Chapter 4: True Colors

"Where are we going?"

"Before you are given a chance to gain power," the wolf started, "I must show you the world you have ignored for so long."

"You said you would take me to see the one who can grant me the power to slay Sidero," Alexander snapped.

"Yes, I did; however, I believe that you should see what you will be fighting," the wolf answered calmly.

"Don't you mean, who?"

"No. Sidero may be the biggest threat, but he is not the only enemy. You will face the Huntsmen. Sidero is only a symbol. To end their tyranny, you must wipe out the Huntsmen as a whole. If Sidero is the only one to fall, another will rise and take his place."

Alexander lost track of how far they had walked, but it seemed the day was growing dim. Every time he wanted to ask the wolf about their destination, he would get the same answer. 'I am going to show you the world you ignored.' The meaningless answer started to annoy him. He considered leaving several times, only to have the memories of his defeat resurface. I must become stronger, even if I have to listen to this nonsense.

"We have arrived," the wolf said, coming to a standstill.

Alexander struggled to speak for a moment, mortified by what he saw.

"W-what happened here?"

"This is what happens to those who oppose the Huntsmen."

It was an entire village that had been reduced to ashes. All the animals were slaughtered. The streets were littered with corpses, each charred beyond recognition. There was no discrimination among the bodies; men, women, and children were all slaughtered without remorse.

"Come with me."

"Have I not seen enough? Why do you insist on taking me through the village?"

"Because you have not seen the worst."

How? How have I not seen the worst? Are the charred remains of children not the worst possible sight? Alexander reluctantly agreed to follow the wolf. The surroundings only seemed to worsen as they walked further into the city. He looked at the bodies of the poor souls who were caught by the Huntsman's evil. Something wasn't right.

"You see it don't you?" The wolf asked.

"These people, they were all human. There are no supernaturals among them. They were all human."

"Yes. Each person of this village was a human," the wolf confirmed.

"Then why? Why were they killed?" Alexander asked in a mixture of sadness and hopelessness.

"Because they made the mistake of disagreeing with the Huntsmen."

The wolf's voice seemed indifferent, as if it was nothing new to him. Can he truly be so heartless that he would not be phased by this madness? No, that's not it. He isn't unconcerned because he's calloused. He has seen this kind of thing so many times before that it fails to make an impact anymore. He couldn't decide whether he should be enraged or saddened.

"How can the Huntsmen still exist? How can they have anyone's approval?"

"Simple, really. Anyone who stands against them dies, and those who support them are led to believe that they are righteous."

"This can't go on. We have to do something."

"What will you do? You are too weak as you are now! Will you go and die? What will happen then? How will that help?"

The wolf was practically shouting. Alexander had no answer. What could he do? Sidero had already proven that he was powerless. But deep down in his core, in his very soul, he knew one thing. Anything is better than this.

"I will fight with all I have; I don't care what it takes. Even if it kills me!"

Without another word, the wolf spun around and charged at Alexander. He didn't have enough time to think, let alone move, and was knocked to the ground. A moment later, the wolf hovered above him and brought his claws to Alexander's throat, causing a dribble of blood to run down his neck.

"I cannot hold a candle to Sidero. You lack the skill and strength to stand against me. You have no hope of killing Sidero; you are weak."

"Then why did you bring me here?"

"So, you may become stronger," the wolf said, taking his claws away from Alexander's throat.

"How can this make me stronger? How can the dead strengthen me?" Alexander asked hopelessly as he got up.

"They will strengthen your resolve. Physically, you are still weak. But even though you stood no chance against Sidero, you still fought him. Even now, after realizing the power he holds, you are still willing to challenge him. Your willpower is far greater than anyone I have ever met."

"A pebble may have all the willpower and resolve in the world, but it will never move a mountain."

"You misunderstand. Greater resolve is not the weapon that will kill Sidero."

"Then what is the point of all this?"

"Resolve is not the weapon you need, but instead, it is a means of receiving it," the wolf started. "You see, many have sought the strength of my master, and they all had one thing in common; they were all weak-willed. They could not control the power to make it their own and were quickly consumed by it."

"So, the strength of will, is a means to great power?" Alexander asked skeptically.

"Exactly. In the face of the power my master offers, physical strength means nothing. Strength will not help you endure the change."

"Change? What will happen to me?"

"I can't say, as none have lived through it. It will be for you to decide.

"I have already decided to go through with it. But I must ask, what awaits me when I accept it?

"Pain, worse than anything you have ever felt before. A pain that is strong enough to kill the weak-willed. Whether or not you will survive is up to you."