ch 50 - high class devil naruto

"Do I really need to wear this?"

"Of course you do. You are about to be promoted to High-Class Devil. There are going to be hundred of thousands of devils present during this ceremony, and you need to look the part."

"But there's no orange…"

"That's what you're complaining about?!"

Naruto was standing in front of a mirror as Rias helped him get dressed in a tailor made outfit. He was already wearing black pants, which stretched across his legs and showed off his strong thighs and calves. They were uncomfortably tight but at least breathable. He was also wearing a set of boots. At present, Rias was sliding his arms through a long-sleeved shirt. It was white, unlike the pants. Then a white vest went over the shirt.

It shouldn't have been this hard to get dressed, but the freaking vest had numerous metal chains dangling from it. They went across his chest and were connected to golden pins on either side. The manner in which Rias affixed them to his outfit was complicated. However, once she was done, she placed epaulettes on his shoulders. They were black and gold, and a long white cape with a black Uzumaki swirl was attached to them, traveling all the way down to his feet.

Rias stepped back once her work was done and smiled.

"You look very handsome."

"I look like a fruit cake."

"You look like a prince."

"A fruity prince."

Giving her boyfriend an aggrieved look, Rias placed her hands on her hips and stared him down.

"Are you really going to act like a petulant child now of all times?"

"I won't be able to act like this during the ceremony. Why not do it now? Get it out of my system."

"You're impossible."

"But that's why you love me, right?"

"Ugh… yeah, I guess, though sometimes I just want to smack you."

"You can smack me in bed, if you want."

"That sounds like a good idea. I might take you up on that."

As Rias and Naruto were bantering, the door opened and in walked Vanelana and Zeoticus Gremory. Behind Rias's mother and father was the rest of the Gremory Peerage, the people who fought in the Rating Game with Naruto, Azazel, and Metatron. There were a lot of people, and all of them were clammering on about how Naruto looked.

"Damn, dude! You look snazzy. I'm so jealous. I wish I could be promoted to High-class Devil," Issei said.

"Ufufu, aren't you looking handsome. I bet Rias is happy to see you look so princely." Akeno raised a hand to her mouth and laughed.

"Hmph." Raynare crossed her arms and turned her head. "I guess even you can dress up nice once in awhile."

"I'm digging that outfit," Kiba admitted.

"Wanna wear it instead of me?" Naruto asked.

"No, thanks."

Koneko and Ravel wandered up to Naruto and gazed at him. While the nekousho merely looked like she was studying strange art at a museum, Ravel was blushing down to the roots of her hair.

"Y-you look really handsome—not that you aren't normally handsome, but… how do I say this… you look like a prince…"

"I'm glad you think so," Rias said, giving Naruto a smug look. "I was just saying the same thing."

Naruto wore a pained grin as he rubbed the back of his head, feeling how stupidly soft his hair was. Rias had even made sure to use some kind of special shampoo to wash his hair. She said it was because a High-class Devil had to look perfect. Not only had his hair been washed until it felt like silk, but his hands and even his feet had been pampered.

He felt like his masculinity was being destroyed.

Naruto had nothing against people who got pedicures and manicures, but he was not someone who enjoyed them. Definitely not.

"N-Ninja-sama! I cannot believe you are becoming a High-class Devil, de-gozaru! I am overcome with emotion!"

"Stop crying, Metatron. You're gonna stain your suit with tears."

In the background, Metatron was bawling his eyes out as Azazel tried to keep him from getting tears all over his suit. Poor Angelus looked like she'd just had a rug pulled out from underneath on. On the plus side, Angelus was wearing a beautiful white dress that flattered her figure. In fact, all the people who'd played alongside Naruto in the Rating Game against Diehauser Belial were dressed nicely—including Irina.

"You look really good," Irina complimented him as she walked over to his side with Rossweisse.

"Thank you. You do too. Both of you look beautiful."

Rossweisse and Irina were wearing dresses.

Irina's dress was pure white and traveled down to her ankles. It looked like it had been made with multiple layers. The outer layer was translucent, while the inner layer was made of a thicker fabric. Her dress didn't have any sleeves, but she did wear pure white gloves that went all the way to the middle of her biceps. Even her hair had been styled into an artistic bun. Naruto didn't know who did her hair—his bets were on Grayfia—but he thought the way several strands highlighted her eyes made her beauty stand out even more than usual.

Rossweisse's dress was even more showy—an off the shoulder dress that revealed her slender shoulders and some of her back. Despite being a design that had no shoulders, it still had sleeves connected to the dress's mane body. It was longer than Irina's, traveling down to her ankles instead of her knees, which was sad because it meant Naruto couldn't see her lovely legs. However, the dress's light blue color complimented Rossweise's beautiful silver hair and eyes. He thought it fit her perfectly.

They were not the only ones dressed up. Rias, Koneko, and Ravel were all wearing beautiful gowns. Rias was decked to the nines in a gorgeous crimson dress that showed her cleavage, Koneko wore a traditional kimono with rose petal designs imprinted on the fabric, and Ravel wore an outfit that resembled blue flames. Naruto knew he was actually in the Underworld, but some part of him wondered if this might not be Heaven.

"I'm not sure I like this dress," Xenovia complained as she held the hems of her dress. Naruto wondered if he should tell her that he could see her panties. "It is too breezy."

"Put down your dress, Xenovia!" Irina shouted. "I can see your panties!"

"So? I show Ise may panties all the time."

"That's not the point!" Irina shouted when Xenovia just gave her a confused look. "There are more boys here than just Ise! You need to be a little more modest!"

"Hmmm. I guess you bring up a good point."

Naruto glanced at Issei, who looked like he was struggling with something. Asia was hovering next to him and dabbing his nose with a handkerchief. She didn't look very happy that her boyfriend was getting a nosebleed because he saw Xenovia's panties.

"Well, it looks like everyone is ready," Zeoticus said.

"In that case, we should all head out now." Vanelena clapped her hands together. "Naruto, because you are the VIP of this ceremony, you'll be traveling in your own limo. The rest of us will go on ahead of you and find our reserved seats." She placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Since Rias is your master and we are her family, we get front row seats."

With these two and Azazel ushering us out, their large group was left with no choice but to leave the room. They traveled to the front of the Gremory Estate. Several limos were prepared for them. After giving him numerous kisses, his girls climbed into one limo. Gasper went with them. Naruto noticed he was wearing a bag over his head like usual. On the other hand, Kiba climbed into the limo with Issei, Asia, Raynare, Akeno, Xenovia, Azazel, and Metatron.

