Wolf City

The silver light dance lightly frowned, and said, "There are still herbs that gold does not buy, how I feel like they are used to make anti-toxic drugs, but there is no evidence."

The spirits Qingfeng said, "Seriously, this really has the style of a master."

"A bottle of five silver coins for anti-toxic drugs. He sold more than 1,400 bottles this time. If all of our herbs were used, it would be really annoying." Luo Siyu said.

"But we have no evidence. If another raw material is not sold, we will not be able to pile up," said Liquor Qingfeng.

"This is where I am most angry. I am so angry." Luo Siyu said.

The old man in the twilight had the light in his eyes and said, "Don't worry, wait and see, the herbs sold at noon today were made with all their efforts last night. If about 100 bottles of herbs flow into the market one hour later, then sell anti-toxic drugs The person is Jinbuhuan. "

There are more than 30 pharmacists under the twilight who do not believe that Jinbu does not change hands, more than 10 people. Based on the time of 5 minutes per bottle of medicine, an hour is exactly 120 bottles.

An hour later, the hand came down and reported: "Boss, someone at the auction house is selling anti-drugs, and more than 1,000 bottles were hung up at once."

Both Twilight and Rose Rain stood in astonishment, and the strong breeze was even more confused.

"Why so many, is this the other party starting to clear inventory?" Liquor Qingfeng said in surprise.

"Are we wrong?" Luo Siyu frowned.

"Well, regardless of those, buy the anti-drugs and store them up first, and our guild is in great demand." The old man lifted his doubts about Jin Buhuan and Lu Yang.

There are more than 30 studios that have signed contracts with him in the guild. With more than 500 game employees who have signed formal contracts with him, his demand for anti-poison is very high.

The same is true of the bully, the bloodthirsty bully, the black blood, and the newly-launched ice queen Xia Yuwei. They all need a lot of anti-poison to make copies for the players they hire.

"A game that burns money. Whoever doesn't spend money will be left behind and even eliminated." The old man said, smiling.

It may be a lot of money for others, but for a billionaire with a net worth of 10 billion yuan, he is now investing less than one-tenth of his interest in a fixed deposit in a bank.

He burned the money!

Lu Yang stood on the second floor of the auction hall and watched that one bottle of anti-drug and one bottle were bought for 5 silver coins. In less than half an hour, he obtained 50 gold coins.

After getting the money from the auction machine, Lu Yang covered his cloak on his head and left the auction house. He ran to the goblin camp and found Bissell.

"Hi brother, did you come to see me on purpose?" Bissell sat on a chair in the conference room and beckoned to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang came to Bissell and said a few words, "I want to go to the Orc recently, I need to buy two more camouflage coats, and I need 10 more anti-drug formulas."

"An orc? That's a dangerous place. If you are going there, our goblins' airship will fly from Saros to the border forest this afternoon. If you want to go, you can go with my identity. "Bissell gave Lu Yang two camouflage cloaks and 10 anti-drug formulas.

Lu Yang gave Bissell 2 gold and 50 silver coins and said, "Thank you very much. I will look like you this afternoon and go to the border forest."

"No problem, then I will go back to my room to sleep in the afternoon." Bissell jumped off his chair and Yumi walked away.

Lu Yang laughed, this is a benefit of the admiration of venture capital companies, Bissell will give him great convenience.

The intelligent AI in the game is too powerful. If it was not Lu Yang who determined that Bissell was an NPC, it would be easy to treat him as a player.

Out of the room, Lu Yang arrived at the transfer point and flew to Saros. After landing, Lu Yang walked to the northeast corner of Saros, where is a goblin camp.

These six characters are written above the gate of the empty boat operating company. Inside the gate, a silver goblin airship is docked above a 30-meter-high brick tower.

In the early days of the game, players did not officially enter the territory of the other race until the race war was launched.

Players who want to go to the orcs can only use the goblins' airships. Lu Yang knew this method, and it was revealed in the official decrypted file after the game was played for 5 years in the last generation.

Using a camouflage coat, he turned into a goblin Bissell, came to the camp door, and shouted to the goblin on the tower, "Open the door."

The gate of the camp is not open to the public. Players have no way to enter through normal channels. Only when Lu Yang becomes a goblin can he get permission to open the door.

The goblin on the tower saw it was the same, opened the door, and said, "How is the business these days."

"Very good." Lu Yang took out a gold coin from his backpack and shook it in his hands, making the surrounding goblins envious.

"Where do you want to go?" The old goblin under the tower asked greedily Borderland Forest. "Lu Yang said.

"The airship set off in half an hour," said the old goblin.

"Thank you." Lu Yang threw the gold coins to the old goblin, stepped onto the tower, and entered the airship with the help of two goblins.

The airship can take a total of 30 players, at this time there are only a few Goblin helmsmen on it.

Half an hour later, two goblins untied the cables tied to the tower, and the propeller at the tail of the airship spun and flew southwest of the map.

The city of Saros itself is in the border zone. After passing through a high mountain and a dense forest, the airship landed in the main border town of the forest orcs at the border-Naconaru.

System prompt: You have entered the territory of the orcs

The red reminder made people feel a sense of urgency. He walked out of the goblin camp and looked around. There were NPCs of the orcs.

Here is just like Sarros. At present, no player has come here to upgrade. Lu Yang has found a corner without the attention of the NPC, and changed to a wolf player by using outer clothing.

The gray-black hair and the six pack abs of the abdomen make the wolf look very strong.

Lu Yang came to the teleportation point and said to the teleporting NPC: "Trouble me to go to Silver Wolf City, the main city of the wolf tribe."

"1 gold coin."

Lu Yang delivered a gold coin, a flash of white light, and Lu Yang appeared in Silvermoon Wolf City.

Silvermoon Wolf City is one of the nine main cities of the Orcs. The Silvermoon Wolf King is the king of this main city. In the last siege battle, Lu Yang once captured it along with other guilds and killed Silvermoon. Wolf King.

Lu Yang's understanding of this castle is extremely profound. Although it looks like the main city is dominated by gray and black, the history of its construction here is one of the bloodiest in Second World.