Chapter 11: Facing the Demon

"I have to admit; I never thought I would have to kill you myself. I had assumed my men would have been enough to end you. But it seems they were little more than obstacles," Sidero said, walking towards Alexander.

"They were strong, but I have become even stronger by defeating them. Now, I am finally strong enough to face you."

"Strong enough?" He laughed. "From what I've seen, you hardly qualify to call yourself strong."

"Fight me then, and you will see just how strong I have become," Alexander replied.

Sidero did not reply; he only smiled and lunged at Alexander. Even while using all the power at his disposal, Sidero's speed was still astonishing. Unlike their last encounter, he did not draw his sword.

Alexander moved as best he could to avoid Sidero's attacks, but he still managed to get a few jabs in. Alexander was forced to stay on the defensive and only managed to barely evade the stronger blows. He noticed something strange happen the longer the fight drew on. Sidero's punches seemed to grow slower and became easier to avoid; However, as soon as he realized this, Sidero changed his attack patterns.

Suddenly, Alexander was thrown back from the force of a successful gut punch. If he had not been prepared for the impact, he would have hit his head, and the fight would have been over.

"What kind of monster are you? No human should be that strong; not even supernaturals can become that strong!" Alexander spat.

"What kind of monster? That's rich coming from you. You aren't even a vampire anymore. You are more monster than any supernatural, and you dare to accuse me of being a monster. But to answer your question, I am human. But I was born immortal with the gift of a continuously growing power," Sidero smiled as he looked at his hand. "It has taken nearly a thousand years to become this strong."

"Then what is your goal?" Surely, with power like yours, you could accomplish great things. Why hurt and kill so many?"

"My goal? My goal is to keep humanity safe from the threat of supernaturals," Sidero started. "You see, humans are not born strong, and even if they work to become strong, they can never reach the same level as even the weakest supernatural. Humanity will never be safe from monsters like you. So, I will eliminate all supernatural creatures and create a world safe for humans. A world where they won't live in fear anymore!" he said with a proud smile.

"And kill anyone who gets in your way?"

Alexander lunged at him, hoping to land a blow, but Sidero saw it coming and swiftly moved aside. He countered the attack with a simple kick to the chest, sending Alexander flying back.

"I assume you are referring to what happened to your wife? I assure you I find no pleasure in killing the innocent; however, if it takes the sacrifice of few to save many, isn't that a price worth paying?"

"How can it be if you are not the one to pay it?" Alexander muttered between breaths. "What about those who pay the price? Did you ever consider if they were willing to?"

"They would never understand. Few can comprehend a goal so great."

"I refuse to believe a great goal involves killing anyone simply because they are different from you. That is not a great goal; that is genocide."

Sidero laughed loudly. "I knew someone as simple-minded as you would miss the point."

"I refuse to let you continue this. I may not be as old as you or as wise as you, but I will do everything in my power to stop you."

Alexander charged at him once again, but this time anticipated his movements and struck him in the chest as he moved to evade. He could feel Sidero's ribs crack as his fist made contact. The look on Sidero's face quickly changed from confidence to surprise. He had underestimated Alexander, and it would be the end of him.

"It seems you have gotten the better of me," Sidero clutched his chest." Unlike you supernaturals, I won't be recovering from this anytime soon. So, I guess that means you have won."

"Yes, and you have lost. No matter how wise you are, the wise often fall prey to the fool. Now you will die," Alexander looked down at him.

"The wise may fall prey to the fool, but he will always know how to escape. For killing me will solve all your problems. But it will mean the death of all your friends. Or have you forgotten how outmatched they are?"

Alexander froze for a moment. He recalled the forces they had encountered while entering the city. The wolfs were stronger, but the Huntsmen outnumbered them fifty-to-one. Sidero was right; they would not be able to hold for long. Leaving them would mean their death; helping them would allow Sidero to escape. Damn it; there's no right answer. He planned for this. He knew this would be his hail marry if anything were to happen. Damn him!

He turned his back to Sidero and rushed back to the battle in the city. I refuse to let them die.