The limos took off, leaving just one left—a sleek black limo with a single person standing next to an open door. That person was none other than Garyfia. Sirzech Lucifer's queen and wife. She bowed to him as he walked up to the limo.

"It is good to see you, Naruto. I have come at the behest of Lord Lucifer, to escort you to the ranking ceremony."

"I'm glad the person escorting me is someone I'm familiar with." Naruto grinned at Grayfia. "I'll be in your care."

"Yes. Please leave everything to me."

They entered the limo together, which surprised Naruto as he thought Grayfia would be driving him, but then he realized there was no way his aniki's queen would drive a limo, not even under these circumstances. A butler was sitting in the driver's seat. After Naruto sat down on the long chair, his butt sinking into the cushion, Grayfia sat next to him.

She was surprisingly close.

"I watched the Rating Game between you and Diehauser Belial," she said as the limo began moving.

"You did?"

"Of course." Grayfia nodded as if it should have been obvious. "Rias could not attend herself because of the Promotion Tests her other servants were undergoing, so she asked me to go in her stead. I was tasked with filming the entire battle from start to finish." She paused, her lips curling ever so slightly. "You may not know this, but Rias has watched your Rating Game with Diehauser Belial several times now. I remember seeing her sitting in an unused room with a notebook in hand as she observed your battle. I believe she is trying to see which tactics you two used that she can incorporate into her own battle plans."

"That sounds like Rias. She's always working hard to improve her game."

"Indeed she is."

The limo left the Gremory estate and traveled toward the nearest city. During his time in the limo, he spoke with Grayfia about what it meant to be a High-class Devil. He had, of course, learned a lot from Vanelana, but he also felt hearing another High-class Devil's perspective would be good.

Grayfia was a member of the Lucifuge Family from the Extra Demons, which were houses of powerful devils who were not part of the 72 Pillars. Most Extra Demons did not involve themselves with today's devil society. People like Grayfia and Kuisha Abaddon—Sairoarg's Queen—had cut all ties to their households in order to involve themselves with Devil Society.

"Was it hard cutting ties to your family?" asked Naruto.

"Not really. Long ago, I felt a strong sense of duty toward my family, so much so that I was willing to fight against Sirzechs during the Devil Civil War that split our society in two. However, during the war, I came to realize what was really important. Once I understood that, choosing Sirzechs over my family was easy."

Grayfia had let her hair down, in a manner of speaking. She had not changed her hair in the most literal sense. Her maid outfit was still on, and she still looked impeccable, with not a single ruffle out of place. The change came from inside, from her calm demeanor that was normally cold as ice.

She was leaning back and sipping a glass of wine. There was a bar in this limo. Drinking while acting in her capacity as a maid was something she'd normally never do. The languid smile she wore was also something Naruto was sure she wouldn't have done in most circumstances. He liked to think the reason she could be like this was because she felt comfortable around him, because she had accepted him as her brother-in-law.

Once the limo reached the nearest city, he and Grayfia boarded a train, which took them to Lilith, where another limo was waiting for them.

This limo was being guarded by several devils. Naruto blinked when he realized he recognized the people standing around the limo. There was Souji Okita, MacGregor Mathers, Surtr Second, Bahamut, Enku, and Beowulf—each of them were members of Sirzechs' peerage, which was known as the strongest peerage in the Underworld.

"I see," Naruto said as he smiled wryly at Grayfia. "You're part of my honor guard."

"That's right." Grayfia was no longer wearing the languid smile he'd seen on the limo and in the train, but the light of amusement still sparkled in her eyes. "Your promotion is incredibly important to Sirzechs. You are going to be his brother-in-law, so he felt it was necessary to make sure the people guarding you were strong enough that we wouldn't hold you back."

"Well… it's not like I mind being guarded by my sister-in-law and her friends," Naruto admitted.

Despite herself, Grayfia smiled.

"Well, hop into the limo, Naruto. We will escort you to the ceremony."

"Yeah. Okay."

Naruto climbed into this new limo, which was almost identical to the other one except two times bigger. He expected Grayfia to climb in, but she did not, so he looked outside and saw that she and the other members of Sirzech's peerage were flying alongside this limo—no, wait. They were missing someone. Souji was on the left front corner, MacGragor on the right front corner, Bahamut on the left back corner, Enku on the back right, and Grayfia in the front. Where was Surtr?

"You might want to sit back down," a voice said from the driver's seat.

Naruto turned. Surtr was sitting in the driver's seat.

Surtr Second was a large man who appeared to be somewhere in his mid-thirties. He stood at about two meters tall, which made Naruto realize that was why this limo was so big. It was likely to fit this dude's hulking frame. His orange hair—which was the coolest hair Naruto had ever seen—had been styled into an array of spikes. His large build and the wild aura emitting from him surpassed even that of Sairaoarg.

At present, he was gripping the steering wheel with his gigantic hands, which Naruto feared would break under this man's fierce grip.

"I'm surprised you're driving," Naruto said as he sat back down.

"You got a problem with me driving?!"

"No. It's just that I never expected you to know how to drive a limo."

"W-what are you saying?!" Surtr shouted in anger. "You think because I'm big, I can't drive a limo?! I know how to drive, damn it! Don't underestimate me!"

"Er… I wasn't underestimating you…"

Surtr seemed to get angry easily, so Naruto decided to ignore him for now. He'd let the dude just focus on his driving.

Shouts and cheers alerted Naruto to something happening outside. When he looked out the window again, he found hundreds of thousands of people lining the streets. Banners hung in the air, people cheered his name, and there were even cameras recording his limo as it traveled down the road.

Naruto finally realized why he had an escort. With so many people present, it would be easy for someone like Rizevim to try and assassinate him, but with Grayfia and the other members of Sirzechs' peerage present, not even that man would be dumb enough to attack. Grayfia on her own was someone capable of fighting on par with Serafall Leviathan.

They came upon the building where Naruto would be getting promoted. It looked a lot like a palace. The structure was not just large but also ostentatious, with decorations that made him think of those medieval castles. Every brick looked like it had been freshly polished. The tiles of the room had an extra shine. There were also stained glass windows that gave this place the look of a gothic cathedral.

Even the Gremory Estate looked nothing like this.

"That's Lord Lucifer's palace," Surtr informed him.

"Oh… well, I suppose I should have expected something like this from aniki."

They turned off the main road, drove past several large columns, and reached a driveway shaped like a donut. Everyone stopped around the limo. The one who opened the door for him was, of course, Grayfia, who refused to let Surtr take that task onto himself. He wondered if it was a sense of duty or possessiveness that led to her refusing to allow one of the others to perform any tasks on his behalf.

