supernatural world

All right on with the story. Before we get started, let's go through this Dean and Sam were born, their mom was killed by the yellow-eyed demon and a house fire, their dad went into a deep depression and started looking for information on the supernatural, then started to teach Dean how to hunt supernatural creatures. When Sam got a little older his dad started teaching him how to hunt cuz well Dean was against it but what can they do have father started losing his mind when Sam got a little older he left he didn't look back the father went hunting that's the last they heard from him. They were taken in by Bobby Singer we didn't agree with their father teaching them for forcing them to become Hunters skip years later Dean still hunted supernatural creatures. And Sam he went to college never to contact his brother current Sam got himself a girlfriend then Dean showed up. Sam's girlfriend was killed by the same yellow dye demon that killed their mother. Sam joined Dean the hunt the demon down. Sam went back to hunting.

(Those were just the parts that I was skipping so I can put Hermione in certain ones) what Hermione woke up in the New World she found herself in a bookstore she looked around to see if she can find information who owned the bookstore why she was there she went through some papers Everly on the desk in front of her found out that she was the owner but she had a different last name. On the documents, it said, Hermione Amelia dusk. Instead of Hermione Granger, after Hermione read her new name memories of Hermione Amelia desk start coming through. It showed her life from a child tour teenage years when she turned 21 it showed that she had loving parents who supported her dream of owning a bookstore but what they didn't know is Hermione was born from an angel her father was the Archangel Michael. Hermione knew she was different from other kids she knew she had special abilities when she told her parents about them they panicked and took her to the church to be left over the people at the church try everything they can think of. The church that Hermione was taken to was not a good Church it was the kind of church that tried to force people you do to isolate themselves from others. From the sinners, the church said the priest looked at Hermione and said there was nothing he could do and that they should pray and disciplined her to get the Evil 2 to come out. They followed what they said whenever Hermione had a problem with her abilities they discipline her no dinner and locked her up in a room when it got worse the discipline turned into whippings so Hermione learned at the age of eight whenever she had problems with her abilities she was able to control him by keeping her self cam. She learned to control her special powers. When her parents scene that she was not having any more outbursts they went back to being loving parents. Hermione learns to keep her abilities a secret she learned that if she remained come then her abilities wouldn't act out.

So as she grew so did her abilities. She didn't tell anyone. when she was at home she practice her abilities she mastered them so it only took a thought she could use them her main ability involved fire kind of a whitish blue fire do you know why it was whitish blue. Her Minds home was in the country said she lived by herself she didn't have to worry about people stopping by and bothering her the neighbors for miles away so she was safe to practice as much as you want she learned that the world she was in was different then her world basically witches there we're the ones that gave their soul to the devil they weren't born with their magic like she was like she still had. She did what she could to research the new world that she was in books, tails folklores. She even heard about the hunters. She heard about this one Hunter that helped other Hunters with information gathering or help him get information about where a good hunt was or went hunting with them. He went by the name of Bobby Singer.

Bobby Singer was well-known in the hunter community what he didn't know he would get the information no one knew where he got it from books or good sources he got it. Hermione did some digging she found out tell Mister, singer lived in Sioux Falls he owns a scrapyard.

Hermione decided to pay Bobby Singer a visit to see if he knew anything about her abilities and where they came from. When she got to Bobby Singer's scrapyard she looked around she didn't see anyone outside she walked towards the house and knocked on the door she waited for a minute or so when no answer came she tried again. Still, no answer so she decided to come back another time Hermione turn to leave that's when the door opened Hermione turned around and came face-to-face with a shotgun pointed at her the man that was holding it looked like he was in his mid 30s or 40s she didn't know. Hermione held her hands in front of her to show that she was unarmed and that she wasn't there to cause harm. Bobby looked at her you look down at the doormat the back at her why you didn't see any reaction from the devil trap but he put it under the doormat he lowered the shotgun and looked at her with a frown on his face.

Bobby said: what do you want girly why are you on my property

Hermione said: sorry to bother you my name is Hermione I was told that if I had a supernatural problem I could come here and get information or maybe help.

Bobby said: where'd you hear that from or who did you hear that from, you knew Hunter something, and what Supernatural problem are you talking about.

