Fast upgrade

At that time, the number of full-service players reached more than one billion. Even with a huge map such as "Second World", it was still impossible to hold so many people. After the players went online every day, they all struggled to grab other players on the level 20 map. .

This player accidentally entered the secret channel, and found that it was all strange, and no one had snatched it from him. He was excited to bring some brothers to upgrade here.

In less than half a month, their ranks stood out among everyone, on par with the presidents of major guilds, and caused countless guesses at the time.

If a few of them can keep concealing forever, they are likely to exceed the ranks of the presidents of major guilds at this stage. Unfortunately, after these ranks are high, they are too high-profile and provoke a high-level thief.

One night, the thieves hid behind them and wanted to kill them, but the brothers went away together. The thieves kept behind them without finding a chance. The high-level thieves had a stealth technique. The brothers thought that no one was following them. Go into the hidden map.

As a result, the brothers were all killed by the thieves that night, and the upgrade site was also said by the thieves.

Lu Yang knew this hidden place because it was too sensational at the time. He said to Xiao Liang and Han Ying, three brothers who were curiously looking at the map, "You closed your friend's application and hide your own on the ranking list. first name."

The three siblings are all novices Xiaobai. I don't know why Lu Yang did this, but they didn't ask.

Suddenly, a sharp tweet came from above.

Sister Han Ying looked up, and a two-meter-long, ocher-colored falcon flew over them.


Level: 20

Qi and blood: 2800/2800

"Strange 20?" The three sisters Han Ying hurriedly posed a dodge gesture, they were only level 1. If the Falcons found them, they would be dead.

Xiao Liang also hurriedly put on a defensive posture, and came to Lu Yang in one step, ready to open the shield at any time. He couldn't beat the level 15 orc, let alone the level 20 falcon.

Lu Yang patted Xiao Liang's shoulder and patted Han Fei's shoulder again, saying "Don't worry so much, this bird won't fly down."

The bird 's name is Desert Falcon. It is a unique monster outside the city of Saros. It often flies over the walls, but they never attack the players in the city. Once they land to a certain distance, they will be attacked by Saros. Attack by archers in town.

"I'm scared to death." Xiao Liang said with a look of horror after laying down his shield.

The third sister also breathed a sigh of relief, Han Fei asked nervously, "Brother Lu Yang, why are all the strange here 20 level?"

Han Ying and Han Yu both looked at Lu Yang in surprise.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Don't be surprised, now I take you to the upgrade place, it is strange that it is level 20."

"Ah?" The third siblings were a little dazed. They looked at their levels, and they were all 0.

Xiao Liang guessed that Lu Yang would not take them to a low-level map upgrade, saying: "Don't be surprised, when the boss took me to level 15 to upgrade, I was also level 0."

Sister Han Yingsan is even more surprised. Although they have not played the game, they also know the distance between 0 and 15 or 0 to 20.

"Brother Lu Yang, what are we going to do?" Han Fei asked.

Lu Yang said, "I'll tell you where you go, and let you close your friend application and hide the ranking list. This is also the reason. It will make your upgrade very fast, and you may be disturbed by others. You just hide your identity."

Then the three came to understand.

After the three people including Lu Yang were closed, they took Xiao Liang and Han Ying three sisters all the way from the central square of Saros to a residential area on the east side of the city.

The residential area is not large, there are only more than 30 households. On the side of the middle house of these people, Lu Yang stopped.

The location of this house is very special. His side is almost next to the city wall. It seems that the gap left is to prevent the house from using the city wall as the wall. In fact, this place is the entrance to the secret passage. Only when you get closer can you find that one can walk in sideways.

Lu Yang said to Xiao Liang behind him: "Go forward from here. The seventh stone is the entrance to the secret passage. Before you enter, open the defensive posture. If you blame too much, open the shield wall."

"Okay." Xiao Liang checked the equipment and potion.

Lu Yang said to Han Ying's three siblings: "After you and Xiao Liang enter, the three of you wait for my notification before entering, you know?"

"Okay." Three sisters Han Ying said together.

"Very well, we started to upgrade." Lu Yang beckoned and took them to the corner.

Xiao Liang walked in front, and walked sideways into the middle of the house and the city wall. Just after the seventh stone slab, the slate suddenly separated from both sides, Xiao Liang fell off instantly.