"Form up," Grayfia ordered.

The members of Sirzechs' peerage formed up around Naruto, with Grayfia in the lead. Their pattern was similar to a diamond formation. Like this, they escorted Naruto up a set of stairs with red carpet and through a massive doorway.

Hundreds of heads appeared in Naruto's vision as he entered the entrance hall to Sirzechs' castle. It looked like this was where the ranking ceremony would take place.

As Naruto walked down the red carpet, Sirzechs' peerage broke off, with only Grayfia remaining beside him.

He looked toward the left, then the right. He didn't recognize all the devils in attendance, but he could spot a few faces he was familiar with. There was Sairoarg Bael and his peerage sitting in one section. Sairoarg nodded and grinned at him when their eyes met. Serafall Leviathan was also waving at him with that enthusiastic smile of hers. Sitting beside her was her little sister, Sona Sitri, who looked like she wanted to be anywhere bet next to her sister. Her peerage was also present.

Of course, Rias, her family, and her peerage were all there as well, though they were at the very front of this gathering.

Sirzechs was standing on a dais, next to an altar, at the very back of this room. It looked like the dais had been set up for just this occasion.

Naruto remembered his lessons from Vanelana and knelt before the dais. He felt like one of those knights giving deference to their lord.

"The ceremony will now commence," Grayfia said, her voice resounding through the hall.

"Naruto Uzumaki." Sirzechs stepped down from the dais and stood before him, a smile on his face. "Through your numerous actions and deeds, you have displayed a strength that is more than worthy of a High-Class Devil, and in the Rating Game against Diehauser Belial, you showed off your talent to command a peerage. The Four Great Satans and the Seventy-two Pillars have decided to grant you your own rank and peerage. Stand up. I would also like to ask that Naruto Uzumaki's master come forward."

At that, Rias Gremory stood from her seat and walked over to Naruto as he stood up. The two of them followed Sirzechs up the dais and toward an altar. Sirzechs grabbed a certificate from another Devil—Ajuka Beelzebub—and then turned back around and looked at Naruto.

"The actions that earned you fame were first, your defeat of Rizer Phenex during the Rating Game he had with Rias Gremory. However, you have performed many great deeds since then. There was your defeat of Kokabiel, your battles during the Three Faction Rating Games, and the time when you faced off against all the major gods from Greek Mythology to rescue me and the other leaders of the Three Factions Alliance. Your many acts of bravery are what has earned you the right to become a High-Class Devil. Now, take this certificate and accept your responsibilities."

Sirzechs held the certificate out for Naruto, who knelt once more and accepted it. The paper was smooth but thick. This was obviously cerimonial paper. Beside him, Rias was looking on with a wide smile on her face, pride brimming in her eyes.

"I accept the responsibilities given to me as a High-Class Devil."

Naruto stood up, turned around, and presented the certificate to the audience, who all cheered and applauded. It was loud. The sound might have been even louder than it was during his Rating Game against Diehauser. He wished he could cover his ears, but then he would have looked weak.

After receiving his certificate and displaying it to the crowd, Naruto turned to Rias, got down on one knee, and smiled up at her. Her eyes were glistening and her lips curved delightfully as she accepted a crown from Sirzechs. She placed the crown upon his head. It felt heavy. He was very glad this was only for the ceremony today because wearing this blasted thing all the time would suck.

"You sure do like to complain a lot."

"Shut up. You'd complain too if you had to wear something so gaudy."

The crowd applauded once more.

Sizechs finished the ceremony by summoning a stone monument, which shone with an odd pitch black light as it floated in midair. The monument, Naruto learned, was made from the same material as the Evil Pieces.

He reached out and placed a hand on the monument, channeling his demonic power into it. A heartbeat pulsed through his body. The sound thudded against his chest as the monument shone crimson. His hand print appeared on the monument after he removed it, but it disappeared moments later when the monument returned to normal. His registration as a King was now complete.

Sirzechs came back up, carrying an intricate box in his hands. He handed the box to Naruto.

"This case contains the Evil Pieces that you will build your peerage with. With this, the most crucial part of the ceremony is over. Congratulations otou—erm, Naruto Uzumaki. You are now a High-Class Devil and a King."

Naruto accepted the box gratefully.

"Thanks… aniki," he said with a cheeky grin as he officially became a High-Class Devil.

~Devil Ninja~

The day after the ceremony where Naruto became a High-Class Devil, the first thing he did was speak with Lady Phenex—Ravel's mother.

Lord and Lady Phenex were already in Lilith. They had also attended Naruto's ceremony since their daughter was engaged to him. Even if Ravel wasn't going to marry him, he was certain they would have come since it involved the Gremory Family, whom their son was originally supposed to marry.

"So, I understand you wish to trade one of your unused Bishops for Ravel's Evil Piece," Lady Phenex said.

"That's right," Naruto said.

She, Naruto, and Ravel were sitting around a small glass table on the balcony to an extravagant hotel room. From their location, Naruto could see the city of Lilith stretch out to the horizon. It was a magnificent view, though he was hardly focused on it right now.

The scent of warm tea filled his nose. Steam rose from the teacup in front of him, from which he took periodic sips. While the tea was fine, what he really enjoyed were the scones that were sitting on the table, covered in a soft glaze and carrying the scent of lemons. They were made by Ravel.

"Well, I knew this day was coming." Lady Phenex grabbed her teacup and took a sip as if biding her time. Ravel, seated between the two of them, squirmed in her seat, her cheeks red. As she set the cup down, Lady Phenex continued. "Ever since the Rating Game between Riser and Rias, all this girl would talk about was you. It got to the point where I decided to send her to the human world so she could be close to you."


"Is that true, Ravel?" Naruto looked at Ravel, whose cheeks nearly exploded as she looked down and meekly nodded. He scratched the back of his head, then looked at Lady Phenex. "I already knew she had feelings for me, but I didn't know that. Anyway, what do we need to do in order to trade an unused Bishop for Ravel?"

"We merely have to exchange Evil Pieces."

After saying this, Lady Phenex smiled as she created a magic circle and summoned a single Evil Piece. It was quite obviously a bishop. Naruto stared at the piece with undisguised desire, which made the smile on Lady Phenex's face grow wider.

"A Bishop for a Bishop and a promise to treat my daughter right will be a satisfactory exchange," she said.

Naruto nodded as he summoned an unused Bishop. They swapped Evil Pieces, and as he received the Bishop from Lady Phenex, Naruto closed his hand around it and brought the piece to his chest. He thought he felt it pulse as he held it. Was it just his imagination?

"N-Naruto-sama? Lord Naruto?"

