. Her fearless expression helped lend her that overbearing presence Naruto felt. She was about the same height as Rossweisse, had a slim figure, and good posture, sitting there with her back straight, shoulders back, and head held high.

Naruto, Rossweisse, and Rias were sitting together. For whatever reason, Naruto was in the center of the couch, which meant Rias and Rossweisse were sitting on either side of him. The others, Asia, Koneko, Kiba, Issei, Gasper, Raynare, and even Metatron were standing behind them. The only one who wasn't behind them was Akeno.

"Here you are, Gondul-san." Akeno placed a beautiful tea cup complete with fine china plate underneath it before the woman. Her beatific smile was the kind that put many at ease, but Naruto knew it hid a malicious and sadistic nature behind it. "I hope this tea is to your liking."

"Thank you, young lady. Akeno, was it? You have a very refined bearing," Gondul said as she lifted the tea cup to her mouth and took a slow sip.

"Ufufufu, thank you for the compliment."

Bowing to the woman, Akeno served Naruto, Rias, and Rossweisse next. As the tea was served to them, neither side spoke, waiting until everyone had been served.

"Grandmother…" Rossweisse began.

"It seems you are doing well," Gondul cut in before her granddaughter could say anything. "I am pleased to see you managed to survive what Loki had done to you. That bastard managed to steal many of our Valkyries. While most of them were saved, whatever had been done to control them destroyed something vital inside of them. Even the ones who survived are no longer the same."

It had been a long time since Naruto thought about what happened with Loki. Back during the Rating Game competition between the Three Factions, Loki had attacked with his son Fenrir, and he'd somehow managed to control several Valkyries with an incredible device that used Nature Chakra to supplant the will of the one wearing it. He had no idea how it worked since he wasn't a scientist. However, the results had been that the Valkyries couldn't disobey Loki.

Rossweisse was the Valkyrie that Naruto had run into an subsequently saved. It was likely thanks to him that she didn't suffer any serious side effects. He refused to enter Sage Mode these days due to his fear of losing his chakra, but he still understood Sage Mode and Nature Chakra better than almost anyone else.

"Thank you, Grandmother," Rossweisse said with a bow of her head. "I am very happy to see that you are also doing well."

"I'm not so weak that I would die simply from Asgaard collapsing," Gondul replied with a slight frown. She took another sip of tea, then sighed. "However, while there are quite a few of us left, many of our gods and Valkyries have lost the will to live."

According to Gondul, the remaining Norse gods were being led by Thor, Odin's son and the god of lightning and storms, hailed by all as the strongest warrior in their pantheon. The plan was for them to join the Three Factions Alliance, which was being expanded to accommodate all the various factions now represented.

However, while more than half the gods were willing to join this alliance, some were not.

"A few of our more prominent gods like Frigg, Tyr, and Sif have gone missing," Gondul admitted. "We've sent out search parties, but we haven't seen hide nor hair of them. It's quite possible they decided to quietly give up living and went off somewhere to die, but there is also the possibility that some of the gods have joined the Khaos Brigade."

"Do you really think they would do such a thing?" asked Rias, finally speaking. "Loki was a part of the Khaos Brigade. Don't forget that. I can't see anyone from the Norse pantheon willingly joining them."

"I never said it was willingly." Gondul shrugged. She didn't say anything more regarding this subject, but Naruto and the others understood what wasn't spoken. She was referring to those control devices that used Nature Chakra.

Her words made everyone tense again. However, Gondul was either ignoring or didn't care about the reaction her words received. She took several slow sips of her tea, set them cup down, and placed her hands on her lap.

Her sharp eyes focused on Naruto. Then they moved to Rossweisse.

"So, this is the one you told me about?"

"Y-yes," Rossweisse said, her cheeks flushed red as she looked at her hands in her lap. "This is Naruto. He's m-my boyfriend."

Naruto wanted to shake his head at Rossweisse's reaction. As adorable as her blushing was, the way she stuttered and sounded so uncertain made it hard for anyone to believe she was being honest. At the same time, Naruto couldn't deny there was a unique charm in how embarrassed she got. He was used to girls being forward. Even Ravel, his tsundere girlfriend, could be straightforward when she wanted to be.

