3 siblings enter the game

"Child, did you save us?" Han Zhong asked, how could he not believe that Lu Yang was able to throw three flying knives at one time, and accurately hit the back of the heart of three enemies.

Lu Yang said: "At the time I was in a panic. I threw out three flying knives without much thought, fortunately."

Han Ying stepped out of the room. She just came to the door when the fighting sounded. I wanted to wait for the opportunity to rush out to help my father. I didn't expect to be solved by Lu Yang so easily.

"Lu Yang, thank you," Han Ying said.

Han Fei and Han Yu also calmed down. They came to Lu Yang together and bowed and said, "Brother Lu Yang, thank you."

Han Zhong was also moved and didn't know what to say. In order to save them, Lu Yang was carrying three murders.

"Child, is there any barren mountain here, it is a place where no one usually goes."

Lu Yang said: "There is a barren mountain not far from here, and few people go there."

The place where he lives is the village in the city, the suburb is not far away, and the mountain is very close.

"Well then, find a few sacks and find a few shovel, we will bury them on the barren hill." Han Zhong said.

Lu Yang's family happened to have these two things. After finding them, the three of them were bundled in sacks and thrown on the barren hill. They found a pit and buried it.

Han Zhong said as he filled the soil, "Child, don't be afraid. After this incident happened, my uncle said I did it, and it will never involve you. And these three people are all bad people. Don't have it. Burdened. "

Lu Yang laughed in his heart. Didn't he kill so few people in his life? He didn't care, but his face still looked scared.

"It's okay, no one will find it."

He went on to say: "Since the enemy is dead, the master has been cultivating me for a while now, don't hurry, if you leave now, they will be found by them."

The disappearance of the three Han Zhong will make the other party think that they ran into the barren mountains and wild ridges. At least for a period of time they will not go to the three killed black men, which can give Han Zhong a long buffer time.

After getting along with each other this evening, the three of Han Ying were grateful to Lu Yang, as if Lu Yang were their elder brother, so that they could rely on them. The three looked at Han Zhong and showed hope.

Han Zhong also knew that this was the best way, and said, "Okay, then I will stay longer."

"Great." Han Ying said.

Lu Yang was also very happy, saying, "After that, you will rest at home in peace, and leave everything else to me."

After dealing with the three people in black, the sky was gradually getting brighter. Lu Yang returned home with Han Zhong and Han Ying. Several of them were tired and fell asleep after falling on the bed.

Lu Yang paved the floor and fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already afternoon.

"Don't move, let me play for a while, this game is so interesting."

"Play for me. You've been playing for an hour."


Lu Yang was awakened by the quarrel of the two, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He found that Han Fei and Han Yu were playing with their game helmets. Han Fei was still wearing it on his head, as if playing.

Han Ying also looked curiously at the helmet. After seeing Lu Yang woke up, he hurriedly pulled Han Yu, and the two pulled the helmet off Han Fei's head together.

"What are you doing, I'm hitting the monster outside, I'm going out suddenly and I will be killed by the monster."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Relax, you ca n't blame you for killing you. Before he hits you, you will be killed by the people around you."

Han Fei looked at Lu Yang who came over, and said with a little embarrassment, "Brother Lu Yang, I have moved your things without your permission."

Han Ying and Han Yu also apologized.

Lu Yang didn't care at all, and asked, "How does this game feel?"

"Fun." The three said together.

Lu Yang stunned. He remembered letting them play games to make money. The three of them didn't play anyway. I never thought they would want to play now.

However, Lu Yang thought about it at that time. At that time, Han Zhong was seriously injured. His third brother and sister Han Ying had grown up and used to be vigilant at all times. They would never touch such a place and need to stay in a place for more than ten hours. game.

Now it's different. At this time, Han Ying's three siblings are still 13 or 14-year-old children. His father is also safe. There will be no danger for the time being.

"In this way, I will buy a helmet for each of you three, and I will take you to play this game." Lu Yang said.

"Really?" Han Fei asked, but immediately, Han Fei's face fell lonely, and said, "No more, Brother Lu Yang, this is quite expensive."

Han Ying said: "We just watch you play, don't buy it for us."

Han Yu also said, "Let 's stop playing. After a while, my dad has to work hard again, and we have to worry about my dad."

Lu Yang couldn't help but feel a heartache for a while, he could imagine how much suffering his three siblings had suffered in the last life.

"This game helmet is not expensive, only 500 credit points, if you want to make money, you may wish to enter the game to try, making money in the game is faster than outside the game Lu Yang said.

"Can you make money by playing games?" Han Ying asked in surprise.

Lu Yang said: "Of course, you are waiting for me, I will buy you a helmet. As for how to make money, I will slowly tell you."

The three sisters glanced at each other, curiosity prevailed, and the three nodded and agreed.

Lu Yang asked the three to wait a while. After they took the money from the bank card downstairs and reported to their parents that they were safe, they went to the store in front of the school and bought three helmets.

After taking it home, the third sister Han Ying was very happy. She was in love with various game helmets. Under the guidance of Lu Yang, the three successfully logged into the game. Chosen to use thieves, the third brother Han Yu chose to use the hunter.

Lu Yang saw the three men entering the game at St. Gall's Square, and said, "Familiarize yourself with the environment in the game, and I will take you to upgrade later."

"Second World" is so charming, Lu Yang wants to let them feel the culture and fun of the game first, lest he directly take them to leapfrog the monster. Although the level is high, they don't know what the game is pleasure.

"Okay." San Xiao's face couldn't help but excited, and ran outside happily.

Lu Yang laughed. Sure enough, he was a 13-year-old or a 14-year-old child. Just as he was about to look around, his phone rang.