
Soon, 3,000 people climbed up the narrow mountain and rushed up from both sides.

Lu Yang looked at the other party who rushed over, and arched Jiang Ze, Tu Feng, and the **** sword. "Three brothers, please."

Zhuojiu and Xia Yuwei and other 3,000 people arched their hands together. They all knew that this battle would be a unilateral slaughter.

More than 10,000 trumpets with no level 10 or more, facing 3,000 players in level 20 full body silver suits can only die willingly.

"We will do our best to give you time and hurry up." Jiang Ze shouted.

"Brothers, let's go, let's live on," shouted more than ten thousand people.

Lu Yang almost didn't hold back his tears, and shouted, "Zhuo Jiu and Bai Shixiong are the front team and retreat to the foot of Mount Serger."

The white wolf sighed, forcing the thought of rushing back and taking the team with the muddy wine, Lu Yang, Xia Yuwei, and Sun Yu led the back team and slowly withdrew from the battlefield.

On the top of the slope, when Xifeng Wu drunk was rushing into Jiang Ze's team with madness, he saw at a glance that Lu Yang was leaving the mountain with some people.

"Boss, Lu Yang ran away." Xifeng said without a message.

"What?" Bloodthirsty Batian frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Xifeng said without drunk, "I saw Lu Yang with 3000 people exiting Sayama, what should I do?"

"You must not let him run away." Bloodthirsty Batian pointed at the entrance of the narrow mountain and shouted, "Han Jiangxue and Can Yue, each of you led 1,000 people to charge me in."

"Yes." Han Jiangxue and Canyue shouted together, and each of them waved and led 2,000 men out of the army into the mountain.

As soon as they entered the pass, the two rushed to the sides of the narrow mountain like bamboo shoots, hitting up and down with the westerly wind on the top of the mountain.

Although Jiang Ze ordered the team to put on a defensive formation, and the front row was also full of shield soldiers, none of the soldiers could block the full attack of the bloodthirsty players, often two can kill one.

A team of ten thousand people quickly defeated.

Jiang Ze shouted, "Brothers, we must hold to the defense line and give the boss time."

Han Jiangxue sent a message to Bloodthirsty Batian, saying, "Boss, I am convinced that Lu Yang has run away. Their nominal second leader Jiang Ze and Tu Feng brought people to prevent us from chasing them, and to Lu Yang they ran away. time."

Bloodthirsty Batian asked: "How are you fighting?"

"I'm pursuing it with all my strength. These people are very easy to kill. They are all low-level trumpeters," Can Yue said.

Bloodthirsty Batian said to the south bank of Yuema, "You rushed in with the remaining 3,000 people and completely defeated them."

"Yes," said Yuema South Bank.

The up-and-down pinch of 5,000 people has made it difficult for Jiang Ze and Tu Feng to parry, and 3,000 people have rushed in. The team of Jiang Ze and Tu Feng has completely lost their ability to resist, and the rest is only the fate of being slaughtered.

The bloodthirsty players who rushed in did not expect that these people in front of them would be so easy to kill. One by one, two by one, the killing became more and more excited, so that the team such as Han Jiangxue, Wanyue and West Wind were drunk Long and crazy.

The south bank of Yuema was a bloodthirsty think tank that participated in the offense. Fireball one after another killed the other players and made him crazy.

Bloodthirsty Batian has been worried about Lu Yang playing tricks. When he received the news of Yuema's south bank, he couldn't sit still anymore, raised his long knife and shouted, "Golden Legion, follow me."

The remaining 2,000 players are all top players in gold suits. This group is the bloodthirsty Guardian.

Jiang Ze and Tu Feng saw the bloodthirsty tyrants enter, and both of them showed relaxed expressions and glanced at each other. Jiang Ze said: "We finally completed the task."

Tu Feng looked at the brothers who had been slaughtered in Manshan and said, "It's too bad to die."

Jiang Ze slapped Tu Feng on the shoulder and said, "I believe in Lu Yang, he will not let these people die in vain."

The bloodthirsty Batian entered the battlefield, his eyes became red, and he directed the Golden Legion to pierce through the narrow mountain vertically, just meeting with Yue Yue and Han Jiangxue who were hunted down from both sides.

Looking at Lu Yang, who can still see people in the distance, Bloodthirsty Batian took out the acceleration scroll to smash the seal and shouted, "Crush with me and destroy the Bloodthirsty Alliance."

"Kill." The bloodthirsty players have killed their eyes, and more than 10,000 people chased after the landing.

According to the official rules of the game, members of the two sides are prohibited from using items such as city rolls when the Corps fights. Bloodthirsty Batian knows that Lu Yang can't run.

Lu Yang was at the end of the team, watching a crowd of bloodthirsty chasers chasing him, his face sneered.

"The bloodthirsty bully, you finally came."

Out of the narrow mountain, 5 minutes away, Lu Yang took the team to the foot of the Sierher Mountains in the Golan Heights.

The summit of Mount Sergeher is very flat, as if the Foshan peak was cut off by people. The whole mountain is very long, as if a giant lies on the Golan Heights.

The turbid wine poured down to the foot of the mountain, and said in surprise, "Old man, there is no way ahead."

Lu Yang said, "Don't run away without a road. Putting up the line, we are here to meet the enemy."

There was no hesitation in the muddy wine dumplings and the Baixi Sanxiong, who took the shield battle and anti-riding to the front and set up a defensive posture.

"Boss, are we going to fight the bloodthirsty alliance?" White Wolf asked.

Lu Yang said, "Yes, here we are."

Xia Yuwei looked at the only 3,000 people on her side and the more than 10,000 people who were gradually approached by Bloodthirsty Domineering, with a reluctant expression on her face.

Bloodthirsty Batian took a team of 10,000 people to stop at a distance of 50 yards from Luyang, watching Luyang and others blocked at the foot of the mountain, and confirmed that Luyang could not run away. laughing out loud.

"Lu Yang, you run, why don't you run this time."

Yuema's south bank also had blood red eyes, and said, "Boss, let me defeat Lu Yang with a wave of 3,000 people."

"Just give me 2,000." Han Jiangxue shouted.

The bloodthirsty bully laughed even more madly, and said, "No, no, you are so boring. I want to let Lu Yang know one thing. When the absolute strength appears, any carving insect tricks will be crushed and crushed. Members prepare. "

With the right hand of Bloodthirsty Domineering raised, the 10,000 bloodthirsty players surrounded by a half-moon shape pose at the same time.

"Kill!" Bloodthirsty Batian roared, pointing his finger at Lu Yang's team.

Ten thousand players behind him shouted at the same time, the team towards Chaoyangyang rushed forward, and others such as Duojiu Qingxiang and Xia Yuwei showed nervous eyes.

The attack of 10,000 people on the plain filled their hearts with pressure, and at this time, no one noticed.

System prompt: Player silver knife joins the team

System prompt: Player Red Night joins the team


A series of five system prompts suggested that Mu Yu, Han Ying's three siblings, and Xiao Liang joined Lu Yang's team.

Looking at the enemy about to rush into 30 yards, Lu Yang suddenly raised his right hand and shouted, "Hurricane, rise!"

At the top of Mount Selhe, the three sisters Han Ying and Xiao Liang who had been waiting at the top of the mountain had ordered Cangyu to launch a hurricane.

On the battlefield.

Suddenly the gale raged, and the violent gale even made some people unstable, even when everyone didn't know what happened.

Twenty-five blue hurricanes suddenly lined up 50 yards in front of Lu Yang. The distance between each two hurricanes was 60 yards. The bloodthirsty team rushed over and was immediately involved in the hurricane.