"I don't mind if you called me by an honorific, but please pick one," Naruto said.

"I can't help it," Ravel complained. "The author keeps changing what I call you."

"Damn him," Naruto grumbled. "Let's just go with Naruto-sama then. I'm more used to that honorific than Lord Naruto."

"Okay, Naruto-sama."

"Our transaction is now complete." Lady Phenex leaned back and placed her hands in her lap. "What do you plan on doing now?"

Now? What did he plan on doing now? Naruto also leaned back, though he crossed his arms as he pondered her question.

"I guess… now that I'm a High-Class Devil, I am going to be given responsibilities befitting someone of my station. Rias said I'd be taking on several of her duties."

Naruto didn't mind taking on some of Rias's duties—no, he actually wanted to do this. His girlfriend had been working way too hard in his opinion. Ever since the war against the Chaos Brigade began, she'd been meeting with various dignitaries, working late into the night for her brother, and dealing with her duties as the overseer of Kuoh City. The only times she got to rest was when he made her rest. If he could take on some of the duties she was already doing onto him, it would lighten her burden.

Maybe then he and Rias could go on another date. It had been awhile since they'd done that.

"You will also want to find other people to become members of your peerage," Lady Phenex said. "I'm sure my daughter already has several ideas regarding this subject."

"I do." Ravel straightened in her chair and looked at Naruto. "I've actually already prepared a list of people with great potential. There are several who I believe would make great members of your peerage."

As always, Ravel seemed to have already anticipated his needs and was several steps ahead of the game. He wondered how this girl could be so attentive. It was like she was constantly looking after him, which he appreciated, though it also left him a little embarrassed.

"Thank you, Ravel. We'll go over the list at the earliest convenience."

They stayed with Lady Phenex for a few more hours. Naruto wanted to give Ravel some time with her mother before they had to leave for the human world. After their conversation, however, Naruto and Ravel left, traveling through Lilith before arriving at the hotel Rias and the rest of her peerage was staying in.

After checking in at the front desk, they found that Rias and the others waiting for the two of them inside the lounge. It was a large room with all kinds of games. There were board games, billiards, chess stations, and even video games. When they arrived, it looked like everyone had chosen the games that interested them the most and were playing around. Raynare was playing Rossweisse at pool, Irina was playing a card game with Asia and Xenovia. Gasper was playing video games with Koneko, while Ophis and Le Fay curiously watched over their shoulder. Kiba and Issei looked like they were having an arm wrestling tournament. Meanwhile, Akeno and Rias were playing a game of chess.

"Looks like everyone is having a good time," Naruto said.

"You're back." Rias looked up from her chess game and smiled at him and Ravel. "I'm guessing everything worked out okay?"

"Yup." Naruto grinned as he took Ravel's hand and pulled her into the room. "Ravel has become the first member of my peerage."

"Congratulations, Ravel," Akeno said with a smile. "It seems you're the one who got to pop Kitsune-kun's peerage cherry. Ufufufu."

"D-don't put it like that," Ravel muttered with a fierce blush.

"It's only fair," Naruto said with a shrug. "I mean, I popped her cherry awhile ago."

"Don't tell people that!" Ravel snapped.

"Naruto is a regular cherry popping king," Koneko said from where she and Gasper sat. He didn't know what they were playing on the PSP, but it was probably Monster Hunter—Koneko's current favorite game. "I'm pretty sure every girl he's had sex with has had their cherry popped by him."

"I don't want to hear about sensei popping cherries," Issei muttered, then rubbed his head and screamed. "Gaaaa! It's not fair! I'm so jealous!"

"Oh, can it, Ise," Naruto said. "Haven't you also popped many a cherry?"

"Well, yeah, but… you're so far ahead of me in the harem game that I feel inadequate." Issei's shoulders slumped as tears streamed down his eyes. "I want to be a cool cherry popping king like you!"

"Then you need get gud, scrub," Koneko said.

"Why you gotta hate on me!" Issei cried.

The familiar banter settled over their group, making Naruto feel comfortable and content. This was what he loved about being with everyone. He knew there would eventually come a time where they wouldn't be able to just spend time together whenever they wanted like this, when all of them would graduate from high school, become High-Class Devils, and form their own peerages. Once that happened, they would only be able to meet like this on rare occasions. Naruto wanted to enjoy the time they had together now so he wouldn't have any regrets later.

"I'd let you pop my cherry if you had the fucking guts to come onto me." Raynare gave Issei a look that was somehow bitter and seductive at the same time.

Akeno snorted. "You'll have to prove yourself if you want to get ahold of Ise's one-eyed willy."

"I don't need some hag who lets her own self-loathing get in the way of her feelings tell me what I need to do! You don't have any power over me. If I want to take Ise's Ascolon for myself, I will!"

Raynare glared at Akeno, who glared right back. It looked like sparks might start flying between them if something wasn't done soon.

Asia tried to step in.

"Um… excuse me. Since Ise and I have been together for the longest time, doesn't that mean I have seniority over you both? Um… maybe… like, you know, you should ask me how I feel about this?"

"You stay out of this, nun!"

"Ufufufu, Asia-chan, please do not interfere."

Akeno and Raynare turned their angry glare on Asia, who shrank back when she saw the murder in their eyes. An unidentifiable but nonetheless terrifying aura was emitting from the two black-haired women. Poor Asia. Despite having become much stronger now than she used to be, there was no way a kind girl like her could deal with such dreadful auras.

"R-right… sorry…"

"Speaking of illicit sexual relations," Xenovia began as she looked at Irina from over her cards. "I heard from a little birdy that you and Naruto have begun dating."

"Oh… well… yeah, kind of…"

Irina looked around the room, as though doing everything in her power to ignore Xenovia's gaze. This did not phase the former member of the Church at all. She continued to stare at Irina with undisguised interest, leaning forward. Irina leaned back.

"So, how far have you gotten with him?"

"How far… you say?"

"Have you kissed him yet? Or have you two already begun practicing how to make babies?"

"W-w-w-we just started going out before his Rating Game with Diehauser! Why would you think he and I would already go all the way?!"

"So you've kissed?"


"I see. Naruto hasn't even made it to first base with you. That's very disappointing."

"Oh, yeah? Well, what about you? How far have you and Ise gotten, huh?!"

"Regrettably, he still has not made a move on me, despite being given ample opportunity to do so." Xenovia glanced over at Issei, who caught her gaze… and then blushed and looked away. She frowned. "For a man who has already had sex and claims he wants to be the Harem King, he is awfully shy."

"Um… Xenovia…" Asia began. "If you really want to have sex with Issei, then…" She looked around before leaning forward and whispering something into Xenovia's ear.