Because he wanted to help Rossweisse out, Naruto reached over and placed a hand on one of Rossweisse's. Since her hands were on her thighs, that meant his hand was also technically on her thighs.

Rossweisse jumped at his actions. Her face exploded with color.

Gondul observed these actions with a raised eyebrow. "You seem awfully chaste for a woman who is dating someone. Have you two not slept together yet?"

"Not yet," Naruto answered for Rossweisse. "It isn't something we have discussed since we only started dating a little while ago."

Frowning for a moment, Gondul looked between the two of them. Naruto was all smiles. However, Rossweisse was being incredibly demure. She looked like she wanted to hide in her shirt, though this did not stop her from grabbing Naruto's hand and holding it tightly enough to cut off his circulation.

"Well, if you really are her boyfriend, then I suppose I can rest easy," Gondul said at last. "Rose here is a great student. She excels in her studies and at magic, but she's so clumsy. To be honest, I tried to dissuade her from becoming a Valkyrie specifically because she was clumsy and awkward. You cannot believe how worried I was when my granddaughter sent me a letter saying she had become a teacher for students in the Far East."

As the conversation continued, Naruto grew less worried about Gondul. He'd originally assumed there was going to be a huge blow up between grandmother and granddaughter, but it didn't look like that was the case. It seemed like they got along well enough. While it was clear that Gondul didn't approve of all her granddaughter's actions, she still expressed relief at seeing her alive and gratitude toward Rias for taking Rossweisse in.

"Tell me," Gondul began, snapping Naruto's attention back to her. "What is it about my granddaughter that you like so much?"

"Grandmother… that's…"

"Isn't it obvious?" asked Koneko before Naruto could answer. Everyone looked at the little catgirl who had suddenly stepped up to speak. Koneko's golden eyes were bland as ever, but Naruto thought he sensed mischief behind them. "It's because she has a rocking bod."

"Koneko!" Rossweisse sounded horrified as she shouted at the nekousho. Gondul looked from Koneko to me, her eyebrow raised.

"It's true that beauty like Rossweisse's is hard to come by, but if all I wanted was a 'rocking bod', then I'm sure you recognize there are several girls here who are just as rocking as Rossweisse."

As Naruto said this, he looked at Rias, Akeno, Xenovia, Ravel, and Irina. All of them had what many would have referred to as a "rocking bod." Their breasts were large, they had small waists, and their hips were wide. To compliment their incredible proportions was their mild long legs. Even Ravel, who was much shorter than the others, sported a body that seemed to embody lust.

Ophis could possibly be placed into this category now too, but her proportions were more modest.

"You do bring up a good point," Gondul said. "Though I've heard quite a few rumors about you. My daughter is not the only one you are dating, correct?"

"This is true." Naruto didn't deny it. "Aside from Rossweisse, I'm also dating Rias, Koneko, Ravel, and Ophis." He pointed out the four girls he was dating, causing a different reaction from each of them. Rias smiled, Koneko gave a victory sign, Ravel blushed bright red, and Ophis puffed out her chest… which looked just odd when combined with her bland expression. "Rias was the woman I began dating first, if you're curious."

"So you are in a polygamous relationship," Gondul murmured before shrugging. "Well, I am not so hung up on monogamy that this isn't something I can't accept, and all of these girls do seem rather happy with you. However, I would like to see the depths of your feelings for Rossweisse."

Naruto frowned in confusion. "I do not have any problem displaying my feelings for Rossweisse, but I assume you want me to do something specific."

"You catch on fast. I like that." Gondul nodded. "I've heard that you have an extensive network and spies located within the Khaos Brigade. I'm also aware that one of you is actually their leader."

"Figurehead," Ophis said simply when Gondul looked at her.

Gondul shrugged. "Regardless, you have connections with the Khaos Brigade that no one else does. Use those connections to find out what happened to Frigg, Tyr, and Sif. If you can find out what happened and tell me, I'll be willing to bless this relationship."

That didn't sound like something Naruto could do to "prove the depths of his feelings for Rossweisse", but he was smart enough to recognize what she was doing. Killing two ninja with one jutsu. By having him do this task, Naruto was proving to her that he would do something merely for the sake of proving his love for Rossweisse. At the same time, Gondul would learn about what happened to three important Norse gods who had gone missing.

"Sure." He shrugged. "I'll speak with my contacts to see if they can find out anything about where the missing Norse gods went."

