Demon Lord

According to the rules of the game, the larger the number of players in a team, the less experience they gain. Lu Yang 's entire staff adds 1,244, killing a demon with 425 experience, and spreading it to everyone 's head, only 1 point is forced experience.

However, there is another rule in the game-team experience rewards. The more players in the team, the more experience rewards, and 1244 individual teams can add an additional 68 points of experience.

Lu Yang's 224-person elite team, each of whom is equipped with intermediate skills, has a range of damage ability, 19 people including muddy wine, and has special skills, which can kill more than 300 demons every 30 seconds on average and gain more than 20,000 experience point.

At the beginning, Xia Yuwei and Jiang Ze were worried that so many people would share too little experience in upgrading. When they saw such a high team experience reward, they were relieved.

The 1,000 players who entered the team were even more surprised. Players with an average level of about 10 to 12 need to upgrade the experience but only more than 100,000 points. Watching the experience slot increase madly, after 2 minutes, among the 1,000 people, There are more than 300 people flashing gold, upgraded!

"At this speed, these 1,000 people will soon be able to reach level 20." Jiang Ze said.

Lu Yang said: "It's not that easy. The team experience has a limit distance. We will expand for a period of time. Players who are too far away from each other will be regarded as outside the team."

This upgrade method can last up to 1 hour, after which the team is dispersed to various locations, the player experience will be reduced by half.

Jiang Ze nodded and said, "I'm very satisfied with this speed. At least we have the ability to resist the bloodthirsty alliance."

"Boss, I found the boss here, it's still a big one." Sun Yu shouted to Lu Yang with a jump in the distance.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look." Lu Yang patted Jiang Ze's shoulder and flickered to Sun Yu's side.

"Where?" Lu Yang asked.

Sun Yu pointed to the room around the corner of the palace and said, "A big guy 5 meters high just stepped out of the room just now, and we didn't dare to provoke it."

"Hello ~!"

A low roar came from the side hall, and the position where Lu Yang fought obviously felt the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground, even shaking his body.

Not long after, a giant creature 5 meters tall with two curved corners on his head, black body, and wings on his back came to the door.

Demon Lord (Lord)

Level: 30

Qi and blood: 450,000 / 450000

"The Sun Yu team is ready. Whoever insulted me with the **** fire and came to pick up the monsters, came the big boss." Lu Yang shouted.

This boss can only live in hellfire. Hearing Lu Yang's order, whoever rushed to Lu Yang for the first time to set up a defensive formation.

"Boss, I'm here," said Wu Kuang.

Lu Yang said, "Let the hellfire resist him."

"No problem." He issued a command arrogantly, and the hellfire that rose to level 7 aimed at the demon master to launch the charge.

The two huge, large objects collided together and made a loud noise, and the demon leader stepped back by being hit.

"Roar ~! Damn alien creatures, and want to come and destroy our world and taste the power that God has given me."

The demon leader's double fists burst into a golden flame like a substance, and both fists hit the head of Hellfire.


"Hellfire resisted," said Wu Kuang in surprise.

"Boss, there are 100 priests among the 1,000 people who come. Would you like them to add blood?" Tu Feng asked.

Lu Yang said: "Except for the priest here, no one is allowed to add blood. The rules of the game, the boss will increase the strength according to the number of players who attack him. Now it is less than 40 people. 4x. "

"Also with this." Li Rui just ordered to add blood, immediately restrained his men to stop.

Lu Yang said: "Sun Yu's team has a fake dead hunter, a mage has a refrigerator, a paladin has an invincible, and the others back 100 yards away."

Every wild lord seems to have little blood, but they have very powerful attack skills. One of the special skills of the demon leader is space flashing. Every 10% of blood loss will activate the space flashing ability, which instantly appears on any player who attacks him. Behind him is a fist of fire.

Firefist is a range attack skill with an attack range of 10 yards. The worst time for the land reclamation guild in the last life came with 1,000 people at the same time. The boss power increased by more than 20 times. The area of ​​Firefist expanded. When the demon leader lost 10% of his blood, he was flashed into the crowd by the demon leader, killing more than 500 people with the fist of fire.

The team crashed instantly!

Lu Yang burned the demon leader, while directing other players to stand in the corner.

Forty people stood in a row every 10 yards in the side hall and looked very funny.

"Everyone listens to my orders, and I let you launch life-saving skills to use immediately." Lu Yang shouted.

"Yes." 39 people answered together.

"Boss, I don't know what to do." He said dumbly, the warlock had no life-saving skills.

Lu Yang said, "I protect you."

Switching to the overall attack mode, Lu Yang continued to output. Unlike before, with the level 2 demon heart, Lu Yang's burning skill was increased to level 3. Stacking 5 layers can cause 250 additional fire damage.

Lu Yang set up a wall of fire at the feet of the demon leader, and then hit the demon leader's head one after another with Pyroblast.

"2486" (Critical Strike)


"2486" (Critical Strike)


Adding Pyroblast to Fire Wall, Lu Yang can deal nearly 4,000 damage per second. In less than 1 minute, the demon leader's health has been reduced to 90%.

"You are about to be punished." Flames appeared in the hands of the demon lord, and his eyes turned to hellfire.

"Everyone stays the same, don't release the skills." Lu Yang threw out the escape dagger madly towards whoever I am.

The blue light flickered, and Lu Yang just appeared. The demon leader appeared behind the madman, just one second before the madman's body in the flame punch of the demon lord.

"Resistant Fire Ring"

A violent force emerged from Lu Yang's body, hitting whoever fought wildly and drove it 15 yards away.

A flash of white light Lu Yang returned to where he was just now, shouting: "Hellfire taunts."

The demon leader hit the vacant in a single blow, shrouded in flames all around 10 yards, and shouted, "Human, this is your punishment."

Who indulged in my whole life and looked at the position where he was standing just now, and then breathed a sigh of fear, saying, "I am scared to death."

Lu Yang said: "Don't worry, I will not be injured if you are in each of you.

"Thank you, boss." Who gave me a grateful glance at Lu Yang and ordered Hellfire to blame.

Outside world.

Bloodthirsty Batian frowned and asked, "Have you not found their whereabouts?"

"Sorry boss, I haven't found it yet." Ye Guxing said helplessly.

"Waste, a bunch of waste." Bloodthirsty Tiantianji couldn't help it. He didn't expect that Lu Yang's rallies were so monolithic.