"Uh huh. Oh. That's a good idea," Xenovia said after Asia finished saying her piece. She looked at the kind girl with astonishingly wide eyes. "Would you really do that for me?"

Asia wore a bright, beaming smile. "Of course. I mean, we're all part of the same peerage, right? So we're kind of like family."

"Thanks, Asia," Xenovia returned the former nun's smile with one of her own.

Splitting up with Ravel, who went over to Koneko, Naruto sat down beside Rias as she continued to play a game of chess with Akeno. It looked to him like she was winning. Akeno's brow was furrowed as she struggled with her next move. From what he understood, the Fallen girl wasn't very good when it came to strategy. She preferred blasting her opponents with overwhelming firepower.

Rias didn't say anything as the game continues. She eventually won. Once she achieved victory, Rias looked up from the chess board and addressed everyone.

"Now that everyone's promotion has taken place, we'll be leaving for the human world tomorrow. I want you all to get a good night's rest. Make sure you don't stay up too late."

Everyone told her they wouldn't stay up late in their own words. Their group remained in the lounge for several hours, but they began trickling out when some of them became tired. Gasper, Koneko, and Ravel were the first to leave. Kiba followed shortly after Gasper. Raynare tried to drag Issei off, but she was stopped by Akeno, Asia, and Xenovia. All five of them ended up leaving together. Naruto heard their arguing as they traveled down the hall. Eventually, the only ones who remained were him, Rias, Rossweisse, Irina, Le Fay, and Ophis—basically, the women who were a part of his harem minus Koneko and Ravel.

"We should all get to bed as well," Rias said.

"I agree," Rossweisse began. "However…"


Rias looked at the silver-haired woman, who blushed upon being put in the spotlight.

"I was just wondering… who is going to sleep with Naruto?" she asked.

At that, everyone turned to look at Naruto, then looked at each other.

A shiver crawled up Naruto's spine.

This could not mean anything good.

~Devil Ninja~

They were back home from the Underworld.

Upon returning home, life returned to a semblance of normality. They went to school, did their homework, studied for tests—Naruto cheated and stole the answer sheets for all his tests, then got lectured by Rossweisse on integrity—and Naruto was learning what sort of bullshit Rias went through every single day.

"I want to diiiiiiiiiiieeeeee."

"Oh, stop being such a baby. It's not that bad."

"I don't know how you deal with this every day. Why is there so much paperwork?"

"Did you think being the overseer of a city was easy? It's a lot of work. I have to read reports on suspicious activities, balance accounts for various business, sign off on deals and laws that affect the city, and send letters to various dignitaries on behalf of my brother. Isn't obvious that a lot of work would be involved? Why do you think I find myself sitting behind a desk most days?"

"Ugh… I thought you just liked to feel important."

"… I'm going to hit you for that."

Naruto and Rias were sitting in her office, with Rias teaching Naruto what sort of work he was going to be expected to deal with now that he was a High-Class Devil. It seemed this rank came with a lot of busywork. He'd been sitting behind this desk since morning, looking over papers and handing them off for Rias to sign. It was now one in the afternoon. He'd been there for at least six hours! Why the hell did he want to become a High-Class Devil again? This was crap. Total crap!

"Can't we take a break?"

"Not until we at least finish the first half of our work."

"Uuuuugggggghhhh… kill me now."

Naruto groaned as he picked up a folder, opened it, and flipped through the pages. This one was a report. As he read through it, a small frown marred his face.

"It looks like there have been sightings of suspicious people in Kuoh recently," Naruto said as he flipped through several more pages.

"What kind of suspicious people?" asked Rias as she flourished her wrist and signed another document.

"People wearing cloaks and large hats. It looks like they might be mages, but the reports only say they looked suspicious. It didn't say whether or not they were mages."

"Hmmm… I'll send a letter to the Magician's Council and ask if they know anything about this. The current chairman for the Grauzauberer—the organization in charge of setting down laws and policies for magicians—is Mephisto Pheles. He's a devil from the Extra Demons who has been around since the time of the previous Four Great Satans. I need to send him a letter anyway."

As Rias spoke, the doors to the office opened and two people walked in. One of them was Ravel Phenex. The other was Akeno. Akeno was pushing a small cart in front of her, which contained a tea kettle, several plates and cups, and a multi-tiered display stand filled with various cakes.

"We've come to deliver some snacks. I thought you two might be hungry," Ravel said… then paused. "N-Naruto? W-what's wrong?! Why are you—eh?!"

Ravel became flustered when Naruto climbed off his chair, got down on his knees, wrapped his arms around her waist, and buried his face into her chest. It smelled like she had taken a bath not long ago. He could smell her soap mixing with her natural scent. More than that, however, Naruto enjoyed the elastic sensation of her springy breasts against his cheek. Her twin protrusions were like a pair of soft pillows.

"What are you doing, Naruto?" Rias asked, deadpan.

Naruto, however, merely lifted his face from Ravel's boobies and looked up at the flustered young Phenex. Her eyes already looked like they were swirling around in her head. The redness of her face reminded him of a boiled lobster. Steam was actually rising from her head thanks to his surprise attack.

"You're my savior," he said.

"N-no… I'm not anything like… I'm only bringing snacks…" Ravel tried to say in her flustered tone.

"I love you, Ravel."

"Ah? We-well… that's… you know… I, uh, love you too… eheheheh… t-this…"

"Marry me."


"Right now. Let's get married."

"W-w-w-what are you saying?!"

Naruto continued pressuring Ravel into holding a wedding ceremony right now, stating he couldn't wait another second to make her his wife. At this point, Ravel was pretty much done for. She was just a blubbering ball of embarrassment. All she could do was blush with the intensity of a sun. Her head had even caught fire.

"Ufufufu, it seems your boyfriend is in fine form today," Akeno jested as she pushed the cart over to Rias's desk and began setting out the tea and food. She worked with methodical efficiency, pouring the tea into a cup, setting several cakes on the plate. The elegance of her work was befitting a woman whose family once owned a shrine.

Rias sighed as she continued watching Naruto mercilessly tease Ravel. "He started off strong, but he snapped around two-thirds of the way through."

"And? How far have you gotten on your work?" asked Akeno.

Rias lifted the teacup to her lips, took a sip, and sighed as if releasing all the stress she felt. Meanwhile, Naruto had lifted poor Ravel into a bridal carry and was traveling back over to the desk. All the Phenex heiress could do was blush as he carried her like a princess, sat down with her on his lap, and began nuzzling his cheek against hers like affectionate house pet.