"Good. In that case, I will see my way out now."

Gondul stood up, causing Naruto, Rias, and Rossweisse to also stand up. Since it would have been rude not to at least see her to the door, the entire entourage followed Gondul as she made it to the front door. Once there, she looked at the group before nodding once.

"You found yourself a fairly strong group to join, Rose," Gondul said. "However, don't let yourself grow complacent. If you really are intent on dating a man like Naruto, then you have to be proactive. He already has so many women surrounding him that if you aren't constantly making an effort to be a good girlfriend, he's going to forget you. I know I said your chastity is something that you should protect, but that's only from assholes who'd only use you for your body. If you trust him, then don't be afraid to put out a little."

"That isn't something I want to hear from my grandmother!" Rossweisse shouted.

Gondul didn't stay much longer. After thoroughly embarrassing her granddaughter, she said her goodbyes and left.

The embarrassed blush on Rossweisse's face, however, would remain several hours after her grandmother left.

~Devil Ninja~

The week past in relative obscurity. Naruto spent the vast majority of his time ditching school. Everyday, he replaced himself with a Shadow Clone, snuck out of the classroom, and either enjoyed some time on the town or spent it relaxing on the roof with a piece of grass in his mouth. During these times, he often reflected on important matters.

"Do you think that cloud looks like a gardener snake or a giant dong?"

Very important matters.

"I don't think it looks like either of those. If anything, I'd say it looks more like a hose." Kurama paused here. "You realize Rossweisse is going to find you, right? It's only a matter of time. She has become incredibly adept at recognizing when you have replaced yourself with a Shadow Clone."

"Then when she comes up here, I can convince her to join me."

"That straightlaced Valkyrie? Well, I guess if anyone can get her to let her hair down, it would be her boyfriend."

Naruto snorted at Kurama's words.

It hadn't been that long since he and Rossweisse began dating, barely a week in fact, but it wasn't like they had done a whole lot of couple-like things during that time. They still hadn't kissed. What's more, Naruto was juggling several different relationships. He still went out with Rias, still sparred with Koneko and took her out to get sweets (and had sex), still had tea with Ravel (and occasionally had sex when she worked up the courage to ask him), and still took Ophis on dates.

On that note, he and Ophis were not having sex, but that was because he was kind of sexed out by the time she got to him.

Ophis was not pleased.

"There's still been no word from Vali and his team." Naruto switched topics to something more concerning. "Do you think something happened to them?"

"Maybe they just can't respond? It's perfectly possible that they're deep in enemy territory and can't send a message. I mean, they are spying for you. It's not unusual for there to be a communication blackout when your operatives are so deep undercover. You know that."

"I suppose I do."

A cool breeze blew over the roof, rustling his hair and lowering his body temperature to something more comfortable. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation. However, that feeling soon left him when a shadow appeared above him, blocking out the sun. Opening his eyes, he grinned when he found the furious red face and blue eyes of his teacher/girlfriend staring down at him.

"There you are," Rossweisse said, hands on her hips and face masked by a stern frown. "Why do you keep doing this, Naruto? You can't just replace yourself with a Shadow Clone like that! School is important. I know that you learn of everything your Shadow Clone does when they dispel, but that's still irresponsible of you. Also, what would happen if your clone gets dispelled in class? Could you imagine the panic it would cause?"

Naruto smiled as he listened to Rossweisse complain. She had once told him that Odin used to find her complaining unbearable, but he honestly thought it was kind of cute how she so earnestly tried to make him do what she felt was right. She was a very straightforward and honest woman. That was an attractive trait.

"Hey, Naruto! Are you even listening to me?"

"I am listening." Naruto grinned at Rossweisse as he lifted his hand and held it out for Rossweisse. "Help me up?"

"Oh, honestly." Rossweisse sighed as she placed her hand in his. "What am I going to do with-ah!"

Rossweisse was completely unprepared for when Naruto yanked her down instead of letting her pull him up. She fell onto him with a heavy thud. Naruto discreetly enjoyed the way her breasts smashed into his chest as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. For her part, Rossweisse looked too stunned to do anything.

"I'll go back into class after a moment, but please let me stay with you like this for a little while longer."

