XI: Restoration

I'm groggy when I wake, though I didn't realize I'd shifted onto my side during my sleep. My vision clears as my gaze rests on the door to the room, breathing in and out slowly.

I'm not in as severe pain as I once was, though I can feel that there is still liquid silver in my bloodstream. Aware of this, I know I can't test what would be mortal wounds. Not moving is really the best option, knowing it's now a matter of time and patience.

I owe Ulric my life.

He didn't need to do what he did. If I'd died, the vampires' society would have eventually found out and it would have been confirmed that the veiðimenn ended my life. He could have just saved himself, but he didn't...

I feel my cheeks heat the moment my thoughts wander to that moment where Ulric reiterated that he's developing feelings for me. He knew that I am a vampire, yet...

A knock on the door follows Ulric's presence slightly after, looking up as he closes the door behind him. He smiles softly, taking his chair and rolling closer to me.

He asks, "How are you feeling?"

"Better than before," my voice isn't as rough, though it still feels like I'm a ways from being myself. Furrowing my brows, I ask as I notice a small stain near the corner of his lips, "What did you have for dinner?"

"Oh?" Ulric furrows his brows, "Oh!" His eyes widen and then immediately wipes his mouth, seeing his cheeks flush red briefly.

It does hurt to laugh, barely able to allow a giggle to release before my arms wrap around my abdomen. Shaking my head slowly, I see another look cross his features before I'm able to calm down.

Ulric next informs me, "It's night out."

"Did you ever hate having to always meet in the dead of night with me?" I barely filter that thought before it leaves my lips. My heart starts to race, knowing how horrible that comes off, especially after he wanted to understand me more...my nature as well.

"It was of no inconvenience to me," Ulric's features soften slightly, saying, "I already came for night classes, and I knew if I wanted to get to know you, I'd have to sacrifice the night for you." He pauses and my cheeks darken, glancing away as he parts his lips and murmurs, "It was worth every sleepless night."

He says that, though I still feel guilty.

He's free to walk beneath the moon or that of the sun. He has no restrictions.

"I..." my throat runs dry, afraid to touch that topic now and quickly shift the subject to, "...shouldn't you be getting sleep?"

"And have you staying up alone, in an unknown shelter and world...by yourself?" He arches a brow and chuckles, "I'll enjoy another sleepless night."

My cheeks flare up with embarrassment, feeling how warm they are and how much of a tomato I look like. All the blood I have must be in my face right now or racing through my heart. I'm quick to ask, "What about Lux?"

I know I catch Ulric by surprise, and he takes a second to understand my question. He nods his head and answers, "He is a friend of mine."

If we are staying up together...

...then I might as well get some answers.

"Is he part of the Ancient Pride Pack?" I furrow my brows and nod slightly at him.

Ulric shakes his head and explains, "The pack he belongs to is the Unending Pack. We have an allegiance with his pack, so we are able to be friends and I get to see him at Paramount Conservatory."

Oh, I assumed all werewolves got along with each other. I didn't know there were territories or alliances or anything like that. I didn't know there is conflict internally.

"You said someone covers for you, when you leave your home," Ulric is the one that takes me off guard now, "who is this person?"

I'm able to calm down, my heart returning to normal as I release a small sigh. Nodding my head slightly, I say, "Her name is Odette, and she's a wanderer, though is currently part of my family's coven."

"What's a wanderer? I thought all vampires belong to a coven?" Ulric is curious, tilting his head to the side while also taking a pen from his pocket and a notebook off the desk.

While he jots something down, I raise my brows, realizing that...even though I know nothing much of his species, he knows mine much more. Though he doesn't know all, I feel a little less naive here.

Clearing my throat, I state, "Wanderers or Nomads, are those that don't hold ties to a coven. They move from one to the next, temporary bonds while seeing the world with protection. They are usually kind, though a wild spirit of their own. They have no enemies within our society, not as the rogues do..."

As my voice trails off, Ulric's gaze lifts from the notebook while pressing the pen a little harder to the paper. He questions, "What is a rogue?"

