Chapter 2: Sweet Revenge

The first man perished without any trouble; however, his shrieks caught the attention of his allies. They surrounded the aggressor. Only one did not move and looked at Alexander with cold eyes. It was a look he knew well; it was a look he had before his wife saved him. They were the eyes of a monster. He quickly realized this strange man would be no ordinary foe.

Alexander brought his attention to the men surrounding him; they had now drawn their weapons and were prepared to fight. Having some experience, he knew the men surrounding him had to be dealt with before he was to face the stronger foe.

The first to attack came from behind. A young man, who could have been no more than twenty-five, attempted to drive his sword into Alexander's skull. But his movements were far too slow to land the hit. Alexander moved to the side, avoiding the blade, with ease. Before the young man could move out of reach, Alexander struck him in the back of the head, killing him instantly. A moment of silence passed as the men surrounding him exchanged looks. They quickly changed their stance from offensive to defensive.

Alexander lunged at the man in front of him. Even though his speed was far superior, his target managed to dodge. The Huntsman attempted a counterattack, but his sword met with nothing but air. Alexander had ducked below the blade in anticipation of the counterattack. He struck the Huntsman on the chin with all his strength, shattering his skull.

Looking over at the remaining men, Alexander saw no fear in them. It was strange; if anyone else had been in their situation, they would have been trembling. But these men kept their composure and formed a line. Their bravery was admirable, and their skills praiseworthy. But they had made the mistake of crossing Alexander.

He lunged forward again, aiming for the Huntsman in the middle, but the men flanking him quickly came to his aid. There were no openings for him to take advantage of in their newly established formation without getting injured. He cut his attack short and leaped back. The remaining men knew what they were doing, far more than the two he had killed. They understood the rules of engagement when fighting a superior enemy. But they are still weak, nothing but insignificant ants before me.

He started circling the men; as he did, they shuffled to face him and stay in formation. He moved faster, making it more difficult for them to keep pace. A momentary fumble created the perfect opportunity. He rushed one of the flanking men. They did not have enough time to regain their formation and intercept him. He grabbed the Huntsman by the arm and flung him to the edge of the clearing, quickly ducking to avoid an incoming slash. Alexander kicked out at the attacker, breaking his knee. The confusion caused the third man to be distracted for a moment, which was enough for Alexander to land a fatal blow to his chest.

The clearing had turned into a battlefield, bodies scattered everywhere, either dead or severely injured. Now Alexander had only one foe left.

"You will be next to die," he exclaimed.

The man did not reply but simply laughed and started walking towards Alexander. It caught him by surprise; the man didn't even draw his weapon and even seemed to be at ease.

Is this man insane? Didn't he see what I did to his comrades? Isn't he afraid? Does he really believe he can match me without a weapon? He will die a fool's death then.

Alexander rushed forward and struck the man's chest, but his blow was met with air. He quickly leaped back, expecting a counterattack, but none came. The man was still just walking. He was stunned at how fast the man had moved; he didn't even see him evade his attack.

Again, Alexander tried to attack; before his fist made contact, he dropped down and kicked at his legs. He missed again. It was as if he was chasing an apparition. When he jumped away to avoid a counterattack, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. The force sent him flying back.

Alexander quickly got up and took a defensive stance. There is no way he is human. No man, nor elf, has that kind of power. The wolf may have been right. I am going to die here.