"I… that's… fine…" Rossweisse struggled to get her groove back. She shifted against him and placed her head on his shoulder. The warmth and softness of her body really was quite marvelous. "But we're going back to class once lunch break is over."

Lunch break? Oh, that's right. He had heard the bell not long ago. That explained why Rossweisse had come out to find him. She never would have left the classroom for any reason, not even because he ditched, unless class wasn't in session.


On a whim, Naruto tilted his head forward and pressed his lips to Rossweisse's forehead. She squeaked. However, she didn't move away. Naruto allowed his lips to linger there for several seconds longer before pulling back.

They stayed outside until it was time for class, and then Naruto traveled with her to the classroom. Everyone saw them enter together. While Naruto was able to easily ignore the stares, Rossweisse could not, and she hurriedly looked away as she moved to the front of the classroom.

"Everyone, please open your Civics textbook to page 236…"

As Rossweisse started the class with a lecture on practical and political aspects involving people with a dual-citizenship, Naruto flipped through the pages of his textbook and made sure to dutifully take notes. For as much as he joked around, he didn't want her getting angry at him, so he buckled down.

But even while he was taking notes, a small bit of worry wormed its way into his gut.

What was taking Vali and the others so long to contact him?

~Devil Ninja~

After classes, the members of the Occult Research Club gathered in the clubroom. Azazel and Rossweisse weren't present because they had to attend a teacher's meeting. It was just them.

Naruto's butt sank into the comfortable leather couch. He was being squeezed on all sides by three of the five girls in his harem. Koneko was on his left, snuggled firmly into his side. Ravel was hugging his arm on the other side. Ophis, who had shown up randomly because she was bored, had taken the spot on his lap. Irina was also sitting on this couch, but of course, that was because the other couch was full.

Issei was sitting with Asia, Raynare, Xenovia, and Akeno. Of course, Akeno seemed to mostly be in a position similar to Irina. She wasn't really a part of the group, but she couldn't bring herself not to sit close by.

On a side note, Kiba was leaning against the wall and Gasper was sitting in his box.

Of course, the situation was not a pleasant one by any means. Rias was sitting on the sofa and wore a serious expression. This wouldn't have been unusual since she often wore this nowadays due to all the situations she had been dealing with, but she had just finished helping the Norse gods migrate to Japan. She should have been able to finally let her hair down and relax.

"A new situation has come up," Rias said at last. "I'm sure you all know this, but recently, the Norse gods have migrated to Japan and are now living in Kuoh. It was a huge undertaking that required all members of our alliance to do their part and help out. However, because of how much time and effort we spent doing this, our security became lax and allowed what might be a problem to slip inside of our city."

"What kind of problem are you talking about?" asked Kiba.

"Recently, a slew of new students have entered our academy. Of course, this in and of itself is not a problem. However, while the faculty was going through the new student applications, one of them gave us cause for alarm."

Rias held a strange-looking device aloft. It didn't seem like anything special, but when she injected her demonic power into it, a magic circle lit up, and an image was projected into the air.

Everyone focused on the image, which depicted a little girl with black hair that went down to her hips, black eyes, pointed ears like an elf's, and a tiny body. Her expression was blank. It reminded Naruto a lot of Ophis' expression. In fact, the entire girl's appearance was eerily reminiscent to…

"Holy crap!" Issei shouted suddenly. "That girl looks like Ophis when she was still a loli!"

While Akeno giggled at his antics, Rias sighed. "Thank you for that, Ise-kun. That girl's name is Lilith. She has no last name, no personal history, and no parental signature admitting her into Kuoh Academy. Yet she was still somehow able to become a student." Rubbing her face as though trying to keep herself from giving into exhaustion, Rias paused for only a moment before continuing. "I can only assume that someone managed to pull one over on the faculty using magic. Sona is currently looking into things on her end, but at present, no one actually knows who she is or where she came from."

"Do you think this is an attempt from the Khaos Brigade to infiltrate the school?" asked Ravel.

"I don't know, and that is the problem." Steepling her fingers together, Rias took a deep breath. "We have no idea what's going on here, who this girl is, what she wants, or why she looks like Ophis. We've checked her out both through long-range observation and magical means, and she seems to be completely human, but that's only made me more suspicious. The fact that she looks so similar to Ophis is cause enough to be alarmed."

"And you sure you're not paranoid?" asked Raynare as she picked her ear.