Lu Yang looked down from above and found that Xiao Liang just landed on a high platform that could only hold 6 people at the same time. The platform was three meters high, and a stone step on the west side of the platform led to the ground.

On the ground, there are countless black-green zombies.


Level: 20

Qi and blood: 2600/2600

The space below is very large and you can't see your head at a glance, but as long as the eyes can see, all are zombies.

Originally, these zombies were walking with no purpose. Suddenly, there appeared light above, and the sound of Xiao Liang jumping down, made hundreds of zombies around him aim at him at the same time, and ran towards him madly. .

Xiao Liang was startled, and hurried down two steps to get stuck in the middle of the stairs, set up a shield, and taunted the 10 zombies who had rushed up.

The staircase can accommodate two people walking at the same time, Xiao Liang can only get stuck in one position, but he can't get stuck in the other position.

In order to prevent zombies from occupying the platform, Lu Yang immediately jumped down and stood beside Xiao Liang, stuck in another position.

"Boss, don't stand here, it's too dangerous." Xiao Liang hurriedly made a mockery of the strange in front of Lu Yang.

The zombie's attack power is very high. Xiao Liang's blood and blood are falling fast. Fortunately, Lu Yang is stuck. Otherwise, if he is surrounded by three sides, 6 zombies attack together and Xiao Liang will die.

At this point, the zombie group had already accumulated under the stairs, and the first zombie rushed over was stuck by Lu Yang and Xiao Liang, and did not rush to the high platform.

This is the first time that Lu Yang has encountered such a situation. He watched the two zombies in front of him smashing Xiao Liang's shield frantically at the same time. , They won't hit me for the time being. "

Immediately after the landing, Yang Ying said to the three siblings Han Ying above: "You three jump down."

"Oh, okay." Sister Han Ying swallowed and hurried to jump down. It was the first time they saw such a realistic picture.

Lu Yang said: "Don't be afraid, you three team up. Han Yu scatters the strangeness in front of you, and strives to hit every strangeness."

"I'm only level 0, so I can't attack them." Han Yu said dumbly, he didn't understand why Lu Yang let him attack.

Lu Yang looked at the zombie in front of him and said, "Attack now, don't hesitate."

Han Yu didn't dare to delay anymore, and quickly took out his bow and arrow to start the scattering mode.

Scattered 20 bows and arrows at a time and landed on the zombie, forcing only 1 point of damage. However, this also attracted the attention of the zombies, and more zombies ran towards this side.

Lu Yang saw that the number of zombies was almost the same, and shouted to Xiao Liang around him: "The group laughed, pulled the hatred, and watched my brother, I will perform a miracle for you."

Xiao Liang was spurred by Lu Yang's words, and immediately launched a group of ridicule, attracted the strange hatred to his body for 10 seconds, and opened the shield wall at the same time.

"Lord of the Great Fire, please accept the faith of your humblest servant, and ask you to grant me to burn all fire ..."

The violent fire element emerged from Lu Yang's body. The top of the maze was overcast with clouds. After 10 seconds, a gap appeared in the clouds. A house-sized fire meteor suddenly dropped from the air with a long fire tail. .

The top of the maze is only 5 meters high from the ground. The speed of the meteor landing is fast, and the surrounding area on the ground is extremely empty, with only countless zombies.

When the meteor hit the ground, the golden-red aperture erupted sharply, and Xiao Liang and Han Ying's three siblings were stupidly in place.

The system prompts: You have gained 1416 experience points (among which, you have 1275 experience in cross-level fighting)

The system prompts: You have gained 1416 experience points (among which, you have 1275 experience in cross-level fighting)


Countless system prompts flew from the call bar of Han Ying's three siblings. At the same time, the three of them flashed countless golden lights at the same time.




It didn't stop until eight times.

Xiao Liang saw Lu Yang use this skill for the first time and was stunned in the spot, even pulling the monster forgotten.

Lu Yang shouted: "Quickly mock."

The zombie in front of him is unstable and has a tendency to relocate.

Xiao Liang then reacted. After several consecutive attacks to stabilize the monster's hatred, Lu Yang released the Fire Wall and Pyroblast to kill all the remaining 6 zombies in front of him.

At this time, Lu Yang looked back at his three siblings and asked, "How many levels are there?"

Han Ying looked at Lu Yang in disbelief and said, "Eight levels."