"We're almost done for the day," she admitted so quietly Naruto couldn't hear.

"So despite complaining, Kitsune-kun has actually been helping a lot," Akeno determined.

"He complains, but he's actually really good at paperwork," Rias said.

"Of course I'm good at paperwork," Naruto grumbled as Ravel reached out for one of the cakes and held it near his mouth. "I was gonna be Hokage back in my old world. The other Hokage was even training me so I'd know what to do. She taught me how to file papers, how sign off on papers, how to read through reports and mission statements… and then she'd sleep on the couch. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure Granny Tsunade was just using me. That damn hag. Oh, is this for me?"

When Naruto finally noticed what Ravel was doing, he looked down at the young woman, whose cheeks were still lit up like a bonfire.

"W-well, since I'm here… I thought… it would be a nice gesture." Ravel turned her head.

"Thank you, Ravel."

Naruto leaned down and began eating the cake in Ravel's hand. When he finished, he noticed that Ravel's fingers were all sticky from the frosting. As she tried to retracted her hand, he grabbed it and, before she could ask him what he was doing, Naruto placed her finger in his mouth and began licking it clean.

"Ah! W-wait! Naruto-sama… what are you… ha… t-that feels really weird… ha… ahn… Naruto-shama… I… if you keep doing that…!"

The strange sounds Ravel released only made Naruto want to tease her more. One by one he inserted her delicate fingers in his mouth and licked them clean. Her fingers were very small and cute. As he swirled his tongue around each one, he enjoyed the combination of frosting and Ravel flavors. And with each successive finger, the low and delicate moans Ravel let out became deeper and sounded less like moans and more like breathless gasping. Sweat glistened from her shuddering body as he gave her what amounted to a finger fillatio. When he was done, Naruto removed her pinky finger from his mouth, a thin strand of saliva connecting them until he broke it.

"Mmm… delicious…"

"Ha… sha… Naruto… shama…"

Ravel looked exhausted as she laid with her head against his shoulder. Her hot breath washed over his neck. Hmm. Now Naruto was horny. He wondered if he could convince Rias to take a break so he could take her and Ravel into one of the unused bedrooms.

Sadly, before he could even consider asking, Rias broke his thoughts.

"If you are quite finished, then I'd like you to write a letter to Mephisto asking him if anyone from Grauzauberer has been in Kuoh lately."

"Huh? Me? Really?"

"Yes, you. Since you seem to have some free time on your hands, I think it would be best to help you use that time efficiently."



"Ugh… you're being really mean."

Rias rolled her eyes. "I'm only trying to help you learn the duties of a High-Class Devil. You're the one who is acting like a child. In any case, if we manage to finish our work early, you and I can take a bath together and—"

"Consider this work finished!"

It was like Rias had spoken the magic words. Naruto grabbed a sheet of paper and began writing a letter to Mephisto, even going so far as to use his best hand writing. Ravel was still sitting on his lap. She had recovered from her mini-orgasm and was now nestling herself against him, her arms around his waist as she watched him work. The girl looked so content that Rias couldn't help but feel jealous.

"I sometimes wish I was smaller," Rias admitted to Akeno.

Her best friend seemed amused. "Because it would mean you can sit on Kitsune-kun's lap?"

"Everyone else seems to enjoy it," Rias said with a bitter smile.

Akeno just giggled.

Naruto and Rias did manage to get their work finished relatively quickly after Akeno and Ravel brought refreshments. On a side note, more than half of those refreshments had been devoured by the resident blonde, who claimed Ravel's cakes were so good they ranked up there with ramen. Ravel knew of Naruto's passion for the noodle dish, so his words caused her entire body to flush with pleasure.

Since they were finished, Rias told Naruto they could take a bath together. They parted ways with Ravel and Akeno and traveled to the bathhouse.

"So now you've had your first taste of being a High-Class Devil. What do you think?"

"I hate it. It's too much work."

"It is a lot of work, but you did a good job at least."

"I have a lot more respect for you now. I never knew how much work you had to put into overseeing Kuoh until today."

Naruto was kneeling behind Rias as she sat on a stool, her naked back hidden behind a thick curtain of crimson hair. At the moment, Naruto was running his hands through those soft locks of crimson, causing suds to form over them as he used Rias's preferred shampoo.

"I didn't always have this much work." Rias admitted. "When Kuoh was peaceful, the amount of work I needed to attend to was much smaller. It wouldn't be unusual for me to finish my duties within two or three hours. However… ever since the Three Factions Alliance formed, the amount of work I have has tripled. Of course, I'm thankful that my brother and family are entrusting so much work to me. It means they believe I am capable of it, but you are right, it is a lot of work."

Naruto finished washing Rias's hair, which he then tied up into a bun on her head, exposing her wonderful back and the nape of her neck. First he cleaned her back off. He applied gentle pressure to the loofah he was using and created a thick amount of suds, which he washed away with water. After that was her arms, hands, and fingers. Then came the part he was looking forward to the most.

"Time for the front."

"Hmph. This is what you really wanted to do, isn't it?"

"Of course. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, I… ah! I don't mind at all… ha… ah…"

Rias closed her eyes as Naruto pressed his front to her back and reached around her body. He was no longer using a loofah. His hands were covered in soap as he rubbed her tits, enjoying the way they shook and bounced and jiggled in his hands. Rias's boobs had just the right amount of yield. They were soft and squishy. He loved the way his finger sank into them, though more than that, he loved the sounds she made when he played with her nipples.

"Ha… aahn! N-Naruto… that's… you know how sensitive they get when you do that! Ah!"

"I know. That's why I'm doing this."

Naruto had both her nipples between his fingers and was rolling them around. Rias bit her lip to keep from crying out, but there was some drool leaking from between her mouth as she struggled against the sensations inundating her. It got to the point where her thighs were shaking and she was even clutching her toes as if that would somehow help. With a grin, Naruto pressed his mouth against her neck and began suckling on that sweet spot.

"Ahn! Naruto! If you do that… I think I really might lose my mind!"

Naruto would have said something if his mouth wasn't firmly on Rias's neck. He continued playing with her tits, enjoying their feel, but then he soon let go. Rias breathed heavily as she leaned back. However, her entire body soon stiffened when Naruto cupped a hand over her lips and began rubbing it. The feeling of his finger being wedged between her outer labia was sensational, but the noises Rias made were even better.

"Nnn! Ah! Haa! Haa! Ahn!"

Rias could not say anything as Naruto played with her. She spread her legs out of instinct, crying out when he inserted one finger, then two, while also using his thumb to rub her clit. He was still kissing her neck and shoulder too. Her body began shuddering. He could tell she was close. However, just as Rias was about to cum, he pulled back.