"Positive," Rias said, not getting angry at the girl's rude tone of voice.

"So what should we do about it?" asked Naruto.

"There's nothing we can do about it. However, that isn't to say we can't do anything." Rias smiled. "As we speak, we've got someone coming into Kuoh who will be able to help us by getting close to Lilith. Also, I was hoping that you, Ophis, would be willing to become an elementary school student and attend classes with this Lilith."

Ophis frowned at Rias. "You want me to change back into a child and attend school?"

"If possible." Rias shrugged. "I'm not going to force you to do anything, but it would be a big help to Naruto and me if we had an extra set of eyes watching this girl."

Ophis continued frowning as she shifted on Naruto's lap. The feeling of her small butt rubbing against him caused some problems, but Naruto was nothing if not resilient. He had a will of iron-no, a will of adamantine! He would not succumb to his base lusts.

"What do you think?" asked Ophis.

"It would certainly help if we had another pair of eyes watching this girl. Also, I think I know who Rias wants to have helping keep an eye on Lilith, and if my guess is correct, having someone as strong as you looking after her would take a huge weight off my chest," Naruto answered honestly.

"Fine. I'll do it. But-" Ophis looked at Naruto, silencing him before he could thank her "-You will take me on a date this weekend."

"Fair enough."

"And we will have sex."

"Well… okay then."

"I want to have a threesome with Rias."


Naruto wasn't the only one struck dumb by that particular request. In fact, pretty much everyone looked like they had been struck by lightning, though none of them were more surprised-or embarrassed-than Rias herself.

"What?" Ophis frowned at everyone. "I read about them in a magazine once. I want to try it for myself. And Rias was Naruto's first love and is kind of like the empress of his harem. I figured if a threesome is going to happen, it will have to involve her." Ophis paused here to tilt her head. "Besides, Rias and Ravel have already had a threesome with Naruto."

"WHAT?!" everyone except Ravel, Rias, and Naruto shouted.

"Damn you, sensei! I'm so jealous!"

"Oh, shut up, Ise! It's not like you haven't had threesomes before either!"

"I know that! But I'm still jealous!"

"I had no idea you'd already stepped into that level of adulthood," Kiba said. "Congratulations, Naruto."

"You're so manly!" Gasper complemented.

"You two had a threesome without me?" Koneko stared at Ravel and Naruto.

"I-i-it just sort of happened!" Ravel shouted. "It's not like… I mean, Naruto help me out here!"

As everyone began trying to speak over each other, Naruto did what any man would do in a situation like this.

He facepalmed.

~Devil Ninja~

"Meow! Nya! Nyaruto!"

Despite having been in this situation before, Naruto would never get tired of seeing Koneko like this. The nekousho was on all fours and bearing her ass to him. Sweat covered her body, creating a glossy shine, and her back arced as he thrust himself inside of her. Strange noises that were half-meow and half-moan reverberated from her throat. Her split tail had long since coiled around him.

"Nya! Nya! N-Nyaruto! S-sho deep! You're gonna break me in half!"

"Isn't that… how you like it?"


Naruto's hands were planted firmly on Koneko's small, firm ass, which he grasped, kneaded, and squeezed like it was playdough. Unlike Rias, who was all soft and squishy curves, Koneko was pure muscle. Her backside felt very different. However, that difference only served to turn Naruto on even more.

The heat from the bathing room was somewhat stifling. Steam rose in the air around them and mixed with their sweat.

Sitting on his knees, Naruto took great pleasure in stuffing Koneko's incredibly tight hole. Perhaps it was her small size, but out of all the women he was dating, her body was the tightest. It felt like he was being sucked inside of a very small tube. While this did make it somewhat painful, the ridged softness of her walls also gave him some of the greatest pleasure.

"Nya! Nya! N-Nyaruto! I'm-haaannnnn!"

Koneko was unable to get the words out as Naruto leaned over and stuck his finger inside of her mouth. She didn't protest at all. Like a ravenous cat who wanted something other than mice, Koneko swirled her tongue around his finger, biting, licking, and sucking on it like it was a lolipop. All the while, Naruto continued thrusting his hips forward.