"A vampire that is a Wanderer or a Nomad...that has forsaken our way of life. They destroy the lives of humans and whatever Covenant-Pack Treaty werewolves or vampires they come across," I pause a moment, a chill running down my spine. Breathing out slowly, I state, "They are the leeches of the world."

Silence hangs above our heads as Ulric looks at me with something hidden in his eyes. It's only as he slowly becomes less ridged does he notes, "We refer to something similar among werewolves. Rogues are those that do not belong to a pack, that destroy everything our history was built upon. They do not wish to answer to another, to follow in order and play their part."

"I... that's scary," I lift my gaze to rest on Ulric.

He's quiet for a few more minutes, swiveling slightly in the chair as he sets the notebook and pen down. I tell him, wanting to say what I need to, "Knowing I am a vampire from the beginning, it's a dangerous path to develop feelings for me. Then, to kiss me, swaying closer to that line we tread carefully...I... none of where we are now is my fault, not on purpose, that was your own, I didn't know any better..."

I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.

Ulric turns back around, noticing the shift in his eyes as the golden hue irises stare into my own. He arches a brow and questions, "You said yourself that you like me also, now...why did you think that should have been the last time we saw each other? My reason is noteworthy, as a werewolf and vampire cannot lay with one another." He eyes me briefly, "That is forbidden."

My heart is in my throat as I pipe up, "I might like you, might...I—"

"You know everything now," Ulric cuts me off, my heart stopping in my chest when he asks, "have your feelings for me changed based on the laws we are supposed to follow because some higher powers wrote them long ago? Just because we are told to?"

"I—I...uh," I feel slightly stronger though like everything is starting to work again.

Ulric touches his chest and then says, "Ulric and Wren," his hand touches my shoulder softly, "not werewolf and vampire." He pauses and slowly lets his touch leave me before asking, "Does Wren like Ulric?"

He knows I'm overwhelmed and is catering to what I need to process and understand how my feelings have developed. I couldn't bring myself to confront myself with this, being forced to now bring a side of me to the surface I didn't know rested beneath.

I slowly lift a hand, gently touching my chest as I breathe out, "Wren does like Ulric," my cheeks flush, the warmth leaving a burning sensation as my hand touches his chest.

His eyes flash, watching as it's like he's almost talking with himself deep inside. Almost, like he is having an approval, and that approval confirmation, the affirmation ends when his eyes revert to their natural color.

I can feel it, how my strength is returning to me, thinking it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. No, I slowly lift up a bit, sitting upright while my cheek almost nuzzles into Ulric's hand when he cups my cheek. I love this warmth, nothing else is important anymore, not that I feel this...

...his lips are like velvet, cushioning against mine as the air leaves my lungs. Ulric's kiss is gentle and sincere, feeling that safety and security. I don't even need any more to know this is what I should be surrounded with. When true care and compassion are embraced.

I kiss him back, pressing into him slightly to let him know—

A slight and startled gasp leaves my lips when Ulric's tongue darts between my parted lips, my strength matching his while he sits me up completely. His tongue wraps around mine, feeling something startling between my folds, my entrance growing wet. I've never had this before but have heard so much that is to love and live for.

Ulric suddenly breaks away, turning his back to the door as he covers a hand over his mouth. The door opens after a quick knock, watching Ulric wipe his composure, noticing the erect bulge at the front of his pants.

It's his Alpha that comes through the door, my own grip on the sheets over me tending as I sit with my thighs tight together. He looks at Ulric and asks, "How is she?"

"Well, it appears that the liquid silver has just left her bloodstream," Ulric pauses and nods, moving to look over his shoulder and nod, "though there might be a few trace remnants."

"The sun just came up, unfortunately," I can hear the Alpha breathe in deeply before exhaling a snort, "she leaves at dusk. Do you understand, Ulric?"

"Yes..." Ulric's voice trails off as he clears his throat, "...Alpha Ernouf."