"N-Naruto…" Rias whined. "Why did you stop?"

"Because I want to try something."


"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu."


Naruto grinned when a clone appeared in front of the stunned Rias. He was standing up, so his crotch was right in front of Rias's face, and she could not take her eyes off the object standing straight at attention like a soldier in the military.

"Go on," Naruto coaxed her. "You know you want a taste."

"I… no… that's…"

"You don't want to? You've done it before."

"Well… m-maybe a little taste…"

Rias leaned forward, stuck out her tongue, and licked the underside of Clone Naruto's shaft. The moment she did, it was like a switch had been flipped inside of her. She was soon lathering his dick in saliva. However, that soon wasn't enough. She pressed the tip of his head against her lips, then slowly opened her mouth and took him in. Clone Naruto groaned as he placed his hands on her head.

Once Rias began giving Clone Naruto a blow job, the real Naruto lifted Rias's hips off the stool.


Rias couldn't say anything because her mouth was full of his clone's dick, but she did squeal when Naruto lined him up and thrust himself inside of her. He kept a firm hold of her hips as he began pushing his way into her. The feeling of her walls tightening around him as he penetrated the deepest regions of her pussy was like Heaven… or should he call it Hell? Either way, Rias's pussy was caressing every centimeter of his dick, and it was the greatest feeling in the entire world.

"I've always… wanted to try this… ever… ever since I saw it in a hentai Ise loaned me," Naruto said with a grunt.

"Mmmph! Mm! Hrrrnnn! Mmm!"

Rias could not talk. Trapped between two Narutos, all she could do was give one of them head while the other pounded her pussy from behind. However, Naruto could tell she was enjoying it because her body was clamping down on him and growing increasingly more wet. Her pussy had become hot. He wouldn't say it was like a furnace. Maybe more like an easy bake oven. The warmth of her insides further stimulated his body. There was also the sight of her swaying breasts. The way her tits swayed from side to side, up and down, made him want to pound her even harder to see how far he could make them swing.

Perhaps it was because of the double stimulation, but Rias eventually orgasmed, her body shuddering as she was held in place by the two Narutos. The feeling of her orgasming was enough to make Naruto lose control. He spurted his seed inside of her. Then the clone suddenly disappeared with a pop, and the orgasm it had felt before vanishing caused him to have a second orgasm.

Before Rias could fall on her face, Naruto pulled her up and fell onto his bottom. He was still inside of her, but it was limp. Not that it mattered. He felt exhausted, and Rias, who was shuddering and breathing like she'd run all the way to the Underworld, was also in no shape to continue.

They sat there, regaining their breath. Rias was the first one to recover.

"Hey, Naruto?"


"That… what we just did, um…"

"What is it?"

"Could we… do that again some time?"

Naruto didn't want to make a habit of using clones to have sex, but he couldn't lie and say the idea of spitroasting Rias again was unpleasant. He'd never be able to do this with another man. In fact, any guy who even tried to touch Rias would die after he castrated them and shoved their own dick down their throat… but if it was his clone…

"Yeah, we can try this again sometime."



"I was just thinking," Rias said, sounding a little dazed. "If you used your clones when the other girls joined us…"

At her words, Naruto imagined Rias, Ravel, Rossweisse, Koneko, Le Fay, and Irina being fucked by himself and several clones. The image was like something out of the raunchiest hentai he could think of. Thinking about it made him grow hard again, and since he was inside of Rias right now, that meant her walls were once more pushing and rubbing against him.

A low moan escaped Rias's mouth as Naruto placed his hands on her large chest and began fondling them.

"Rias, I like your thinking," Naruto said with a foxy grin.

A massive orgy with clones was something he could definitely consider, but for now, he wanted to please the woman who had come up with the idea.

~Devil Ninja~

Naruto yawned as he sat at his desk, listening to Rossweisse lecture their class. It was regretful that she was his homeroom teacher. If it were anyone else, Naruto would have ditched a long time ago, but he couldn't do that to Rossweisse since they were dating and he didn't want to make her cry. Or lecture him.

Actually, if she lectured him, wouldn't it eventually end with him flirting with Rossweisse, her being unable to resist, and them having sex?

… That didn't sound like a bad idea.

"Long night?" asked Kiba.

The princely member of Rias's peerage was sitting right next to Naruto. He could feel the glares from many a jealous girl boring holes into his head, but he ignored them as he answered Kiba with a nod.

"Rias and I were busy last night… and then Koneko decided to help out."

"Help out… right?" Kiba chuckled and sent Naruto a sly look. "You know, everyone is aware of when you guys have sex. You're very loud."

"Am I? My bad."

"Hey, you two! No talking in glass!" Rossweisse said. "I know you guys love to talk and share stories, but now isn't the time. I'm going over something important. This information will be on the next test, so make sure you pay attention."

"Sorry," Kiba and Naruto said at the same time.

School continued, and Naruto wondered if he was the only one who felt weird being back in school after everything that happened to them. He was now a High-Class Devil, but here he was, attending school like a regular high school student. That struck him as odd.

He knew it was just him that was the odd one. Rias, Ravel, and Sona were High-Class Devils who attended school, but then, maybe they were also unusual. He didn't know any other devils who attended school like they did.

When classes came to an end, Naruto made his way with Kiba to the Occult Research Clubroom, where Naruto found quite the scene waiting for him.

"Shirone! Why won't you give your Kuroka-onee-san some love?! Why must you be so cruel?!"

"Get away from me! Hiss! I can't eat my manju like this!"

The first thing Naruto noticed was Kuroka and Koneko. The little nekousho was sitting on the couch like always and eating—well, she was trying to eat some manju. However, Kuroka was on the ground and looked like she was trying to lunge at her little sister. Koneko had placed both feet on her sister's face and was using her strength as a Rook to keep the woman from embracing her. Unfortunately, this meant she couldn't eat her manju.

"So… what is going on here?" Naruto asked, walking over to Ravel and Le Fay. The two girls were sitting on the other couch and sipping tea. While they didn't look anything alike, both of them had blonde hair, blue eyes, and were incredibly pretty. They didn't look like sisters, but the major similarities gave them that kind of sisterly vibe.

"I'm not sure." Le Fay gave Naruto a strange smile. "Kuroka suddenly appeared out of nowhere and tried to lunge at Koneko, but…"

"I believe she came here for a specific reason," Ravel added. "She likely forgot about that reason the moment she saw her sister."


Naruto glanced over at Rias, who sat behind her desk, as always, but her shoulders were slumped like she was exhausted. He thought about asking what was wrong… but it looked like that might cause her more problems. That being the case, Naruto decided to address the woman causing the problems.