Had anyone else been around to see them, Naruto was sure they would have been shocked at the expression Koneko was making. Her eyes were lidded and filled with lust. Drool leaked from her mouth, which was open as she sucked on his finger. Twitching ears, shaking tail, Koneko looked like a cat in heat.

"Han! Haaaa…. Nya… ruto! I… I'm-!"

As Koneko tried to tell him something, Naruto began placing kisses and nibbling on Koneko's neck. Perhaps this was the final straw for her, but this action caused Koneko's back to arc as her entire body stiffened and shook. Even her insides became so tight Naruto couldn't move. This was despite her juices flowing out of her, drenching both him and her thighs in love nectar.

Her arms giving out, Koneko fell forward until her face was buried between her arms. Her hips would have fallen too, but Naruto kept a firm grip on her. He waited for a few seconds for her tight love canal to loosen. Once she was no longer squeezing him like a vice, Naruto began thrusting inside of her again.

"W-wait! Nyaru-it's too much! It's too much! If you do this-nya! I'll lose my mind!"

"And yet… you… ha… you want to lose your mind… right?"

Naruto could already tell he was close to losing his battle. He gritted his teeth as his balls tightened. Wrapping his arms around Koneko's tiny waist, he lifted the girl up and placed her on his lap. From this new position, Naruto could reach even deeper inside of her than he had before.


Koneko leaned back against him, her head lolling against his shoulder. Naruto could see her in the mirror. Koneko's eyes were practically rolling around in her head, her tongue was sticking out of her mouth, and drool was leaking down it. Despite this, she wore a dopey smile.

"Nya! Nya! I'm cumming! I'm cumming again!"

Feeling Koneko tighten around him once more, Naruto finally let himself go. He made sure to use chakra to kill all of his sperm cells. Kuroka had said it would be dangerous if Koneko got pregnant, and he had no intention of having kids right now anyway.

Koneko's body twitched and shuddered against him. Even the muscles inside of her were spasming. She had orgasmed so hard that something warm and wet was flowing out of her that wasn't her love juices. As she slumped against him, completely spent, Naruto watched as the yellow liquid flowed into a drain not far from where they were sitting.

"Ha… ha…" Koneko gasped for breath as he held her to his chest. "N-no fair… you made me cum so hard I peed myself."

"I feel like this is a point of pride for me."


"Hey, Koneko." Naruto placed a hand on Koneko's cheek and tilted her head so she was looking at him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Naruto shared a kiss with Koneko, enjoying the sensations of her small mouth and tongue. However, it wasn't like they could remain in here for long. Since Naruto's original purpose for taking a shower was getting clean, he decided they should just clean each other. As he sat Koneko on the stool and began thoroughly washing her body, they made idle conversation.

"I was pretty surprised when you jumped me. Were you waiting in the bathing room this whole time?"

"Of course. I had to make sure Rias and Ravel weren't the only ones getting to have sex with you."

"I'm pretty sure you and I have had plenty of sex."

"Nyot enough."

Despite Koneko's demand for more sex, it wasn't like there was anything he could do about it. Naruto was doing the best he could, but he was balancing more than just romance with multiple women. Of course, he made sure to spend as much time as he could with them, but there were times when Naruto had to do other things like training, work for Rias, and even some work for Sirzechs. He couldn't always have sex… sad as that made him.

After he and Koneko were clean, they dried off, got dressed, and headed into the dining room for breakfast.

Everyone else was already present when they arrived. Naruto was sure the rest of their group also knew what he and Koneko had done. Issei was crying manly tears, Asia was blushing, Rias and Ravel were shaking their heads, Ophis looked like she was pouting, and Kiba discreeetly gave him a thumbs up. Even Metatron gave him a thumbs up, which was just all kinds of weird.

"I'm glad you two could find the time to remove yourselves from the shower," Rias said. "You know we only have fifteen minutes to leave, right? Hurry up and eat so we can get going. We have to be at the train station by nine."

"Sorry about that, Rias," Naruto said as he sat down.

"You're just jealous that I got to him before you did," Koneko sniped as she sat down.

"Koneko." Rias smiled, but it was a patently unpleasant smile. "I can be with Naruto whenever I want. He's mine. Don't mistake my kindness in sharing him with you for weakness."

"Whatever you say, Senpai."