Hermione said: well where do I start. When I was little Maybe 8 are 10 years old I had this ability to catch things on fire or to heal people at least that's why I've Been Told I learned to master my abilities and keep silent about them because after my parents saw what I could do they took me to a church. The priest wasn't a very good person in my option but none of the adults saw that he thought it was a good idea to isolate oneself from others from the sinners least that's what he said. But as years went by I learned to master my abilities and keep silent about them I don't know where they're from or if it was from any side of my family I'm confused about it and I was wondering if you could help me.

Bobby looked at Hermione thinking about what she said. After a minute or so he told her to come on in as she stepped in she looked around the place looked like it could use a good clean. As both of them walked through the house towards the living room Bobby looked at her mind and asked her to explain where she learned about him or who from. Hermione told him that should learn about a bar a place where hunters go together to talk share stories or get drunk oh, she paid a visit to the bar and asked around one Hunter asked why she was looking for a Bobby Singer she made up a story about one of her friends being possessed by a vengeful spirit because she didn't want to say anything about her abilities cuz she didn't want to be attacked. Hermione told the Hunter who later on introduced himself as Rufus Turner, he said that he knew Bobby personally and that he didn't like people just showing up without calling. Hermione said that she understood but it was important and that she didn't want another friend to die because of eventual Spirit possessing them she wanted to help out anyone she can . Rufus told Hermione that he'll give her the information but he died out that Bobby would help out because Bobby didn't want to make another Hunter he retired from the job even though he helped others out.

Hermione didn't care she asked for the address to Bobby singers place. Rufus told her where to go the address and everything told her good luck and left. Hermione told Bobby everything that she could. She asked him if he would help her she wanted to know where the abilities came from and why she had them and if her parents are really her parents.

Bobby thought about it. Then said all right I'll help you girly it might take a while but we'll see what we can find out about you. Tell me everything you know don't leave any details out.

Hermione told Bobby everything that she could remember what was witnessed she told him everything she could.

Hermione said: but there's one thing that I haven't told you yet and I don't know if you would think that I was crazy or anything even though you're a hunter I don't know if you heard of this before.

Bobby said: and what would that be little girl.

Hermione said: well anytime I'm either using the flames they're always a whitish-blue and when I use my healing abilities I always glow a white color I don't know how to describe it like normal when you see a spirit leaving someone's body as either white or a different color well I glow White .

Bobby said: what the hell well that might help never heard of anyone glowing White or whitish-blue Flames before. Huh, well the only thing that I can think of will be an angel but you look like you're human enough you bleed red blood don't you .

Hermione looked at Bobby like he was nuts, of course, I'd bleed red blood what do you think I am a demon oh, I did my research I know what a devil trap is. I also know what the word is for when you want to know someone who is possessed but the devil is the show if they are.

Bobby said: I see well besides the flames and healing and the white glow. We'll see what we can do. But I'm not going to be responsible if you become a hunter girly I've already seen kids being forced by a parent to do that Hermione looked at Bobby she understood what he was saying she told him that he didn't have to worry that she would take care of herself and that what kind of parent would force their own kids to become Hunters without giving him a choice that's just idiotic. Let's just say Hermione said some not very nice things about the guy called knows every name in the book. Bobby was impressed by Hermione's language.

Hermione and Bobby got to work they started looking for what they could find and reminded her to research her family tree and looked at where they came from and what they did everything she even ran some blood tests on her blood nothing was normal about it she tried different experiments with Bobby supervising. Bobby looked at every book he could find or get his hands on. He looked at things from Spirits two different Devils demons monsters hell anything that goes bump in the night he even looked up angels. He look through every book he exhausted his resources but the only thing that he could think about is that Hermione could be an angel or at the very least an angel hybrid he wasn't certain so they can find out more evidence. Bobby told Hermione that he would keep looking and asking around to see what he can find out Hermione thanked him and gave him her number so he could call her and keep her up to date or if he need help with anything.

Months went by what Harmony is not hunting are looking into what she is she's at her bookstore that she owns helping customers in whatever she can. If Bobby couldn't help certain Hunters with anything he is called Hermione for information or sent them the way she was happy to help in any way she could but sometimes even if she got stumped on certain things it took a while for her to get back to him with the information.

Days came and went Hermione and Bobby became good friends if Hermione had a problem she either went or call Bobby to ask for advice or information same with Bobby. Hermione and Bobby trust each other to watch the other's backs for some troubles or life problems.

All right everyone I'm going to stop right here the next chapter is Hermione Meets Dean and Sam. I'll try my best to make this chapter longer. Thanks for reading

Sincerely Angelgirl100