"Kuroka? Why are you here?"

"Hmm?" Kuroka stopped trying to hug her sister and looked at him. Her eyes sparkled. "Well, if it isn't the kitsune my little sister is fucking. How are you, dear? Have you been having fun exploring Shirone's body?"

"Koneko and I have a lot of fun, thanks for asking." Kuroka pouted at Naruto's bland response, which caused him to snort. "What? Were you expecting me to blush like some kind of helpless virgin? I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Hmph. I am a little disappointed, but I suppose that is to be expected. You are quite experienced, after all… not like some people I know."

At those words, Kuroka's eyes trailed over to Issei. The young man was not sitting on the couch but standing by the window with Asia and Raynare. Xenovia and Irina were not present, which made Naruto wonder where they had gone. Irina shared classes with him, but she had left earlier to do something. Maybe she and Xenovia had met up to discuss some important matter.

"Oh! Don't look at me like I'm some kind of rotten virgin!" Issei shouted at Kuroka's expression, his face red. "I might not be at the same level as sensei, but I'm experienced too! I… er… I mean… I've done it… and stuff…"

Kuroka's lips peeled back into a grin. Her canines glinted in the light. She looked very mischievous.

"And yet you still blush just like a virgin."

Issei's cheeks turned an even darker shade of red.

Naruto had the sense that things were going to get out of hand if this continued, but fortunately, Rias finally stood up and placed her hands on the desk. The act caused everyone present to look at her. That tired look from before was gone now, replaced with a stern expression that brooked no arguments and tomfoolery.

"I have several important announcements to make," she said. "That said, I want everyone to hear what I have to say, so we'll wait until Xenovia, Irina, and Gasper arrive."

"What about Rossweisse?" asked Kiba.

Rias shook her head. "She is stuck in a meeting with the other teachers and won't be able to make it."

It must have been hard being a teacher, Naruto concluded. Rossweisse was almost always stuck in meanings. Because she was often so busy dealing with school related matters, she always found out what happened during their meetings after the fact.

Everyone except them was already present. Akeno was next to Rias, Koneko was on the couch with Kuroka fawning over her, Naruto was sitting beside Le Fay and Ravel, Kiba had elected to sit on the same couch as Koneko and Kuroka, while Asia, Issei, and Raynare remained by the window.

"Sorry we're late," Irina said as the door opened and she walked in. Xenovia and Gasper were with her. "I was asking Xenovia with some help on something."

"We ran into Gasper on the way," Xenovia added.

The two girls didn't split up. Instead, they traveled over to where Asia was and those three formed a group. Now the group dubbed the Church Trio was together again. Meanwhile, Gasper came over to the couch where Naruto, Ravel, and Le Fay were sitting. He timidly sat down next to them.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get this fucking over with," Raynare said at last. "It's so annoying having to stand around here for no reason."

"Ufufufu. If you dislike it so much, then why don't you just leave?"

"What was that?!"

Rias sighed at Akeno and said, "Stop provoking Raynare, Akeno. We have some major issues to deal with right now."

"Yes, Rias."

While it looked like Akeno was still raring to go, she dutifully stepped back at Rias's words, and now that it looked like another fight wouldn't break out, the redhead sighed as she glanced over at Kuroka.

"I'm sure you've all noticed Kuroka here. She's come for the purpose of training Koneko some more."

"That's right." Kuroka smiled at everyone, then tried to sneak closer to Koneko—only to have the white-haired neko shove her hand into her older sister's face. "I'm here becaushe you guysh get into a lot of trouble. Could you shtop squishing my fashe, Shirone?" Koneko removed her hand and Kuroka sat back down, sighing as she rubbed her cheek. "Anyway, you all tend to get into a lot of troubling situations. That's why I decided to take the initiative and give you guys a helping hand. I plan on training my little sister and the little vampire over there."

"You want to train me?" Gasper pointed at himself in surprise.

"I can't train you in Senjutsu like Shirone, but I can at least help you unlock your potential," Kuroka said. She crossed her arms and tilted her head. "At present, you are probably the weakest person here because you haven't properly trained in your powers. If you want to help out your senpais more, then you will need to unlock your full potential."

"I-I understand!" Gasper clenched his hands into fists, looking fired up. "I will do my best to grow stronger! I'm also a man of the Gremory Household!"

"That's the spirit!" Kuroka said with a pleased expression on her face. "I'm expecting a lot out of you, so be sure not to disappoint me."

"Right!" Gasper nodded.

"There are two other things we need to talk about. The first is that we'll be meeting with a vampire this Friday," Rias said. "I know you don't know much about vampires, Naruto, so let me explain. They are creatures who have existed since ancient times. Like us devils, they have similar rankings and weaknesses, but while we devils are residents of the Underworld, vampires are beings that live in the darkness of the human world. We have always had something of a non-aggression treaty with them. Both of us have at one point been considered enemies of Heaven, so we've always agreed to not get in each other's way."

Rias took a moment to catch her breath. Naruto glanced at the others to see if they were all following along, and just like he expected, it looked like they already knew all this. She was speaking for his benefit.

"At present, there are two big factions within the vampire world," Rias continued. "The Tepes Faction and the Carmilla Faction. The Tepes Faction are patriarchal, while the Carmilla Faction is matriarchal. We don't know much about the vampire factions aside from that, unfortunately, because the vampires themselves have remained in isolation for so long. All we know is that something has happened and they now want to meet with us." Rias tapped a finger against her desk. "Because of how important this meeting is, it won't just be us meeting with them. Sona is also coming. There is also going to be someone from the Church coming over to supervise the meeting, and Azazel will be present as well."

"Now that I think about it, my brother said something about the vampire clans," Ravel called out. "He said that if we wanted to learn more about what Rizevim was up to, then we should visit the vampire clans. Do you think the reason they want to speak with us now has something to do with that?"

Naruto remembered Ravel telling him that before. Now he was curious as well. It sounded like Rizevim and his Chaos Brigade might be causing problems in the vampire world.

After finishing her manju, Koneko stood up and walked away from the couch, her older sister trailing after her with just her eyes. The distraught look on Kuroka's face told Naruto all he needed to know. Koneko set her plate on the coffee table, then set herself on Naruto's lap. Her cute little butt wiggled around for a moment before she settled down again. The action was so natural no one even looked at her.

Except Kuroka, who looked at him with blatant envy.

"It could be. We won't know until we meet with them," Rias said, but while her words expressed confidence, the look on her face told Naruto this meeting might not go as smoothly as they hoped.