While the two traded snipes and banter, Naruto ignored them and focus on his pancakes, which had obviously been made by Ravel. There was something special about them. He could tell that Ravel had added something extra to the meal. It tasted like there was a hint of vanilla and strawberry, not enough to overpower the natural flavor of the pancakes, but enough to enhance the umami.

"These are wonderful, Ravel," Naruto complimented.

"Thank you." Ravel blessed him with a wondrous smile. "I'm happy you enjoy them so much. I'll make them again some time."

"Please do."

After Naruto and Koneko finished eating, everyone helped put away the dishes and headed outside, where a limo was waiting for them. They didn't normally take limos in the human world. However, they were on a time limit and meeting with a VIP who would be attending Kuoh Academy's elementary school division.

As they sat on the limo, Naruto found a pair of eyes on him-two pairs actually. Rossweisse and Irina were staring at him. One was blushing like mad and the other was frowning like she was confused.

The blushing one was Rossweisse. He could only assume she knew that he and Koneko had sex in the bathing room. When he glanced at her, she looked away with a mouse-like "eep!" On the other hand, Irina just turned her head.

He sighed.

It wasn't long before they were being ushered out of the limo and walking onto the train platform. There were quite a few people there already. A huge crowd had gathered as people entered and exited trains that were coming and going. There were people in suits, people dressed casually, couples, individuals, and children getting together for the weekend. So many people were present that it made searching for a single person hard.

"Let me know if any of you spot her," Rias said.

"Will do," Kiba said.

"I'll search for her high and low," Xenovia added.

"Ufufufu, I'll let you know if I see her," Akeno said.

Naruto looked around, but it really was hard to spot someone in this crowd, especially since the person they were looking for was so short. She probably only reached up to the waist of everyone else. However, as he looked around, a voice suddenly reached his ears.

"Naruto! Naruto!"

A young girl appeared from within the crowd. She was a cute girl with golden hair and matching eyes. At present, she was wearing her red and white miko garb, which included tall geta with tabi. Being relatively short compared to everyone else, the girl only reached up to about Naruto's waist.

Currently, said girl was being pushed around by the crowd.

Reaching out, Naruto grabbed her hand and pulled her out from the crowd. The young girl squeaked as she found herself pressed against Naruto, but she quickly took a step back, straightened her hair, and bowed to everyone.

"Hello again, Lord Naruto, everyone. It's good to see you again."

"Kunou," Naruto greeted. "I didn't know we'd be seeing each other so soon. You seem to be well."

"I am very well, thank you."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Kunou," Rias said with a smile before she looked at the crowd. "It's a little too crowded here for a conversation. Let's head back to the limo. We can talk there."

Everyone moved back to the limousine. Kunou kept close to Naruto, perhaps afraid of being swept up by the crowd again. He didn't mind, so he let her cling to his pant leg. No one else said anything either. Kunou was pretty young and probably nervous about her new surroundings. Come to think of it…

"This is the first time you've left Kyoto, right?" Naruto asked.

"That's right." Kunou nodded in agreement. "I've never left my home before. However, when Sirzechs requested someone to come and help you, I volunteered. I, uh, I was hoping I could be of some use, since you saved my mother and everything."

"Well, we're happy to have you," Naruto said. "Just let us know if there's anything we can do to make your stay here more comfortable."

"Thank you!" Kunou gave Naruto a bright smile.

"Player," Rias muttered.

"Lolicon," Koneko added her own two cents.

"I didn't realize your strike zone went that low," Ravel also said something really mean.

"Oh, come off it!" Naruto snapped. "Do you really think I'm the kind of person who'd seduce a kid?"

"I-I am not a child!" Kunou shouted. "I'm 12 years-old!"

"That makes you a kid," Naruto said, ruffling her hair. Kunou's cheeks turned red with anger and embarrassment, but he wasn't about to let that bother him. "If you want to marry me, wait until you're at least 18, okay?"

"You have to get my permission before you can marry Naruto," Rias said. "He and I are already engaged, so you can't marry him without my say so."

"I understand." Kunou nodded her head seriously. "I will wait until I'm older, and then ask Rias-onee-sama for permission to marry Naruto."

"Wait. You seriously want to marry me?!" Naruto shouted in shock, causing everyone else to have a laugh at his expense.

"Lolicon," Koneko muttered.

"Lolicon indeed," Kiba added.

"Et tu, Kiba?!"